How to Access an Exterior Waterproofing System to the Walls??

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How to access an exterior waterproofing system to the walls?? If the exterior walls of your house are exposed to rainwater, humidity or other weather conditions, the water and moisture can easily travel to the stonework and can severely affect the internal walls. Likewise, if the exterior walls are not waterproof then the invading moisture can result to damp walls that can damage the house from its base. The damages of the wall become a breeding ground for molds and mildew that can further lead to various health issues for the people living in that particular house. On the other hand, simply using general exterior acrylic paint and cement for his purpose are not enough as these items do not make an impermeable protection around the building. Rather, the coating should have the mixture of Exterior Waterproofing System products and some of the aesthetics. Therefore, to prevent the walls from water and molds, the below-mentioned steps of waterproofing exterior walls should be processed: 1. Check the walls for any damage: If the wall has been damaged because of rainwater and damp issues, then waterproofing external walls is the best solution to overcome this problem. It’s very important to eliminate other causes of dampness so that you can find for the perfect solution for the exact problem. The problem could be any, from condensation in the walls to cracks in the bricks and water pipe issues. Once the problem gets fixed the waterproof product can be applied to it as preventive procedures. 2. Gutters should be cleaned: The clogged gutters not only create issues in the down edge of the walls but also retain the rainwater that is further absorbed by the house roof’s wood. This problem leads to various issues and makes the wooden roof to rot, mold and leak. Therefore, all these problems can be prevented by cleaning the gutters at least twice or thrice in a year. 3. Choose the correct water proofer product: When you are selecting waterproofer, make sure that they are of the best quality. Don’t select the cheap ones, as they might not give the best results to your house. Besides, some of the waterproofing products that you may consider are: -Concrete waterproofing coating -Waterproofing paint -Silicate-based concrete sealer 4. Make use of waterproofing mixtures:

Proper plastering on the walls can make it more solid and can also provide protection against the moisture and mold. Even though most of the exterior plasters have waterproofing features, but still you can add some of the waterproofing admixtures to the plaster for double protection of the walls. 5. Make the walls good enough for waterproofing process: For starting the waterproofing process, you must make sure that the walls are in a good condition. You need to use a filler to repair cracks and holes that are there in the walls. Also, you need to remove all sorts of dirt and dust with the use of water. Once the walls are completely dried, apply the waterproofing coat to the walls so that a good adhesion is made between the walls and the waterproofer. 6. Apply the waterproofer product: For applying the waterproofing product efficiently to the entire wall, you can make use of a roller or a brush. If in case, a second coat is required then make sure that the first coat is properly dry. The second coat should be applied only when the first coat is dried completely. Hence, with the use of the above-mentioned steps, you can protect your walls from any damage and can ensure its long life. Furthermore, you need to make sure that the waterproof product that you are buying is the best and totally suits the wall of your house.

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