Sept 17 diablo gazette digital

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Diablo Gazette • SEPTEMBER 2017 • Page 10 • | •(925)-298-9990

CC14 - Eclectic Exhibit Appearing at aRt Cottage aRt Cottage

by FROgard

Ten artists will be exhibiting at the aRt Cottage September 1 through September 28. These 10 artists are part of the CC14 art group. This group has been together making art, exhibiting work, and critiquing each other’s work for many years. It all started with classes at Diablo Valley College. It was there that an instructor, Lynnette Montgomery, suggested that we (the artists who kept taking classes together at DVC) should get together and meet to critique and curate each other’s work for exhibition. So, the 14 artists, at that time, arranged to meet in each other’s homes, on a voluntary rotating basis, and begin critiquing each other’s work. We would bring snacks, drinks, and art work that we wanted opinions on both positive (what working) and negative (what’s not working, and how can we make it better). The CC14 group started in the early 2000. I did not know about this group until I went to the student art gallery at DVC and saw that there was a show there called “Seeing Red”. I met several of my classmates who happened to have work exhibited in “Seeing Red”. I was curious how they got to have the show. The idea of having fellow classmates critique each other’s work in a home setting felt safe and intrigued me. The more I went to my art classes, the more questions I asked of the students who were a part of the CC14 show at the student art gallery. The CC14 group grew, I became one of the new members. CC14 found more venues to show their work. Critiques and meetings continued. Our classes at DVC continued until we could no longer repeat any of them. Now, many of us still attend workshops, private classes, and other colleges. However, our friendships remained strong as we still conduct monthly critique group meetings hosted by rotating artists. Even though the group now has many more than 14 members, we still feel a close connection to each other and kept the

refreshments with live music. aRt Cottage is located at 2238 Mt. Diablo St. Concord. For more information, please go to

Photo Credits: Shout by Jim Jordan Grandkids Hands by Kath Balamuth Pomegranates by Mike Yashar CC14 name. CC14 has been meeting monthly since 2002. The following artists, many of who are original CC14 members will be showing at Aeptember’s exhibit at aRt Cottage. Jim Jordan, Walter Crew, Florie Baumann, Randy Stansberry, Terry With, Kath Balamouth, Joan McCarthy, Mike Yashar, Judith Rohrer, and FROgard. This exhibit promises to be a true representation of professional work by these dedicated artists. We hope to see many newcomers at aRt Cottage for the reception on September 9th from 2-4pm. This is free and open to the public and we will be serving

Blue Devils Drum Corp Reigns – 18th World Championship Can we say Concord is best in the world…again? Congratulations to the Blue Devils Drum Corps for winning their 18th gold medal at the Drum Corps International (DCI)World Championships in front of a record crowd of 23,342 at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. It’s a great finish to the Blue Devils Drum Corps 60th year anniversary. It’s been quite a year for them. The highly decorated Blue Devils victory completed their seventh undefeated season. A season that also added the John Brazale Best Visual Performance Award and Don Angelica Award for Best Overall General Effect to the Concords corps achievements. The Blue Devils performed “Metamorph” a 12-minute dazzling show of music, uniforms, visual effects, and motion, a multilayered musical and visual tribute to

the past, present and future. CEO Justin Heimbecker says Metamorph “was easy to enjoy” and received one of the best audience receptions of any of their programs in the past 15 years. “The remarkable members, design team with its level of experience and creativity, support staff and instructional staff, admin, and a highly collaborative environment, contribute to a special journey altogether.” “Being a world champion is such an indescribable feeling,” Blue Devils mellophone player Trevor Stojanovich told DCI. “Knowing that this is our 18th championship, and being able to represent all the Blue Devils from the past 60 years, is something I never thought I would do. Ever since I was 15 years old, I dreamed of this night, and it’s a dream come true.”

“When you have kids like this, and a design team like this, and support staff and instructional staff, admin, everything all the way around, it becomes something pretty special,” Blue Devils CEO Justin Heimbecker said. As the corps celebrates this victory, they also quickly move into the 2018 audition season. They look forward to continuing their remarkable journey and growing the marching arts overall.

You can view the encore performance of the award-winning performance on YouTube or go to Diablo Gazette Facebook page or our website diablogazette. com.

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