Soundings Magazine May 10-11, 2014

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WELCOME Welcome to Boettcher Concert Hall. The heightened level of energy and excitement at a performance such as this comes from our shared enthusiasm and appreciation for the way the musicians of the Colorado Symphony enrich our lives. Your support as a patron plays an instrumental role in sustaining the orchestra’s initiatives here at Boettcher or at venues and classrooms across Colorado. However, your support as a ticket buyer or subscriber only covers half the costs associated with all the great programs presented by our musicians. As members of the Development Department, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to engage you with the Colorado Symphony in deeper and more meaningful ways – from the exciting 5K Run/Walk scheduled for September 20, 2014, to this season’s Great Symphony Sweepstakes and the Colorado Symphony Ball. Every dollar counts at this time, and with your support, we know the Colorado Symphony will continue to make a difference. Please consider joining us in making a tax-deductible contribution to this season’s Annual Fund by returning the enclosed donor envelope to the Box Office or by visiting We look forward to seeing you again soon at Boettcher Concert Hall. Thank you for your generosity and patronage. Sincerely,

Dr. Obe Ariss Elizabeth Frels Director of Corporate Development Development Manager

Suzanne Sarver Development Associate


Jackson Stevens Individual Giving Associate

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