1929-1930 Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

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children. Students prepar ing for ork in the elementary sho uld have taken course 223 before enter ing th is co ur se. St SCh0o1 prepa rin g for high school work shou ld have taken co ur se 324 ;denta semester; four ho u rs a ttend a nce, four hours credit. · econ4 427. Hi story or E du cation i11 the Un ite cl States-A s tudy is of ed ucational leaders, beginning with Rousseau . This serves ~:de background for an understanding of the development of public a cation in the United Sta tes. Current ed uca tional pro blems r e~u. Open t o Jum . .or s a l so. F'1rs t se mester ; four ece1ve spec .ia 1 emp lrns1s. hours atten dance, four ho ur s cr edit. 42 • Ed11catio11al Soc iology- A st ud y of the principles of sociolo whi ch form a basis fo r the understanding of ed ucation. Emphasis~ placed up on the app li cation of these principles to sch ool problems. Ope n to Juniors also. F irst semester; three hours attend ance, three hours credit. };~ ULI SH L.\ XG U.\ Cm AXIi J, ['l'ERAT URE :vl:r. Vaughan *.\1r. Lindsay Miss Faulh aber Miss Petersen l\ !iss Brandt De ~ ore the department can recommend a student for E nglish teach ing in the high school, the student wi ll have taken E nglish 101, 202. 215, 255 and 405 . Those who major in Engli sh for the A. B. degree will take English 101, 202, 215 , 216, 255, 405, an d te n hours elec:ive, a to tal of twe nty-eight hours. 13. Ar g um en tation a ud Debate-The theory and prac ti ce o? argumentation and debate. The course is especia ll y designed for in tercollegiate debators. Prerequisite eight hou r s of E nglish. See ins tr uctor. Second quarter; four hours attend ance, two hours credit. 31. R ecr eati onal R eadiu g- An endeavor to give s tudents an opport uni ty to read for pur e en joyment. Students follow own tastes i n reading, how be it u nd er supervision. I nfor mal talks and personal advice by in s tructor. Second semester; two h our s atte ndance, one hour c redit. 101. E 11glisJ1 Co mposition- This course is r equired of all freshm en . Instru ction and practice in composi tion, s pecia l a ttention being given to mecha ni cs, minimum essen tia ls of gram ma r , and diction. Lectures on the use of the lib ra ry. Each sem es ter a nd s ummer ; four hours attendance, four hours cred it. . 118. .\merican Shod-Sto1·y-A study of t he s hort-sto ry fo rm Ill America from Washington Irving to 0. Henry an d the cur rent write rs. Primaril y a read ing course. Third quarter; fo ur hou rs attenda nce, two hours credit. 119. Short-Story Technic-A study of the teclrnic of the shortstory form. Stories are read to illu strate technical matters. The ':'Absent on leave. 1929-30.

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