1925 - The Peruvian

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Class History J-c<HE word " H istory" brings a vision of a textbook and a student poring over it \...) trying to remember that which he has had to le;LrJ1. 13ut .. C lass His tory." The picture is very different over a textbook because C lass History is not fo un J there. Nor does it have to be learned. Instead, it is a par t of us. I n th is picture is found the smiling faces of friends, and you can hear th e sound nf laughter. Those of you who were here last year can easily play agai n th;tt ga m e of New O rleans and can hear the sides squabbling over wh ich had won . Wh y did w e al l have such a pleasant limo:: at our first freshman party? Because there was laug h t..; r and the good will of friends. These same qualities were present when someone stole the wein·. ;rs we had gotten for our weiner roast. T hen at convocation \\e got station H -E-L-P over the first r;tdio set up in the Chapel. Help was brought in by friends in the for m of music ;lllc.i com ic entertain ment. We never could have cleaned the athletic slope so thoroughly if we h aJ not heen a body of friends working together to the accomp;U1iment of l;lllg hte r. Or proha hly , to be more exact, laughing together to the accomp;tniment of work . Just to mention our banquet is enough. Evr~yo ne he re knows it ta h:s h ard work by friends to make a banquet. This year has just been a continua tion of last year's good times and friendships. T he old and new friends had a get- together at the Sophomore mixer. The n we all went to the movies. T here were other parties where laughter and friendsh ips were prominent . Then d ean-up day came aga in. We were promoted to the campus to dig dande lions. Although there were reports of sore knees and blistered ha nds no one wou ld willingly have missed the fu n. And the beautiful Freshman -Sophomore b;tnquet which we so thorough ly enjoyed . We know the time and hard work, by friends, necessary to make a hanqu ct worth while. W e spent class day in a most enjoyable manner because we w er e with f ri ends, and where there are friends there is laughter, and la ug hter means happ iness. Our grad uation concluded our activities for the year. Then the time for departur...:. "Freshmen, when this time comes to you, you will wonder as w e do w hy you ha te to leave." T hen perhaps you can understand what someone felt when he saic.l: ·"From quiet homes and fi rst heginn ings Out to undiscovered ends, There is nothing worth the wear of w inn ing But laughte r and the love of frie nds." P age 52

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