1925 - The Peruvian

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The Peruvian


T has been the extraordi na r y responsibil ity, a nd pleasure, of t he 192) Pen tvia路..-J Staff to record in th is annual the events aml associa t io n s of t he most s u eces.s路 ful year in the h istory of our schooL Ours has hee n t he task of publish ing a championship Pe-ruvian fo r a championshir year. The admirable man ner in which the staff has ;tssu med t his grea t task and brought it to a successful culm ination is highly co mmembhle . T o a very g rea t ex tent t h e quality of this annual is a result of their en-operation an d d e pe nchhi lit y, t h e t wo cardinal features of any successfu l e nterprise. A s t o the work of the va rious in 路 dividuals, no wo rds of com mendation a re necessary. The ir work in t his volu me speaks for itself. The theme about which the 192 5 Pemvian ha s been b uil t is o n e w hich we be lieve to be most symbolic of our school, namely, '"Progress in Education." I n carrying out this theme we have attempted not o nly to p reserve for the indi vid ual a M e m o r y B oo;;_ which w ill serve as a present sou rce of pleasu re a nd a price less t reas ure for futur e: satisfaction, but a lso, to proclaim the s uccess and prog ress of our A lma M ater. So it is ou r sincere hope that in co nst r uct in g this annual we h ave raised the a: ready high standard set hy ou r predecesso rs ; that w e have kept pace w ith the pro路 gress of our Alma M a ter; that we have d ep ic ted her in s u ch a manne r a s to ill um ine: her record ; that we have given to her a full mea sure of the g lo r y whic h sh e rig htl y deserves; and that we have done this in the most pleasin g m a nne r . - THE ED ITOR. Page 102

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