1918-1919 The Peru Normalite - Issues 1-29

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Schil l and AVENUE ~TOUE to contact wit h the Infinite, and Viola Stanley as members. After I FOR Entered at tb( l'ostofiice nt Peru, Ncb h · h d b 11 ga me Bone 'j 0 d h 1 · braska a s second clas~ matter. our duty to know and become et- 1 t at we a ~ a · . • epen ft ~ :""' t tt t lOner}', ter ac.(ua intecl w1th him. kemper and WJtwer were captams Fnuntain Pens Published Weekly by the Peru State Nor mal and Graham was "ump.' ' At the Schoo l Suppli es 50 cts. per year. S ingle copy i> cts The May Pole Dance, enc( of the 9 th inning t he score Confecti onery, Fruits, Bread CookIf ever Ju piter Pluvious is ap- , was 8 to 8. It was Philo time ies, Meats, Groc.,r ies and prec iatecl for hiii absence, it is on when the game was over, so we j Vegetables the morningof Class Day, when went to Philo together and later • H. U. L t\NDO LT, 1 ~he bea ut;ful ceremo_ny of crown- ~ went home , tired •and sorrowful to I Phone n Peru . Neb. mg the May Ql.1een 1s pprformed. think it was the end of our "jug. " 1 Thi s yea,· the day was perfP.ct. l Oh, yes ! We liked the cream the campus was never lovelier, the and bananas so well that Mary May day dance never more com- Fleshman suggested a J. U. G. sundae at both drug stores. So now T il E J!OITOIHAL STAI: F-S ECO~O SE~l E!'TEII plete. Ed na Salzman n . Editor in ·Chief At the signal from the heralds, we have a special di ~h ther e. Try Edward :\1atcjnvsk_v A~~ociatc Ed itor two long line-s of white-r•1bed one. It will satisfy that J. U. G. - - -- IN- Cecilia Peterso n A ~soC"iate Ed itor ma idens, bearing flower chains. longing. L auren ce Ro use [lu slllc~~ ~l an agcr . advancer! from the east toward the ' ------=-----~~-=-== Raymond Huffer . .-\ss t flu s incss .v l 'gr I f · 1· h th . . • · ea y pav1 1on w er e e q ueen Emma Wood1e - Asst llusm<·ss :VI g r 1 STUDENTS - - - - - - - - - - -- - -1 was to be crowned. H ere they took IIEPO ilTI NG S TAF I' Phone 25 : their station on either s irle nf the I When you neen Cutl ery, Flas hlight Phone 25 Ethel A uuerson . Clau de h·cr~ 1 May pole, out I ining the area where W. W. MARDIS Bet t)' Laulllnn Helen La wn:nce 1 Batter!· "'S or the ceremonies were to be conduct~ LeNora Snyde r Grace Litt le 1 Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Men 's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . eel. Then, with a noble procession Anything in the Hardware iine and Boys' Shoes The Baccalaurea te Program. j of hera lds, attendants. train-be'a r Ca I I In Our Leaders: Va lley Li ll y Flour, 0 n S un d ay, May 25 , th e b acca- ' e rsa nd fi ower gir ls. the beautiful Barr ing t on Hall Coffee laureate program for the class of Queen of the May, Alma Schneider, and you will always find a full li ne

THE PERU NORMALITE that it is our privilege to come in- Schmitt, Katherine

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1919 was given as follows: , came forth t o be r.row ned and to at Peru Nebraska I Processional 1 r_eceive the ad oration of her sub- M , ackpranu s ~a r~ ware , _l_s_t_d_o_o_r_s_o_u_t_ h _P_ e~_·u_s_ta_t_e_B_a.,...n_k_ State Normal Schoo l Orchestra Jects. Song-"Onward Christian j After the i moressive cor ona ti on Soldiers" Audi ence · scene, two lovely fai r ies, Margaret Invocation Rev. P. B. Cope Elder and Dor is F'rye, flittt"d out 1 Stands fur the bt!St 111 Vocal So lo Mi ss F lossie Hapke a nd da nced ·be_fore t he q ueen . . Then Scripture Reading, Rev . S L Boyers came nymphs Jn syl va n green In the 1 GJ.VD / toilet pre pa nHiuns Class Sermon Dr. E. N. Tompkins exquisite dances, the Pipes of / ~ Face Cr eam Face Powder Song-"America The Beautiful" wan. These were followed by the Ta lcum Powder Audi ence !May Pole dancers in garmantsof Ynur Friend~hip . Hair Tonics, etc. Benediction Rev. S. Mil ler de licate rose, who performecl the Appreciated. ' .-Recessional ancient ceremoia l danc:e wit h wonState Norma l Schoo l Orcheslra ~ derfu l char~ and grace. Th e lo:e- 1 ~~v. Dr. E. N. Thompkins of the ly pageantty was. concluded w1th l Tnmty M. E. Chur ch of Lincoln the long processiOn of the queen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ delivered the baccalaureate sermon. anrl her s ubject s back to the f orest His theme was basecl on Isiah I from whi ch they came. 5:2, and 'suggested a wealth of J, U, G. Notes. ''Dia you go to that J. U. G. j good th ings. He portrayed vivid ly the necessity of f e ncing one's life picnic?" "No, I missed it. What ! with a stone wal l fro m the evil in- 'did you do?" I fluences to be met ever ywhere in "B t> tter say what didn't we do. life. He showed wherein the Fin;t thing we di d was eat supper, ground must be prepart.>d and the 'cause it waR s ix o'clock and we stones removed, liking it to the were a ll hung rv ." " What did yo u removal of obs tacles th at ri ~e in have to eat?" ' 'Sandwitch t!s, pick our way in the dai ly path we tread . les, olives, pota to salad , ice cream , Aga in, he made cl ear to us that eookies, raspberry j am , an' lots of we should sow well, for it mat ters things. And Miss l'a lme r treated not how we prepare t he fi .:lld, if we us ho bananas. We had lots of ice sow poor seed, the harvest wi ll be cream; why, · F lorence Wittwer ate li kew ise poor. And after we reap, three soup bowls full. it is our dutv to g ive t he f r uits of Then we appointed a committee i t\ 11 wor){ !-ifltisfactory ~ .c. prl· ces our har vest to others, that t hey to start the old jug ro lling next rea so11ab le may thereby benefit !yea r . . Some good f olk on there, 1 One of the fine portions of the ' too. Ruth Lawrence, Glady Eads, sermon was th e ref <!rence to the and Alma Griffen are cha irmen · man wh1 ha1 never fd t th e pres-~ w.ith Alice Glagow, Willodene Tailor and Cleaner Peru, Nebr. ence of God. It w:1s br oug ht out Douphin, Almira Amende, Ada


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