1916 July Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

Page 48



q uarter a nd summer school ; four h ours attendance; two hours credit . M. T. W. Th. 1. Oral Expression-Intellectual con ception. De· velopment of power to r ead ideas. Memory tr aining, Studies of expression of simple emot ions. Practical ex· er cises for cultivation of simplicity an d naturaln ess. First and second semesters ; four hours attendance; four hours credit. Summer school, do ubl e perio d. M. T. W. F I

2. Oral Expression-Follows Expression 1. Litera· ture expression thought and feeling more complex is used. Pra ctice upon committed selections. P rinciples of pantomime to free the body for full manifestations of emotions. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; four hoers credit. Summer school two hours credit. M. T. rl'h . F . 3. Oral Expression-Prerequisite , one year's ex· p:ression. Interpretation of literary masterpieces. Cult ivation of imagination. Practice in vari0'1s dialects. F irst semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. W .'l'h.F. 4. Oral Expression-Follows Expression 3. Gest nre work. Classical dra.m a studied from interpretation and staging standpoints. Repertoire. Second semester; fou r hours attendance; f our hours credit. T. W . Th. F. 5. Oral Expression-A cr itical study of the technic of drama. Class papers on the great modern dramas. Suggestions for coaching and staging plays. Re com· mended for high school teach ers. Fourth quarter; four hours attendance; t wo hours credit. M. T. W. Th.

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