1916 July Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

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The action of t h e state board of edu cation la st year cr eating the office of D ean of Women and th e a ppointm ent of Mattie Coo k Ellis t o that r esponsibl e p osit ion, has met with the unanimous appr oval of fac ulty a nd stud ents alike . Th e gir ls of t h e n orm a l school ¡w ill find in the Dean of W omen a sympath etic a n d earnest friend . She h as regular office ho urs w h ich ma k e her accessible t o the women of the nor mal school for consultation and advice at a ll t imes. FA CULTY. It is do ubtful wh ether any state no.rmal school in t he Un ited States can boast of a faculty whose ide a ls are higher, whose individual member s a r e stro nger in ch aracter or better prepared from the standpoint or academic and professional preparation. Th e Peru fac ul ty is in full sympathy with normal school methods and pub li c school n eeds. As new facu lty membe rs are empl oyed, t h ey are recom mende d because of their peculiar fitn ess from the standpoint of experience an d edu cation fo r t h e work which they w ill be ca lled upon to do . No faculty member in P eru is ever guilty of erecting a h aughty barrier betw een himself and t h e stud en ts. P eru stud ents fe el free at a ll t imes t o consul t a nd advise wit h t h e m en and women of th e facu lty.


All stud en ts and t each ers who are on th e main line of t h e Burlington will fi nd excell ent conn ections fo r Peru. At H astings, Min den and points w est, a t Grand Island,

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