1912 - The Peruvian

Page 208

]auuary-<.nnuttnurll 24-Everyon c: takes calllic>ll S sll'ps.

l'vn 1 ),,,a sts ,, f tilv "s li l·h ·s t'' ,.. id l·,,·a lks J:J

the sta ll:. 25-Ph il o l'lay-"Th c Cli1nbe rs."

\\'a s t' l1ri s

a l· ti ll ~

••r 111 l·; trn o t :-

26-1-I oyt a nn o un ces the: c" ming ,,f Stell llll c:rll()rn. 27-Frank Can non talk s u n "Thc: :. Ju rnJ OIJ J..: in gdu m. "

H . D. F U LTO .:-:. ' 1:!

.lflllUary 2 0

28-Stemm erh o r n addresses join t nJ l-cti ng of Y . :.1. a n d Y . \V. 29- Fulto n 's pic ture a rri ves too late fur panels . g row.

l i e ,,·a s waiti ng fo r th em t o

Graduat ed fir st se meste r.

30-:\nde rso n and 'Neil s called down in L il> ran·. 31 - \Vickla nd wonde rs wh y he ca n 't be ha ppy . II e b eco m es sn later.



Hincty - tu·(J

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