Proximus One • June 2015

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“You want to be where the customer is, with the right product offering via the right sales channel.” In the digital world the customer concludes a purchase in a single click. He can also switch to the competition in one, single click. Digital channels make contact between customer and supplier easy. At the same time, contact can also be more ephemeral than in the past because of this. It’s the big challenge companies face today: forging a long-term relationship with the customer. The supplier’s product or service is not the point of departure in this, but rather the customer himself. The customer experience and customer satisfaction are what it’s all about today. A company can provide that customer experience optimally by approaching the customer via a network of integrated channels, both on- and offl ine. It’s the combination of brick-and-mortar store, website, online store, pickup point, app and social media that determines the customer experience. The goal is clear. You want to be where the customer is, with the right product offering via the right sales channel.

How do you stay close to your customers, and what role can technology play in this? You’ll read all about it in this magazine, with testimonials from companies and a word of explanation on the expertise that Proximus – both as an operator and IT service provider – can contribute, along with the local partners in our ecosystem. We hope you enjoy reading it!

– Bart Van Den Meersche, Chief Enterprise Market Officer Enterprise Business Unit Proximus


70% Wireless charging ‘Cota’ by Ossia is a new chipset that manufacturers can build into equipment. The chip allows devices to be charged wirelessly via an external charging station. This station transmits power to any device within a 10-meter radius, irrespective of the number of devices present. The chipset can transfer about 1 watt of energy, i.e. one-third of the capacity of a USB cable.

Self-learning computer systems

Security is top priority for 70% of CEOs

By 2018, half of all users will be working with self-learning computer systems. These systems help gather, summarize and understand large quantities of data. The impact of that evolution on society will be tremendous. Doctors, for instance, will be able to diagnose patients more accurately and prescribe the most appropriate treatment with the help of these computer systems.

By 2016, system security will rank in the top three priorities for 70% of CEOs of multinationals. Nations, businesses and criminal gangs are pumping massive amounts of money into hiring ever more sophisticated hackers. In view of the extent and complexity of cybercrime, system security will no longer be an issue that keeps only the odd few in-house specialists awake at night.


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