Window Cleaning Ashford

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iron clad truths that you should think about the next time you reach for the squeegee.

Cleaning windows may seem like a simple task, but doing it well can be hard work. It’s also easy to listen to old wives’ tales that might end up making them worse after all, the internet is full of cleaning ‘hacks’ and Hereshortcuts.arefour

What Everyone Needs to Know About Window Cleaning

Keep it pure

Window Cleaning Ashford

While it is the best way of getting your windows to sparkle, such a system is costly, and might not be worth the expense to some people.

Hauling yourself up and down a ladder with a mop and bucket is not just hard work, it can also be dangerous. Problem is, if you really want to get to your windows from the outside, they often seem like the only solution.

Ever spent precious time cleaning your windows only for stains to appear once they dry? This is because of tiny bits of sediment in tap water that cling to the glass.

The only way to avoid this is to put the water through a filter process to purify it: many companies use a triple filter system that removes sediment and chlorine before ‘polishing’ the calcium out of the water that’s responsible for those marks.

Ditch the ladders

Did you know that one of the most common window cleaning mishaps is forgetting to wash frames and ledges? It’s understandable we think of cleaning the glass first and foremost. However, it’s no good your guests peering out of pristine clean windows if the surrounding parts are grubby.

Thankfully, there is a simple invention that can make it a lot less work. Lightweight, telescopic poles fixed with a soft brush are the modern window-cleaning tool. They extend up to 70ft so are easily able to hit those hard-to-reach places that you might even struggle to get to on a ladder, such as velux windows.

Again, these are quite expensive but given all the time and effort saved climbing up ladders, they’re a sound investment over time.

Don’t forget the frames and ledges

With your two feet firmly on the ground, you can operate the brushes without too much effort their bristles are thorough yet gentle, meaning they excel at removing stubborn stains and dirt.

Many people take the hassle out of window cleaning by...getting someone else to do it.

Leave it to the pros

Inside the house is easy enough: simply get a decent spray and microfibre cloth to clean the UPVC or metal and perhaps a vacuum to clear the inside tracks. However, outside will require a little more work with a ladder, or maybe the poles we mentioned earlier.

Clean, our 30 years’ total experience means that we always leave windows spotless. We provide a free, no obligation quote and offer 4, 6, or 8 weekly plans complete with a text message reminder so that you never miss a beat. If you sign up for a regular window clean, we’ll throw in the third clean free of charge.

It makes sense. After all, you get to focus on other tasks or just put your feet up; it’s much cheaper than investing in specialist poles, brushes and filter systems; and, let’s face it, professionals are probably going to do a better


Check out our before-and-after photos to see the stunning results our purewater system and telescopic poles provide for our customers!

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