Window Cleaning Ashford

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Window Cleaning Ashford

Pro Cleaning vs DIY - Which One is the Best? Are you the type of person who just likes to get things done yourself? If so, you’ve probably thought about rolling your sleeves up and getting your hands dirty when it comes to cleaning your house — and that’s normal — no one knows your home better than you, after all.

But there are several reasons why so many people a year choose a professional cleaning service, with the industry worth an estimated £700 million according to recent ONS study. Here are some of the most important.

We don’t have to juggle with other household tasks When you employ a cleaning service, they should have only one thing on their mind: your property. A tunnel-vision approach is the only way to make sure that things are done properly: distractions simply muddy the water and lead to careless errors. Homeowners like you, on the other hand, probably have a range of other chores to do, not to mention entertaining the kids. Keeping the plates spinning is a difficult task, especially if you’re going up and down a ladder every five minutes.

We’re used to it Any cleaning company worth its salt will have seen a job like yours many times before — even the new kids on the block will have had plenty of practice. While you’ve likely had plenty of cleaning practice and know what you’re doing, has pro cleaning ever been a full-time job for you? Experienced pro cleaners have done hundreds of jobs like yours before, so a good, thorough clean will be almost automatic for them. Leave it in their hands. We spend thousands on specialist equipment (sad, we know) A triple-filter water purifier? Check. Premium DuPont brush heads? Check. A DOFF steam system? Check. You may have one, two or all of these things — in which case, we salute you — but in case you haven’t dropped thousands on this stuff then a good pro cleaning service will have them in their arsenal, plus much more.

You could be spending time on other things Now, we don’t want to speak for you, but it’s a pretty safe bet that cleaning isn’t one of your hobbies — or at least, it’s not something you bounce out of bed for in the morning. Employing someone to do it for you frees that time up for other valuable things. Spending time with the family, doing your favourite crossword or simply sitting there doing nothing in the blissful knowledge that someone is doing your work for you. Life is short: may as well enjoy it! It’s excellent value for money Value for money is difficult to measure, but many people are surprised by just how much they get for their money after a professional clean. Seeing a driveway not just repaired, but looking like new; or a cleaned and oiled decking resembling something out of a catalogue. You’ll often find that a good company will do little bonus tasks as they go, too, like cleaning security cameras next to a window. It will also save you money in the long run — a sealed driveway is less prone to costly cracks, for example, so your bank balance will continue to thank you for some time after the job is done!

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