Roof Cleaning Kent

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Why Cleaning Your Roof Is The Treat You Didn’t Know Your Home Needed

For most of us, our homes are so much more than just a roof over our heads. It’s where we raise and shelter our families and make our memories,








ourselves. It’s where we keep the people and the things we love safe and secure. It is our haven; our escape from the chaotic world - our sanctuary. It’s no wonder then that we put time, effort and money into where we live; cleaning, decorating and doing repairs…we want our home to look and feel it’s very best. But when it comes to the literal roof over our heads, how much care and attention do we take? Most people aren’t even aware that roof cleaning services are even available! The truth is, the state of your roof probably rarely (if ever) even enters your mind - unless it’s leaking or falling down of course! But, if we don’t care for this vital part of our home’s structure by keeping it adequately cleaned and maintained, extreme problems like these could be an expensive future reality.

Whether we like it or not, in today’s world looks are all -important, and an Instagram-ready roof could do wonders for your home’s ‘kerbappeal’ - super-important if you’re thinking of selling. It’s a wellknown fact that potential buyers will zone in on any negatives, however small, when looking to purchase a home, and a dirty, unattractive roof isn’t going to be appealing - and could even negatively impact the value of your property (yes really!). A fact that is made all the more shocking when you think that it’s easily preventable by simply employing the services of roof cleaning professionals.

Looks aside, a clean roof is also a healthy roof, and that soft, innocent looking moss and algae could be seriously affecting your home’s well being. Over time they could eat through your roof tiles, which in turn could cause rot to the internal components of your roof, attracting unwanted critters - who might choose to move into your loft! These cracked tiles could also let in another unwanted guest: mould. Once the cracks have appeared it won’t be long before leakages and moisture get in; a breeding ground for mould, which is a health risk to those living in your home, potentially causing or aggravating asthma and other respiratory conditions.

You can prevent these nightmare scenarios by hiring a professional and experienced team such as PTC to carry out a full and safe roof cleaning service. If you’re thinking you could save yourself some cash and get the ladders and pressure washer out - think again! You could actually end up causing MORE damage to your roof, and possibly to yourself! We’ve developed an effective two-step process that not only removes all traces of moss and grime, but also helps to prevent the further growth of moss and fungus in the future.

So, the next time you think the house needs a new lick of paint, or you’re replacing your flooring or windows, spare a thought for your poor old roof; it’s up there doing all the work of keeping you all safe and secure - so give it the treat it deserves to keep it in tip-top condition, and book a roof clean with PTC; your local roof cleaning experts.

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