best exterior cleaning company

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best exterior cleaning company in Ashford

Here’s How We Get Patios Looking Like New Picture the scene: you’re sitting on your spotlessly clean patio, the sun’s shining and the birds are singing - all is right with the world. Trouble is, if you’ve had your patio for a few years, it’s probably showing signs of wear and tear, or looking a little grubby, so the above scene might seem out of reach. The truth is cleaning a patio is a challenging task. Standard pressure washers tend to be inefficient and time-consuming, often leaving you dirty and frustrated after hours of cleaning.

At ProTeam Clean, we specialise in deep cleaning patios, with minimum time and fuss. Not only do we use the latest equipment and cleaning techniques to get it looking like new, we also offer maintenance plans to

keep it that way, so you’ll have more time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of a clean patio, rather than toiling away yourself. Here’s how we do it:

The Warm-Up

If you’ve washed your patio in the past, you’ll know the most difficult part is removing weeds and lichen that cling to the surface. Maybe you’ve had to blast them with a jet washer for several minutes, something that wastes water and energy, and might also cause further damage. Instead, our team uses a potent solution that dissolves these growths so that they can easily be washed off later. Not only that, but it also attacks the roots so they don’t grow back. The process only takes a few minutes and, after an hour-long soak, we’re ready for the main event.

The Clean-Up Blasting the patio with jets of water might be fun, but it could also cause wear and tear that reduces its lifespan. The ProTeam method chooses quality over quantity, by gently scrubbing the surface with a flat-surface spinner. This device contains twin jet nozzles attached to a rotary arm that spin at a high RPM to remove dirt efficiently, rather than smashing the hell out of it. It also hits those hard-to-reach areas between blocks and collects any loose debris in a protective skirt around the nozzles. We carry out the process quickly with the minimum of fuss, so you’ll barely hear us as we go about making your patio look like new.

The Seal-Up As grandma always said, prevention is better than cure - and this is where sanding and sealing comes in.

After a post-clean drying session of three to five days, we’re now ready to add the finishing touches. For block paving, this will start with re-sanding: we put down premium kiln-dried sand evenly over the surface which not only keeps the paving structurally stable, but really brings it to life. Next, for all surfaces, is the re-seal. The beauty of the matte sealant that we use is that it has a dual purpose: not only will it prevent the regrowth of weeds and lichen, but it also protects the surface from the elements allyear-round. For block paving, it’ll also keep the sand in place so that it maintains that eye-catching look. Once the patio is cleaned, sealed and delivered, it’s enjoy that outdoor lifestyle that you built it for in the first place. Just don’t forget to ask about that maintenance plan that will keep it looking that way for years to come!

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