Proscenium Journal Issue Two Spring 2015

Page 62

Boxing the Sun Aurin Squire

LUIS: It’s infidelity. You’re supposed to feel wrong. JASMINE: And how should you feel, Luis? How should you feel? How can you walk back home every day and stand it? How can you open that mouth to say shit to me, about anything? LUIS: You’re not going to walk out. JASMINE: I’m not? LUIS: You’re testing me. JASMINE: If I was you’ve already failed. LUIS: You think I’m going to let you do this? JASMINE: You think I’m going to sleep on the street just because I’ll be lying next to you? LUIS: If you walk out that door… JASMINE: …what? If I walk out that door, what? LUIS: Don’t leave. (JASMINE heads for the door.) I’m sorry that I lost the money! JASMINE: What? LUIS: The money from the rent party. None of this would have happened if I was more careful. JASMINE: (sorrow)…honey…we’ve been heading this way for a long time. (LUIS is as stunned by Jasmine’s statement as by his awareness in its truth.) LUIS: I know…but…the money… JASMINE: What was the argument about? LUIS: What? JASMINE: The one that lead to you being fired? LUIS: It’s hard to explain. JASMINE: Try me. (Beat.) LUIS: Dogs. ACT 2.3 Setting: Jack’s living room has been done over into a plastic tropical paradise with candles. Jack is sitting in front of the TV in swimming trunks and flip flops. He’s drinking something exotic and another cup sits by his side. He flips through the channels. There’s a knock at the door. JACK: It’s open. I’ve been waiting for… (LUIS walks in looking ragged.) Oh. Luis. I thought you were someone else. Jesus, man! You look like shit. Thought you were supposed to be at work. The heat and the blackout are kicking your ass, huh? You want something? LUIS: No. JACK: What’s your business? LUIS: To talk. JACK: That’s it? LUIS: That and I have something for you. JACK: Can it wait? I’m expecting a visitor in a few minutes. LUIS: I won’t be long. 62 Proscenium Spring 2015

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