Motorcycle Buyers' Guide Autumn 2021

Page 113

Many motorcycle players are now talking about E-Bike with us! Ɠ ,62 &HUWLILHG Ɠ ,Q +RXVH (1 ,62 7HVWLQJ Ɠ 2QH 6WRS 0DQXIDFWXULQJ 3URFHVV Ɠ 2(0 2'0 $YDLODEOH

Entering e-bike segment in 2009 as one of the very first movers, we have built up solid design (frame & artwork), engineering, quality, production capabilities and resources to add values to reputable clients worldwide. From high-end eMTB to entry level eCity we got it all.



$3529( 352'8&76 &2 /7'


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