The Projection of the Astral Body

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THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY back motionless as if she were dead . She soon gets up and begins acting over again one of the preceding scenes . In fact, one of the characteristics of these somnambulisms is that they repeat themselves indefinitely . " Not only are the different attacks always exactly alike, repeating the same movements, expressions and words, but in the course of the same attack, when it has lasted a certain time, the same scene may be repeated again, exactly in the same way five or ten times .' At last the agitation seems to wear out, the dream grows less clear, and gradually, or suddenly, according to the causes, the patient comes back to her normal consciousness, takes up her ordinary business, quite undisturbed by what has happened ." 1 When this occurs, the impressions composing part of the " stress " are stronger than the impressions composing the rest of the " stress ."-S .M .

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