Making Memories
Making Memories with Possibilities for Design Doris Pearlman
The talented team at Possibilities for Design was simply born to design memorable spaces. Their design mission: take the blank slate of a model home plan and create a unique background for meaningful visual experiences.
Images courtesy of Toll Brothers
and “create more impact and memorability for a potential buyer walking through the home, creating yet another level of excitement,” says Doris.
The design team has used Progress Lighting fixtures to punctuate their stunning interior designs for many years. “We’ve had extraordinary luck with Progress, their lighting complements our concepts beautifully,” said Doris. “We consider lighting as When designing a home, firm founder Doris ‘jewelry for the home’ and as we approach the next Pearlman leads the way with her vision, and her evolution of home design, we try to incorporate team of twenty takes it from there. They add design decorative lighting as much as possible. Dramatic style, elements, and color into her vision, ultimately lighting grows the perceived value of the home, infusing it into the builder’s floor and lighting plan. making memorable ‘Instagrammable’ moments that the buyer takes away.” The homes merchandised by Possibilities for Design are envisioned and designed to intrigue the senses