Professional Beauty SA July 2021

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“There is no organ or system of the body that is not affected by music and vibration.” his was a quote by Dr Mitchell Gaynor, the late director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Cornell Cancer Prevention Centre in New York. Dr Gaynor had used sound with cancer patients, including Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls and chanting. But, what is the foundation of sound as a healing modality? What does scientific research say? Sound as a vessel for healing is something that our ancient mystics have been telling us probably since the beginning of recorded (and perhaps even pre-recorded) history. Now our modern quantum physicists and scientists are saying the same thing – that everything is in a state of vibration. One of the basic tenets of using sound as a healing modality is simply this: we are like this extraordinary orchestra and we’re playing the symphony of the self. Every organ, every bone, every tissue, every part of our body is playing together, producing different frequencies, different sounds.

Photo by Magic Bowls on Unsplash

A ‘sound’ solution International visiting wellness practitioner, Michelle Saudan, explains the theory behind sound healing and how this treatment modality can be incorporated into a spa offering 24

EVERY ORGAN, every bone, every tissue, EVERY PART of our body is PLAYING TOGETHER like an orchestra, producing DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES, DIFFERENT SOUNDS. How it affects us

There are two ways that sound affects us, namely psychoacoustics and vibroacoustics. In terms of psychoacoustics, sound goes into our ears and into our brain and affects our nervous system, our heart rate, our respiration, our brain waves. Listening to music, or even just listening to our own voice, is an aspect of using sound for healing. Think of how one of your favourite songs has the ability to uplift your mood instantaneously. With vibroacoustics – sound goes into us and affects us on a cellular level, on a molecular level. It actually shifts and changes our entire DNA structure. To quote an article from the NY Times Science Section (from February 8, 1988), sound can ‘make, break or rearrange molecules’.

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