Writer's Statement
Thesis Statement: Climate change is natural; however, advances of human society such as deforestation, industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the rate at which the climate is changing.
My three major sources stood out when writing my research paper on climate change. My main source was Louis Bergeron's, "The World Can be Powered by Alternative Energy, Using Today's Technology, in 20–40 Years, Says Stanford Researcher Mark Z. Jacobson." In this article, Bergeron describes an energy researcher's plan to power the world with renewables within the next few decades. My second source was Marc Lallanilla's, " Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Causes and Sources." In this article, Lallanilla talked about the
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Thesis Statement About Sleep
Rhetorical Context Topic: The Causes and Effects of Sleep Deprivation General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the factors contributing to sleep deprivation and the effects of insufficient sleep. Audience: University students enrolled in the Art of Public Speaking course. Central Idea: Sufficient sleep is integral in the life of a university student and is directly related to academic performance. Therefore students should make a conscious effort to correct behaviours and habits that lead to poor sleep hygiene. Exigence: Sleep is a humored concept among university students as the pressures of academic assignments, examinations and social life often robs them of precious hours of sleep. As a result of unequal...show more content...
2.4The university student living on residential halls are subjected to many activities or conditions disrupting sleep. Increased social activity levels parties, functions campus activities can lead to a disruption and ultimately loss of sleep.
2.5The commuting student living in areas of civil unrest is also subject to sleep deprivation. According to studies "In disadvantaged neighborhoods, for example, local violence causes individuals to fear for their safety. This can lead to hyper aroused, which makes it harder to fall asleep and reduces sleep quantity and quality" (Hale & Bonuck, 2016) . Transition: We can all attest to that assignment, due on the 24th and we toiled through the night of the 23rd to complete it. These factors have become the normative patterns for us university students.
3.1. Sleep deprivation is directly correlated to poor academic behaviours and or Get more content
Thesis Statement For Teen Suicide
Research Question: How can teen suicide be prevented?
Thesis Statement:
Even though teen suicide is one of the leading causes of deaths in teenagers, there are many ways it can be prevented.
Summary of Topic:
Suicide is the third leading cause of deaths in adolescents in the United States. Teensuicide is also often referred to as a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Teens so often are suicidal and attempt suicide as a call for help from others. They have no intention in dying they are just trying to cry out for help from anyone that will listen. Many reasons cause teen to attempt suicide, varying from bullying to psychological disorders. In fact, psychological disorders accounts for about 90% of teens who attempt or commit suicide. Teenagers are also at higher risk of suicide when they are under...show more content...
Teen suicide is something that is endless, it will never stop but if everyone was educated on it, it could help prevent deaths. I think with people provided with statistics and further information can help avoid adolescent suicide attempts. I think most teen suicide cases could be prevent if we knew the signs to look for and the ways to stop it. I believe parents would feel safer if they knew knowledge on the issue and how to handle it. The intended audiences for this essay is parents or friends of suicidal teens. This essay is important because, as mentioned earlier, we need to be educated on suicide to end tons of tragedies. It is also important to be aware of the warning signs to help prevent. This essay is relevant because teen suicide is a war that happens daily, and will continue to happen, until we take control of the situation and do something to stop it. If family members were informed of the cause and symptoms leading up to the attempt of suicide, then there is less likely that teenagers would try and commit
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This chapter summarizes the findings, generated conclusions and recommendations based on the analysis of the results of the study on Underscoring the Operations Management of MCX Motor (Phils) Inc to Uphold Filipino Standards in the Motor Industry done by the researchers. The respondents of the study were composed of thirty–two (32) management people of MCX Motor Inc. located in Bulacan. The study was conducted during the first semester of the school year 2011–2012. The descriptive method was applied by the researchers and designed questionnaires as their primary instrument in gathering data. Preliminary research and unstructured interviews were also conducted to further increase their...show more content...
The last share of 12.82% came from the Finance Department. All of the respondents had been with the company from one (1) up to (5) years. 2. Company Perspective
Findings showed that MCX Motor Inc. was a manufacturing company and was already in operation for more than 1 year but not more than 5 years. All the respondents agreed that the most preferred product of the company were motorcycles and that their most common customers were motorcyclists and racers. The company's most availed form of sale was Credit or Installment sales.
3. Operations Management
With anaverage mean of 4.57 on Inventory and Material Requirement Planning, 4.60 on Scheduling, and 4.55 on After Sales Services, these findings showed that the respondents strongly agreed with most of the Operations Management that MCX Motor (Phils.) Inc. applies. However, the respondents agreed on two more variables for operations management, Product Research and Development and Quality Management, with an average mean of 4.39 each.
4. Financial Perspectives
With an average mean of 4.54 on Book of Accounts/documents, 4.52 on Accounting System, and 4.55 on Financial Statements and Reporting, these findings showed that the respondents strongly agreed with the financial perspectives of MCX Motor Inc. However, they only agreed with the company's financial policies and procedures and tax implications, having an average mean of 4.44 and 4.49
Sample Chapter 5 Thesis
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Thesis Statement On Human Rights
All people are entitled to various basic rights which should not be desecrated under any situation. Some of these rights include political rights, civil liberties and most importantly the right to physical safety and life. Human rights bodies articulate for tolerance, justice, human dignity and mutual respect for all people. Human rights are protected by ensuring that all people receive humane and decent treatment. Denying people their basic rights are violating them and it's a terrible offense which can face a strict legal response. Everything that violates people's rights or prevents them from enjoying ought to be eliminated with immediate effect.. Many people from all over the world cannot access some services due to poverty.
Thesis statement Human rights should be respected and upheld to ensure that equality is applied in serving all people. Democracy should be applied at all times to ensure that all people are treated the same without discrimination. All factors or practices that violate people's...show more content...
Cases of relief foods or deaths associated with hunger have been witnessed. This is a situation which directly interprets to violation of human rights. Every individual in a nation that upholds the human rights of its people should be well protected to live a respectable life. Poverty eradication can be eliminated efficiently by involving the affected people. They have knowledge on what they are lacking based on violation of rights. They should also be involved in all development projects to ascertain that all the hindrances that affect development are eliminated (Chong, 45). Governments and stakeholders ought to avoid capitalizing on the enlightened and already established people. Instead, they should ensure that people enjoy all their rights. For instance, people's right to religion ought to be respected to allow them worship without any
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Healthcare professionals are trained to put the needs of others before themselves and spend each working day exposed to the emotional strain of dealing with people who are sick dying and who have extreme physical and/or emotional needs, this emotional strain, coupled with other stress factors inherent in the healthcare work environment, renders healthcare professionals especially vulnerable to burnout. Burnout has been explored in population of healthcare professionals around the world, and studied have involved all typed of healthcare professionals including allied healthcare professional medical residents and fellows, and dentists. The rates of burnout vary among these subgroups, but in general, the rates are higher among healthcare professionals than among individuals in no helping occupation. Burnout has been studied most extensively in physicians and nurses. The purpose of this research is to...show more content...
According to the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (the 2004 nurse population), the rates of moderate or extreme job dissatisfaction ranged from 6% to 16% across practice settings. The highest rates of dissatisfaction were found among staff nurses, nurse clinicians, and supervisors, with the lowest rates among nurse midwives, certified, and supervisors with the lowest rates among nurse midwives, certified nurse anaesthetists, and nurse practitioners. The rates of job dissatisfaction have been much higher in individual's studies. For example, in a study of 13,471 nurses in Pennsylvania (1998 – 1999, 41% of respondents said they were dissatisfied with their jobs. This rate was higher than that for nurse population in four other countries (Canada, England, Germany and Scotland), where nursing was associated with a 43 % rate of Get more content
Thesis On Stress And Burnout
CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Background
IntroductionAdvertising communicates and influences people. It encourages, persuades and manipulates the viewers, readers and listeners or even groups. It drives the behavior of consumers' tastes and desires in choosing particular product and services. Advertising happens in many different ways. But most of the products were advertised on television because of its various senses being practiced. And in that matter the audience will be able to learn and inform more easily. Advertisers use many different techniques to get people to notice there adverts. Some advertisements used the popularity of a person, for example, they tend to hire artist for endorsing products so that viewers will...show more content...
For example, television advertise a particular product the viewer/s consumer will have an idea about it and the tendency to buy and the quality of advertisement will excel by the means of how percent of people patronize the products. . In this theory states the benefits of one to another.
Statement of the Problem
This research aimed to assess the implications of selected shampoo advertisements on the buying behavior of AB students of the University of Batangas.
Specifically, the research sought to answer the following questions:
1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of following: 1.1.age; 1.2.course; 1.3.year level; and
2.What are the shampoo brands bought by the respondents?
3.How often do the respondents buy the shampoo brands?
4.How often are the respondents exposed to television shampoo commercials?
5.To what extent do the shampoo advertisements affect the respondents' buying behaviour?
Shampoo Thesis
Significance of the Study
Today, a large number teenagers and student with various group, gender, educational level are seeing advertisement on various television medium and on habits, living has a broader impact. Thus, the researcher believed that after this study the student will be able to;
a.Recognize how television advertisement affects their social interaction with their group,
b.Educate and gain deeper understanding of advertising consequences and effects,
c.Know the relevance of advertising in shaping the society
To the future
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Thesis Statement On Child Abuse
Assignment III Outline Problem
General Statement: "Everyone suffers some injustice in life, and what better motivation than to help others not suffer in the same way."– Bella Thorne (Brainy Quote)
Problem Statement: People suffer from all types of matters nowadays, but it's much harder hearing about children suffering in that way as a result of child abuse.
Definition: Child abuse is a major consequence present in almost every society in which children are exposed to maltreatment and neglect.
Size: Statistically speaking, about 40 million children worldwide suffer abuse every year, with more than 1,500 children dying of abuse in the United States annually. With that being mentioned, it is probably clear that child abuse is a huge...show more content...
Wrap up: After all, it's our society and culture that shape how we think or what we believe in; that's why child abuse is entirely against our beliefs. Conclusion
Final Evaluation: In conclusion, this organization is a productive one that accomplishes more than just the normal. However, this organization can be much more powerful by letting their work spread to other projects and ideas.
Restating Thesis: tackling the issue of child abuse, the National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds used functional feasibility, operational feasibility, and geographical consideration to prevent children from suffering by ensuring them with trust and prevention funds.
Recommendations: This organization should not only focus on the trust funds project, but they should also start thinking of other projects to work on such as raising awareness through campaigns or sending abused children to physiologists for
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Sample Thesis About Coffee
1.1 Introduction
No morning is complete without coffee. Drinking coffee has now become more than just a way to wake up one's nerves, it has become a trend. Its more than just a morning beverage, it has become a part of the Filipino culture.
The Philippines used to be the fourth largest producer of coffee in the 1800s. Today, the Philippines is a net importer of coffee. Filipinos consume over 60,000 tons of coffee but only produce 30,000 tons. Every second, 250 cups of coffee are being consumed in the Philippines. This makes the Filipinos the largest consumer of coffee in Asia, and 25th in the world. The main component of coffee is caffeine. Caffeine has been studied more than any other ingredient in...show more content... Different varieties of coffee are now available in the market. Different varieties, different amount of caffeine in its content. While having an intake of coffee, many effects can occur on our body and it is because of the amount of caffeine. Using our knowledge in basic sciences and statistics, the results of this study will be identified. Through the use of statistical tools and survey analysis, we can conclude its effects also in the variety of ages of a person, on their profession and their activities in their everyday lives.
1.4 Objectives
The general objectives of this study are to determine the effects of drinking coffee to a person with the essence of determining the amount of caffeine on the substance. This analysis will be conducted with the use of some statistical tests. The study specifically aims to:
1. To determine the range of effects of coffee depending on the amount of caffeine in it.
2. To compare the productivity of different kind of persons based on their ages and profession.
3. To provide a survey form about drinking coffee and their effects on productivity.
4. To use statistical tools in determining the variance of caffeine and the effect of productivity on a person.
1.5 Significance of the Get more content
Thesis Statement On Drug Addiction
Drug addiction: A Modern–Day Disease
Sarah Ghadban
2nd of May 2017
Study Skills II Tuesday (9am to 11am)
Sarah Ghadban Professor. Katherine Bagby
Study Skills II
Drug addiction: A Modern–Day DiseaseThesis statement: Drug abuse is a complex disease that needs enduring and extensive treatment. People who have struggled with substance abuse have often found it extremely difficult to quit due to the physical and/or mental addiction. OutlineI. Introduction
II. Factors contributing to becoming an addict
III. Mental Addiction & Physical Addiction
V. Specific Psychoactive Drugs
A.Depressants/Benzodiazepines– Xanax
B.Opiates– Oxycodone
C.Psychedelics– LSD
D.Stimulants– Amphetamine
VI. Road to Recovery
Sarah Ghadban Professor. Katherine Bagby
Study Skills II
April 25th 2017
Drug addiction: A Modern–Day Disease...show more content...
They assume addicts lack moral principles or self–discipline and that they can quit by simply deciding to. The reality is, people who have struggled with substance abuse have often found it extremely difficult to quit due to the physical and/or mental addiction. Drug have the ability to change the brain patterns and cause health complications, making things harder in the long–term and may determine life or death. Fortunately, because of more research, there are more ways to back out of an addiction and seek help through an enduring and extensive treatment. Factors that affect the likelihood and speed of developing an addiction are environmental and individual factors, including genetics and
A.Rehab B.Therapy VIII. Conclusion
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Thesis of Poverty
Countries suffer from several crises of poverty such as social, economical, political crises as well as financial crises. Debt calculated by fixation called poverty line, that is the smallest amount of income in a given nation. The dribble program is voluntary individually to reach and give a pathway out of poverty for the tremendously poor.The exact participant selection process to make sure that our contributor of people who live under less than 1.25 dollar per day. Working with relative power is additional time consuming and expensive than working with other populations. The largest part of world's poor people lives in rural areas that are 800 million poor women and children. Weather conditions comprise a main impact of poverty. The warm...show more content...
They are required nutritious foods that slow down the body's capability to fight against diseases. In spite of its causes, "poverty has devastating consequences for the individual who live in it. Most of the studies mainly focus on child poverty, and these studies clearly state that childhood poverty has lifelong consequences" [Vallas (2014)].
Opinion about poverty
In my point of view, Individual poverty is not only about material, but it is also intellectual & secular. Therefore I believe that to be prosperous does not depend alone on the plenty of material fate, but it also upon the compassion of the heart.
In different words, poverty is not peripheral patent. It also includes the inner self of the person. The person, who has tons of gold, diamond, etc. is poor in the physical faculty. Poverty found by two different factors that are both personal and communal. Only you have the spirit to choose if you stay in or out poverty. Poverty subsists because you exist in a tradition where their sufficient material resources to go approximately. Therefore, you have moved past the general
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Thesis Statement Of Poverty
Thesis About Family
Chapter I
1. Introduction
Family is very important part of our everyday life. It helps us in improving our personality. It also helps us in shaping our life. It teaches us the value of love, affection, care, truthfulness and self–confidence and provides us tools and suggestions which are necessary to get success in life. Family is a place where you can be yourself. It is a place where you are accepted for what you are. This is where you are completely tension free and everyone is there to help you. Family encourages you when you are surrounded by problems. It helps you survive through tough times and bring joy and happiness into life.
Decency is very important in the communication of daily life. It...show more content...
Psychologists believe that a child learns the most from his or her family life. The way your family members deal with you has a life long effect on your personality. Keeping in view all these facts the importance of your family life cannot be denied. Family unit happens to be the most important part of your life till you grow up. The children are usually closer to their parents and their siblings as compared to any other person in the world. As the children grow up they find good friends, spouses, their own kids and colleagues to share their lives with. Although time brings this change but the importance of family remains there. The children who have a sound family background and who belong to a family with strong family ties are almost always happier. Thus one cannot deny the importance of family life.
The life with your family is very important it plays a major role in your development into the person you become. The goals you set for yourself in your life are very much dependent on the life you have with your family. Those children who belong to the families which have a rich education background tend to learn more. They are interested in learning more and thus it is easy for their parents to get them educated. Similarly, for example, children who belong to a family from which a few of the people are in the field of professional sports, the kids tend to have an interest in sports and they also
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Thesis Statement For Mental Health
Expository Method Used:
The Expository Method used for the topic to sentence outline is 'Analysis by Division.' This method breaks down the main idea into smaller parts that work together to make one central point. Additionally, the 'Analysis by Division' method is useful for structuring the topic sentences for writing the essay. Topic to Sentence Outline
Topic: Mentalhealth is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today's fast–paced world. (Narrowed Topic): Characteristics of a mentally healthy individual.
Thesis Statement: A mentally healthy individual has the characteristics of emotional intelligence and spiritual consciousness, intellectual and social wellness.
Emotional Intelligence is considered one of the defining characteristics of a mentally healthy...show more content... Equally important to the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, in today's fast–paced world, is the psychological health of the brain, the genetic, biological and environmental factors that play an integral role in general wellness. Many prominent theorists have argued that perceptions of the self, the world, and the future are essential for mental health. Yet much research evidence suggests that overly positive self–evaluations, exaggerated perceptions of control or mastery, and unrealistic optimism are characteristics of normal human thought. Moreover, these illusions seem to promote other criteria of mental health, including, the ability to care about others, be happy or contented, and to engage in productive and creative work. (Taylor & Brown 1988,
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Thesis Statement: Early Anxiety is stemmed from many factors, however the main cause of anxiety in adolescents is directly related to parenting and/or family influences.
As a child, life was hectic from the beginning. Dad was in and out of jail, and when he was out my mom and him and my mother would indulge in hard drugs. Don 't get me wrong, when you 're so twisted on drugs there is only so much your body and mind is capable of doing, right? Since I could remember I've been the boss, the keeper of the responsibilities, almost like the parent of my parents. Throughout school, i had constant anxiety about school, worrying about my little brother and wondering if my parents were okay. Fast forward to the present time, still on a daily basis I struggle with severe Anxiety. It truly never went away, it only got worse. If I would have had a better mother daughter, or father daughter relationship or didn't have to watch my parrents struggle with their anxiety and addictions, and i had to worry a lot less I would have never developed this anxiety. Harpster 2. Anxiety can be a very serious (disease/disorder) it is simply defined as an abnormal fear or tension which can occur without any obvious trigger or session; a recurrence, unwelcome and intrusive thought. Anxiety can also be defined as a subjective state of fear or tension. There are two types of anxiety, anxiety can provide signals that alert the body to trigger it to improve mental and physical performance
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Thesis Statement : Early Anxiety Essay
The Power of Language Essay examples
The Power of Language Language plays an important role in communication by bringing people together and enriching their relationships. Language can also alienate those who do not speak it properly, or at all, from those who do. The essays, Mother Tongue, by Amy Tan, best known for her book, The Joy Luck Club, and Se Habla Espanol, by Tanya Barrientos, delve into the many powers that language holds. These essays reflect how by not speaking a language in proper form and by not speaking a language at all, affects the lives of the subjects of the stories. People who can speak a certain language, but only in 'broken' form, are generally looked down upon by native language speakers. In her writing, Mother Tongue, Amy Tan writes about her...show more content...
However, many Hispanic families were and in some cases, still are viewed as lower–class citizens. According to Barrientos, "To me, speaking Spanish translated into being poor. It meant waiting tables and cleaning hotel rooms. It meant being left off the cheerleading squad and receiving a condescending smile from the guidance counselor when you said you planned on becoming a lawyer or a doctor" (561). They are not respected in a lot of communities, they live dirty, and they have bad jobs. These stereotypes are reasons why Barrientos did not want to be called Mexican and never wanted to learn Spanish. If diversity had been celebrated when Barrientos was a child, as it is celebrated and honored now, she would have grown up speaking Spanish and being proud of her heritage. Children are very impressionable and tend to take on others' opinions as their own, but as they grow older, they develop a greater understanding and perspective of the way things are and the way they should be. As adults, both Tan and Barrientos learned to accept and embrace the languages that previously embarrassed them. Barrientos immersed herself in her Mexican heritage and enrolled in many Spanish classes. With each enrollment, she faced yet another stereotype that came with being of Mexican ethnicity; her instructors thought she should already know Spanish since she was Latina. Barrientos is now determined to learn her native language. Tan has learned to love the way in
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Thesis Statement About Marriage
Marriage is a ritual that marks a change in status for a man and a woman and the acceptance by society of the new family that is formed (Rosman & Rubel, 1981). Marriage, like other customs, is governed by rules (Rosman & Rubel, 1981). Anthropology has represented marriage as the definitive ritual and universally translatable regulative ideal of human societies (BORNEMAN, 1996). Marriage also the act of joining two persons of opposite sex together to become as husband and wife. Many people in the society have different opinions or outright misconception of the meaning of marriage. While some people see it as a union between a man and woman, others take it to mean an agreement made between a man...show more content...
The objectives of this research are:
) To identify the assimilation process among Malay culture that has been replaced Minangkabau tradition inNegeri Sembilan nowadays.
2 ) To examine the impact of economic challenge in losing tradition of Minangkabau community.
3 ) To identify the actions that needed to be taken to protect their tradition, local practices, and identity from loss.
BORNEMAN, J. (1996). until death do us part: marriage/death in anthropological discourse. American Ethnologist, 23(2), 215–235. http:/ /dx.doi.org/10.1525/ae.1996.23.2.02a00010
Jani, H., & Hussain, M. (2014). Reclaiming the Loss of the Minangkabau Cultural Landscape in Negeri Sembilan. Procedia – Social And Behavioral Sciences, 153, 317–329. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.10.065
Masri, M. (2012). The Misconceptions of Negeri Sembilan Traditional Architecture. Procedia– Social And Behavioral Sciences, 68, 363–382. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.12.234
Ng, C. (2010). Symbols of Affinity: Ceremonial Costumes in a Minangkabau Village. The Heritage Journal, 5, 26–55. Rosman, A., & Rubel, P. (1981). The tapestry of culture. Glenview, Ill.: Scott,
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Thesis Statement For Domestic Violence
Family violence
Elio Ishak
Notre Dame University, louaize
Course: ENL 110
Instructor: Pascale Chibani
Date of Submission: Monday, 15 may 2017
Thesis statement : Domestic violence is a very important social issue because it has a large negative affect on the victims. Even though Domestic violence can be caused by either male or female it is usually caused by the male due to the large physical advantage. This essay will discuss the history of domestic violence, as well as explain the different types, and ways to prevent it.
I.History of domestic violence :
a.In early roman society
b.In the England community
c.In early America society
II.different types of family violence :
a.physical violence
b.emotional abuse
c.sexual abuse
III.ways to prevent domestic violence:
Family violence is when someone...show more content...
The first kind is called physical violence. Physical abuse, including assault, is the intentional use of force against a person without that person's consent. It can cause physical pain or injuries . Physical abuse includes: hitting, slapping or kicking strangling or choking killing someone
The second type is emotional abuse, Emotional abuse happens when a person uses words or actions to control, frighten or isolate someone or take away their self–respect. Is contains : constant yelling or criticism controlling or keeping someone from seeing friends or family making fun of preventing someone from practicing their faith or religion
The third kind is sexual abuse. Sexual assault and abuse can have devastating impacts. Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual or sexualised act that causes the person to feel uncomfortable or scared. Sexual abuse contain :
sexual touching or sexual activity without consent continued sexual contact when asked to stop forcing someone to commit unsafe or humiliating sexual Get more content
a. b.
п‚· Thesis: While Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, I believe That Suicide is wrong.
II. BODY PAGE 1: The History of Suicide
п‚· Opening Sentence: Why do people commit Suicide?
п‚· Detail 1: Suicide Methods
п‚· Detail 2: Suicide and Mental illness
п‚· Detail 3: Prevention
III. BODY PAGE II: School Bullying/Teen Suicides
п‚· Transition/Opening Sentence: The Bullies have a new way to attack people over the internet.
п‚· Detail 1: The Factors that contribute to Suicide
п‚· Detail 2: How the Internet/Social Media Has Had an Impact on Suicide in Young Adults
п‚· Detail 3: The many different forms of Bullying that can lead to a
IV. BODY PAGE III: Military/Terrorist Suicide
п‚· Transition/Opening Sentence: Could Suicide...show more content... Whilst cyber bullying is not physical it's emotional and psychological effects are devastating for the victim and can often lead to suicide and depression (Hinduja & Patchin, 2010). Social Networking sites act as a platform where bullies can say things they might not usually say to someone in person, anonymity and less physical proximity act as a wall between the bully and the victim, none the less, the words or rumors' that are shared are still just as hurtful. Bullies often feel more confident online and they can contact their victims anytime, anywhere, day or night, not just in the school yard (Smith et al., 2008)." (Procon. (24 O). Retrieved from http://socialnetworking.procon.org/) For example "Jamey Rodemeyer in 2011 a 14–year–old boy from Williamsville, NY, took his life after what his parents claim was years of bullying because of struggles with his sexuality. His parents, Tracy and Tim Rodemeyer, say that Jamey faced bullies for years, though things intensified in middle school, according to NBC 2. According to NBC, the Rodemeyers had gone to the school about the problem in the past. Jamey even sought
Suicide Thesis Essay
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Everyday Use Thesis Statement
General statement: Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her memories of her mother and grandma making quilts together by hands.
Topic sentence: Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and Dee.
Thesis Statement: Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie
Body A, Mama:
The character of Mama in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker endures through intense times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a lady that tells things how they are, only plain truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self–portrayed as "a large, huge boned, women with rough, man–working...show more content...
The way the burning house, her stuck–up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from her home burning down that she turned into a meek and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog run over by a car: "chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house on the ground." This demonstrates that Maggie absence of self–confidence make her frightened to look. She imagines that on the off chance that she can't see the individuals around her, then they can't see her. What's more, Maggie's discernible scars have impacted on the way she conducts herself. As indicated by Mama, when she was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her arms were adhering, "her hair was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark papery pieces." This is huge light of the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically scarred her. This additionally clarifies why she is so apprehensive about individuals seeing her. Maggie's apparent compressed version of confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire. The barbaric way Maggie's sister, Dee, presents herself awful impact on Maggie's certainly. At this point when Dee inquired as to whether she can have some unique quilts and Mama says no on the grounds that she
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