How to Build Up Your Music Production Skills!

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How to Build Up Your Music Production Skills What do you do if you never took lessons for Music Production in Miami, but you want to produce music at home on your computer? Let's get you started thinking in a constructive way about how to develop the skills you really need. Let's cut to it: There's more than one way to develop a skill. The serious, formal approach can be great for some. Learning by ear can be great for others. Something in between is often best, but it all depends on the priority you put on that specific skill. Playing piano, for example, can mean "being among the best players around.� IDENTIFY EXACTLY WHAT YOUR GOALS ARE. Do it in writing. 1. Describe in 1-2 sentences, what you would love to be doing musically. Something along the lines of "I want to write pop songs, and be able to record them at home." We'll use this as our example, just to clarify. Your goal can be totally different, of course. 2. Given your stated goal, what goes into doing it? Take the terms you used: "write pop songs" and "record� these are the two actions you plan to take. There might be some questions you should ask. Like: "What does writing a pop song entail?" You have to have lyrics-good lyrics, hopefully-and a melody. If it's pop music, what kind of pop? The exact type of pop will get you thinking about what instruments and what style of play those instruments should be doing, in order to make the song sound like the type of pop you intend. You get the idea. Make a list of needs, keeping it direct and simple. Check things off that are already taken care of. Whatever you need some work on, underline, and whatever you haven't a clue about, circle, and start working on that first. You'll be surprised how well this works if you just focus on the subject in an organized way. If you don't play an instrument at all, find out what your options are. Learning to play a LITTLE keyboard, and getting your rhythmic chops together so you can bang out some drum parts on some pads would be enough to get a lot done. There are software solutions that can do a lot, but you need to get certain skills going to be able to use them well. If you plan on doing this all yourself, There are learn-at-home programs that are quite effective for this purpose. And remember, your goal is not to blow everyone away at a prog rock concert. Maybe that will come later, but right now you're doing this to get musical ideas into a computer. While you are tackling this task, the two very important things. First, LISTEN to more music in as many styles as you can stand. Good musicians and producers get their inspiration and ideas from many different sources, not just their few favorites. It's good to adapt the habits of those who are already good at something. You grow faster that way. Listen closely to everything that's happening in each song. This process will help you grow, and will provide more ideas for you in the future.

Then, set aside a regular "practice time" for yourself. Doing it over and over DOES in fact help you memorize it, and get better at actually DOING it. This is true for playing an instrument, operating a computer, or getting an entire song together in your home studio. Make this a regular part of your life, so that the fun and creativity can come that much sooner. Just playing around with your stuff leads to bad habits that will haunt you in the future. Maybe set 1-2 hours a day aside for this purpose. Skipping a day here and there is fine, but try to avoid that as much as possible. Needed Music Production in Miami? Whether you need music for video, music for your lyrics, or professional song writing help, Produmuisc is here to help at 9333 Byron Ave, Surfside, FL 33154, USA Phone Number - 305-3003-690

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