1 minute read

latin partner dance in nyc

Ifocused my work in cosmopolitan

Latin partner dance in New York City for several reasons:



Of the cosmopolitan dance communities in NYC, Latin dance lags the furthest behind. Experts I spoke with agreed. Compared to blues, fusion, and swing dance, Latin dance is the most homogeneous, traditionally gendered, and has more prevalent machismo.

Market Size

Latin dance is the largest of the partner dance scenes in NYC. This is unsurprising given the large

Latino population. I estimated 50 events (including classes) of Latin partner dance per week alone.*


NYC has a long connection to music and dance innovation, often from the Black and Latino communities.** Also, as a global hub, NYC exports and influences culture outside of its borders.


I already had some experience and connections in the scene.

For the above reasons, I thought I could have the most impact designing in this specific space.

* Based on conversations with partner dance instructors in New York, and by looking event listings online.

**Jazz music and lindy hop, hip-hop and salsa dance were all born in New York City.