PMA Fresh Magazine

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last word 9 Buzzwords You Need to Know Today Did you leave your wearable tech in your automated car? Here are nine new terms you’ll want to have under your belt this year.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

Drone Regulation

If you’ve ever turned up your thermostat by tapping your smartphone, you already know what this is. Our devices are more interconnected than ever before. This has huge potential for the produce and floral industries for everything from monitoring soil and water quality and managing energy costs to tracking shipments and buyer behavior. The downside? Privacy and security concerns, when your toaster knows more about your life than you do.

Unmanned aircraft are all the buzz in the news lately — and that means talk of regulation is in the air, too. Camera- and sensor-fitted drones are a great way for growers to keep an eye on their fields, but they’ll need to keep an eye on new laws as well.

Wearables Activity trackers that count your steps. Glasses that connect to the Internet. T-shirts that talk to your pacemaker. In 2014 wearable tech went from sci-fi to mainstream, and it’s coming soon to a wardrobe near you.

ROI vs. ROO Return on Investment (ROI) is important. But it’s not always the best measure of success in the worlds of brand building, event planning and social media — where being liked matters. Measuring Return on Objectives (ROO) can be a better way of tracking how well you’re reaching your audience.

Native Advertising Autonomous Vehicles Many tractors and combines already drive themselves. But with self-driving cars and trucks soon to be hitting the open road, they could change the face of driving and shipping forever.

The Sharing Economy Bike sharing. House swapping. Peer-to-peer lending. People are sharing their stuff and collaborating more than ever — and that’s boosting some businesses while disrupting others. (One person’s car share is another’s unregulated taxi.) One thing is for certain: Sharing is here to stay.


fresh April 2015 Edition

Online advertising that matches the format of the platform. If you’ve ever read a sponsored post that looked just like the article on the next page, you’re in native territory.

Retargeting 98% of online users don’t make a purchase the first time they visit a website. Retargeting shows them ads during future web-browsing sessions for previously browsed products and services as a reminder. It’s a smart way to turn today’s casual browser into tomorrow’s happy customer.

Emoji Emoticons are so over. Emoji are the little pictures you can add to your texts and emails. Don’t :-( Be

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.