5 tips for keeping teeth healthy for a lifetime

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5 Tips for Keeping Teeth Healthy for a Lifetime Say cheese! This is what we hear when we need to smile for the camera. People love this and they give their all-out smile and show their white teeth. When we see the photo, we see a happy version of ourselves through our smile. The healthier teeth we have, the wider our smile is, and the happier we look. Teeth are essential in different ways. If we take good care of them, they, too helps take care of us. Healthy teeth are important in chewing food properly that helps us grow. At the same time, they allow us to have better speech and be more confident of ourselves.

The Importance of Teeth Plaque and bacteria build up is prevented when we take care of our teeth. After we finish eating, bacteria go wild over the sugar in the teeth. Bacteria break down into acids that eat the tooth enamel which causes cavities. Plaque is also the main cause of gingivitis that makes the gums swollen, red, and sore. The gums hold the teeth and to save our teeth from these things, we should practice the habit of taking care of our teeth and mouth. Here are the ways to keep the teeth healthy.

5 Tips for Healthy Teeth

Brush two times a day.

After eating breakfast and before going to bed, we should brush our teeth. If possible, brushing after eating sweet food or lunch is also good. Proper brushing prevents plaque. •

Brush thoroughly.

Brushing is not enough when it’s not properly and thoroughly done. When doing so, provide equal attention to all teeth. You can ask your dentist to provide a demonstration of the right brushing that will not damage the gums. •

Brush for 2-3 minutes.

Take your time when brushing the teeth. If you can’t keep track of the time, play a song to let the time pass and to enjoy brushing. •

Use a soft toothbrush.

Use a toothbrush that has soft bristles to avoid damaging the gums. You also need to change your toothbrush after 3 months. Some toothbrush changes their color through time, so you would know if it’s time to change.

Use dental floss.

This is important to keep the teeth healthy. Floss in between every tooth once a day. When flossing the gum line, do it gently. Hidden food particles that a toothbrush can’t reach will remove to avoid bacteria buildup. Along with the five tips mentioned above, it’s also necessary to have a regular visit to the dentist. Your dentist will check signs for gum disease or cavities and keep the teeth clean. Moreover, healthy a healthy diet plays a crucial role. Be conscious of what you drink or eat. Avoid food high in starch and sugar. Eat fruits and vegetables instead and opt for water instead of sodas. Practicing these things will ensure a healthy, beautiful, and confident smile. These tips, when practiced regularly become so easy and can be considered as an integral part of everyday living. There will be no more worries when someone says “say cheese!”

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