TARNISHED Magazine 2022

Page 54

At Lasell University our teaching philosophy is rooted in the idea of Connected Learning. This means that learning is more often project-based and connected to real-world situations. TARNISHED Magazine was born of this model. Students learn in collaboration with each other, and their investigations reach across campus — and beyond — in discovery of artists that inform and inspire. There were several other student-produced publications on the Lasell campus in 2012, when the first edition of TARNISHED was created, but none of them exclusively covered to the arts. TARNISHED became the terrain to explore literature, music, studio arts, illustration, and the digital magic that infuses our visual world. Ten years later, I am happy to say that TARNISHED flourishes as a venue for learning and celebrating the talents of our contributors. Congratulations to all who have made this award-winning publication a source of pride in our creative community!


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