Atari User Magazine Vol 3 Issue 05

Page 30



for MAX ’ except that th e .

< From Pa go 29















vquhtoto copy to so m ove the cursor to WIS cell {3 and press Return Th 9 status area no“, asks if th e formu|a is to be ‘

menu a " d choosmg the 8 Pfeadsheet o 9 t'lo" W!“ the n -

the computer to prompt:

ca use


the same co ied A Wifh no 313313293? 0"(eEactly Elatively (similar ' but with Chan ges SUCh as 82 becomes 83) W 3 need to cop th Relapart Of the tiveiy so press R fig” 8?Cfarmula The new fOI’mula (twi ce ln Case), formula |3=(B3#:_I;HS 3)” WI“ now be can be Show” in the st and way_ Copied to I4 anjt'tgs‘area '" ‘Jz' '” 42 The formuia for MAI)? iassfmilar



The formma for MIN






have reached this stage

the he f d Work has b dOne. All that remains is to em er 3?“ 6 actual mOSt

similar to th e .


It is best



















and enter





followinzreadSheet :


is- J2 =>i32Hzi and H2 This . Enter this in th e sa me way as you and copy it entered the formula f 8 COiumn “3 into the other Cells inotrhlz to JS) '




ROWS'1# #K Column- s.-A5


for the


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berslaved. We ename so th at to give a descrmlt! inf uture th IS need to guess the n-O ?rethe file. Make Sure that Contents in the drive_ there is 2 disc ll If you and ”mathgrmdtted disc. haven’t aheadymgmce One a disc may be 9. the option from formatted b Mini Office llyw?lzg. '° '5 avaiiabie after a direct°W- TVpe WEATHER-V01 (as th '3 is th efirst ver of the spreadsheet)_ Your Spread 3 zion eet will now be Saved to


require the

maximum ofthe







At this point enter the name WhICh this




s p r ea d Sheet



relevant cell data um tobthe er. and t$;nrg‘:géng 82 and For example move 1 ave entered type 8 Rewm When V ouOhce” all the data, save th e V to print I"t again and you're then “ea Zpreadsheet Choos e P ”m F Tom the ma-"1 menu Spreadsheet t 0 move to the print Options, You’ll h ave noticed th ion“; has empty TOM/a; mns at the bottom and r'lg h t-hand zglrueadSheet . the ed 3 printing ‘ lt"s Wasting "me whgols eth'ng S0 Choose th e OptIOn Print .


farmula t an (<) si n Of the en er the Ias t sim'|”H t0 the one greater thar?(>|)sslij§§ds(1n5tfad of-0urf°rmU|ae Into Column K s t arting r entered so rather thigUGSfeVe?J‘ust em With K2=<[BZH2] again co PV them, Make Sure th us a 9°0d idea at this point to save is in cell l2 and press Shift+Re cu the spreadsheet This is d One by Lsor me 55393 in the status area tell s move the cursor to the cell y °U pressing Es Cape to return to the


The r


only the

be that


o fWr'1” peasrttlt t.e?p'ead3heetisprinted

is completed you wi|| and be “mien "6 shis t° the Print Spread S h eet menu Press E scape to retu rn to the menu and you're ready to 3 read sheet

nge graphics data,

0 Next m qnth We ,// look at hOW to present this small Spreadsheet pic— toral/y Until th en, create 30m e s preadsheetsand save them. .




will The cheapest Telex machine. a need will also conventional way Cheetah). You total outlay You could go the the dearest £2,892 (the rental. That's a a Whisper), £404 year install, plus cost you £1,604 [the to line, costing £101 include VAT.) separate telephone a minimum of £2,109. (All prices to double as a — use your micro of first year are doing over the users Atari more what more and Or you could do telephone! use your ordinary And just Telex machine.



How into

tr u t h


and buy a dedicated


I turn





software (see the communications and appropriate to MicroLink. modern and a subscription All you need is a Atari users on in this issue), a telephone, to advertisements of services available teleshopping, number it happens, go of a growing news as Telex is just one also read the mail right round and electronic MicroLink you can With and much more. MicroLink. send telemessages micro closed user group, directly into your create your own free telesoftware programs the world, download







Today between businesses. instant communication million 2 than — and more Because it’s a standard machines in use in Britain —just as Telex business communications there are 150,000 up copy of hard speed a dramatically have to because you worldwide it's used far more ef?cient, but the phone quick as using for your records. that the "conversation" MicroLink for Telex every when you use get bonus you But there's a big doesn’t offer. receive Telex office to send or conventional way HAVE to be in your even a portable). don't home (or With MicroLink you computer at as easily use your waiting for you messages You canjust Telex messages. there are any can check whether business efficiency? So now you How's that for your anytime. anywhere,




means of


See Page 5


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