78 cashflow

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錄音室參觀 Studio Tour 獲邀參觀錄音室的參加者在八月分批前往

In the studio tour in August, the participants were delighted

嘉賓Edward Chan、馮穎琪及賴映彤的錄

to have a chance to learn about song arrangement and


post production as demonstrated by the guests. They also


gained valuable advice on the problems they encountered


during songwriting and production.

嘉賓留言 Words from Guests


很榮幸CASH邀請我擔任活動的分享嘉賓之一。這個工作坊很有意 義,我希望所有參加者自此對於如何製作demo和編曲都有更深入的 認識,也衷心期望他們繼續努力創作,好讓他們的作品有機會於不久 的將來面世。 Thank you CASH for inviting me to be one of the guest speakers in this meaningful workshop. I hope that all participants will have a better idea of how to craft their demos and what to do when they want to arrange a song. I sincerely hope that they will keep on composing and their songs will be published in the future.

賴映彤 Lai Ying Tong 13-8-2015

在這個科技年代,雖然做音樂需要有基本技術認知和編曲能力,但不 要讓技術蓋過了創作的本質。假如歌曲像人的話,旋律是靈魂,歌詞 是內涵,而編曲是把靈魂與內涵昇華的衣裳。 In this technological era, though one has to acquire basic technical knowledge and arrangement skill in order to engage in music production, creativity must be the focus. If a song is like a person – melody would be the soul, lyrics would be the cultivation, and the arrangement would be the outfit that brings out the beauty of both the soul and the cultivation.

馮穎琪 Vicky Fung


很開心今次有機會可以和新一輩年輕創作人直接交流,也明白到大家 最關心的是如何「賣歌」。身為「過來人」的我想分享的是:作為一 個創作人,一定要對自己的音樂有自信、堅守信念並確立鮮明的個人 風格,這樣別人才容易留意到和採用你的作品。而在過程中不妨將自 己暴露於不同的音樂,去吸收不同的養分;同時可獲得多角度、多方 面的靈感,去將我們的感受和信念透過音樂表達出來。 I am glad to have a chance to interact directly with young songwriters. I understand that they are most concerned with how to have their works published. From my experience, a songwriter has to have confidence and faith in his music. Also, he has to build up his own style in order to get his works noticed and adopted. At the same time, it is important to approach different music genres and absorb the essence so that our feelings and beliefs can eventually be spoken through music.

Edward Chan CASHFLOW 78


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