PDS Fall Journal 2021

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Alumni Visits Create Links as they Enhance the Student Experience By Linda Maxwell Stefanelli ’62

Miss Fine’s School published its first yearbook in 1921 and called it The Link in recognition of the graduating students’ bond to the School and each other. One hundred years later, The Link yearbook continues to chronicle the Princeton Day School experience and showcase the senior class as their relationships transition from student friendships to lifelong alumni connections. Whether they attended Miss Fine’s, Princeton Country Day or Princeton Day School, alumni have helped define the School’s identity, its spirit and aspirations. They possess a wealth of experience and expertise that is an invaluable resource for PDS and its students and many have returned to campus to speak in assemblies, career seminars, lecture series, daily classes and special events. “The School has always valued alumni as an important part of the community and recognized that we have thousands of them doing truly remarkable, impressive work,” says Kaylie Keesling, Director of Alumni Programs and Giving. “When we think about what makes PDS special and makes it stand out, I think it’s having these alumni be part of PDS today.” JOURNAL

Alumni have welcomed the opportunity to interact with students through in-person visits but until recently that presented a challenge for many since the majority do not live locally and have commitments that preclude taking time for trips back to PDS. Over the past 20 months, alumni participation in the life of the School has soared as video conferencing became the common denominator in global business, education and personal communications. The Advancement Office quickly realized the value of expanding alumni guest speaker connections with the students by bringing them into the classroom virtually. Alumni have enthusiastically embraced the opportunities to reconnect with PDS through appearances during class periods or community gathering sessions they are able to join directly from their workplace or residence. As a result, alumni expertise and — Kaylie Keesling perspectives are presented from the field, the studio and other environments that heighten student interest and offer a stronger and broader community of alumni mentors.

“Last year alone, at least 50 alumni participated in virtual classroom visits.”

After increasing their outreach efforts to update alumni information to better connect with and identify the alumni community’s strengths and skills, the

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