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Austin, Texas, United States

Yes, my parents were Star Wars fans who really did name me Princesleah. I too have a passion for making the extraordinary happen and am pursuing my dream of working with nonprofits that help the communities I’m a part of. I am also a first-generation American-born citizen, raised in El Paso, Texas, and am now completing my bachelor’s degree (English major, Spanish minor) in the creative oasis of Austin. I have always desired a position working in the nonprofit sector helping communities the way I was helped. I fulfill this by currently working as an Outreach Intern at the Texas Book Festival. My supervisors appreciate my enthusiasm, strong work ethic, and overall energy I bring to the office and events. I am an organizer and a teacher because of the structure and innovative ideas that I bring to the workplace and to the communities that we work with as well. I love being outspoken and persuasive about a topic that I feel strongly about, and I hope this resonated with you.
