Primotech Digital Solutions

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The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads Campaign Management When a Google Ad Campaign goes live, you need to consider three core areas to improve and monitor. The three areas are those places that you can refer to where all the optimization and testing efforts need focus.

Component #1. Targeting Ads If ads are not able to target ideal customers, your campaign is not likely to get successful. During the initial campaign setup, find the relevant keywords that your ideal customers might be on the look. Even though ad targeting may sound simple to you, there are a lot of factors at play. The three key areas make us

want to find the opportunities to cut anything that is not working on

your advertising budget.

Below are three key areas you need to consider when you optimize your ad targeting:  Keywords factors in the search campaign is selecting keywords. It is, however, quite tough to know every single keyword variation that will perform well or the other keywords that looked great but underperform for some reasons.  Keyword pruning: The main goal of pruning is to delete the keyword phrases that seem irrelevant or generating clicks but no conversions. You can also find the related information by clicking on the ‘Keywords’ tab and then clicking on the ‘Search term” subtab.  Keyword fishing: The major goal of fish is to look for additional keywords. You can find ones that look promising or either converting. Just like pruning, fishing starts with the Search term report.  Replanting keywords: Replanting is where you move from your best performing keywords to the lower performing and unproven keywords. 1. Bids

Now we’ll talk about bid optimization. The main objective is to determine the keyword-level bids that will result in the most profitable conversions for every keyword. Therefore if you want to bid effectively, you need to have conversion tracking set up in your Google Ads account so that you can measure conversions at the keyword level. 1. Campaign targeting After our focus on bids and keyword optimization, campaign performance focuses on geographic area, performance per device, and time of the day. Component #2. Ad Copy If you assume your ads target the right audience, one such factor to consider is your ad copy. A lot of work goes when it comes to writing an ad copy before ads go live. Remember that the ads cannot survive for a longer time. Optimize your ad copy The section is about how you can optimize your ad copy. Now, if you are willing to optimize your ad copy, you must test different ad variations to see what can work best, and the process is called split testing. Here are five ad components you need to focus on:

1. Offer: It means that your ads are by far the most critical components. It is a weak offer compared to your competition and does not drive much traffic and conversions as most people will click on the more compelling offers. 2. Headline: It is one of the first things that prospective customers will read after searching in Google. The two goals with your headline must be to stand out from the competition and match what your prospective customer is searching. 3. Description lines: Catch the prospective customer’s attention with the headline. The description lines need to explain your offer and encourage clicking through to learn more. 4. Display URL: The display URL is beneath the headline in your text ads, and it doesn’t function as an active link. Google needs that the root domain name to be included in the display URL, but you need to have the flexibility to add a subfolder or subdomain to the displayed domain. 5. Ad Extensions: There are five main types of ad extensions that every business need to set up:

Component #3. Landing pages At this point, you have optimized your ad copy and ad targeting to get prospective customers to your site with cost-effective clicks. But all this work will go in vain if your landing page is not set up and optimized to convert the traffic into sales and leads. Congruence with advertising is a critical thing. When your prospect customer clicks on your ad, they expect to find what your ad promised top, front, and center of the page and not buried down in the page. If, you want to make sure that the congruence you need to match the headline on your landing page with the offer on the ad. This way, it is clear that about 100% of prospective customers are on the right page. Remember that it is easier to click the back button than click around on a new website to find what you require. If you are wondering about what makes a good landing page, then below is the checklist. You can use this list to evaluate each key areas of your landing pages: 1. Headline: A compelling headline must be positioned at the top of the page. It must be 100% congruent with the ad you clicked on. A quick tip to create a congruent landing page is to edit the headline simply and keep the rest of the page as it is.

2. Benefit-focused content: The copy on the page must highlight the benefits of the service and product. 3. Your unique selling proposition: Your USP explains what makes your service/product better than your competitors. 4. Your offer: The landing page must expand on the offer as promised in your ad copy. 5. Social proof: It is critical with digital marketing because most people are skeptical of unknown online businesses. The best way is to build trust with prospective customers and publish testimonials along with case studies on your landing page. 6. Credibility indicators: It is yet another way to establish trust with your prospective customer. Examples include memberships with the Better Business Bureau and the local Chamber of Commerce. 7. Call to action: It makes buying simple for customers with explicit directions and easy-to-find buttons to take the next step in the sales funnel.

The first thing we need to consider is keywords. Now there are few specific points you need to know about keywords, and these are:

Keyword optimization: One of the most critical targeting Once you have gone through the above list and incorporated each element, it is time to test. You can start by testing different headlines to see which message gets the highest conversion rates. Also, test the landing page layout and try to include your call to action at the top of the page before the visitor needs to scroll.

Remember, your campaign will need multiple landing pages, and you need to optimize each one separately. So, without any hesitation, you can fix an appointment with Primotech digital solutions.


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