PRIME insights

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MENTOR - A worthy option... contd

The following could help identify a good advisor:

and in what they can say to other people within the same organisation. A mentor from outside can set problems in a wider context and chat about them in a disinterested, non-confrontational way.

A professional qualified to express opinion on the subject in focus and who does not immediately suggest solutions to a problem could be a choice.

A professional mentor within a short period would be able to understand the needs, emotions, skill sets, set backs and advise. A mentor should be very objective, non-emotional, very well informed and above all be honest in expressing. He should be able to put across the ideas and solutions in a positive manner even if a suggestion is likely to be rejected. A mentor should have no ego except to the extent of retaining his integrity and confidence. Though all these qualities sound very idealistic and theoretical, in today's environment it is not difficult to find, if one has patience, willingness and also the mind to pay for the right person. HOW TO SELECT A MENTOR A mentor need not be the advisor in all the issues and one can have more than one depending on the situation and the problem on hand. Mentoring does not just happen. The liking developed to a particular person's approach to problems solving in other cases, which may be shared, by friends and associates identifies a suitable mentor.

The professional who shares his experience in similar circumstances of the problem with suitable references could be a choice. A professional who shows involvement in identifying solutions to the situations and which can be felt instantly could prove to be a choice i.e. a person who puts his mind and heart to the situation since the relationship apart from being professional also binds both the parties to common emotions. Apart from all the above, the best mentor could be at home. Most of the married men would admit after a failure that their wives had warned them of the chance of failure beforehand, which they had failed to recognize. This could be more by intuition or earlier experience of the wife and it is best proved when personalities are involved especially in a partnership decision or a joint investment decision. Recognize their practical wisdom and adopt them suitably and they could be better-unpaid mentors. As any association takes time to develop and mature, give reasonable time and opportunity to the relationship whatever existing or formed. Patience with a particular professional could prove worthy in the long run. Of course, the choice of parallel consulting is still available if done with the knowledge of the existing associate and any changeover could be made without much heartburn if properly planned. A good mentor could help businesses remain in good health and make life easier and enjoyable.

Disclaimer The views expressed here are purely the opinion of ours. Readers are advised to take suitable professional guidance before adopting or implementing them in their business or personal life.

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