Waste Management Review November 2022

Page 26

Realise your landfill’s potential for carbon abatement and renewable energy Did you know that your landfill can actually help reduce local greenhouse gas emissions? If not captured, biogas from landfills can account for 60-80% of a local council’s carbon footprint. Even small (open or closed) landfills can produce enough gas to support financially viable biogas extraction. Some sites will produce enough gas to create dispatchable, renewable energy for decades. LGI’s biogas extraction systems capture and combust the methane-rich biogas converting it into less harmful carbon dioxide. Every tonne of CO2 equivalent that an LGI system prevents your landfill from emitting, could earn Australian Carbon Credit Units. Don’t underestimate the value of your landfill. Biogas extraction from landfill is proven technology and is available now to drastically reduce your carbon emissions.

 Fulfil community expectations  Meet decarbonisation targets  Pathway to renewable energy LGI provides best practice biogas systems, often at no cost to Councils! Contact us today to discuss carbon abatement opportunities for your landfill.

www.lgi.com.au 07 3711 2225

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