Osimo leaflet

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OsimO is A liTTle TOwn siTuATed in CenTRAl iTAly, in le mARChe RegiOn, neAR The AdRiATiC seA. POPulATiOn: 34.608 inhAbiTAnTs lOCAl CuRRenCy: €uRO

beAuTiFul Things TO see:

The CAThedRAl

The CenTRAl squARe PiAzzA bOCCOlinO

The CAves

OsimO wAs A veRy imPORTAnT ROmAn TOwn; in The middle Ages wAs COnqueRed by The byzAnTines And invOlved in The gOThiC wAR; Then iT wAs A FRee COmmune. OsimO mAde PART OF The PAPAl sTATe Till 1861, when iTAly wAs uniFied.

ROmAn wAlls

OuR sChOOl is nAmed AFTeR A FAmOus ARTisT bORn in OsimO: The engRAveR And PAinTeR bRunO dA OsimO


JObs in OsimO A Few PeOPle wORk in AgRiCulTuRe; A lOT OF PeOPle wORk in smAll FACTORies PROduCing eleCTRiCAl COmPOnenTs, meTAlwORk, silveR PROduCTs, PlAsTiC ObJeCTs, mOulds, wOOd FuRniTuRe, ClOThes, wine And Oil.

sCuOlA PRimARiA ARCObAlenO - i.C. bRunO dA OsimO

COmenius PROJeCT nOvembeR 2013

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