We're Only Doing Our Job #1

Page 1


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ffiu t'e5fu#MeK%$n$'l"1&5 I









pr.iton s;*.*, J+l-f1g.:




* otr- is Jorqod buntr sr,rF |or"t{ecliI



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ul,* -;*pl: h*re cr4,t4 h;g a Ju ri'*r,"i


**Lln u f,. $tclrulse ,n1iir**:*n , &,.,,1*L, tgelii+ prlmn

ril hd bo*n.,.n c,hur,,,:r

J.girel "f i,.' prlu^[g.s, $ho eh* orent inrg rtrixa "Fe.* sCIl;rJ,i


Z4tp*r* *J^u. ,5fa is







*i, {p* I s"i f*tg





do|;$tcJ n'th ihe J€*"eE.ratio*of l.


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ffZ;'; I (.rr*inFAl 2€il f,t fuisoE f .isrcl , i qq[t{n M, ,.il ' lbrf rR"r{tr yt-" ielJ, }lels


u^ Ctcxsprro* Frrktr$ {t\ !onu*q?*ltQlcIr fu'e*u llorilrq<-$E e55l l{sNeqFa tln *SruEes S*.ie I in&uu*,r: mla-'4 naii ;S+ LkC, q::-? }{n f.i*n B;'*I,5huo, 1*71?. f*.J.,^ +.ilr., 54 ZSoq ?-! l,[rnnTl ??q: e St {'orJ*" R.:o^ ingon Lren t}.'A , $.ion rf4l*<e Alrn"qT{ *,ithiEh* r*.4



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n'otlli ;aues


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?l-74.,, li f-i Priso^r$c*^mgi\ad,hli".lt*re*,lt:^ir, fui!,, Nitler $ azetu 5 ,+tg

& L .f

fbqrle:-,.,F8l.fffi;{". *uF





tr*i ;S'

* tot *uf Ff'L "dqncs"fo#detlt true ne<J flred ',,il,rr madertqfu,TL3 i^,illbe o'irglnr S^t*..,.' thls 3i*0 15o il3.,., kntwof"qol.e l^ fK. "*il*t 'fiJ;Fn thnn


*hrqJ"id ote "#fhe\Jlrnss *p *lre ;,,rS *huot -,* if*ip-'J o F,i.*own ,'/* *,on, ?0Pcrxlq mflJ,6a h* , Kwt ,#,5 $ r th-5 f aqe j**p {u,gb Uft ieacluf"l !1,'ghfureer,Ag'iflrinr, trl66i .&, frbrs inb i 1 $ox











t.wnj, 1roe$ uvery oar6r lrilerview uegirr with barss tAlKin nistdry'l11arrqs nistory'i !-iuost zirres aslc apout tne baruis riistdri oecause tne writer usuaily\aIhr [Re rea*ere]kaow rrext' Eo nqtniri& a0out tne 610uprplusrilr sotile cases t1! maKeg t lif er s*3u{ng, l,JIe line up eeIJIg'f,talr'J'uP beingrrlarrytt2a? t wI,ull the lateAugust 19ulrwi.,tn rornrec In in J.aIeAU6uSI f 69 Il3 rirst$[ IOfnleC sirati , r.rf 'the 'ea"l.y J.]JIe


CIays;tne' bano. -just play{ vocals,?rril-guiiar,aridGilb-dfuns.ln to rralis fairly small audiences.iiow youth cl'l.urcir ciuos arid .ea. ai$s i,rr on gig was riovembiir 5th"1983 attitre-T\iads i bveirfrieir iirrt imgoitani rlevoio and thg !-arukers.I werit j Heac'*.nq btg.rtri$ lreicester-rsupportirig ;i


het'oreruespi-te itie reror toat taey wel:e a 1oc41 Qard'Just qf.ter Orrxistmas 1983 trie oarlo inyesiea a rlevr siriger-Srick.After the importent rngirily.rocallytou! alPg in Lornron at tle iigrrlirge eontir,uee gigoirig '{Od'ciufi anc in wa}e[.In Aprif 1954 .barney(guitar)lef t anu was replaseg py rteirreboie)(i rnirik rnere was a s&ortage of guit_ar p.layars i1 lne h.l**ti).A wei;ti afier ito joined $re 1riayed at tne YaIe Social Lllubriuet: ;bnem

I i



loutsiilbr{ottingr:amwithrrisoroer,Wretcheoa!A_theInstigatg.rs. Obtooeji: 1gS4 we made a six track uemorttte tracks oeingrrtile.ltigllttlo:itEfusett , t,!rostiture tressed In ytit-iteil ,-[]rovali-tytl rrtt]loodsporttt , ilnootiful blar:k tape to the pno ttyaik tatlr',,Jhe oemos availaore ir'you $eno a {.}'}'ubtrgig' tne {aIe'social bboveirO.rressrag ie tnerr.r,ive at Tne oarlo ecji[fti-u6a-JisEir'g arourru lne coulrtry up untiJ- 0nristnias 1984.*nEn ijilb(rirurns)announced he was ieaving to ioin tne Varnkers'Anyway, waving 6oor;obye ro ni-m wnen along came nigel who t ,;;;* poi ior,g fi:r:Lsn qrurils,*iget onty staye& wi.in us tor tnree rnonthes ,i6piabeu riim*on EoS was ainiost imrleoiatly re1':Jacect^by, in Geima4y.Itq ;a"-rr*j went ofr io live of nij"ne.All went wel} untll i by-afreirio us ro ,ruicx.iryno was intxoguceu ne starru it no nore ans ieft to coula ,*.y iyui w.rien ruicJc(singer) .ueciaeu ori to sometning ?lt difreral illove rrreaii ;to roiiow trre fasnionrwno6irstlv{as rep{ac.ecr uy " prgs9lF S.dttll Inos-acgllhe i;i i;;-*'ou.uy-orent*r'nari{r-.de an(r dene-Vocals. ,iite ui, is t,nil-saSs riliiek-rrurils ribe-tiuj-iarin uhestesfi"eld an12/1\/,8-5-.:--g""i rirout "*r"ur iivb tape wa.$ lgcor\red ;wiren .lve playea witn ]Jeao.&eat(nello riowari)'i{e are nore serious than a19t lyrica'Jly as i*rrun *e italteu arxr vte nave piogresseo "?lk.!S?eptt)'ally e-lf' iZ,)i airy ol ilie uajrd u,Jiu:r,., t'u Vili'iut^lj Ellliri'eI Tj-,,irtl r.,i-'.rrirS'inf'g



iv i-flvuivcJ j-rt I/isp€ gfur.rlisll't-.trJ;i.;{,4 iil"ri r'Iii'i i'-r:e;rgi.t: tri,e Cp:.0. aCIfi'aiiy 1..;-'S Oi:' liiig ::u"F,{ ar..f iiig,iCi-e 3tjrii;:rr.I 3.i'i;' ii.eir^iriills CI' 6:r€ i-r.r.;ir.a liuiit J3";$ ;,ro.*;i-,,ve ail- 6c iiui,I saIif]ib cilce a r'urf,iir{-iiI ,!Ye.i:J-3u ;o L}Jr uul:iirs' we $/ere supposerJ lo have a track ori ttia [,iu':titere arr] vinal reLease't-fle]J tneyrve beeR wise._arxr 1ef. apparentry put outrbur iiave ii*t ifrp Oonffist art

q*ite funny reahy.I tnink we!re calreu J-ar:eI calreo on sorile srrr'rL bLolces Olofe-s -Lauel olr $ometlittg ox ep an aoing s l il rrg rrKe tSPxgtli ^^to,,,1 l r t: 1 "fltnink li" "{nie t l' namu rriil'J" irsu'"*'?" barro s sa . o r so me r ni lrg e _t*-.rj ittusik-i -Jt.e_]+e "? $iiii5ligered "" $arrogsaLR bhat.i


i i.,Uirl:-u.i.l8rJ i-fi iri!-'8 .,,:t: i-'ti 'ra ' i rr'': r''' ua"Ei*$'f -ligii" l-:',. r:ii),ai LVtrl'iiiji# UeiiiuS" 3i,'t) -r'r'i'vu -,,, irrr']:ci'J '/r trrrlt .' 1.-!ri r',i : v, A ,.-:'--: :,.i"L; -,vri b alra'ir.rjrrij l..,itrtr 1>14 UUtr1 ;.,'"-, ].iI -rJt:,r' . "i.ii I€OCIueG -o, \iu..'O c"l(U;.iC.rye

L.'u i."l :.L 1-






..-}fisirown exist,for exarnple,often hf# waicbl o.n tne "lY:Y3:11." rrewe.l ucrrirt rftirrK iis a goou iuea vlrat Jcios"iur**l


of triis naturErouE alsorirm riot tJlalry sure its a oau titii alot or rius v{atcn teie purely 1'or entertairimentrit uoesntl ;ne+essarily flleari tlleytre 6o1rig Eo oe irrfluenceo. allo turn out violent Fno inasty.denemberrrrost prosrasines suow. tnat tirettdooo glrystralways wj.n, or always corile ofl tlest.iioweverrit is a,oit uisiuririrq trre way violent lsc$nes on televisj,on ar'e porirayeo aa exsiting ans oreatir-takiag.I :tn$r4 reatly tire arguemenf, is SAlW liecause although tnerere always i rne risr of nius urirros ueing coruu;rteo r tne siories 'i;he prograllmes put F.crqss always srrow xrr'ertgooo guyettwiruii.ng or conring ofi' on toprEntrs, i po4traying tne nessade tnat it pays to ue Hooo rxir*. ano nonesi.ro you point? (yes) pf,ogr&rnitss

: tigibecause


: rake niy


i 7. rl:iat rr?e r if ;r a,'ie;,-s ci: tnc i'i'ii?-i I n €ll'rn.iu j. ci:;l s.t:s1';er tr:ig or:-L ; ',,il,ir ,,iy OfJIi r-idj.'UOjri* t:i;,-"...iU,r$ie;v..r-rii, ,uri !.'i;i:i! it Ve IISI:.3urUOli -LlVg .l;gVer ac rre'i'

; "..""ff.;i;:Iilii;liiti=:,ilrf$"fitiillill':

,e$ dvel'iiiJ;.e t !,.$t. a..a j, lie irt) , r{.;dij c.i. L.,ie


ii"Q$e iiri:i8i;,ul,i Uay\ fr *.,{;; ir"r{c.jr r/,:i.iJ rvC \




yg ttoLi i.t <ri'si;11 ii;ucrii

r.il-Lliie u; fi ; Oli:e i:"f, i-.eiir ;;'-i' l0 Li(r ;i:i; i t; if n":.":i;i,i-:;';,.],::'ll uL r,.ii(Jri CrrVilrr. ) ir'i,









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l";1",:,"; ve iii-'i:i-.*u ,,{"id L .o .j. ti";1..:..,1:1",,o.fi rrrr{f ril"rL u- ;\iri!*'G.4r,'

v:,Cr., t






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j;:i,ili.?" ;': :; :1; ::

}i'(e tne,atlire&l.Eixpj.oi-teu etrcr l{i?at ttirilr 'aruoryou t mys'elf get bf tirem?- lliqkri t;irir& likes tire lamnea tne .aixploi ted., iternlterr to tap my r'oot to trJre oou turie by to be raved. ibr.tTfylibalry tirese barxis are indeerl nothing -Eoolittlhege ban$s are associateo witn. tne earli er uays of Flr. the scene because tneyrve tnevf ve 961 anu tneytve rernairies popular'*,*f,becau.se INCUIDES $oriie. real.r-y catcny iurtes altriougr. tirey tallc a ro1 of 6ot ffiifti-fOl* rlot airrlneee oalrrlii tYsr'€ popuiar in tneir tj.lae beeauee SI LIC 1/9.0J tnevrl€ ]lever u$e{l IO se 6ne grear enipnasis ori tJle ffijyiicsinpuitjct}iattnereisiiow-in'8ifoiexar1ple,few 50 RoIIAIO n0AD bal'us wer'e sin5iri6 aoortt peace + a]iii''raj. rigrits except NETIPOBID r. . ire for a tew ie.{.lrass..D&c k in tle iate 70s ano eariy o0s i mgNT llfftlpeopie were rilore iuterest,eo iri Erre music rrrarr in ine ayri ini:orteritrbut in a NP9 ?eF ;Trjirtrleics"Uf coirr$erErle woruii wele still w&S rrot' fvilar t::"1 :iar'i€r'&rr! :o"?I. :,glJes ffi" w" t .,,"r .., i -,_. .i -i. iile&;'li'/:j L:ii: j;t'''tr "f:, :l j' 1'.ri-1 UtK. Yr lr jiu".i: *rri r r{Ji'ci *' +'rE s :L-! J "t\A B.Gryoups



ffirri.r"ir.'.r.l-:-;..'vij.r!.;,..'Lui-*,,:i,.€J1L.,Uu1,iiiroi'Lilu1y'1l.r8';:,I$1j-l wGCiril,lj,u ,-L ii.rseiiii uurigrii C.tf IHTITXS T*IE|Y CAII iiUvir.ii 1.. r.+ V,-i'; i:..,.,i'i.rgl'].ar,tj v,i Lirti uri,r-ir;ii !;c il,l.,lr.r l'"LlUurt ir..l]c $aU ri'OI' ii,i-rai'.r.r,.r;.rii:u*,ir SEI,IJ A FEft i ltJrIi,!{:;-Lg r-Jr{: .:J' Illllv&Cr.rt, 1".! (J,l,!.-LiilCt..LD *r'r-Ji6 tilic ilv,!! i3v,ir v! iIrlr\rcutr.li €lG&;tr:,ie ti vl:E ir..!l-Li,ii'.J.hi trWfu.I ireiiSittii COHIES gF THIS WEL.L GIAt SrIitf a}g/tf fti}fla 8ECmD, PIEASE t:"3 ;.:,.!,,"i: ;,*v*,.; .,C.1 * -S i:. a'i;i'--..1- *'i'-;ir .;I' 't,tra.! Uile U&ilLl b.:'rt I g {.r il Uii Li'u Ugj.u-i.': Js.t:ll:i'. t)I,' Jruci l'i..:t..; l1S. i GS? I$ r0UcH.

are your oprrtions on rtuclear weaporlsrpower?- _"-l . u i' 3 l" t 5 u? i r. B t 6 l- l,ffi 3 r " ril*g' {,il


r 1l +




i 14.








:i I


iae Qf an tlle nt Inte;view cont... nea,rty a$ Soou e$ the riid*yviiarae lilrowrwhi.cn, is tne uest tiripg on !Y*' oT ir wo,*ld oe if tne questione urerentt so blooay nardl! t 8,.r,1o'you tnins fanzines vrill- ever det to ce soLd. in loea] newsagents it.r{ewsagents are o&Ly tner on a '11s31-pr,opnit sor$ of eeae&e?'r-I erouOt irave of zines niaterial tnat ctoutd offe i-ois oesioes nrake m6rielrano to r$ rJte"6enera1 publie.l n€an an olu wife-comi-ng aeross a-eopy-of,$his y Unrierpants w0irst Looxing ror ner eopy of Urochet llow nrignt ilave * coronaryltAnyvray i nave r1c rrouute getling rio of ny zine(Rural riiigiil mr.res-pru6) ulrerer s Joau$ of ueao gouo oistriilution sevices($ambex), walch are uet.t€r cos it neane sotresporxt ng witrl peopie wnicri is a good tJiirrg, KfiY {T 6YEAA 0{si{tl8tlrro'v, .Ariyriilb$ blse youto llke t6 add?;Ies"I* (*ocvtfiuK, d0*rlJ, t true trtar you plan t.Q go ano l;.vg -.+,n re ieppe witn a-sneep carled. tsraaabia'l(shlf, gnsr P€\rdnft0 tlrlt l onrt teii everyone will ya)f lriirk we s^0.' tr^rs4rAdl.oulo oe tolo $am me boy.lrink loacis of homeprev{ airo turn your recorlrp up loud.tJa 6o*r$ff6' gW ft$&ffi$f{6(5ff. or Erre questions.bat Hice r'lbt lyiiee.ro yo& sr'rn your carrots bet'ore yo.4 cut tgem upf iYou sn<.:u-r-ci now-bang the*i ofr the 0erlcrir i10.uooub.ye $OA$-Anirrrrri$ wot'a rdce laarsaying Soouoye.$oodbSre is stlcb Santsa$te !o ;rooooooo)' la,rreary- word so ticriuyboooooanotner b.looay.one in tnie zi:ce-tr:a.trs' split-yes eiaoly nave Su*l i jfur"*u now,If you Jus[ warrria write Eo doe or ser{i nale Jeruet'$ so.rrim treret$ trt$ adres$i-Joer59 Uiaole ifbr'6ausilg nrb to So mentaky ilsa,lle on $treet,n.uY'iri.lortnuniberlaru, *a24 Zu#.rinf,lano. u,T:-ori $erlrLces F]aeur ST--do, rrexr ey, Ke atr. rA 5 1AH. Ill{u.t'lA r'uJ . SA$ f o r I i st. Saubex rris .A)i !. , ilf eenba.r$(, $rarall Ht-rI r-Bast Pennaro r $bepto n sial] et, Soserget, lJA . IiliGJ.r,AruiJ'.ierru b{a& for .r-ist. '1.is'i lurpJ.e-liqT. ,?0t,Iar{on rts 1.t,orrrewo.,rllCbaiirarar.Lent.ME5 SYA.Send $.rE ll he





Ito, rrantwicn,l,lneslit-Ll;e. C'ff5 J-}i,'. sA.e,l for ilst. I ti$'XI; ), iJe t TEEffeio lTEffgio tapes. ,c/otficnr lswaletram rtornlabyrl.leicester.l.c;03.S$..$li$!.{.itd" |ffi^5?,rinternr(u.u'aiustorle.Kent.iY..uj1bUJtJ."ilr,iG],.{.''rJ'sA.d1is.i:.' iffi,67tintexnrtolitraiustone,Aent.g..uj1bUrtJ."iljr,iG]lA'rrJ'SA"c,;1is.i:.' I

oErt. -rlridreAiuJ. $A&



ql_do.-pe r.risr. r l0Uirester tlloser!orki.ridrliu3f,Ey.rki4lJ.l.itltilAi,ilr,ijl*bl s; l+ay r# iffih;rrra}16lW2.(1ti?egswaitforinoIe.ietaijs.l)r.;r-.,i|1tl'driT'ilj'j @saI1ewa0dresswaitforinoreu.etaiis.,utl|,jtiitI't}j i'l'tl fff"S O;, Ar.,"rtof S$l I arecloaus ilIore ijist, ljefvtccs arour.rr if you warit youl's rgentio i edrirere tnen write to rne at gAr,i,:sl arr& itJl put you iir next issue(2) ' ir8€ yf" I


nterview cont.

sary irouo].e ario saoulress iras been causeu aI r of .r;ire exisrarrce of E&eile worlrl}ess objects.lower-it breeris', resentnent wnich ieacrs io ftore problerri$.Peo;l"le see power ano authorit as a;tirreat arul this irrstills in peop-Les nr'iriris attitud.es of aggressro r.d. irate.'Io susmeriae ii c.reates ra,l*re* tu&rr solves-probleme.




..i.;'e ; i.., * t:





i;s'i- rr: J




\;/i udr.i-i)ve

L. Cei.'i,{.,


lZ.Afiylrrirrg else youro iike to say?-Ies t{larrxs to everyone you k]1ow are.If arryi:ne c&ri i5et us a 6ig t$otl writ'e to trrig ad.xes$i*J€b 90. 54 ofoaa tit, . $yston.ireicester"u$?8$it.,9r'iu.u*nu. tel IO

wrro you :

^prlo{rl o19504tr3z..fituri-b:0.195u4d5?..-csurtf.lu19'5(\J+83?..3]cOdltow7a1'tJ'5?..."3$fJA

' ' ' 180197A4512. .PriOri!1O19304852,"P1IO1J301910 "Priory^tiO19304g32. &!rtur'&319i04832. 48'5 2. ,Irtui,jS0 1 9304832. ,ytr$.t'i.$O19304 Etl?.,.9riur*.id0 19504832. .Pir$i*!;O.l9394&54" " ,|TvJL.'AllvIwv,JJv1vJbc'*$9.lgvlJ'va9J*}J'.')'vavJb''-I.v.tUY I trrutjiO 191O4u3?, ..Prluit-r,i01 !,'504S32, ""ylr{Jr{.s0 19'5A483?. *}r{ur'l.tiO1 950483 ?, .3t{0ililil t' i'1


j I





killing the royal fami.ly is harcrly gorrna 6et. tre aay freeaum even no police state*tnere Ael-$S a potJ-ce are into bei-rg St&Ee*EAere Are eves faltft'ef country went evea. fatther .}"nE* S tne eoulltry s the cld'sses of people*tnoee who care auoui life au"r peop*.er&d tlorrrt put ndy and. pewer above it-i agree thst class structures of rish and pb

o!'uliuJtj-cation of, i-d.eas

WiNrrout mueh succgs$roo Jou ltiinlt tiiey gairiec. a:'iytfiing, tlre rich eiid.nl seeru to norice?-If subression is ailen it wiil iose i.trs efrect* ith t0 be inore sutie to $ucceeo. -neen lnas tne responce tc ycu ai:ro ao.? -3rei; ty gooo-.r'riendLy peop wirat llr , is() ori atten(rence good. $u.:puri Dan0i: rcosti y-less fi4;ntingrless snas iled eo*uflunicati O Il+ {}o r{:tslbut }ess.. Ianairte} ario lb. If literets vi,;J-enc€ &t your gigs oo yo u aorE it out yourself or {l"o is'o l,rl

get oig rnea!y bburtcsrs T,Q beat tiietl up aria eiiuck t*em out?*l}e perid 4p* RHfn ftFffiTl*e,rs e ffitFg..{T1O!-* 't#g: l;:_il5r.illJ_ l.l,'"5,

-.lon t.$e sj.tuariun*we oont tli

nig ueaty tiouricers sn sta pra:e; if we car} flfioptitg,j-tf il:t e it| up tc tne targe

mTLre uBL # 6(} nllN\FrEE oF f\,r\lsrc Fr,ts'\.6 r il'?rli*{,?: e.ru.t-i!ve :::,,-{l,xo,,::.i:" seen uql'L 30u lv\J people lrt,uyl.t u peopre lit car$e ioa{r sis,F 3$L1:l:Pftg$gll:m*l$:frrcts' rF€18 7 tror+* n€r4trrc&$gll. fitrgTr,Jew w&Rirep S_ rd, ,,cI CqCXtffpn$L

f trcuuie trcuuig auLzg} aw.2g5 peopi.e sta .peol lnlq]$tbg*qetL6rnl -?Rgg. ci at** w&ien, rt's crazyi

'i17. l4e eU-

new tape far ip +SA&oor ar1$tning nice to yo.ur best 'tfie-se q[estior]e are- riCIiguLeus.,. " "; B'am :Some of $di eo cause tney''vd s;Iitf wrete fon r:pxt quesrion tc.r iri€c


t'buy &*ieir



$]-u.;rs -wo."-r*t-uq"- lur#ffi.*o ,5ueaf,,A reaii-y -f*o,rni J,:t-rireat"assaiuiely so.ri of rair-l.ti"iri-a catcny tru:iipet " - i DiE allo tJfi the, o_!.!rrer siire i;ire-ret-g t:r.-o. 'araojis-rri€ i-irst .rrrie.Jial!. laI]:-#o&sl ori vocals(aerrcllplu* a o8.ri,ry ioi as {rafij{.L}rd arrJu ui'eau t;iricstc sirig;a+on6 to* Irte raet t_.i'ac$ is uri rire Iho-re serious sille p-f uiii;rS$ ry{erriiiig ricn scum t*at trieix tur:ii wi'il- ooliie.Overal-* a grieeit recor* *,€t it frori mOs$ reSOr& s4opS Or ffOrlr:-'Lr{iJoll--$Wr{.(} .::oX lf b?r}t-zrirJUri.SSSbG;-nj*ti:uAi{-r};' f,1 ,5'O(inc,p&p).Also ask ancut tiie papert Z0p-free po$Eage wittr record" )


f+neJty1Qj*L_Y=o+e.e_Is lolrorgqvvh_rgggg_7l-r,iuex'EJ$ r'irsr sirrsre a-ii{r itr,s fii affi ;E-ur?l:'eTT tra.<tks wirtr soorr pJur,cy turre$, l-4.q"-..m.e;sji,Agg..-gojilg-[.r aQXo$$ ve-{:J- creariy j"ia:ee-*'-a- ye.ry praifesio:ial foJA. out cover ac.ji,i,ir.,irij-e{; ii rpar:,iir.;; irir,, v,:.r"tl .i]l:r-rit arry Aaoil fgtt'eT')" Ftlop, 0c rri t. i- c i-t rlc eatt,ie (..lcnli.i.ttr€s ?rt*A.r:o Iiier iast ano uririirj.{rg reo<,lr0 . froni t:onI'Jict*irre ieauiiig or'".;tip aiirou.il6 us aii " tv,io fairly 1on6; traclis-tro tn ceiir6 as goQrl a$ ufte. ot]rer o'flgrsbe"wrrEus a-rc as .ilaru lritting a-s glrer, COntiiCt


rt',lt^i r i n;'

rr'r 1-.u14l'! i:t:t

n *lait

?,e.nn?r{i irat-rt

rilr .r^.rir




,iean6*J'imi;6i'$p6ttat"9-;"";Xi";331 :";"["i:-:;i.ur*.;;fi'T#",?jrfEtll*"n"ti trlq{_cl}ri5-!9.,*Qa.is _orl werr vr?itlgji _arErc!es c.:il suc.}r tor".,-Lcs as ijplr.t.n A.l'r!ce. J.ntiviu,ualitypt'licarag,ua,Jrugsr.uirarice etci$et ii; r'sorn ne or Rarloom $resst 22' {ihit.lington iit. ri!&ictsto,rie,.t eat"}$l42ill"jil{GjrAlL}.20p+li^A.ii. ,$lJAt' outn .t.rontroil Aair*al .frotection Daciet S&stij in a new .e-ro.up set up ss psoE€<;t.ar**iain iri uoirtir Lrorldotrrye nasj"catry tiv60 v{5 Mqv+vB&*J' on IlBlav vils& Jlulierotls !,r:,i.ngs.roriaticlns IlqrlrFlUL{D riuni Lrqvpt*u}rlvutqrrrv**auw V;IJJ-iri5D.J.lL,llga Uabs,cLeJrIo $ p&rrroiinst vo Elrer lt.l'\.rffd) i wouj-o he 6reatJ.y ap.precial;e**oi*9. Itioi.u€# ior $&lups(nct u"$edi6reatJ.y reei,ei ve.d.Our nevi [r&a,&zine is orrt scon(a0out now)ar:icr it uosts 25pence+SA"U. A]1 JlF.w lile!'lb"-ef-g lv-e-lgoltqlrrisiii$e,i'.slii"r,i .1,$ a tduio*trie. aucll'e$fl is"l-iir,iA3$* 30 iiox 1 3 y, sIJq: Uf ,Ker:.1. J:,rrG.rrA r.+r. to cto is sqr}d Ilm rurutlng a g,orflp, .in aicr of $i;t-g,j aris,t sLr yourve tt2lperlriies io rne($arnr 20 }arkrlurst" rto. r$exleY rAer:.t"iJAi {jot 1Ai"i..n{11t}"uAi,r.rl. )and itl} put your nane o& a si3-.p of peper a]l{r pui yuu in a itat ana tnen ura i


pej"-lo:l wJ,J--L w:Il&":l"uu someoriiis name someorles fiaine-'oiit*eite ouT al.t(l triial. ftiaq*pei'*-6fr"-r*li.i wi,hfi!"00 Or poula-e $rCitli or ILVe five p0Ulros l4lor til w 'iu

,; *lb wcrth i1' .,r'i:u iiiiet lA*j, irii;s oio to Dr{** Cl,A$S priircipies b**Sr-*oorp..LuLru*-s !?d- P4 t7. -E&tt-aj-rns arxt "uiie -eAa.s s s ge tegg:"i q..w-q rg.g*4 IlLqe-:A lg-ii gu i-1 .r.tes.rruc-tiqn of. ca5ri.talisn atud. :. 1'socIety, -fl,gppo.aeo i;o aiJ -tor-m.q ot' cotainus:;i,5st" ruiirig cl,assesr Vioierrce rree(reo here. l.$ieze back trie worlu :,-roit rne ie, 't&.a..r"iy-alie wrre .try.e -No.t"eeners*i.p-.no-tti 4. ttorsirrg clase cloes uo.t -rleeo,

s€. you can ouy *i'10 r.iuiri6




a-- '*,.ORrlOtCc

ir d'::I3g*H*Tl;kH15.H;.'*'-rlo'r








r*r i'i - ffi-:lr:r-';;:,tg*l'lffEiJfff*ffi'r €t trrrrt,t'r,,,,fi0RTHUESS EITS 0F"r " rttrr i'a i d#;il I

i!r: ".,.';:ffi t - ff-o.'o-*pri tttrr!rrrrtr.rrr.tBlTS


CIF FApERrrrtsrr'!tr

fitfi'ffi-rurr '

5, d& ci,stt ;. s.exism'pnd

hetrosexisn are srro





6.Udri is a feueral;ia Sf cl.ass war 6-ro.ups aroure. trie cofi1itry,

: aI$ per$oll 0r dfoBp Icuricl io be se:if5tr" racisi, netro sexrst- '.,si"ll 0e excLuued from 6rie UW$,Or ar:.y o rls^-&na t cornt*g--ftr-'Finvee act that is any of $ '

tile aiiove wilf



*- *-* *: )

rurri$ dA,X.u.l lr{u$dYJirfy I -i*aris riate iJegan wneri i i.v-i:6heg wj:fihes to r - i l 1'lflSn,9*1*.ga icarry on eopimunicatJ-ng wirn peolrle Errroul,!ilnil$ic etc. wtier l i Llroi{e oro*<e up irvi-tn"Ir{"A Gtoer.-Darrn *,J^ui nrig*ue llti:ren nail ilerin foi-t,; sir;ce 1')',T li'Tg, !^ 9" t,,i! hat iu?pg{,qp*+:u@"i.y{,}:-gt:ggtir{ng It1_::T-:l-* insS:ire si i;ie r;10re s tite mo re inan i


rs parlJ"y wtiere Ji!;J iririle cr*me fror,i(tne i;&rti;s;),rv,c*t ari*. *) r ivio lii; ef, i}|tneoTrt.fia/.re.wntofr tailrgs vrrite i auout are tniLili,l;. i {&?te. i was a tlo '!Yas AiCl li"$il€.-!_sg_JL{ir*_.t*,,+rq oi:. Ene .Iive aia j,i*l*+l-} rnoir#.rir ;,ive'"ie' - '' p€"oiiIelrio5e_Itlab.ed,fuiii;"|j;u[i"vn:.-'eiepeogre i_g D_q il"ranuiriiies ,"rt,:-rrg ocrS-c; trre t -ojL lr l_o{, illage reasor;.ci e1;c*arxi trig"*bnipariies re.cor<Is src+ (we al.r Uliirw rriake tr,or:tt lvnat tiiey f niej.-bu.t it $a savea vec rnarly lndrry 'Can i*ve$ Anu we a1r-I'ee.l prOus to-uo wgat tne gL"lvf:::rj"r*e:rt wcUlglrrtr6lno 1e €O$ en t: 'r4'ivA.;,'? tni:it x q iig 4 - rrci rio '{ct i'C1l yct *!S,:,&fJot*iig&ggl*g$?-glu *irury, its i,ts 4""ircr {" JS}rlkJo -qii:y.g*,o_gs_ ii:t}?-*irri;*, i pec.]le r'r:r. !?rle ;:;utrk ilis iris L{p ifle ile to snits iclLL3" aily!{ayrit lvouiu just rreg:ra rrea:ra; :



**" trle wrlcil-e "r:ive Aiu trrirrS €iJiywa-Jrii€riE.oE trj{,'irri:a.ieut respeet of tne g,i'io i wc::-l-n q rii'rsi]r: 'tn::i * .l.-rr".r"rr..-.?a. ii lJeiitie Uei: oie a.jicl h:c'rrp *nrrrr'^.-tr* lvouta have tncuE;-nt 'tnat €lr{.r"r};;fi.ailir\r,ayr rj0l.irt icruow..r. donit thinlc I5'iq.iti"e.. iabout it.-yrooabr-v screeirr e oj.t aricr lrire tr :nelt.i ! 9+tF ,,1;'g"--=Yelg 'st }tr-LJ tfieili asKeu vou. r-r voLSgs!9i"l!ige-..-:Loi"lr-fiv_L.1{rq!.eaa. i



u itr fiJ.f.Ly ql,t'gi31rlUllqltu I G gAlfg iFAum sure-ItJi.a .L ffi ai I}Ve stop ihe persor" acing it wi'trr every't;f$"nqi r*y ois"posal,

lwjtg?e{o1lrg,.T-o rEUirr.r.t







.[gigaq? e]ei,$^eg-.&*ys_e*s_Iggg5g_.ggupe.I*gg

i i

3ppf.oa9.$eo .yo_Fii-- was supfosds, to .ne.ve ;r rractf oll-a-cor,ry.-"1,p-ilu.TT cont -l{{low-wnat"-shappened to rrratritrre i-ii aic. ar iJre ---r*-:----r'rv . .i,t,, .44 ----'-ri,. q.'iF,r?f. a.{e i,ire .ue&rly a}i i;ypee of iuusi"c, :iou{-iitrolgjl..r i it,nougfn i rian:j-y ever bu$ arry;Tscof,e{ir.r n€ive a vast sel-eciion of indi tapes wn.ieh is vrfiat i prepu.er;*rrovtii:i":r.g th'ab is fo;: peopie i,at$€r tha,n I

propiii,ts is ulr .CIS E€o e .jou alr active il€$ber of ve a fairiy aetive group in

1,{L}Y.'0Ft d,oi

a*.irnai- ri a .Peteroo.i:ou6h.

tfi oil



you:,!irij+t-g.qjg+jle,fuw"iie} ,,B.Ie"Jggl_{g.fg**&_ejgl*Eines are


b*t most of trrem need more.tirue spent cu tnem{iike tliis;lile ar $f}it7. I nave no favoiirlte-s. gounf piaruieci,, so gei irr. touchriropt}'; lg{e f irlJy a review of I tnis zJ-ne??(Yes urereii), zine??(Ies urereis). 4..1-Jy ltiu in fliu 1,2,Jiooenye.*Aohoe Anigos *,nohq???"1'i'!Y't'li'i?v''i*$axi$);*nrii-;1J4tl-exancra po.€ ge $$lr pJI ase g t erbo ro u4n u€h,I y.?jn r,+mbt r iG s hlr e ri # }iJjg 1I*l+::*Si:jA4!i, *t g _p}.e_a o agr .H l$ler +rt {ilJi. .iy,.} ",bA.is { 9,ter *ffiVTtfl;;lttr;3-' ts.s9 "" ltsY i x'h: .l]r{t: :.sc-8 T1{g::Iirls j.q alrigrir r'or nriro lilre ire.r..ji iiLil a rr.ri;-o }.}€oii*e r.i '-i nf "-rrra'airais;thArq rre'r-e'-olrilr a t'e,,,r rrsr-e'-olrt'y tiestes. lre -:-rH'airais;there %resrr'tot ffi'tes.riot r'eit tracris'-f tr{css'"f "i.i&ecl tracns riot ne :-rra'airais;therq lrsr-e'-oftt.jr ifre,r r,


n t:iiq tape-ancl tney were sort il{' tr,lidki.s}iiif, it stij.i *tists),.Alorrrer erltislsm ie .tnai tne J-yr*i'gs.€$s$f(f,'-*r*{re--'**e"n-g-iven.you carl e,et iE. Jro rrei.i {brarrs rtate ) a t i$tar.l*aiuira r{d,,letcr}:orou6il Oambriu;esriiie, }d 13:t*, lili'rAlr.u. for a qui.d p}i*e .dt&S* o


Conunei.f,$ iJn .rri Qll.



n3clqv-L1ig ll f' J:ii' r*.;ra ]


uot:**ctuettiit1gt*,sicp'63}e$iirrtl.r€60gi tnen Sney l{ouid nave savgd. Gs.!r -Verjl Itt S a Cbi;.,.Ou'fi tc b.iarre yOur' ilu.nlti st,qi $adS*J.;i :leci U.i.'ir.i liccair,e s. iiugrr imrrc$es_ ts Alilersuccessfui mev€nie.tirt again iru r,rle sj.x-ai-es u*j.th" ge.::t::ari,.r rttl*$el and $tike ma'ster leo by nationaf.ry Krlown iigules 't-j-g.e j'oot.rlce nrovbillent howevbr !'res as iruie.tectiy€ rfle]1_ a$ .'Lt i-*; llow. ,isaFters fi;i-"ilnernUyi e, re far irtcre iuJluetlli;jr.1 ori pu0j..!c opin:Lon -hrig.a poorly or Eiaiieious"i-ey reirL,irf,eu oppositiaii tc. iillGLear lolver. or vleapOi,s.t obk at liow trre iil:eer,tiani Y'JOri,eIl are SeFeieLliy Ais0feo}.teii ali0. i:ie;l1ied i.r. trre poFiiiar nbes* or Siow $rl.i*e *re-l't$ iiiirrr:.n far peaue'nas virluaily i5;rtiretl ily ttte iiiedi&" qu. 6-iiutcnerr o wiisrovrs stc, in*ie are four su6*estiorr* urrat r)eo!-.Le $fl*it1G. ect cri:lulErli$ to J-trt1,ose

{rieir vievls OIi otitefs,AilrioU6lr uef;€talri€i:risut es Oi1 rrtr€ ilau.r'ea$e a'n0 everVorr€lnearrif)!r€j.irores erue.LtJ to;:.trineiig trie a\.:tivi6l-es ()t Ioolre;vlne caus* ixr"mensiy.Fuuiic opi;;ions 6*-e uei;ig affected ;;.ctiviits'liarfts ac iivities *-f & ievl eri$ritdrJ- yoo0oesGrrot oy extrerire EIre unut ,.J.ir,"B-tr appiausi tne responcl$l-e {:on'rlllenrs ar}o r&e fqct t."a!-Hf"{ts re,l'rainr i,o-- i'::Ir,t*fio trir.g--out ihe u$ual {ilir rr uout fraaaaco {i ou.."t t)al:d . aieo}rol i \. .... -, {i.- e.o}vthich iri ir'y opiriion xierei}i cor,S1!$*s ine aEguenent ariC als.$o}ves '6J1e inrpact or an ant:--,4-ru$s stailce"Iti otoer wortlxs slqh arbuenellts !.;-i.*ut hypocrisy ae*ua}ry proviae good.;x€&sons .for takin6 cruss ratilex

"1 -


site. nonsen$e ultE a€rnJcrou$ nonselrse,flhere i;lstrer is not on.L*v 'pbcpJ.e(es "-ri.$-IIrLLs q"'.'r:-"l servarrcs)wao work for'..:tne. a-i'..t-rery large rruruber* cf {#}verru.tbnt of tr:e rfay.tit* r*g* iu*..1o*i-hy '*vgrk ior wnaEever 6userrrlielr4i; r-r] i..n pclwer atxr f$ost are'riotlrJ-6ni; 'u:/!**s? *!,it*s alrjCI apSrlies to police* .:i.*jl6;ieo true t"$ere ate $crir* baci a-;*r rac.:ist poii-cenen,As far ?0 .i:lake .icr.:J: i nave no j,$ea r.).r. rr^*ir .liior.LLJ oi ut J,:l$ 5i, pci:-ceinenra nusbalK[rOf a fs"Lher but i know if, I $ere tris; wife i rqoi.iio De hugtr{"rrsbu$tetr and an6er€(r by your aescriptj-arr of a malt *ru.'tally xil-leu oy a,nue as a ci.ass Urailoi* rlOw ab*;tr C a reti.;tcTiOIl anrr a poict;y'r'i j'. .ii:-ie tirom $afit., ea ito::) *[]iffiffiatf,iseheic;ayrryd.a,;e]}1riotneCessera1tynyse1f a*tion sucit as smasntn6 irl f,o:: example i agree ir:-virlertt'airect r'orxi f i;r-ns aricipers*euting animal rLitcnerb shcps riioer'atr ng'r*ni;ri:ii: j"n *,ru*;s Cer"i;ej:i sucit as canri*bis anu L$te ta'!:ifig scicntists.I agree *eiisve oo taubacco"J enat people who smoke; and ncri ro meniion alconol ilypo*ritds tire snoking i ete ii ib*y colrltone t* i:acco or dri,rr alcchol o{caruiatrisCIrta!::nglsD.A].1dr1t,*$hav*$j:Geb.fijecrnforexamp1etc,b,acco ard carula0is 6n,.ircirig*Iur6 iaricerrbr*nciiitieetc.i have igriored ine *,act 'unat yor{ cali eat cerrrabi$' alcrnol-ui'airi u,alnase rli.ver cimsrosis ets' .Lii,;*uerl'r ttipr86o aealnr{i-asn ua*lr-i- 3r6.v€il.ra cais*overeo arly health eff c 1.) is Cf ;et. ;ii* ietterl of, dieagr*ui.reut rmy Fe ,s*n| le rte ai"rn r wilr pass them ct i* r*y et,aa ar.i ne trray ;'eply to yuu i:t perl;*n or On niy letters pa$e -x*t,.;::.TL



ien Wiff


tgUintf4,;6i;QQ€d neJ('S -.i'$$i"t€.*i.i.r.r.rf


o*lattljtae e'Sn b$, t'#:J"r ilsttnl r.di.*k oA'ncri ruebbter:riDert y{eqp* tr$tJkJ r"i*erio co f,,a:r-$orre ais delli{:rrris-Lii.$ r}Iasg rf€rr iot.tAr*"mal ni;grrt* s:,6|-r,iaates at senoolrsorl:J to everyo&e itrre f'rr6otren"Speical tna::ihs j:r *iti-q*q.-p*g *4p"1"-*t-€3*9-t*l#S*g.-g*=-##$-,Jsi#**jJ:*As*,-=., .o-,,, ." = i:

j.i:.c I *tlarnrg oe







1#;:ji,, c"rr


]S"r.'4 r".S

w*{t r'

;fffrhi',:ffi 4'41., ib{:1"






\?t \f



.*-:{eaI(te5)we}eopterisE^,rIisonsentaliees r}fi' g&e Jii"iiie of a*;*iaiaf .liuel'ai,tir:;r*gli&e 60t lau;nt arui ira.rr ,,, urrfi*r" .i netv*eell tJlem tirey. So t ;tiri€. ye;*i.s &.13{i ;iii-s;e rrrori{hesn r;siere ruus-b be ' so$etr*ng wrona ftitrr rjrin Fle*:qr:rt sysiiem of 3usticE;'rirese:peolri* were :saving rly*s anr a$^a resui.t ,:f r*ii sat purui#;;-;;, it"Jucisee do,nt ;niive feelin6s ar srieJr are qoflIpie$e .nypocrit*"rrr*u*-aciirfials rlirve .ta 1



en.'ure parn affr'


singie v4J uay v* +f rherr: ejrsl-l: j"&ytls,IEs " " -: c _ s+n.E:4v r.ivesri.bs not :r{l*1116,evefy, thas people ri-s"b hnerr f*iure for *""ing ineieno{ *r**tr* i fror* paia ari* br:rtureo;ientancirrg iio* -".-..,a*i* . 'esene rnilrg hut.CI.lii:rx. f,i;rJ"n$ ssnle arrlnlal jcirl*rs-ii;" i lstal- i.isani'c"v "For examp"r-*:-criiciftiG--;**Jtl" j *i.4C ,rticsi;.ig B, rii. I i,er" to uea t;:*#50, roasting a i |


in an aven*5 ncntrres in *i Uetenticlp centre{naxiuur.t segta;;ce j'cr tr.ris uiurrter) ri

nupe yoi"i &5Ie* t/iat "i;nese $gtltailc+js are toc *a

low.rreig trre dro,lgs iriat t,rJ to $top


ilJfi€lruil.i5!ir€r,ti.iroiiat:"orr{'iefearessmeof E[* grau,os r,iiidr-ress, s; _A&],1hUri, 1 1b0rJ,oxrgolt. t:1tr 5l'rt . r'jJl6J[irtfi"o -rru* u, 1 ba $rarr* ric, r sii*srpa. ],oI$ron".i*7fj.t .i:" -r;rr"6iai^cr. Cunt $abs,-f;O jiax 1g: !o no o n. $* 2 2 9jr*t, Iinglar. rui . A tri-inal, id, ? $a s tl e c+ uvt r?ggl*.*.q :

t ,^'[ONI}ON .-

'gq:s*-*.rg.f"g. *.neio.* e


i ,


"" # r.: *{ffdif",}:,'fd,'ii4F;trigJ,::*i' and

:-- "r #;: :$ 5 ; a i

tYt.] -] cn Scpr ?od rhc iJarnim.an Mu$sum tr Fo(Ggt".ligt F61




rr5 *,nducreJn +?gi9 Lffi;iTpr.i*:,trd|q#:"J,111"11i,,"0 FHft€g





i; fE $ S ir ---.t tr;iffiil1#i"l*r;*::ffi,},#i,:,-iirnine qf:7r f f ! i ffiffiii3.-:ifl ; *,:;i:li:i],fy:Ui ;:,-: rfr', ),/ r s: tpg#f,r*1,"x:;;:#i;iru*i,Tii:T: nishr or .ctron



, ; i










r*c-gqa, g i ;a

r'lnfrsc' W*tr+,#; earr, hcui! oi Aus rs1i, r!-i.. ;g1jv,11.




ii,r;i... lF-:1:1:r:::J* iiiff *t}i'ffifi,',"r'-.',"r*::*


;1,:,t"11.i'i'l''i:ill,J.i T;::'i';Jl.iT:iX;,;;,,:,".T' ij{i?:f iii::['-:JTffi'T ?#.*,;:1-i lltecked. A ttector tnas aar*ageo,-pai"i**t,*i.1, an! sle$hsi the tvres.oi a^van. :'bie6 large !'ins

f :;f S {79 il sl't, .---::1

i lHul,:tffi*$i*,:":::i:*:': ;rttk':,,i'.5,r*fff'r-n-tiiir*r ii;itf ii i





F"&,'{ crri ai i:l:'.f}.,TJl a pig fii*-niar iiii{,T-,f sittinpbourne. nt thc bcfia-nrni or iep: ,\e:. sal , r:x,re

; ,

c$sby Eggs van


wesrgare (which

tyti* tr.trt*c-uni


;::*t,i"t#i qr

::,lii,;H;$i::!;;i:ill,i*,;,1,::*;,n;* li!t::e:iJH ii: l:::,i:: ;;l-;:;,:ti'i*fj': H;X,:":,K i1',1t;i,l;o,': *" r'" rri{e ras

', F{i- *'

parntsrripper poured


t:,* $Hl

;ITi;:',;::#:lt[?:{,Jf,ffi;c-ir'li"ir'' ,e*i gi; Four butsltcrs on 'X*;.:E shr

i:if:#,ii1:i."{"ifiJ';"ffi::r*,Trbcurne fi,::,il_X*,,T:,-"*lHl,tTfi;,ffi; ;"ffi;l*


, F;$ ig *.f;;

TJ,:,,H",ir:,:: ll.-"r:'r^u,rjia[-rgasrli-

$r.uir FGrr

t *




oo -E


;- lHl i'"'#* t*litffi ; ;;;;r*'-: ; f.f''lxi'.r:,tiixttrptlfi:xali:flr _** EE; ; [, oc*Etb' :1,1-:"1m,0ffi"U'#l#.:io;k* d;l*r#, i$iiH:i;ffir _, i n*.i4y&'*v ," rFtr ;qi /6*il,oo_ b'!il' X f ;:T #Ix: I-;"1:0f,,t:":l ::"^:r,.:-':I":-':j"-,-1'u*i :g1..:-'.1;il,i'-iiJ*r?i"",.*ffi"X ;;:::*Jl*"?ti**;*g; i:i-,:li,i:,,il;;;,^;i;!-;_;$;"'ililtlii:;:: snd on ocr l5th slogans were spiayed on Donaldt in ,vaiastond.

Et Rc'ton*rrrv on


iFiJJ:l,JiX: ;t" ;;rl;;"r(ree ,-,i-r^..-

GB cct- asin ,q. ters. s,,mh.e


ras damaaed, ^. ^ .

> {g *g . - g* g- d g =. !


ff^:riti l',1'3:1












'i "-i




Id* 6fik ,f fu"[*

l},$at* , fu, *: *:r fiA{.'&{ r'+d li-fr L*,e ,li lfn* k* w *+ tuYl'rg'bft eL*4 "hj+'re $-t" **,n?*dnf"+-, _,* $** *o',i-trlJ * d";.i "tS, ;-{ t.** !au, *> i.n6*nfR thS _ ;U {irsrt {*uer ilr& J*i' L" $.*i *!il. tj L t i', r lt 't"" F-'"t* ln*.T,,! ,:j-L-

fu $h,,J t* t*"Ui Fw3

+.t*L*^i, .,f*p -1"* [,. SiJ" *iu[*l





-*-' -' f-


rier€ foli,r..'rs ari inrer.*iew lvhi*a "b+l",k pla,ce iri a 1iaxr juet a j'ew ya.rllrs l'lru.rr **w tJress stt";i+n*j"t wag ysxlvr tril-.il;1,' &o *rr&e of u.r.ie ail.$ws.x'$ yJer:e ir*l.i_ .l ci:uf"dnl SSsr€


t irear tiien ver;i r,rrel]- $ii 'gir.e interrien iia$ oiees:

* Sear$ illi$*

ycii ai!" i-a*rr.r ic !-,Lil;; 5c ir{. ir.iilio iilgs t lteug;iite::). .*B.yq $tij.lJ. lea.rr'ir:9. Ye*ii"irn (rra;J s s:reeri a grirr* ef, t;s i.l&* les$orrs*.blck iia-Kes up r.:,is o'fr"ti 0ji,:;ir:*i" 3"$thaf iu g*,ii* lriv Yr:b.": r,ri*lni-$li*"'fes '[rre couk iti t;ie lla.txi. bir'L e].1 J,:; u# ilail- .. "gE everyctie else ie rHvirr*"i, apart fr*r: t,rc i;rsal; *f ,t:i.rij-i.,..i*-'j j 4"1.i1 yLlll c,cntt beleige in-::'-rr*]eer weeirr]ns lu..i,,ir r-l-u .,-iti.i l)1',Jp,riig -uc*.1-.:.;",:)-.r;1r tliis *:ountl,g?How !{ori;r w# get rici *i tsi,e'#e;i.p(:lis,}n *.r*vi*i.j"u. ,lri* -r,i r,Br,:i.^j ':'J*de sll iotaily d.isagree',vi1;h ritlclcar wr*ali.i)rls j"t tirj-;; colirttryr'i,*,:, !v..,.* uiti gave tc have so$ie n6xt cf #"ei'e***: nbvi*unl;r.iYcbcu-y eyrrr tiri;ik* +f ' i:oys to Set ridi. c'f nu*Ieaf weapons*tt:ey:rre;1xst a.ri"i:i.-irucleat.0nr:'*.i^tir4 there the orriy lray tc 6eE rio of triern i$.to $ei1a t:i*l* off '1,; srli:ti:i;r. coutrtry arui so on ilrui sL\ fcri;n,$&*o wetre se;i't ty:e:l to A*esi*a grtisi:r; aa $'e senrl tlte;n from there?I ti:ir# Esieg srloulti" irave tnr.:uiili.t ab*u.ij,;rr,.r'$ before iirey rnaiie tiren.If ,:)ur fiiuu: at'xj" *,:l'Js it*,u rtc.:.,.e $c:ri**riir"5 i;i,l .:jicf) I tire& in t$e sixtiesrrnaoe trie e:tort t"ti*ri iue.y llauLo rlave save*. 1ts" ?.,r{,:w rl-iie

i,nstrulh$rluti pr*p eri.y?

5,i{ow isouLa -yCIii xe{iuce* iir}e, unenSl*ytitent :-i6ures'i-sjporut n(Jre .$l?J!e;1r pi,1 l eiLueatl-on.lf we put nore'$'loney ir;"t$ hoepital.s a.r'ril iir{it:e ce::itrg j.nrli;*t* then trat -- .--- c::eate niol'e ;ri;*"1 heleir;* in the i:li.ree.+ir.J ,{rd*;l ---- : woula r ::j-gs ----

d.Yau. .i.:u,:wrs!-i,aring jrtus"$ay ycru ao rirjlliiit;i to t'$eciri*$iia.)i a]ln g!i);heohi, ***,i i{:ios{J thurs"lay to ;$aturoay.uu:;r;y useci to d.c tiiet,"ilveryon* wau_lri r$:ia"i.r* ,Jobo arxr be l$e salse $c t.sle.ae wCIlriit be l.o e-Las$ s$rltfl***$*fui-.r4*'ioir,l.l-;j ,iie.Ve StIe same staitslarc o,f r:ivilig as we"ll, fiff-*t---€t"linF"'r.ry*t1*,i

pet.ple ts- sffi-;[ i;r.r'hs* 16.i)*nt'i; you triirrk itrs stupicl. Jor: anisurt risirisj]i:led. l';I]iil.cvl t$s [Jie uui;crier wivrciowg ?snerr tn*unexi ii.e.]* ;:;)'ii* i!!.ei6i de6ft ,k*t;ps,J.(I traflj-ng?.dptr!.p ]uti tnink i'n vtc*J-.: t]s i;ebf,er tn srinsli lir-; "t;:i* in 'siue?-Jio because triey"i'i.i'e s'["'r".t"l- lo*in6 tilorley alt trie inguttl:rce*If yi:u :keep sinasrrirrg 'une wirillows Qfes Srrti Ovei ,:.gain tt,efl tir* lrtsri;,a:i':*. 1,: r,{i.*-.i :

:!,Ofip 'troiiiilf:rt insure irreis aity*io-ie.rrl*iv i.nsteac. of 'Eiio$e iirr'€r*i ir!,1:, +ii;*' iriorJs you! ve go ernal..i. orl*s so tj]$y t x.* $ar{irir 1* $na.bir* Yr:u r;an &J, iiii .1,; $r$as]: tlp trl'* in"'+j,Ce r-rrlri 5tu'i; i*,r:.ri,5+ts i& $ri* i'(juLA,-{.i1.' " lbet-rer bflinds like i cirop ya tri'use;'s iir fror:t +r. lJie cltssr)fiisr$ o,nri *Jti t 3"r"i *ei:.t c*tI t: i;,tS,

i?,;:o you titinh ti:at p*ynj.cai vic;-Le.in;e aSa.!ngt s'h.{tslf jluirar! be:-tt;l; w:rl1-lii lcrian;;e soiueorierJ atuituci*s torvarrr* sonret.ir-'i.n;ir:$,3.;y i;rral you kl*rletl i;i I if(lx hunter:*wouir.t tire i,rea.t:i*d cfir"J).d* rtitlp rii-ii':i:"?'i*$one pecgile push ;l'..r'; o:? ir-ar tne ori.ry alternirtiv.s is to i:e*'E eill up i't *j:r:ivs tiiat jlilu a:r-'e i;1{.rfti :.ct ju*l-u ii.cj-ri6 i'e i'*r".|'uri""tiei:i;; e pa;le-i,,r..r'.i! fi:.tterni$d ar:ci that y']urre jrii'ii r:i.lec;ry aix in prar:ti;s€ritts i.Llct+ ha.i"itg ia a i:a$alrr.r{r1,;.4 t v'lorks iri i let lsaus cf tri' ha:ra,.,.: i vf*J.keii 'icctre "riiarrr for ou.g equitri:ent arul we w*ilirr;li a-f iile barii: be-l*ive i:i at iiau:iili.i'' aror s$asii up uui eiiuitraentrni*si ilei'are lney at"uack us. lS.Wtiat *rL your viev;n orr,i.Lr'llorr'/'i$o yotr re'iieve tiuii pei]Iri-e can '3i,d;'r.;ii.i, i




ffit*Lii#* *s-*re"i-r laei J.# but perhaps, theyt}l Affi quite s]*wer than the rest epf .crossed)*ti:J"s is rr' :' *r^tJ,f:jwers "r cjici stuff ,b*'rt ii sdds a;rother - j*-nsian '-to an*,ir 4irrerant stsle V-JE'RE NOT D[ffiAtefrWf r ..i' ' ... ;.It l"s a re*iig exellant LP the'

$ubhumans**l^Jerlds - ?+

ffip "p


&#ff =1p$i;gfr11;i,iTk:a*#ii'tri3 r?6€,#ffid,^g "il1*'tl-ffi3;rYl'rii.i"35il";"knt* --r<=ffiiffiN:{i"ttvfrl

tracks gocd.It nas has Jo extreHajiy gOco,j,t extrer.na]-ly 35 EraoKs cn lt anei- ?l+ bands.tr hooklets and leaflets you get pius a S$S$, badge !;:Itra real"ly linpressed wlth i"t an




il everyone shculd huy it"Fcu cqn ge t tt fi'om ne $r iluesY(see- ?A)*4 out ; Arvtn{s-I6wffi





i,]{.1f is.SH AND ,\i{G- pe.tpnAtd :il* i* rhl-rlN4tDA-r-En -i?ATillE.f{. --" !r Hasied the secog _A- tlz.nlp AG,qthjsT n4€ F_€STVAL \6 ruCr,+-Vicldr.ir ftiiI,.y:, l* wlth th€ i4EDlA " a exeiia:rt intervlew r 7.r L\", s p, r + i<d.r-'-)'i'ir..r D ^io.tr-*o T"i H,J} l; piAC€ ;.,',r.enwlth r$-b, CanFnIt Hi-13 Feace has ar"il" -IL.; ri:i: t( i:'tes "er-il:;, A, Srar.-tn a;. l; PEap fgaPLg L€ Se se I'iAkE A i,'.' oa practicaL i:elp tho Ai,F, .x ; *qos aar.iageand- an lntervle u





i part of

for crilai*al [F # rr with F6J.iticaL AsyS.un.Itrs well p f.#ffit togetirer and you can get it frsut


...':!'. . gst 3v':,i#r:.iq&L vv':':idr:.rq''L i':r,i' !r,i,, ',..,r,i, or,,,)r:rrii,...^ tr*

H*ti.#fit_{ffi:iff.i$;r*'r"',,r,o ' t tr:"6d to ln thef

Sni iL.H* ffi "- ,/rt5-*vn:ea {fi-3;-I?t"r***il***":3.*;:.l""lt:fierer ;w.*nt tc, iFt: J** ew &*s *rE&m:ans *Ill-ek then persuacie<f tire f,at greedy meir:eger to +L;:*...*. :{,i'..Lji ,.,j*,..,.L.F said yes but c.r:}y 5,f I sat Ln ihe Pi' box,Thet was aLl ri"gfit w?lh'ffl& eaus€ I wnuldnlt have been ah].:e to see any how"f?re blake in the SJ bo:<. let,me da the i.lglrts{ta mste(eantt reme mber ya name)).First on were the InsttgatorsiaS*hou$n it wre meant to b" e $teve L.),The Instigafors &rer,'e fucking bri}liant anel if ycu *ver get ttre ehanee tc see then: ihen take l*.AlL of thei.r set they were Juraplng up and and d,onri"Christ they must have been knaeker**rat tine end the sin ger fell on the f*oor.$ext ob was o$teve i..,rhe +ras sene *ort af'poetrhis iS"rles !{ere exellant elrefi. lf j.t was f,oLlf;I*Tier a shert walt the J.ong *vraited group sege *n and, t!:e erosd lrest bloody .*il"ct"Thls Bras thetr Zn,d t"a rast g:lglthepr played all thelr cid favs and sorqe ne$ ones off the tP . [see rev{ew),They also did the 20 nlnute trac}rtFroin fhe Cradle To The Grave t .A fuse biet* half way ti:rough tire est but ihey got it f,l"xed rlnlek ly"They did three great eneores*Itts a shame thi.s brJ.ll and fab group have spiit, ,;"!i

bd'i,-Jd*ta!',UlP rl* q iu* l*


n-:fi:.:-,"t tu





A3*P{i d;j

'q tdEt




? I

- j.rl.r:rjfliY r-^ll$itVi..oryltJS cotri,, r. r r.. r.,. r ... ' ' -'.-* g"ffiernseTtes 'rtiilst they are nign?ro you ttrink tirat sotneciif; couio rake lieroin for say 2year$ ati{i come ol il slraigflt avray?-r'lo i c.onrt trtinK ff;.#6 aii iiisagree witn clrugs.lrlost people taxe drugs r* an exterit,Peoiue uake carui{r,bis anci s& yt it caiius r;le ciownr ,rt cioes cut it calms tnem ci;awn tor, ,,.uch I,o &.Jr €xt8rlt v/rrefe rie/srre cartlt thir'r i.'ro!.air.yr"Al-,- i-r rea.r-ly is e sci:.irirrg r'roEI rsaiiryryoLr $rruu1*ar'i neeo rc at :rJ", .J-tr s iiot tai{e itl s wiry },'ou neeLl i.;o so i,iucil 'dnili "ouI escaile' i'ritri c,re rcilliuc of .pC .olakeioc lb.;;;;i-o;tuu egres vritn ine inuer city ri llil arid rrid ;ior aJ.i .E$'/'/'f -Yeeh qie a6ree with trre inner city slio -

I ts.ltci iilaclclcck ii"as been rnau-e i-gto a l;iirrter' uut tri' lreci:f e $ay 1,r:"e ;;o iice arentt political, anyorle .r"'ight ar:s witrg i"r:r ;r worir ey *ovecrunent ho .*,,irk* ,!Lrx"er rhr,r"ehe*itt,lii'".,ti**u:lir-t3'"'-,u"ii'3of"*iU;Iii;y*i6.le'6[t tnlt * r, rlai.le I.i:ck il,ag ail.i" iririocent uut i.ria.ts rioi irue, tte ueserveo itci eyesra tra.iior"The inner uu ,tg ni*-turrri:i6 <.rlr rli$i otvn i;eoirle ic i:,y tc ttre.verJ-' euire so-vrie Ji?o to u$ rra,i-i,Usneu iJ.ne;; eno1reo Trrat it liiilke rrie poor.live. in srl a.n6ry,Ti:rey "irts gnow were uie ti'rcn lrrat risist a:rji jungles.burni.rig their iri-corrsrete !rie:(i sticx acil iiiv-jit{j*-iiou*es '[riou;rh.'i/iren you i.lp Jiour own town y'"]ti srrresn jgs"ti stupiii vrrr nou$es !'Jas u ;; F;t irauuiiig "yurt:r lelves ii i,iie oack cause all rney uo is etick r.a bes wlriin'' *;'c u re ,ust rilroea Ec FeJ "'Jne tneuia :1aua o1i i,rtl! i Lrro *uevD' n U t,lie

L,i$ ' uuIrL rio1,j.ii.,-uU'[ t.rtat jJi g, ruJt cfai).t1ieJ]e lyefe Viiiuie t",udo rrl*y:e'uvre fas"iiieE lUrl'J a- tlre iotn 'rrreJ arg , ali a4gry' t,.r.l,ir iri;rt c-:/*r'J/o:ir}s u'eal-t:} snoii}d L$ $rurreu out .'lrriounsst j" {4il;-;rlu tr:er t*e *tr:er personras VefyOnL eqUaily Anu rloone $rioUtG ililvtJ it,t)::t you tlitjlgrr'118 rolrfi.J-it.'i.')J"rt v'.it* airree !ye d. sLciaiidt goierruae"rit?-Yeari qu*tjrl a IAYJtts iir.e silxrl$ i;'/40r000 ali-t;:e lit nF,ve to pay airytnirig iror:t l'y.l*s irall*( t'rie'OicKe exarilEie peo;;ie-tor riC* ireXJ :,vit:r trie triat rr€ ul.rri|T ilave T,o pay tax

ent o'i-f with }9 mii,].io,i.1uii*,.,_^o,uric*i.;I.il arl e-i;.ar:rple rirerers systeri.A$ on arly of rt,iirere-;; "urii,itiy " +fass 'r;nerers Prir;'ce Arltlrew j-n,i'''cr:iion anu Iivi*g iri coJtcreiie l.irUi:say i:ler'ets not enous -peo"oLe ouylrrg a d25r00iJ ririg ,o""iiui;tu;Io:.-9"*riunelll t s suo'relfly a war 1;Iiere wneil ' bui irorreJr for ,^*'iti"lr.itais, *",t;"lE etc ..ay after iire 'oyal to ii rnejf soon fird t4e moley "u**iu ror trial''tire Ar'rrew ue aole :+t"trvilr-i'rirrcb j.*io errgag*erit wau-irororr"*0. uir*-'iJ'iI; the peopre srrit ve olt &,bo',JUU* a year.Jr-to i,ie',;'atts 1"*i ruouit,g $ faCes* urutarj.ty:Tfltl oici. Iney ao?-Yeah j:poliss experiancgc' evey Jou li"ridve oe*o(Steve talri*.,) 85 yirars aSo i werir- to a i t*i*4 weor?rJusrnve.Jinou.s $Inasn up ar,o saylrig 6CI ari\i a iew ,ot fer,.p-6fis i:eoi'I* "t'ol*,--. air.t',t"ae&iroirrgj;notliii€}s0&lewofr.is;usttcokitirrloourselvesEc iioandsitia$nupso$lesiioi;s,risie6.,e<rituown0xl.orci$treet$roas'ring eauget fiLe and' i was strip Xhocs sp(ali tfie experioiv*'lii**i?["*^po*i** i:le mou'll aru' everytnii sealdgeouin rrcnt or evecyoneni .,Ot pu:'cieA in ,L got 0oi.ri$r o:der' ir:r !v'Jo Jearsr Ai,?", t-*l-*ti* of posirion ;ust oerore tae q1;a::3"igg.il*} rc€ i* you were 1?.Lt 'riutirt '.\,naL |vuulrr Jnrr.;i&v€-urrfig*c6*usE'-GgoiciatirrS un atEac:.ell I,alrlarr*s COni.ric.r, for iiiLve yolr woul.r:ira l*li?i..so uir.**i y/oxbryou ali-i*u* nr!'g*'SfI€30'$al:ialetuer?err{'T'citrraEc'rleriuFiue*'ore--trlGw8,Io'llrrshe ialXiarrc's Waf WaS only f'OUgnt' USI igrr0r€* it al*r f "l 1,;rr; ,'e*-"ie''JIie teri, ror ir' fr:r itrore vo{o;r;;i; ,lr:'i;rsu i)tto!icI"or,, ou"oaLL'l*itetve rLao" alrrt or sup!'to 1J.-*avc;ruii...&,,r zi. <)oQ,j rcri-lwiir.,



SlR, YouR APPLiC*"f/ON

FaR rr go* *enc l$ ctffAtr-lLY

**r tr f*Kes $oQE, THn N

V€RY II4fiRE$$trVT, PTENTY CT frxPE R tahlra lrnr -rH l$






Bs. $4RflPY

k:Rr t:F f*S.....

trl THlg



WF vcn



E A J.




cS I






J qr










I r"l6eFt, yOu ggj1,r *lrtfxaV snY, YouR rAc[ HAl

Tn F 1T...,, lf's







Sffrf;T- Mor{nfiV"....

F €

%. g

i; r:ds hlsforY? 1.Pleaee gtv questlon$We3"Lrth*r* band ihls calLed Post Uar was 0h nosnot that (rui:ich goocl*$am) wari very, and they dld a dape lf,cilowed by a fers gigs,Then the gultarist decided he was a drumner so he left ta jo ig'another band"Two of us stili fancled mahing a racket so we got our old drpgraaroand an alcohoil"c bass player.i{etre busy with sur first tape;gd-i.ng under the verl' *.tiLy narde of $iae 0f An Elephant 2"'uiould you o,r any oth+r menber,; gf. b@ aF€' gldup ,&}dup take part ln any r1* ts?


itr ;ffi

f**1$Wq hg+,a -;'i




l$$:;ki:ili+llf3$., iluil inn5e*: aS-*n the aimaapberarand Lf $:5"?fl".r*1 JIL-***;*_=, 1*-q *hrn .r brrck *F i \ 1 ffi'!3oY,f"t-::"f ffittihii1l.*l{A ." 11: i t?3 eso q1h

r*ii* :t air -"' ##: * . anlmal *$r*r pJ i* :. i:* i: : - or T- ottlg{-htrJ hgb organLaatlons 3rHhat ntS c.,i4€ grgqnlzatlons d$"g&.l (@) Mlsr4 r"o2 Ieil(or wii.i. be * 7.- *',my subs) e menbs3 \ILgr--d-I'of the BUArf not as rad.icaj"HiO as rhe AtrF_but for f -}"1 two quiri a y6ir ltts r,.,'orth ib for thetil$erator, F -shlcli 1'rea& then pe$s an to ss&eone else,lpreiif rht iirgc& trt ods of t"tt4' Al$,hut srr*iy any crgantaatioa vhich .. "_ :e€ thesuffeit nd if snfle'c€,:8- anirtqls*is sorth supportrne, *3,'dwoL 33I Y:31::,^of 3;frlfi f*?,ffii3n#X35"'ffi'H'e" @ ffiHiiln"i |}:^g::3p."?::l..tgo11.? d. ffi sda [ab{experlmentel}tff so did you get ea li 'fiis'11, Hfffir .,{ *fl1.&.fi?gffT*,it3t"onn*rs nsrk?rs yo*r hddg '\\*T^ {l a pi.od?So'}l:331io t lraviirtt throtrn anytnf ( ng C{rf ' #ugh a butchers vrindou but lt rsouLd- be CJtf _-a5.e--a5.o- " nic.€, {a epoicaJ"iy 1f the shop'uas open at the \a,g t -.,,lfny not-ki.l"l two bj.rde rr&th one stong, 4XsC. , F




S, $\ l,\W}}) !



alir I

-ffi* l-il*tf-:Hl;fl#ffi-tffi-*,ffiS -rou,ld know of

lre-(r, €#ntt '-J,//r,


any lab*


ilflt'f .s_?!= hf*n fi;;*-'*"fi*io,llllll:i:l??::f::fl:r' you got car+qtti"I f*rdpnrt it so i dcne havetriL been nabbgC,bse Lvtu{.d :xpect quite a rougfr tl"me from *iqe. bq*6 tfi blue if i did. 5.What do you leY*s-propcse to de tr pw:.eh chlld abuse:'s and the li.irs?

ln the balls ,l'lo , serl'ouslyr thls t$ r\i azr rlr-u the nutitucle of problems that vould nedd to be ssrted sut lf sv*r tho pt*e ?) BLncK ent farca of Las and. srder is destroyed"Jns+hou these poople w ould, br Seal$ wlth rs dff#i€r*it te eqtr.O0vtou$ ly they r+ould have tc, be punishedrbut si:ould we shov reslec, fst" thej.r lives?I' suppose J.nprJ"sonment rsould be the nost 5.lkely b'a$r but personaly lrd }lke to but thoru feet flrst through a ra-lncer" .&s in most thingn *houghspreventlsn *s tiBtter than curerso t thln k, nors could be, d^one to s.toB thesa obs*nitye happening. :. you Ahef ty klck on3"y one of

6", Hsre you. ever



hate then .

,nny trouble wlitr the poJ-lceldo


The long arur sf th* lan has wrapped. itsei-f around rne on quite a e$ o,ccasionnlna3**y fon Saft drtrsken cff,eneesircorrtr elseirher€,. '3 /








*cgt' e '. '. ' r' r. nssei l4 ( ++*s ' a,s irel-l*'rr:i: riii-s;ir $

Ancrica an*--F5:"r;iprlr$fi#irF:";":,i{i;^!t1;03.*oy:ll.les rJr:r;:lci'l'i' lAuf G*fnan;: sOOtl".iln*ri r,r'6y iverrU i.-1ii;r: A.ie;ue ar:cul'!iie ')t'iil€ t '.r*onr ; fe.f: goi,ir; t*u*o til':':':'!'i'r"l I I t i "i0l -lii'}tiP8t:'S slr {a:"'i*-;::a $i-rJ-ii 4,'^ ;iOW irigii:i COliie:-r cl1 I.lle Silrl;I* i{rYti ...J'}1i , irf+.rr so i&]-'r(!.:t t",i'!i(i^iii)* a i--riji: ir tiie p.roglir- [ or1u'i, i* :i:rius';r r *gel ?e $*j..u. lcuqi ria."te t'giirixrrri Lri ';-;*e'i.r c ',iI#J;r": i l*rr*.;;ii: rliolrrtil. t'oe pI'O.r;i15 -rFle{i$e' &-a)€$ $acK iii;i: -''-"ii',ai , :-, l DA t](l ii ."rL' t, v .,le in j"i ut,r;aij.3"{ . itli trre iriAs i?c t}(J i1i! i|*.t.? ., risr.iii'e,.r.'j*re$ i,'ttl, 1>'ijc yQli '01]r' 'i;Ile rcii-r.t".tj*u;,,}:j*l:;:t, .i ''rf irii:,;'r':ent ir#* rli8r *isegree rvii;. nrtn i"r:1;errLetn.*:''ut t;le u&JlLl i;ire: *a.Ia* i*ir,,.i *i-ai i'tln t:Iitr' ';:J i,.felr tnets I r-n- r! rif si: i.i L)?iii.l .'iiJ#{'"i trJ t{'AF-;e ;t'e'[ arl3if:'";"J'Fit uua'"*_o*u**14,'Jlot.Ju'rrell:Q',$|!}.ei:.i;t}?ii,'I.'.{i]#{."i i







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Lls6 *gver trtrk*d tfie plodso'o*t 1rscr.*dnlt g+ a* far as *co.se"s'f l:l ateci theri*lloweverrthii ;rttitu*e *har6ea one nlght wlren i *J-sccE*r ed po3.icenen have no sense *f huncir.On uiy Ya-v tu f F{r}"iy i {1;*3;. si*y tooir a poli*ewonens bat for a laugh and pgt it aii *ine "$lrs J ust-lausireti bui her sie,le celiague elld4tt fgi{ Lt very a;.u.si.n5.at. alJ..He lrted ip grab rne so i re& off"I ecul*rve eaalJ.Sr t'un' crut the getnbut a eai *ent arourid_ ihe sther way $CI I tr'as _sno,*1re::e*'?h:r? s stren llry troubles starts'i.3 t*as klcked punchecl and draggari &1'8i:r:r ii a i:ft trren iiani,s,i iirrnu$ii three sets of double dnorsrir:"1,1r a to.eg:st fi*g: tire l:l<ids"in rny cel"r, i mus r'*:luse$. sareastte crle of pf nater and e *io.ctor'My_lead was llke a a phone cal"l'a *rlnk -nlg :"eilc pud.eS1"ng {Iav*J-y .things ieak pud,dlngs trie &t one Sreat elt)lt wis so sirolien-n€ a&fii rlldiirt recognise ue,0n 'Lop oi'^that offence. l got a ft+O flne $o i sas punJ.shecl twjrcs for cne S"ousog $r** respect *f[er sarueilring.like that itts diffi*ult tCI hav+ sny hate then" *h* i*or tire pollce.Yesl;. ?-Are any of'you gistefiders adelicts?i*,h.ose yaur favourite charecte r?i{ill &eb end Aruie gei a dlvc'r*e? a I d; rsatch EastenEerslltts qutte gocrl h'rrt tha* ffilck fic'tt*nrrldonf t [aA-bugs;; lsnit rret(i infnt irets-pre!!t arourry*$*Si*I{e}rtI .ir;rvs f*1"1 L:r s$d ;i$e:.e 'r;i}l" g;et"*. d"ivorc*rlhel"lllthtnlr ffirty Den knxa't 1di] -i-v t}t* clcf o*o"-*.o^{"f*?o^.-'o ts bltJ-;y ilt* ctfg *irar*cter ls fa'n'o'";rlte cha**cter irofe) *r" fotrrrrr:.{{:e d"*i*"*ify-t*o** "fiy ;rr.(irnry(1!r'ir B;'ocksi.dgtygPlr **g*$aini? Wtii*u"lJ "[r.L-trlrl'.;'+\'As\yefiJr EAm€sJJ(] l't; ria6-nhrne.I* e fU.Ce einsu ngrsl cSUSS ireii'sot J$u **t*rt SOt e

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