Wool City Rocker #7

Page 1

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2-rnonlh gig guide r looking at lancs r lanzlnes

ffii*EE <evigwEct


Wh,zV Aeve

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gruev1s gFosps

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t'luslcAl lilSrRUHENTs- SATES + HIRE + FXPERT r0lfDl{ 0l{ cutTAR, 8455, )RU},15, KEyE0RRD5 + REPAIR9

+ RFcoRDNo &.vtDEo sTuDlos + LtvE REC0RDr,'99 FaR ?AtlDs, GRouPs, ASTISTS'


P;A. HIRE (too



3,ooo r.,afts) + cREl'rl and Iola ntrcn IjltitjL'lltil:,";,flT

(e.n. n:e':-

f34.- ftlarshalt, Ludwjg, Car[ sboro., Orat io n, otynrpic, Tama, I6anez, harl ,Beyer, A.K.G., Korg havey, Gretseh, Stingerland,


lNTfiEE uE rDR BunrE ll nmrRtEHN GUtTRR RtNE



Pflllr t0/t{/t/8 . (tel.+lttt). Holtings 8d., Bra dforA



LI V[ ts.t*.V];] IIVJRY i'TtI &, (See qa{ guide on page 20 for detailsJ


@W"trW*-xPffiffi =ffitW;,oW9--


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xEaiy,ZW reco rded luith \^s, and bhaf alas


& part-birne


lre norrr fult-time wLEh ,uhAt is probab\ the bes|- eyipied 8-b rack s tudio in Yorhshire , 5o I/hJ Don'L You Give Us A fry ? |




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La!'er ?)wn e{w wiVh ?l"i: t4tw r"rVr,nh srvuS 'Jttne S )u\Y 6 $rve vte lrvyre fo (tz? barb b vulrli*,htnq

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in wY etu{ !,ioo f. L,ooo, Vle'Ve ? pwq 0n 6vtcv& Wttl gooyr )4a cave'rt\ il( o'Lt;a^rz-g Ot( of Ydrl">. AlA, rh; po\rr(tJ A.iutelly ,'ilq Awe fu W;h"'b,tq &vted tl^tir,na.- b.WU6u'l( bep uttTh LL?', Iheh" liniqt be e rut{r *"1,l,, v,nur{0..r n( Ldievi,S t\d * €rylun/ & ba>rl wy herc '


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vij*c;rbilk*sj; &;ri{#i;tt;

Issue Number 7. dW* clnrtrng mg ['Duivl i-"e,1.{ivlddfr*LlrLi FvlA/i clp/et 4 llCK IUNE er JULY '80. i!,!h.? ?k(r,i !f'4,h., ,1 f,lt, t /Vr' eu(ry.!3f^!!,; 'htr e,Irirt |trcVicr.eL v,ttr " {l:: ff,::y,.,(,*y, : ffi,r i #,,rct, ., ol* r {trll nt* a,/ [rvo* | *- wroYe wota ^i it{r) $jn3 ^tg, ,YJp:+ t a.L(u17, cotrr€Aff,/Dlt coff€ilT; o . . efc. l\owzv*,lhe fot(ou,tvrg al+o Lov?Y' /td FVtetr bil,L= !1o llaE\oul', Mo MahlouP o1rlil"hk>iqn j-- Yor^ are herel + A W"b[ Cil-7 &oder-' W6"iovd r, 9 ran en"ge( s.



+ = gAxoxI J=



br HoPqoool hiho dtd Phe

fltKRop' ?oy, + at9NA1'

,arfo'ii. flv-z ,wbeY fu

&DeYYbr [frvre wetJ' '

r Kr'c 1?'l

6 -- Rv,t'> Albuw



--l,rtneI, Ph,tl



-- e€y ltrToLe'


= rn,tgf €v N6Kv(



1o --firtne GorCnnde LL



ytTilE sugutl'ttMAl

lrA,lfrd, kecl,y.& f1u/der*ftr/ ven,les.

= futy Grq Gui d,z + olherVl.lorlrs.V(nt^U

t N Yonl't s Ventt'e1.


fanzine> N.E. LANcr l(lltlc{AN5' Clt'Wc10t0 * ingu\ carloon +Tvor Cu"fl'r-dogon 1 €ltyhanF.



G tu\Ike 1 Nof 9Et\lrt7L(s

13 = CarYoo"'1


+ Ke{ HoVgo.rl

f.'c\rffho '

= LorA LH6ko€9 +5{u(K(€o^l{tow t't(KrltunL tr' -- tlckugN q + Nowtz + Yiqtl(ITtlcq, l-? FanztneE. tVL = Vef',hws 41 Ll = ,Vow lz + SCaw{rgrl,Cvloow , L+


tB = Ke fftnej,





0I' $ALE: 3Op each d.irect to the public or 45p each by mail order from the address given below. Bulk orders of 1) or more copies oan be hact at the discount price of 2Op each (so why not sell the magaaine your'self at gigsI schooll etc.?) TERMS



A' )-ancE,

RATES: Standard

for first ffi20 time of advertisingr then S,10 for subsequent placings. Colourl different sizel speoial lay-outl etc. by a.rrangement. Ring or rrrite for advertising ra,tes card & any other detaj.ls. r 'Ierracer I Und,ercliff e, BnaCford BD3 CPY,





r4o'perTeg + LucKY ,(R(K( + gfin (wgel Car6o



6roiln , MrcF MitcheLL & Ad"v lVeelz. lfg,"Lth,q^l 6 Grii

hgse fe-

clRL t gRoK.(N l-tofl1 t GLo*9y nAG9+ SllElLAs,TH(?oo = + GoD &rt1€ Drn\-GTT, I cla*tlf ftd AdverlE.

(o#er, b?eve




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ine g:.ritar rrork. Second nu-'nber, the sc-std l:ch bctter & things now warmlng up. t{i.t Llns on iruns bas :rfi.aitely oome on since laet I sau hirn (a it he tates ry tit, he chonld stay with thi.s outfit). Fifth nunber, tI )oert laana Be 2Ort possibly a good oingle, went dorrn uell & Fo ove! ttre punters. So the getr s going fine - *.hel cotcc thc dieappointment ae they etart to repeat letcrlrl frol thc first get butl &a most peoole nissed thel firet tilc arouadt rlieco iuricr rith addcd they go down well - eepecially extrag like a song fnom The Sound of lugic & eot€ yodclli'ng from Geoff. So this tight nifty gEt endE uld gbootr for 0ror€o They encore with an a oapPslla song that oorel ovcr wel}, leading back into tDlsoo Irlusicf (plug bC'tr of tKing 0f The Roadt & a general jan... 'rligco rquglc go aray/tUle tr A good what we like to play..."). A good bar.d. Thoyrve a single out lootro So tall a tlp fror me - go & sce them if you get a ohaace. _Ezrry lightr.

with first class honours from the circuit of clubs llke hadfordr s Princevillel so I was looking forward to a powerful set from them. I was not disappoj.nted. IrIOO metal d.evotees turned up, on the strength of their incredible Becond album tHheels Of Steelt, to witness a metaL nearer molten than simply heavyl as Saxon strove for musical excellence & achieved lt without a hint of complacency. The band comprise guitarlsts Graharn Oliver & Paul Quinn, bassist Steve }awsonl drummer Peter GiI1 a).ong with vooalist Biff Qyford. who is not only a remarkable character both on & off stage, but also a mighty singenrith a fine

rang€. Opener tl'totorcycle lialr 'was delivered. with a degrea of professionalism which only comes a,fter years of hard work. Unfortunately raidway tlrrough rStill Fit To Boogier a complete power out etopped Saxon in their tracks & eaw them scurry to the wingso It was a rather embanagscal Btff who apologised for the l<nlnute interval & the song wart restarted. However, despite the oalibre of the next two numbers, it wag not until t?4? (Strangers In The Night)i the new single, that the audienoers enthusiasm was totally regtored.o The regt of the set wac free of incldent & paseed by all too quiokly. rBacks Eo The Wallf r tFreenay l{adt t r'Stalliong of The Highra5rf & rstreetftghting Oaagr went down a stormi even rFrozen Rainborr gounded. frech & exciting in a perfornance which gave no reepite to the entranced head-

Zlt5ftze$it Hxtrffi#trl'bffi*a rar olcai 0n entering the Poly




The perform,rnoe started latE

'rShow ue

llotorhead. Gfalran waci how€vorr sonerhat soeptical about the planned Anerlcan tour rith wildrnan Ted ilugentr trrt ltre only a matter of time before. they brid.ge the Atl,antic & storm the


Se,ronr must be oo" oi the hottegt propertles in the buginees yet thel:r hoqitaLity a,fter the show was, quite out of line rith tbe accepted. lmageq as'Jokers of the band - Siff &t eapecial.lyr Steve Dargon - wardy entertained' the fane who

stayed behlado

I oannot understand the narror-nlnded people wbo slnply disnlsg Saxon as unoriginalo Itr E quite ridlculous. Andy oertainly, no-on€ carr begrudge them their nerr-found sllooesso In nV opinlon, trarrinS seen them as Son 0f A Bitcb ls welL overdu€.


,&Ef,Yfr EPlx-"ffff ;i:-;yr:'*

0eoff Clout, Bass/Yoc: Graham Cardyl DnE - l,Iit Lins (Tim Mills of fellow Leeds band The Neat). ftrs 8.4) in Jenks & the gig is very mrrch Like a leap back in time with abouf Zj/3,o people a1l tooking like f74/176 Ilippies. lilowr s the tine f or the band to com€ oro They all look good, with each member very much a character in his own right. They open with a nurnber called rThe Android Songr thatr s very tight & well perfor:med., obviously hoplng to inpress with a nifty sax solo in there. !{etre now into the third song - a nunber with sinilarities to something ty Talking Hoade. The last song of the first set was rDisco Musi.ct with lyrics tike ,rSuck rqy cock, itts Blackpool rock'l Ieadi.ng into James Brornrs rsex Machi.ner wbich geemed. to be a bit of a joke amongst the band. people were wondering which way to take thern" (Orattyff - ed. ) Second eet, & the band are late - the D.J. becoming impatient. I think the baad were just waiting till mre people arrived. The audience now numbere I:OO/LIO includiag rnembers of Blaokpool ba"nd rhe Fits.. They open thig set vith I At riff anJrr sr ("everytoayGEffiing themseJ.ves but ns..., uhich is an exbellent oatclqr nurnber, but the sound.rs gone off a bit rith the bass, a bit too Loud. so it nagks'Oeoffr


rlth thc



sta6e of, Chrie Talrant, John Ooruan & Bob Carolgccr. Cbrir bega.n to mutter in big crnooth Eqnna &, due to e bai Pe syitem (whioh thanldully loproved roon after) I nttottl hatf, of what he had to saye but I tblnk bc ras Slvlng e blcftng on tbe progranme to folIor' 'nl{helete Sally Jusec? }lr}nrkr tjrlrukr" rccrcd to bc ooming from everyone arouad. nc (laoludlng rqrrclf ). Strc eventuall,y appeared (tbls ig rbat tbcy vant) to thc urual cat-oe1l.s; wolf-rbigtles & crieg of nllrop I'cnr llorFntfr &

for releaso ln Xovenber for whioh theyrre Etill rriting naterlal. At hone adalnr they hope to be oa the biltr for festival at Cryatal Palaoe on August 9th (along with Judag led llurentr $.$9, lYrers of Pa,n TanE & posslbLy lfW). Theyrre doing Loob Lonond festivaL on June 22nd ffi ran glttan, trrokug, Liad.isf,arne & The Onlv Oneg). t'lt"y have alco becn asked to be speolal guestc on the bill at S.taffocd Binglcy Hall on July 25th whoa beadllnaE will be



an IrQo. of 4." (tuff

average age of vieuerg ia 2J rlth

&roorec were a formality & the eveningr's events r€re brought to an end by a etunning rltiachine Grrnr featuring guitarist Ora.han Oliver emutratlng hla are-hero Jiui llendrir to great effeot (tfrus proving that 'tthe morc l,t griade.r the nore it rblnen"). She riclng mughroon of thlok red enoke ollna;red a cp€otacular perforn:rncer indicating rithout doubt that Sarqn are here to stay. I cpoke yith Graban Oliver a,fter the ghow & wag quite taksn aback by hie qut$ naturc rhioh had ne woadering rbether thig rat thc rsne guy I had gccn rnalrhlng his S0' agalnct the rldeg of the PA. Opea & unpneteltious to intervier, Open &, unpreteatious to lntervlewr he told ne of the banilt s extensive oonmitmentg at hone l, abroad. AftEr the Britigh tour, itts on to Europe td do Eorns fortivalc before returning to oonpl6t6 an albun

at prlncevillg, thls

marle b1

in nind. A larp polythenc rhect covered the enti.re a.rena &e vlth the rordr ilThe Four Bucketeere'f written on thc baokoloth, a night of rlapctlok wae lying ahead. But wtrat elge?'Whilgt I rag ttrivtng to Huddersfleld, I ras tryi.ng to 1ma6{,ne what sort of shor I was going to e€e. Ag lt turned out, thay dldnrt, perforn for a prc-teanage aud.lenoe, most oertaln\r nd llLc thc Saturday rnornlng ohaog. Ae Chric Tarant aaldl "Thc Tiewas team had

intervalI which flas a rellef cos ne burn was-achlng af,terr sitting oross-legged on the ftroor. The legendary Spit - the puak dog - wac nert to grac€ the stage, thrilling the audience with hls pbbing antiog - except for one who cried out I'Wl5r doeeor t he spit?c nIbV donr+ you piss off?" retorted Spitrs nagter. (Ah, ilontt you just &E professional finesee??? - ecl.). The tMa.ekeal Poetr & side-kick presentecl sone f],uent four-Iine rgonnetgr before giving way to the,eret-popular (but nonotonous) 'Compost Cornerr ("Conpost Cornert'r thank you) which gave tro lunatics from the audierce the cha,nce to get covered in all 6orts of rmrck, oustatd pie! from rThe Phantom Flan Flingerr & various other assortmeatg of Tiswas gungeo Sally James appeared (we thought ghe'd. gone hone) to

complete the foursome on stager who then 6ave us a rendition of a raucous football crowil eong entitled I Far Canalf r an audience-participation number that went dosn , well - work out uhy. For the encore there was the inevitable I Buoket Of l{ater Songr d.uring which the polythene sheet served its purpoEco The song was well rnimed unt1l Sally James opened. her gob in the rrrong p1acel but we all got wet so I supposa lt did.nrt really rnatter. They're a really talented buncht with tbe exceptioa of Sally Jarneg whose talent is purely p$sical -& she lcoosg it. An excellent showp but I did feel sorrf,r for tb.e nother who brought her ten-year-old daughter to the shor. It kid&iee Ehow that she erpectedo.. vrasnrt the nice little trs


yrtltst" ritb Chri.s eiraclold,ng tbc erdl,cloc

reactiono John GonnaJ[ rarg up the cpeaklng olook to prorr to us tbat they ilo the r*ror llrc & lt rarar t a rcoorattag fair enough. The ghon thea got rrnde rry rith a Fn6 lc for 'U le for l'r (repeat), "L ls for long1 (repeat) "g strong" r o' etoo unttl we got 'tA loag stroag blaok pudd.lng up py great (nargaret) Thatoher'f - orlglaal eJrrsy. As the ghow rent onr ue rere caterteincd by 3ob & Gharlsy The I'tonkey rho sang a ff nS & told Jokcr. Thcn a request was nade for a girl to oor!€ up flon tbe andlcaoc & kies Charley. Ae soon ag thls ras doner Chrls oatrc on with hls wLg & a little red book for a tThig Is Your Llfcr on the unFuepecting viotinr fron the andlenoe' Shc took to it rell & showed great smotion when introduocd. to bcr rstaget f atherr rBLehop (Iornanf & fEllow prostltute frlod 5a11y Jarnes - & aliat that rsisc & choelr uith SaIIy c1ad La a lorrout waigtcoatr fishnet tights.& a ninl-rini ebl.rt. Xob Carolgees cane on nert & rattled off, a bew5r of blue jokesp followecl by John Gorman in a rSnellor eketch (complete with stink bombg in h1s pocket). Thea the

that what thev want? '1.irt:,


-r1ick f'lilchet('









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rrnnt ruT Nieor-11:Tfll|,lt"lJni.*l*:i3


St$li'3lJ:"ffi,:#'i;q!1-;::',"llr" is a bit




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,P,?Y:N@wry:,::f-F,H'PflffiFgff Y7tr,Sf ! 0^ lffiif^fol5i :l&l:I: S":ttnl*'.:"i,*, Rawt fzeordE

I tlu" should settle for that. it puts then


& shoulCers

*"ii":i-' I ;#.:-sl*iii'i,leti:,"1il;l Hli$:T:S'*;L*ti; H:,":*,r ::;;1". | *tr.:.';;:Hff[":li,:t] ilL:s-"FJi:"-li;":jr". p"l-iJr o" they put 1, o'Er on.r:4- qrh,+,p.va- fr6 r-^__ I::l-"1" :j::r:l:"-!gs_e4lTu'""" bards &, *ith arr rei6r-iEa--in u," ,-" "u _r."u:ti"v.iii' |;;;;:r, iiJ"l;;';""".""""i; :;$,:"":,,1ffi:"h": *:Hrff#tr. I rosrhsr gulprisinsly xerr - overoomins the "i,ar"", najo! pr;brom ,'ii""ili";,:T,ITT":ii-fl":i"tt:",ffi il"Liiiigr"i"i'^iiinrr,i,[f""1]ir

rith sarpl€r aLbuns, rhar of the vari;us t,*i. di"e "i oll9l"'"' as a.rorprice-ahorpiece ::: i*"-:*i-""i:1' for th€ studio, this shout.I piv aiviaenas'ror n*. i"t-it'"

iii"i, .it"*rv €mptoyed as an snsineer at Ra). ilith #il.ff".r,on & rhe rishr back_up, ihe./,,e ihe ones I t.Ji^ii *".'*""sr,. I



. *ry concrete say ln wnlch they can herp rocal. rocr. I ith- tne allu.n cooes a smarr pos+er na.rc up rroa ?horos of :]:", have Ird thou8ht tlrat orhe' srudios c;dd do m;ch lhe sane. I tle_b:.nas plus a ]yric sheet. Ar arou.r Z* ooro, it," Incid'enta}lyr the sleeve d.esigzr (the acknowledgement got " I sooa bargain - one r can recommend.

lil#$li',;u;r;i;;"ii--;;;;;;lrylS,ffW,,P WP.r#f,F * ',,.1 iwil{ole t, l#.'pi,iitri. ix"d;;;v' lol l_*iii*.i'lTf-il'l;':Sil',;:i;l,'yi;l"Ji:




Hakefisrd & 3o are tne onlv ones on, thl! ar:T."T T"''t Iro! a*tr"r,r.a*, * itand stirrr. Aparr rrorn a we'k rar.k-over actually fi'oir Lssds - though they p ihere reeularly. niddle & a totally predicrable suitar bes.k, 1"rlrou-ld I tlt ,i*" r/2 eI!: ito tivators/' lli ss Demeanorrsi. iust !e a eood ltr,i" iu r"", Lots or Doops, !r'i"r" a ;r"" but or{iqaly lock numr€r if i.r L€reD,t for the "p,.v"i!ii,;;; qurte from ihis band l" por€rful hook. Not at ali "r,.t i.*pi"i".a insertion of mechanical,/Devo-ish instrumental bursts. "i"*, Like | - a pleasan.t surprise. man]r of thes€ traoks, thls one is bettef J!d/4th tine l-,llirg ltnet. Theytie tbe only outfit on h€re ^,. aroundr | ::.:-:j:-gv'Ki

onry) 25'. r,ve never Eeen rhis ba.n. l{3"I+;-qrer+rJ'(He,s lEara-irreii-iort iofore,' but- everyone teus me 1'"";";-- l;1il'"-'::'::::"1;;?.itf":fil:'r::":3';l;,3:U''* or a sraaors)-with ;tiehi f ]"1-"bri;-.""tifii c."a, gooa. $l14 sorS backr up that opinion, beinA doelJ' batanced lsira.its I ihough the songrs a bit sa.ney. betxeer light pop & comelcia.l rock. I^ .

y4 sletigs/,rr.atbsr {6ather,. instruments himselfl unliko the othsrs'


,r,,*u & prars

multitrackS.ng to get it al} in.

th6 l*##tg::ti *fli,1:'il:T;'i:"':'n,:"fi:i;:::" influences. lsolid. & draws more on black ruffiJffitg

th-Ls therefor€ lacks the erolt€nont

that t. aer€lated b' a bunch of psople setrias off on mutual eilthuslasD - & it sboxs. th6 vrhote song Dtods alon€ si{h a. crearrrsss .rrearilrsssthat ,"t rnskes ,J""'it--" it a non-starter ;;;:;til:"':";";;;".;;" - .Loesr't eEn

ftis bard is r€aru_899q - tr.'iur. fest i6 irtenEs, fun la compursiv"rl-d'iai"aor-e. l_. ca-llrlizzier. - . Purrr, so we ws me€t ecu 4d44. a€ainr rh€ note her€ "r<'+lrh6 li.:=-:+:v Eays that th€ guy is caued a€rnat.al Pitt6 plays |

& b€ au instruments exoept drums - this numberr s mostly synths/ Iro..r". Itrs much better than his tracks;;";;'";'; I sampler, but Irm siilL not converted. - too gloony& I serious. V6 pre , r€sns/'Crouat! Ovor ths rborr. I tikod this banil,E lBob & laul,coutina oui Timer. Iuttitlaoked vocal,s/ 8ing1e (alBo on Ra'n) & this ilack mainta-ins tbe standard. linstru'n€nts froo tlro grys llho used .to play bass & suitar They'r6 a Sood shite r€gga€ bard. Extra marks for uEe of StranaewayE & Iater in Cuba. Thts is sxci.ting us€ of tllo voj.c3s on the final v6!se. AIso for spot-on rterrt rhJ.thn lin la Eood atudio to rgaltso sore-re neat id€as. rlt overtona tlouAhout. lror anyono who,E not on their vavelsnstht Epoken lead !bc. z/r nre B€sls/'c€ttins on Th€ No.9'. This on€'s not resga€ - l+-sirnon-*-Garfuk€1-ish tack-up vocals & off"rogga€ raver.or p€lcussion. rdiosvncraticrs just a sreat pi€ce or pop music dri . iit-"r i""i t""if,"" lll{tli: 1111.:T::th the non-committal *___-'- way to describe it. to keep it iaterestlng from start to fj.nish. I '--- -'sane. then6' but.pop-rock' !egeiJee!:S9/1P{:-li .t*"1 th.i 2,/r2 sid6 Ef,f6ct/,Pin si;fipe suiti. one or their *o'ro Cood lyrics"t}":' agair... though yoc night not nunber€ (lf yourv€ Esen them, you nisht beiler renember it l::.' re-ga€. :-' a copl Kevboa'd5 & dluns mrk tose.ther *"-.. ,l ru. for ttre ororitg of "lon, t +v 1ete Jy;u} r"i" tr" i"';;;;j. 1l:il*^:"rli,":::'" weII on --^:" "" this one. has grown to be my favor.rite as Il-"-track on the albumo As soon it finish€s' I wa.nt to hear it again. connercial €noush for | !}gj-Uel&9/'Moa..n Lovers'. IE a ca.tcby [oilern pop sons. lhem to release as a single. I Good back-up vocals thatrre underused. Unspectacular is sreat-'-rt'd a Bons rock r€er to a heaw utlr Evlr lbere,s lray,. 4t 're ry-letil, m. I i*:l':'::."*-"i:f*:1"y^:,.r1"^1:i: 'rqJ ir"i"-iti."-"r"trr; syntl il" lthat - with a bit more work - could be massively this - exoept where itr s off-set W, flute-like R.S.P.C.A.rs gopna get me for cruelty to fhe crt, trri iili" lcommercial' is just another tedious /4w?tr I fne Switcfr/rNothingr s Sacred-r . Gbod proil-uction canr t &'r ordinarv sons rith a r'€ak choms floh j.cts,/' e,/+ nre ci* rhree s€palat€ lrorldsr. rt's ok, this l*::-" "*" €bod'-but..tho.rec1 Is tare rls*rrt ii L.^s ur redvs r!' n"Jry, sur' tha brraL's rmt csn t"r" o" r"u"u-iil s zur' arl. rI udr I :"i"9.I1i-1111' *: lal """ '" "..a" ^'illo.t a bit wimpish. The drum sound in Ric Rac is always l&outstandingly aomething more to lift it a bit. Therers a distinct -goocl _--- & is her.e ;:| ^^-.^ L^^^.,in- to besn -r enthusia$ that suA8€sti the band have Playing lnunber €ither too much in th€ studio or else just had ii in J fte cd,/rfioE connexionr. Ntno lives, but 1osin6 a few on th.ir sia€€ E€t fo! too lon6 & th€ sparkr s sone out of it. I this pagel This i6 the best of the fau! trackE --ths music tut the vocat buLldozss throush the nunbs'' qye-opsn.!.. excelrent iih an Bessae 2f5 "be otlratorsl.An I rhere l: "*"'u' are tvo fulth€!..iracks both lnitten & sua br chlis ryiiEl-Ei-iin6-freerf ii very gtiahtly too lajd-l,ack for I oi tastss. La-yE1 a" so ma'J- of ttrese- sooa Lseds pub band€ lilorlis (ex !-e4gf-E€g), trith backina vocars a nus:.c ry so€n to hav€ teA-euitarists rho play very ordinary pre-r?? | him' Dene l.lichaels & l,tiok Robsod (who .uns the studio). rock-guitar loeaks? A eood nunter fo! all that. lThe first is a gooit slice of disco nusic, the second an ott'- t\oth s'j.th immacurate eioduotion' r4o.e-neNt{av€ ?/6 3!s-Ige-9/,loi,,s trothina l{lth tV Lifer. middlo that ll:u'.I' i" an o{cellent & versatile studio - p\ysicarly in the ti"'JG-tru" tim;. odd spokea tit putring IUS-:lee me in mind of doGsni t ouit6 work. Tlis song ke€ps la bjt crdped, buL oLheruise hald to fault. If you wa.nt futher no bad thing) - thoush itrs of 1h1., llsl,en oui for cubard 19.o Eoont-om Rats (e tl"t'" I anJ rhtireress worldr on &.iora (due out soon). rt's Git rash fiT-q"iE= r^r"'!ii". n" "" tmmaculatel.y tisht as that I to make such a prediction' but Irl] b€ dlEappoirteal if lotorious crer. sritl, theyire a. tard lrlr be waLchirs J of with interest. I itrs not an enornous hit - & thatfs a nunber that was very much the product of the studio. So, as a sarnpler, how does it do for its attists? l'iellt Can Cat' Side goes t'he to booby prize of a can of Whiskas Effect dunp their boring material & put together a whole R.un vour own dlsco... frrll rig for 1.ti7e r^rill Ywrn deck yLus m\c, rPin it. A lot of doubt I Stripe Suitf? set as gooct as cou"t{or sluderr?*' % dis *0 good bet a a-re people seem to think that The l{otivators For full dzlalle rtng \rallord Z+S+Z between 1-L for bigger things in the rock worlil. lheir two tracks y,vt. here leave me in some doubt that they can come up with

if it cones from the sate studiol Good chorus, but the guitar/keyboards sound. on breaks & verses is a bit dated. Donrt like the songrs ending either. sou.nd as


f/5 s:'qe mfect/rGhain Reactionr.


Page 6


irr-9rylKB%#ome to$*e*mfut

For sorae inexplicable reasonr hadfordr s quota of metal fans decided to stay away in numbers for thrs promising event. In fact when support ba-nd Broken Horne appeared about 9.J0 pm the audience Has spars€ to say the least. None the Ierrl the band goldiered on to perforrn aa'extrenely enjoyable set of medium paced rock nr roll. whj.ch was clinically executed and rluite original . briefly 15s !:r'nd comprise Dioken, vocals/guitar, Peter Crowtherl bass (Uottr_ex t'tr. nig), Rory lr'Iilson, guitary Graham Pleeth ke.vboarls ,;n{ ex GiIlan drummer Pete Barnacle. 'loni.ght r.ras only their second ever gig but the.y proved to be ver:t tight an1 wel-I balanoed and I am sure they stani a gooC ch:,nce of commercial, success. The songs'Stop Looking at ivle', 'Jerusal,em', and'Shot al:nost Over HiIl'' al-I workeil well wrth thei.r 'listinctiv: Geddy Lea like vocals of Dicken pronri.nent. The best scn.gs of tfre set were firstly'Death Boy' a great rocky number and the bandrs newly relcased debut srngle'Death of Gog', which is littered witb some dyniimic power chords wi th subtle piano contrasts. The only nagging doubt I have about Bro,<en Home is simply image as they appeared to lack that -FffrlFlfant stage presence. Howeverr if qslesls man Tony Srnith sticks withrem fhey canrt go wrong and. f look forward to the forthcoming album released on June 6th. GirI were a different proposition aII togethar. I must admlt I had my doubts about then, before they came on. Two inauspicious TV slots (OCWT a 'I{)'.lP) a,nd the rather patchy debut song.; album'Sheer Greed' whlch contains sorne rea-L1y orillian! but ls let down sadly by songs such zi.s'pa;sing ClouCs'ani 'Things to Say'. ThankfullyT their live per"formance belied the bland produotion of the albun aad Oi'rl prooeeded to shatter any preconceived j.deas I had about thern with some rlriving I{M uhich sent the b.y now considerably larger orowd into r of delight. fhe twin guitars of Phil CoIIen anLl $sary Laffy are the mighty basis arounC which Girl is brrilt and contrastcd rlth the adequate ilepth provtdE?-Ty Sirnon Laffyrs bass and Dave Gaynorrs Drurnsl ihey create an overa,ll -cotent souncl Frontman Philip Levtls really enjoys hi:rself on stage .is though the punters are the people he wants to be -rrith, and the stage i.s the place he llkes to be. Off stage he app€ar€d rather depressed anri gomewhat subdued as he returne,l to his upper class entourage, headed by one Baroness Fiona de FexJa.nniers who luite eagerl'y filled my notebook with infornation (thougfr rnainly about herself) and she insi-steC-'on me mentioning her as the futu:'e Mrs. Lervis'

\nioa,Ir tevel)Elvta CocteLloiEh sort of thiag vtth a sixtieg thrqrbaok feel about it. To be fair to the bandr the najority of the aud.ienoe sedred quite pl,eased rith it all. ft put ne in nind of Gerry & The Pacemalcers. l{hen werre fifff & going to Beastly Variety Club theyr 11 bave this Eort f stuff as baokground nueic for the bingo galn€Eo l{ew wane? ew Facee, more like. The,first set was enough for mer so I set off for The lbion to flnd out what rrto be confirrneilrt were likeo l{ow hatts another story altogether. -phil Fosten

Sneila *-T[nc Poo-FLAF5,,


ft fhe Derni-GOaislEltP*a. tTvtAv'sl 50pr the gig nas a g"iveaway. It vras a b6nefit for

crsd At

one-parent farnilies

in the area & was billed ae lhe Earn:lgs flre Earwies, beins sartarmter('offi (ams) a alex tilenio (srr) - arr exKlinaons - with Jereny Stein (etr) & steve wood (kbd.s), decided at some point prior to the g:rg to rena,ne the band +



The Demi.-Gods.

Sheila & lbe Poo Flaps.(Ihey've since changed the name again - to 01ga & the Cornsrunigts, though Danay tellg me itr11 change again aoon - talce a back seat, Spizzl - €do ) If w"s aelr nalne for a trLal gig, testing how well the new band. fit together. In fact, they did.nrt play badly at aLI, the most notable of their numbers being the reggee oneoe ginen sta4B presence b5r Jeremyro fron-tilg of the band on guttar. But owrallT their performance was overshadowed W the earlier eat done W Gbd & The Derai-Gods, I thoughtl eo I sought out a Demi-Gbd for a few words. Tlm NuttaII (tus), Victor Vaselerrlco (gtt), Roger Greenslrde (Str/troc) & h.zz (taes) played a rlvettiag Bct of stacoato guitar & distortioa to a well-helil alruJr lrbLJrtb. ataclyrnd.c etuffl rrfe pl41r anti-rnrsior" I was toLd, 'reven to the poirrt of ltating pl,aying it & hatingf o:uraely€s f,or pl,aying 11." No gig Eatisfaction there, but I suspect that whatewr notives the band ha'ne for pltaying - lornr hatA or iadifference - they rilI in the end enjoy the confugior. & intereet tbey create. I especially llked rRock &.Roll. Eallat wa6 impr€seed throughoutz tlespite the fact that I dnrt bar any of the \rriosl which Ird. hoped to bear ter a refereace to ealy Floyd \r a Denri-Gbd. Apparentl;r, ba.ncl paly infrequentl,y, only uheu they feel tbey have to theyrve no id.ea when the nert gtg woutrd be. Itll be tohlng. -Ken Tqrner. :.,

to know whether their effeminate i.nage turns Itrs difficult people away in any great numbers, but there is nothing effeminate about the sweat they work in delivering such ,gems as'ldy Numbei, 'Hollywood Teaqd and their ir+o'q1ri"te breathtakina covers, firstl.y che tinks classic'You Really Got i"lel and'Do rou Love Me?t of Ki"".;one imoortant thing is their favour as .the;r continue thei-r quest fo;' worlri. recog:rition is that 1!irl *" quite uruoj-stakeable, both in irnag,: and sound. Thej.r srrot on the U^,lQ tour has no doubt been invaluable and I can only see thenliogressing - for the time being at least. FinaIIy a pointer to local bainds may 1ie in the si:'me way in whioh Oirt sigBed to Jet pecords. philip lewis explained how thev sFii-ed the cash together to make a video il a small stu-alio ln ltusrell Hill anil on its delivery to Jet they rere snapped up immediately. lrloreover, the vldeo oost a total of about t25Ot much less than cutting a disc' Brown. -SLeve

15 L


5y l\lrl.iS

Ylli:,:i?:,4, r?E'av'to

As Alan t{hicker rould probably sayr an enening of distinot & oontraeting halves. Firstl The White Lion for Glossy l{a€s. Letrs not beat about the buehr I found this realLy rorribLe. Runorrr bas it that theyire tn€u raver which I take to mean a refined poppy nugic inepired. ty prrnk but not tied dowa by tts linitert fornat - €ogr Costello, Polioe. What ue had, hcrcr by oontrast, was a sort of lifelessl nulti-purposc aural wallpaper, borrordng alt the external characteristics of new that might rave whilgt oarefully sucking out ar'trr vitalif lii tberein. &EEL-$3gg. isl no doubt rithout then lrrowing

it, a good. name for theml all lj.feless rsophitticatedr jet set angst & reproduotion posterg. -Theyrre a titilationr five-piece - rhythm, lead, bas-, drungl keyboards/synth. The nunbers are usualtry about lover mainly lost, in a plethora of regrets & world-reary resignation. Apart from a couple of balladish things, the set was mainly up-tempo with bits of jazz & ehuffle thrown in along the r*ayr invariably competent\r playEd with an air of cultured ind.lfference - or ras it just boredom? What stick in the mind are the very preoise guitar solos (note-for-note reproductions of things played 100 times beforb?) A tfre single-line s;rnth passa€eft oh god, those synth passagesr You lcnowr the sort of things they bave on those ghastly travel progralnmes on TVr playing behind pictrrres of Aryan surfers & obese secretaries from Birmingharn drinking l{atneyrs Red Bamel ... At times they randered into a kind of castrated (on both the nrrsical & the

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Barry Lights, 48 Crystal Rd, 4A5q. Sneakers 4-track (lUt cassette Cass 1), Tittesr roh Faytr roh B|rdaty Ebllyrl rA11 Winter Longr & tPricktrey lieatr now available. Send tl-"5 + 25p p. & p. VOCA-LIST (no previous experience) wants to join/forn pop & rock band. Very keeno Anyone j.nterested please oontact Keith Noer 7 Barnard House, Saffron llrive, Alertonl badford. BAND TRAI'ISPORT. Cheap & reliable. Ring ilalcolrn on Bradford 44428. Also available of li.ght removals, shifting gearr AIRBEAT RtrORDS DISTRIBUIORS,. Blackpootl Lancso TeI . (0253)

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Sex Pistols!



ji lrlevar nind the bollocksr beref s the... nlto? Good queetion. tl Sorne of you may remember the appearance in ]-977 of a combo il naned-Sbe Sex PistoLg rhose erietence mor€ or less arnounted ,p ro a tinffii-ilii$e or arqrlnr.ng wrrorn po,cr.ng olsTancer r including its own ugly little visage. Before their i ';r'' jil inevitable demisol they exerted not a little influence o.n 4 j ' contenporary music & then vaniehed in a puff of euicide/ ,h' 'ltiii ttra.r/legal ',q action/recrimination of which tilie film just part. j conetitutec one small . lr' f. lt v lltl Eehind it aI]-, tbe film uould hagg us betielter were the ' trlv,nacbinations of that latterciay Uab\g\qvellie iMAlcolm Mclaren it, rhoee strategr for rorld oreation ofl @n.ttoo\qrvedu.rthe nain strernqfKlay in thei\dtji-Llty firstly to I 'ga band whose 'Joonvincc friend. & tgE,flike that their eitg$pce constitutedl q' a threat to veatec(l-rflilisation as wo tceo.fr$ secondlyl ,'ri ,f as a conaequenoe of ,thisr to prize huge ard0arnne b{ money ,'41 'f fron record. oorpaaipi cleterrgidafl to turn {tris cdr\ge iaio'l if tlre ringiagr of cash\rt gigrtrt. Ey walr of hi combinor*v*oi--ef jf,1 actual /6+ae ot a'Nli6 (muslcal & otherhse), carto-on & [t 'il Ecript{y' actionl l{ol,$rda gleefu}ly tletailsl the minutiae of "''[ ,1, thc pfgbese in the ao[tgxt of a pollte4 history of t!9 bandrgl &| / 'r anticih.[ There_r's_the o{lg.f wL creg,'t;.td of the Uana (q{ uely a. 1




e friends from Lond.on got up on stage & sang aloug on a eatleg songl the title of which elud.es me at the moment. I clo remember the Stoaes aumber sounding very much, I lmag,inee as it would d.o if played by a bunch of ZuIu drrlrnmers. Profound they arenf tr but consideringl the aud,ience reaction (not once d.id I hear aalron" "), ""y 'rgerremoff theyrve'probab\r had greater social effect tha.n all the peeudo-philosophical vapourising of the Genesis/Yes ilk rolled together simply by getting up on stage & playing. End of lectureo -Phil FosLef. bandr


KYI SrK Wffi ';il:ffi}'iqab!^' L\,1 I was gazi'ng into the rcontrol roomr where the ooneolet M

record decks & assorted equipment could have oome straight out of a reoording etudio. l{ike was staring through hie glass pigeon-hole at the dance floor. There were no laserbeam lightol ro mirrored suitse just the driftlng sounds of ;ufi rboleeel,e nanipulatlo\ S'll4lfe neilia & recold co'rrlanies, the.'' the music Mike had picked to lead into the appearanee of, Luchr Strike on stage. It all struck me aE rather oddr but -fi!, cynicatr nanufactureloft CfocVhorror events\'rMclr,*gn puts :'.t then Mike ie no orclinary fellow. Ile runs The l{arehouee, empbasiS/d his modifieitl.<0tereiod.bf \N@RLr partisular /'?l everyone in the area now lolows as a very good. lllrt eo-raitingr oonc,ef,t/of perf o"fucfl $. $fay as ti+ig.€\ ",rl whieh discotheque, the reputati.on of which is about to change MJ as'posaible, prddably r;on aftA\L.ii lTtruq,fanF\were \, i'lfl the appearance of a few local baads. []re Jf 'encoura6ea,+o;fiU astDga gft+a1 lgi sed' iyfs{ittre b.nd bhd i' elightly oring to perfect setting ie almost for a small concert, rrith the ili no tntcntiot--of pLay'{&,. 1&\iisr foq}96e of ithH band plaf{,ig I band a stage f lanked Xy'bars & seating a,reas & the dance ft (tl alr their soogfta, t/fe[irg ca{tbon "wFsr$" &f4 | smackon dab in the micldle of the place. llhe a.couetlce are 'fii at Heathrov L t\il&, LoE(Xins \bt I 4.9 Recordgl\Sj-d,VLatoua I good too,. the basic iclea ie that iastead of just a iliscol ii lapsine rntl redhilr &'Hyde vhe+ he\tl,orgerlst tci\\g{tne li, whicb really on\r bloesoms into life when the pnbe closee iri nsabo?ebelAiou{rbersona her s \edppo{e$ to' Ftro jWt, much "l' ), ltike will put a. local baad. on frorn 9-110n t.tnee nighte a {l rqrdfib.rorisf on\&stt}ian be\bles \$t/eiesc & his Nazi ttt or sol rrith ao oharge at the door & the drinks at pub vo\,h" At#", you might -I' seek f'f ig[6na\$ '\{5 'ociffi\g prioec until IO.3Opm. So the band is freer the driaks ruoh {f c{riplnifhdut being portr\gcd 4$ \merely a collection of X the sane as el,rewhera, & if you should d.eclde to stay iti,oilFrce*{lto 1pd eatered in *Srioub\[lreotionse but you can'd[, after llpnlprice the disoo follows a,s soon ae,the band flniebee. att the pefrire ai.{'trre tine. l' " \\"t+a(t-"{V Itlike d.oeenf yet t ]:now whether itte working or what effect lJ, ildr}$2ffhat a\\e itp{f=rffir? It meane that werve been h"d.{ itrll bave on the disool but hers giving lt a try rith the .,W Thi{'\circus aobbtituFas about as mrch of a threat to il likee Spider Blues Baq!, Helter Sketter &, tonighte fu Lucky of 'f """t\i" c:.viri\trtion ar llhe lrtuppet Show. In fact, it Strike. l[, act'u{d1y embodiql all the sed.y aspects of human fo}}y that- \ It ras the first time Ird geen the band in action. inger at. llboever was reeponsible {'f t ro\joyfutty points its frproductr Everyoae in the bancl was wouad upr ready to playr but their (in effect, Richard ll[- for cftctioning the ftnal the tension go straight Uansoii, I would ina6:ine) would have us believe that anybody.l stage erperience wouldnr t let alL lfi olr&;ro They moved snoothly into t Sunender fo lbe Rhythtnl 'r"; wno thinlcs that moderar music oa.n anoutrt to a eerious -1 hacl the fairLy sparse aucllence tappiug their oollectire fl articulatioa of diecontent is deluding themgelvee. trhe film & fect & moviag closer to the stage & onto the daace floor ;tr\ is a etinki.agr heaving mess of cyaiclsm - presumably in tbe start. As a few more folks arived & novtd in for rith what actua.lly happenecl - an unconcious but eelf-, from Illtr better view & a place at the Uar (in som€ cascs&), Cr'on ""**a attempt to illustrate the idea that whatever we tl a il regarding anuounced. that the set wag to be split into trc; rlth a fn might d.o to change our liveg is just another aspect of l}re fl' stritabtri beak about halfway. This is the usual 4r1at,genentl ll dloease masquerading a^o the qure, a thesie orudely f, apparentlyr so 4e not to wear the band out too quickly & f, cncapsulated ia tbe image of effigiee of the band dangling t/" (l imag'iae) g:t* the bar sta,ff a chance to oatoh up rith Jt'W tfreir neoke from a gallows at the beginning of the film.rf, around I0.JOl CLassio R-&-B & soul was the order it, A parable of our times,? Probably. But more like lloll,yrcod'f themeelves for usr as Lucky Strike ran through rfiow Sweet j,{, hletrionics rei.ncarnated with a cocloney accentr the dying /1 of the day ri{e Gotta Get Out 0f Tlhis Placer r r$tard !y l{et & jaded, cynical old men flogging a dead I It Isr, lf l 8:",-t of a bunoh of $o on' finighing the first half of the set on fliidnight Hourr. John Shepardre ilrummingr I thoughtl w&a the bagis for a hard driri:iug eaDund rith Gfom Kelly fronting the band nellr & haail-ing the introductiong rith eage.o I clo hear I trrat'Grora pLalrs"harp too, but in thlg casE hB nag gues:t 1 conpleteLy overolradored W Bogcr Pond-Jonegt the / harmonica-pllayer, who must be one of the higgest bLokes on the local eoon€o He positive).y threw hims€lf , playing - Youfve probably heard of The l{o-Det_Leg even if you r'soochie Coochie Manr at the start of the second set & ' haveart seen them yet. Theyrre an all female four-piece from iato was always on side of sta4e mouthing l.yrics & aiding the London rith a single out at the moment called rt{hite }li.cer rith a bit of thigh-etapping (iris orar horestl) when which seems to be getting some airplay. They certainly seem , rbythm he wasnr t lnoluded ia a nurnber. Having bim as guest tras a I to inspire a certain amouut of devotion, a bunch of admirerg neat move that gave the band. a strartr fluid touchr & the of a mod/skj.n inclination had hitched all the way up from ,.extra punch when a song Cemanrded' it. 111 in a111 very London to see them. I capably handled, Iaits. John told oe that they have their R-&-B/pop In rausical. inclinati.on the band are basically - ' off,-days, as does any band, so go 4 eec then on a good. ons. just ( irna€ine a slmplified version of Ilr Feelgood imagine are playing for the fun of itr so the more of you it????) & strictly up-tempo a you-r-1FE-rar off the marko t lhe ba.nd go to see them, the more fun thererll be for alL, & 0h yesl they wear kilts & pencil skirts & ladybirdr s antenae.. I who the better the band will be. (ttrat apptles to most bande, From thi.e itrs cLear ile a,re in for A COOD TIME. And whatf s whors been part of a snall, embanasseal audience irrong with that, you ask? Nothing, I reply,, €rooor. nothing las'anyone lat a gig that failed to develop mush atmosphere will knor* at allo r only too well - ed. ) I didr.tt get a,4r of the titles of the songs apart from Atthough The i{arehouee as a venue is limited in its rHhite Micer & rPaint It BLackr (not an orig:inal; f hasten itrs a great I rartge by Mikers pereonal choice of bande, to add). Nor dicl f cop for much of the lyrical gist - the - somewhere new & interesting for loca1 nnrsic-lovers' vocalg were pretty rnuch back in the mix, so much so that even setting as well as would-be disco-freaks. An intriguing comblnationl 1 the introductions disappeared into the audience backgrounil -Kenrqrner' i numble. frve a feeling that it wonrt have worri.ed them ,;








Linc-upr Paul trtirror (vocs/lrri.cs), steve Gregg (gbr/ute vocs)r Steve l{ard1c (etr/Ute voos), Audrew Felton (a*s) a uict uay (tass). Back in Sept r79 tUe two Stoves began looking around for otbers to form a band, eventually met up with Paul in Jan r80 & had the fu1l band line-up by late Feb. They then speut two months rehearsing & rrriting songs at Ran Studios in their lrome-town of Leeds before nakiag their public debut at The Marquis of Granb3r on 26th May (on a doubLe bill with Bradfordr s Ulterior ltotives - another name-check, heht hehl ) They played Boston Spa on 31st May & have July gigs at Seacroft Hotel & The Royal Park in Leeds, with a couple of dates' lined, up back at The Marquis in late srflmerr On Z8th June, the band is booked into Ram to record a tlemo tape (rith Dave l{hiitaker of the band Music For Plcasure coming in ae prod.ucer). When I intervieweil them, the band volunteered. a bunch of personal rock historieg. Here are the edited highlights... Steve l{ardle was previouely in a band called The lttess. Nick Hay lived d.or+n in Croydon until ,78 & was in iiffi5Ei of Londonr s ear\r punk bande with guch exotic names as IIaiLL (which Nick describls as -BaLi_C & &e tlasturbators t lrrrse The Rubberg + Rarnpant

Sypbill,.le... Irkcronl sometimes I worry about todaytsl youth - when f was a lad we never used words like rampant. Andy says! nf sas in a band calletl Eio-Feod!.ack & we played just onc gig for which we only fraa Fiinutesr rehearsal . fhere were three of us - no bass-player, but no-one noticed thatt" Paul Mlrror has been involved in music for about 6r year6 & has, alone over 2O0 gigs. lhe Mtrrors was the flrst band for rhich he rrrote all the songs & thei.r line-up also included Ilave i{hj.ttaker (atrreatty mentioned above). St.ne Gregg once played guitar in a playl but this is his first band & the gig at The l,larquis was hls first ever. AIso at the interview Has a frlend of the band. called Merrick who has the &istinction of having been the bandfs mana€er for about tno hours (Ue triea & failed to get them a gig at Wigr s Hine Bqr so they sacked him). He once had pia.no lessons frorn a

neighbour. The group write all their own songs - usually starting with a get of lyrics by Paul. 'rl$r lyrics are mostly sexual politios plus a couple of topical songs (fite rOilr which

is about the {yatolfah) but I avotil taking aqr specifically political stances.[ Ofteu Paul also comes up rith tho rough. outline of a melody. The band as a nhole then hammer out the cornplete song that wonrt just be a straightforrard. basic pop aong - 'rWe like to use a mixture of rhythrus & melodj.es so that the songr s a bit rnore compJ,er than just verse/chorus/ veree/chorus.tr'Paul says that the eventual aim 1s to develop a ner. approach to the staadard 2-guitar line-up. Contact: Steve Wardle on Leeds 5?3T01. pau1. on Leeds 6j2464. from 16 interview


Nicl Tccrch.


Personnelr ALi Tbite (ta voc,/some rm g.tr), PhiI Russell kg voc), Ro<tger Massiah (u gtr/tte voc)r crivs lld€-t Horley (orgarq/wurlitzer pno)r Pete Hunt (ans). Ir{irsiar Theyrve been compared with Roxy lilusicr Talking Heads XlC & Caotain &efheart, seei.ng themseives as one of the Efras €rFg-ilftTror the new-wave era with a d.ifferent kj"nd of pop/rock that is catch & accessible without being instantly dleposable. In the early daysl the band worked. at rnixing nelr-lraver reggae & iazzlfvrtk influences - a.n uneasy blend at first, but one that they now feel gives the group its own distinctive style. Liver they do a set of 18 numbers drawn from a constantly evol-ving repertoire which has included. over !O original regularly-performed Bongso They attach a lot of irnportance to the lyrics which they feet are better than most - a claim backed up try a report in the local press whioh summed up the bandts strengths asr tgood catchy choruses, a really tight rhythm section, & excellent lyricst. Song titles include: rSa,fe & Soundr, rFatal Attractlont, tPop Gigolorl rA11 Your Favouri.te Flavoursr , rllinutes llo Gof , tEgo Voyeurr , tI]cg The Mindr & rAnother Jungler. Baclcrowrdr The nrrcleus of the band met at Huddersfield Polytechnig (where two were students & one a lecturer in psytirotory/eociolory) a nave been toge+,her for two years gaining experience t6t Playing in pubsr clubs & colleges throughout the regi.on.

Contact: Manager (Pau1 Wess) on Hudcersfielc 46970. ffrom their publicrly leaftel. ' _

the Svb&nmfin*A

The group: Hugh Gubbin (voc)r.Huqh Morley (gtt)'

Gv& Chris

JacksonTkbds), Mick Bunnase (bs), Graham Summers (ams). (t'tict< & Graham are both also irr Deep l'reeze Mice). The ba.nd formed as'['he Stati<:s. i.n Feb tl'J & have pl-a;;edt mostly around Leeds, about twenty eigs in a.ll - supcorti.ng bands such as ltla/az:-ne, Mekons, ''\gony Columnr icreamst

Crisisr Oon}gglgr etc. In Dec t79 they recorded two tracks at n:.c nac Stuaio in Leeds (see tape review in HCR6) which rere intended for release as a single but the;r Cidnft have the money to release i.t & "anywailr we felt after the reoording session was over that the tracks were a bit flat & lifeless but thatfe probably because it was our first time in a studio. I think that we did the best we coulil & any other band would have done about the same under the circumstancee. It was something we had to go througbr so it wasnrt wasted.rt One of the main probleme that the ba^nd feel they axe curently facing is one that they have i"n oommon with numerous local outfits. 'rUnless yourre doing a support at The l"an Club or The University, itfs hard to draw more f]narl 10/60 people to a gig. So itrs a priority for us to get out of Leeds for gigs if we nant to reach a reasonable number of people. ft was good supporting l{agazine as they drew the kind of audience that seens to li.ke us - but we couldnrt draw them in such numbers in our own right. Itfs a drag that those gigs are few & far between. Therels a club recently openecl in Lonclon - the Moonligbt - thatrs intended as a ghowcase of bands from The Provinces, eo maybe wer11 get a gig there. !{erd like to play Shoffield, Manchester; etc. but a lot of olubs seem to be cloeing dorrn & the others arenrt keen to risk booking bands like us whorve not had extensive media coverage. Also, tl're fact that our nusict g slightly different from standard rock & pop meann that g'igs are harder to find. Most pcople who go to gigs donrt like to be offered anythlng that theyrve not hearil before.'l f asked them about plans for uiny}... 'rWe feel that wo now have a more clear\r-defined mrsical direction as a Soupr but werve no money to do it ourgelve$o Thererg a chance, though, that we might get one side of €Jt EoP. otr Mole Elnbalrning Records (rith Deep Freeze l{ice on the flip)r though thatrs still very much in the air at the monent." Anyr other hassleg...? 'r14s need ma^nagement & a phone itrs a real problem not being on the phone at a]1," The intervier ended here, but a lptter arrived two days later:"Dea,r Nick, after the interview we suddenly realised that we hadnrt said much about the music. l.lost ba^nds interviewed i,n the 'yJ.C.R.. seem to treat the music as incidental & we donrt wa.nt to do that. The main points are these. },le like to vary our am€ug€ments & avoid the obvious & contrived. One aspect of this ls the absence of conventional solos (tWiiitu Sound' is an exception). Creating atmosphere & feeling is more important tiran displays of technical skiIl. It is important to be open to new ideas, & difficult to build up the confidenco to use them. i'ihen bands start roruying abolrt showing influencesr or whether audiences li.ke their music, is where we believe most of them go wrong, though sometimes itrs hard to avoid. Likewi.se; we want people to have to think about the lyricsr aa opposed to being spoon-fed rrith clich'eg. Malcing things easy can make thlngs worse. Obviously therets too much here for a r{.C.R. articlot but we hope you ca.n use some of it. (Wrong - ed. ) I'Je will be sending some photos in the near future. Cheersr Oraham Summers. P.S. How about a regular letters page in lil.C.R.? More feedback, we s{r.rl Finally, the nalae-.h*gu to 'fhe Subliminal Cut wag partly because the bandr s very different nowadays & so they felt a change of name was needed. Also, 'l'he statios was rather non-,lescript & anYw4Y there r"rere several other bands with the same or si.milar names (e.r. 'fhe Statistics, The .icstatics, etc. ). Yo',r can contact- the goup at 26 Ashville Avenue, Leeds 6o whj,ch is the i.d:lress of i'ioIe dmbalming ltecords as welI.





flIDE 9Url

n iloil





,,n,, lis,o,e Biil-ill f;'tJ'j;:ii'; !llll#[l;' Lire"t 5rasins PorE, Lcedr colvrx '


6 5nT



'rle aucK'






sPtoEA sluEs




ilonr qiii )' i ie vApo uR s + rt 11rl-. *til*drd r t{tOxf fltllM Croot,f llitv' ctatrrAw' aueert Htll, $ndlo,4 . DE n s woqxt NeFaa cl45,Lee4q,: qz + FASHtorj, flor le.AkUeJ-eelq -- to NE sttx.
















Covc, ArzA+orl= tANcrroi/' fia C icoTaf 7at. ;"rr. r 4 rbll, Ao nrt i;i'.-L e

t fiijlil'iiI;i'. 'ii''i{ t'tbtlFud&rt{itld .



trQ s n ARilA 1.,

ii6'Qi*itot r;tiy

nrtr,to. tt,

E tJ

A.N c E

l i*ilnl)


Eraliford'tuonn nfirf



+TcN.t tqFF




Ktttl tilAKsr,

HudhtqllJ,cocqEy xeftcra


Royal Parh,

ltA-e+tott' t

t/hit? Lhn,'H'dd lrel,lQ





illl wa





D4 ne,





brj tr,rih lirn, kyal ?arh,,teeds. torr tsex;rv A ltE ju{l,

V'hrtlt oWe, L+e/e z H E Lt t l' tK E LT K Polish ctub, Hallfar- nvx€Ptoue FoortrePs+ local berrlt.


!-a.dt' K'ttFt EtoE'

Fan Ctub,Leadt


-- 7HE


NtcE. kyalhrh,kels =DttrV 'irt ft+t,W&ztihtutltlQlE(.




Wbr?hourc,LQQ.lg. ret(FFlEltOC.

fifil;']:;j!:;ili':;'t'I:;,, ce n Il e, 8 r

ad/". rd.




si77 tlcxtot arHt Hutt.

Va*lts 9ar, grtd(ord ,7tt? tt?fr' furc & Croutn.tl^ler

t tf,lttl rtttlltatv. H


rli AnE.4ral.|"il - IDIE tlsfi+effit til i scthir autt 1 a rilt,

Odlfeltrpg hlaihoutts' Vaults 9ar Or'td(ord. = ' Licn n.t.t' Hsllerilie{. Vhife. , fcvr I farh, Leedg = s?DEn rLvtg tittD' Gdllop lnn, Harrog sft zrH E t4ttl@l. 9ol9'


+ gue'lt' Faa Chb,leedq = EcHo kt{, F*odt (*eene ,ueds= 'IilNvAaN p"';i g?ril t, lradl or d., tAWuN (et- na'i. Royal


r h,

ua thr


* vAtK'

Uil+ -

AFIE o1$h = HEAV



efifEF. &TllE GlltrFk?nxD + cuzP'r lov' + rattt il'E' r ' . nFrrlil tr, ry'coglu^U,ni, be,ls.. ryt Al1?t!t GitFFrrRur, Al'dphi, H;lrtgtfe Unl!v Hall, tValc{itl{


F{orde G nene, L e e4, = s A tt^ F M tt. ft,lm Co'a, End(orl' fttt sce'tE' Rpval Parh,Ln/,* = VHtrE EAOL$9. tr;eds

llnive*iv (*+<t?"ri

z au?ERcHARCrE

ALbbt tlolalrnucd?tr+teutRourd)rrTt

tfili H'add+ Halt. Leels= #:i#,!:8,'

;[,ii,!l.,zt REDEYE.

hilv Li n,' Hudderr{ield = r|e u cfrvus, Palm Carc, 1nd{o,I, .


u. ttc

G uF


A,olal rdrR,Laat= owlrl n4.tr., ur' *a5i1 fi;i, Lecb' wcct trRt'(t



q*??'!r Hrll,

5Ut' 'i+#'i|li;!J,ir!li:1^;l',,"'4++:,{ffi7"7!;',fr #r,;;:',)ffi


Etn Cort,Brdf orl, cL,n EArt:ltooD, flDY2l ?57ft,ltedt = tltcKv ,fR RE'

o,,y', THE

rauilcfiieU.flllYcclg'k't<ttr5lJ4fie$+ ';r??s' cu1 Nrce. ttllu, Htrit + E,t't'Ffiorf eiihiAili, =grrll --7ut'dis + ,^,r?otr tatLer, ltalhg fttt, Irede z gEttrtoN' itid6; H;ir, fti?'j:iiiy{ancil l4ios, Whrl? Lioni


Hnl{errf icld' oro?ty




l^Cf tct'

"otOY y166y1srt9z,t2elt(lwln)=Eef Fk-Nne.

O7tg.jne,ta& Hiid.nn Hrlll LielszKNIFE lJAilo Lrdn, dudl 26field = 7BEfirF'ENl.'





3^i#W.,'tu#lr:l!':,*\"':t:,iYi 'rPrrhceville




''.-:'],?:;i:ii r1**fj,on*' p

t':;613\,.iizf:;*' e,t..(Ll*':2iiit.\'?- Vault"s vaiur,'{,ih t



i!/*ly;01^;,, , -


. "'-'r--':



Had&n Hall, Lee.lt - Awtoottey rt19, . Ela&,auorelki.,Tontefraibxttce epee, h/hife kin, rlulderefiell.= (uch) cofir n consf /(e'rdE'HovtE.' , ftincerille 66triord (iqxrl) 7, 9.P ' Lzil< Raval ?srh. = IELTZ| 9RELIEF FFtle G*e^e,veds = llirrjuir of Gnfiy,bels--,{rtR RE5ToRERS. ?niccvi ll€, 6rlJ6 il'- t' E gtorts, foyal ?arh,Lti/e. tTonw rtoYqtif'

Wri!"#:PW-r 2





e - ict tci exe us t, t..rla = LtMaLtbtll,



I t ua^\. glicK FEttEr 91!i!tt.

h'Et$l{';'?t;":;ifi:#ly::t+c'rrfrfi{lf*'il*iti:llli"miz'if{{rffifr !^

Shging ?o+1, Leade




Alfre', Knyetlur


9ucro(t Hotel,ticls





tr!t!(+ N.tJiu*&tNG-

F$:,;i-#;;:'al7e=oiciwee4' ?alnCow,trA?otd ' rHE eL|Haffre'



ue4j. co|vtx.

Ktnfu Head.KiiahteJ : THE JHEw 3 cinrt, B'ra #o t nz v Y e.



scac4y H,hl,

Floyle'en.eneiLeeb z ttrddcn Haltr Lcedet rHE VfE,

?"yil nih,Urli

rxE morE^irce. = geuiDr'ott. HudCerrf r'eld =

Tha Warelotrrc,


vl N tf f til €A|LES.

Slbirn Hotet, Hullartlteld r AIL oYf,{


vlE, =fHE fit.to| + fHt F{ordz &zae, Lteds . urcel gnxsn. Sttccvi llz, 9n ih r tl -- t et il ws *. &vel P:A Letle -- rLtVt tiTE. g{ocKt+ uLreqtor. McTflet+ fHE ?REss+ ?Lexu9' FRI ffitqR€ t{nil/'H;il. l,/aid ;4t'- ne 6EAt I tHt AKR'(LYKZ ' clclprhae, tl r/.Cerdti{ , Ec-no o ntc *t{rtlAtN


rl. = r e ele LL

bnd{r/, vhtr


Itoil 7TE@a'lr-:L.dn Mlmuls a1 kanby.hedc,

t Nr tcr,


L)"t *zll^tl.



fuyal ?rrh,




?il *t covo, A rtdlo St. kor.qts Hrll.




ro ctA'T' Ki\$ Heil., i&nlleiy . co F+orll CYre&.4eA4 = nrTcrt9ox. ontm, Bn /tord = 7 F? hl Eei As 9P9,


Flodz &reene,Leedt

glzchtnon Hurl.,i;ntefrtcl=iEDeonH rf4n


NE ffi. Rf{,e t, Crown,Tlkli't .


Ropl ?rrk, Leedl,,DE






l{,rib Lion, Hdiers(ield

c FF E

? Iu

fu'/al ?ari,, teei(9



horte,L?edt x A?DI,Y


;::di;,x ;;::*'

uwrlffcHe]r. s\;qb,t,I,.cd.s



hacz fillt,

1,b", A'tiler*lield' 1

?ark,Uedt =f

F{onl,e f't<ote , t-Uds = Trln<eVill e, $red{ord. : DNWXUlrcl{ER.


trif, : )tAcx Rcoft UDltg,


lrilt rHE Dare. cf, h), 3 trE HAd !1| 'IEE*J L*d r ; nc et o e Frnicilrz, gofi nfl z 7 EttDtAH tf f,mr.



= "HAKE Warchclse,ieb(anch),Cef FRtEreg. Orce+tc,fia/lr='{^?nfrstror,



fuse& Crowrr,Ilhleu= fHE v/E. Q,reeic Hrll, b nd4ir I' N rcxt yH Fr Fan cl.vb, L2g[9. cSIKNEY AetCcfg + Kttz UExr rool.




S.ac,aft H&zL,Leg,lt= sottf ^r.b',.^

5Ut ffia* tielc



= btlltrE 9?t(tt' T nLr 5l4it{'

vJrl{ild caorAN + ttE Retra ww' *<t n e,' tt d g, t x ) nft H en ilt +'rH€


+ 6 EhlS,woRK






tttr,tv ttalt,


S7iash gne,Eradford= t.EPtlt91o vtALrz.

M,rty's. g14gt< FERn.6y 5a64p.

VaulEs'Bar, Srad{ord Ntoqtt{tFr H?tt ;vrhe+ield = Bwete + uARstS





iat tleT/,, 5.s1iql,k,l' 6t 3 I dtl|e+oN.

RofiL Waro


bra diyr'd




WED u^'iv



?rtirtc.yrlle,qradlofll Roya I Parh, Lsidr

Ofi H cx|,

FaofgTtry = Mytr€ il?t Wafiholaot L*iaiVtillor/ . e$ntl Rarlt.

rvoEls oF ?N T^lo , vlahe/1ft\| . srto^t + 1 RtV tf E, t cK s' hl l;#e Lio n, H ulAi r rli eH " gAvn gradhil, z E?reX. 5t.@o74ite HaU,



Crcu:n,Illtgy "


9ce*p5. iailLoif,-z tois<


gnl{orA: rR6n?rt.

warc^onge,Vclg z

Spliir one,Srakoil = burtretDwcE, ollfellowiAns'. gnJ+ord = SErrt vtonxwe . Ha


Parh, Leedq.

scilre Bralli..lJ xn'pe epot.

v Wi:#! ti*iiiijffilr'*',:::- a'*x E





Kjl,qc Hetd, Kciqt






Florl&Gt&te, Leedl= trpl, largurs of Gr66ly,4sl9.

fUE WEtlrR &

I'targuir of C'lanby,Leeds = t?rr{089. ?ri rcevi ll e, Aradltl z AEt f F |?H7ER,







-'h, vrc'v


Y:i:,ilii::,li:i;;f ih,',1":1,'!!."'::ffi l{!:Y"ii"d'f rui:sE'rtrR',@




*iji;; H.ii:i;;ii:-

IUE @tt;o. & croron,


---tHeLstcue oF wffrlEngN +





e{1r^$tiu \e) 'Yt Nq' )uc' \v


f,i"trtzil '(,irl'5t'l-\i"^Y:\ot t\:'d:;*fi';li),,,*,, h$i r"!l*i' '--!ri;, I- $q)+) ;l;b S$:-:tt (f-74/tp t $!* (vi ' <$'7 Splash o\?,i ,, I *#!lD;;;:$ l,ir -J,:Il"l* "",$,j;il$l,YJ ) i,',:^aryi; 1i,l-zrzzt)i ;/:^ ^&*r.ruq ^.^ /- gvJ'qx&. r,, tili,t 'ft"t.1iitt) {iru,u#, trr\ "oqlC) .$.1ryt0""(ffJ;i








'Tiy this


Vaults qar,Era$ord'z coam fo co+tr' Rote* Cfou^ tthlcy= AVAL0N H&ltwhy.









Vori6r't &.


VauVg aar, Orad.{orl > tr&t't' t while, Lt6 *, Hu,/lirr{iell = t RAn? ue'



i u-





oil' '

+ 9if


5 9ux



(Lr. Po,tte{ra cl\





RDs" &.


Crew{, Tlt,lej

Khgs HezJ,


?rtln ce ir I le,




Rtt t




-- eeloEtttr

ft)n eovet9ndforl - (re,a1 byal.?arh,Leidc




lFe4try TotI;LeclrrrA1or.





Eirdwell clqlr

garnst'/t r't'of'

H ea


d., K ei




Ars w RKt N o





Lion, Aulderc( ield : rH€ QurcN'


cede,'TH E Lt?E'

Royst ?a rh,








a4 ml











ffotle heere , 1a2{2: (T,v.n) Tair+ 6vt,1ra{.hrd, (f .g.n)


/onl ?rrl,tcelr z vtHtrE EAaG;. Ktl^|tle| ft rwrt' Ctvb, Riqrlal ( t ft nt4r lcfl . Tlpiff'. Hqldet4bld z eLtERtrR HottvEr, Hot2l,Lesle = vFIAKFR. *r?(! F{"rde Grteae, Leel.s < (T.E.A')

fltbr'on Hotc(,


, Srad{otd . s?l/,s}4, vHt'G EnQtEs , bvel Parh, " f,/iwlon Ho,rre,u)akrtteL| : Tif,ol


nura^ lt'hl, H-1 l,rglfeld' 6'o n) Sqct'lt Hotel,LeeJE. aR€AKeR.

tuyL ?arh, Leels .' loHN or\tA.v

Grnentryatthcvfyotttn*ttli 9tlrtg -bs(, lzels ' KIfiFE eroe.

teed"r = (f,8.fl) = rrpe erFecr.



W;ltrjlrad/:orA.Trc aurcx. Ff otdeCneene,teld.r= 6.v.n) tn Bovt' rtallon HaLLLeeds '- LutGI ^Nln. Whlin Lion , Aludiie:i4 ipld = eS h) --


(f ,y. n )

Leed, SAcxtLtrER, ruils Had, Satley,' rAnor,


?rin c ei ll e, 6 ra d I o r il ft wr



Tnuceviile, Brad{ orl



Royal Tarh,Ledt =HEt:tEE ttGLrER' 5tagiaq futt, Leedt = pcat H'zo€t'

Wttl'6we,Leel'r (Lloch)' ge'r rRIENts' 6lacha,"to re Heed,?ontefrTcl= (r. a-r)



8"yal Parh,Leed*=THE Staqfng ?09t,


tlaAlon N111,72sdE = RE' EYE' Wnite t',i",hiiain{isfl = rH€ unf' ?alm covc , graol+oirl = gaeeltE PnuL+ sAfin{rH^ eosr +

t: \L'

ftrh,Leelt:HE6FR ,KILTE*.

€DeE' ?tetrnq|ost, Leeds= KNTFE cofrET f &vc)r{E.


' Wt i;;;;rii;,'i;&;;i'n,i,a;'iiii-ii*rri.-""""'itir.tai'.,<Head,?natefnct=





Vavltr 1ar, lrad{ord -- cnttrAx.


1dd*i\ws Ai1g,9rilford''

& Crov.tu. TIhlcu = lt'oPHET, Krtfi Hul, Ke;iSIev.'ctty unftt. Scinpr,Sradhrd = (.Q'A) vtvvL


tti,l,' ' 97tPE2-bLUr,


fiHO $,ll'il;#

1aees. 6ntllor,l



; fi'v'nl

g$kt\,,izn i a rggt#




BL u






<nY LtHtft'

Lti n, H dhr sf iclA, rlte GuE rrr. fuYal /ark, Leedt = t'lEfAL FATWUE '



-'J A^, 2--'

\{e^ ('"'t:';&Croh/,, .{#{^*w-t J.-:l;t (oirro) :lilw-.i -/ i'ci,ii,rul^,) ', Ros, x,


W hitc

=r +

lIt t\

IF Vault t 6ar, Lra d { o r /. : TAAor& Crore4,tlhler t nErAL FArtetlE. Kigs tled , Keichlev = sf nc Ks .

VarLtt 9v,



ll Pose


t\ l\L l.r


teedc. ft.o'A)



WAt?riotsctkd*(lrw\)=BeT rPVxlr- .P

(tunch) coar fo

l,ttitVe L:on,Aildersfrb?


s Ei



tt tl ffi. fiaiOiuit,tiea)= (rg.n.) Iltdiron fl211,'tt"d> =ie vve .


ldE= (r,e.n)

oxv n.

Margrir o[ Granby,kxdt.ctTv unffS. Royll ?arh, Le e79 Y It€,R( €, =.rwtsTE Vautl5 9*t Vrad{ott= ctttu A Towt,



Vaulls 9ari Aral{or/ =erACKt.

byal P2*rteinb =r\e th,ltrctl,

F{cr/:e Greae,

o Rt 6t t'/ 4

qhlzi' n't t t t F to ttt F ost tr E ?t . $rad{oil ; 6.V'l'l o4+xllov 9 AI at,lrad*vd -- uLTEFtoE r4nfNE + Vadl)rotce.teds, t?ioez gw F, gtlttv.

d. 6ree Ls2 lj ; t{ r f ctt Ff trPF. ^e, ?rlic eville, Vr ed+ord. = ,PN ilG o F r E^tetv6,

Ff"lle' flx/llon l1til'

:^:{'#,,. =


Wardtowe,Uilc(lutch)=DErfFRrEtver. Btadta rare Head,?on'tetaaft. rA Ror

= (r. B.A)

te edr



F+ 0r


/ t u rcLl

WAtrloRe. a Croy;n,IlHe!'-


Artg ,Cenfr?,1ingley = Kt'ltFE (DGe



of Gronby, kds > s,De EFFEcr. byal ?arh,LendE= nu&Gtvt SueHf-



I t o.d'


e iiie, 4;itri ttarfnir

K ngt



v litte Lbn,Huld.ertf ietl " K N t F E r to E. ?a[w Gvz, t,ndf o/d = novil'ENltr Mrv,ilire



Povel ?erh . bed+= \eqCc t(ELTgP,,






Whife Lrdn, Huld,errJield'' mr8toR Bovt.




= wHtTE EAGL€;-




endf" rd


" 9tagrqTorlL'adt -THF Vtvltt 9er, Bradford.=l-AEarr.'lENT.




B wEt ffitsauo.



Hadl,on dlll , Leel,t = ctTY LtHtrs hitc Lion, H tll er *h,Ld av/v val cHER'




t ( u n. n r'i


Hrll, Bra'dfo)l, =aAEAlrtEilr. 9acroft H"tel,t*'e/szeLleEf,. ftonle 6t<tn?, kelc " G.9.4')

Bttd( orl = Vrlttg. ?arb,Lo:d, a cot'F ,|ct<rott & rflE Httttg.






tt,tuqe\Hzll,Era4ord,tEtr'entDqtlxrotfitaRs +TT E Er^cx ,rtlgs +rhe weers. 1'= lf .O:A\ Florlz h*ni','ttiZ',tii rieuitut ?ootLE r srPPort' Royal ?a*,Leedg= coqFeteo1. Ha&lon.H.ttttLge/2 = orcy<.t!!l t i?tES. frtt,tc*ls Shgtig -rjlJ:._ wArPa Lrbnr Hqd{ftt+ ioll'- tqeir Hstr. ?aln Cove, Vndh td, ns -ttg. = Royal ?arhrLeds ' HEL'tER ;KeLrER' ffi'tiar' (nerrrAree, leed.s' K,|FE eDoE' gtaqiaqfttt,L*ls't1tlet' 8. {ie' ftorde Grbtw,Leeb = (9'fi\ Warrtiuce,keltlrz.th-gerr FRENes. ptcx9. glachlplor" tletl,foifufrar?=?RtvnE Hzdt.n Hall,Leetls'rne ,t^t;rorr, -w'.' e'tew'to-'

9cxr(Y iotel.








ntfta U,yef


Greet,c,Lcede = (f.?.4) r{0tl 4*fe l4arjuis of Grarrby, Leedr'Ft/t^rc' saunD.



FhT@ne,keli= loypl

6 Vli!:,!,;#.WTif,:J!-.If;,,^,*,



WtftHFlNVe FrYlilG tourID. rflE FAguLo'l"t tuoDws


Ls +


FRI ialn

ff .9.Ai

F+ ordl Gr.?Ae, L eed6 z FRI ftln cove, g-;,d+ode (IrVilr fuyal hrh, Ledi = !r'HrT€ EA1L9''



?E*s Htll , $redhrd. '- BA.K;LrDEA. '+orde OreeneVddc =

byal ?ark,Leedg

Jnd{ rd -- i:neut o. rHu dFn;Tn t\c ?ed, tce* = tHe AilAzwe GurFsTRur,

# :; "W's r F



farh, teelr = tisrr,lErl. Sp?ah,e1ry, vr'atef old' tA nor.

TH' ,t€w K|NG gvAt<es'


Huddeit$eld= LocAt HERots

W * !il|',i:,f !; ;


FlnrlY Grtene, LeelE ?anagvillr'A rr rt



r H E ec e N E + 6 E Wrr;houq?- Le.eh-- q/rvta eutEg ehilt, 0ddfell or.,s hr hs. fi:ald{cld,


ty'lriLe Lrdn,

, ieiahte( y. EAcKt.tgrR.

sca;4*,6radd.{, (rg.A)








tl"dc irlnc





ev t I I e,




( r.P.





. sr REer Ft aflE R, ncoilY couYtil.

















d ififlfti*:,Tiis-, -.*"t#.$$l1r?l:



"s$:u "d;f, *::,q,iiji;r:l;l ..:;i$t"1" i*'$',"{:iF'._4".t$6o ".*t"}"r.* $*tr"$dt*;'.t,i"3, :ti,ii$il*'i:.:1::l,r;#;:::"'"*."^14"11". -o;i'V,{



"+fu=;i$e+lil*i*;pl'". r.vieys' i"ro, - *;ii:*::, pbotos;


,, )

ouLrrr, DEUlru[ a/, iSlli i"iifi"L"""" LEtervlew w1trn rocal inconrprehensLble iff:l:::"T,i fi*H;.ffi"Hi: aa intoreiey (usjoirtea, brt iust ato'r'L understmdabli) :"::::iil,(3i;ili"l$l"I;JTffn"t'H*::iJ'ili;li" 1;l a^r.r+i \-.r^^-^ 6n6 .'t I about alnrrt ki l inp Jews. !'eatrrins Jews. !'eaturing killing

a |fI












"ri;fi"-.;i$\" .-' "p*"""*S+.*":i .c

,"/ .y ^f "e5yls ' {^n r-"'â‚Źf-t+\'Sy -SY {


1 ^song,s are all Solution)whose these is uaa Sournalism - therers a worlrl of difference betwee" freedom of speech & freedorn of bigotry/persecution/racism. That'" to see itl want to it, itrs itrs mag. If you wzurt this rnag. about this to say Irve got to about all all I,ve -Blaclrpool,




.y{^g'il' $' .{4 "d -.(9'^o s ^e.ood*""" ,")".$*1,:tq"/ -'9l.bt 97 ," -rr)lr,b'J .ir'f 3


-*/ {'




-o -P .4" c",f ,"y*"9 ^":".1# qo/ ;V *'-f ^g/ g/^â‚Ź*' "p/ .ST a'7^96 +;/ S7 ,*b ,-b "T

""v-"u""t Lantcs. (tet' 8J2945)' 8/ from .Anchorsholne La.ne, .{' ^d/'+"9 about the rockscene in- Blackoool , mag evvq ruq'b uuc uru the gleaning l':.nio from rr I.IU llg as 6IeitIrl'II5 As fI aI' ar UrA &l/'r,tY.o'' a./ Q no' dozen iocal bandst does list two theref e not much that lrve learned - it "{"j"i '/6r ..r ) giving the phone Bosr of two of these - one of whj.ch is The i"lembranes who { Jenks be Bar. to appear produce the mag. Ttre rnain venue out'there would 'J$' Therers a guy out there called Barry Lights who uset to be involvel in the Leeds rockscene. Hers been trying to organise gigs over there for,{est Yorks. bands. His address j.s 48 Crystal Roarl , Blackpool, Fyl 68Sr L.:ncs. (See also in Classi.fi.eC Arts. ). Anyone wa.nting to lorow more about the scene in the area could get in touch w'i.th him.



v: l*1" dK ll".;lJ:'*,,.J:J*:: "-'r *o{*"n


^ "r\*+., de


^rro.ir+}'* *"

r :i;", S'S""h::$. *"*:$;:*;

,sc' * )/@-





ry,u#, '(

w<m*uw\:r*5;$rr,iti'g"t'i# DrrrY


ff il*:i:ff

"li:::f #"Hi::.,*i:"':":l:":-'":$:lx*%o,.*j*.*-"1.**o:.";-:$b

' l.ooliL l.b.l. Ib. !.oora ol th.!. y.rt to Eo.' t! tlc Souaar \'c@ .oS - o. \'f'-&t' $!" p " _ 1o dt.l.latlr! oh!!L l!! nold thet tbr iff;'\+"-P5t4" *'.C'^gFd sl"e"i"a'"i"*"*/ot."r.t*rt' ,hltaat clasglc'. out ort tbatrs tbrtt. oatred. orrr.d rrastant \o# ol#-;1 *oru*d'".s'.*rf"l..;


A fua t slightly auarohio band. with a rough & rat sound., theyrvc\o6{ tso" _.ot' ^"\, ^@b- -,.1'@* -\F" ^s.\' aot had an caalr tine finding vcrnucs in their arca tbatrll accept \'-,^ f -.9" .eol-"r,t" *o'.^e'n-^*t'^tf o. then. Scveral of their carly glga rere prcnatlrcly terninatcd by \ "-.1j--^!o-* _O\' -oa #" ^6* -.-pl' ^d$" nanagcncat at the v€tru€lo Through lhe Colleotive (see opposite) thcy\g''^"o" *'no tr* ^5>o'^ ^.9'^oP'*$bavc hclpcd to build up an active looal scere in the hunleyftelsonf \ o.o-^ tf"^.\o .. " *nft.r9}o'..">l -^.

"iti'#fr ';.

;;;;: ;':;; ;;;"'; ;;";;;; *.\"i"*".. *i"tl"l;."1,".::;

btlul 8.p6t.t lalt JaulrJr l ti. bad ba3 r.Snkrlt b.d good oov!!ag! .,jo' -.ao" .96' -.*" -,p.""""." -+-!e--i,e' v I! ror. ot tbc nati.,tral !u!io p!D.r! - lotcblt SoEd.. \ ."" oct-,"},:!oi -r4 -Jx' )' EBvh6 Erk d b!r.L orer th! p..i t'. y.o, 1; rbst r.! . nrt tor.-pr.oftr. \ t$-.1'14.t"^ 1t',,,if" sS' re\ ^".{' Iocal. Loo.l rock t.ool gccncl crr" !c.!. r theyrvc ttr yr tt built bullt up rp a eolJ.d. .oltil folloringl fouortlA, but hrt are !r. gtill lttll ehort ?9r lbrrt of ol IL 1+* dstf.ip' ^- ?9'-.{o' .av dger ,ir, rr, *rjro' ^#e' -gt" ^^{* g:its outsidc tbeiq hone couaty. lfheyrre ounently trying to line up some Yorks.\ nt- _<g@'.ad'" $]t' .-99

^do ' '^r;;} bookhga & ahould be over hcrc in the autunn. If rccent r€viers are aa5rthing to \- ^g]" .-.yJ *rt' -d' ,og\v .r5c-

* b'.il"Lis"lll" So ""toni"t'--r

: r ,t


' .t^"",^{og^

" L"*u"'


ic the bandr s oya work rather tba,n a stutlio job" But itfc good enough to give a taete of what the baudrs about. rHatci Strcctr is a straight rock eoag witb white regga€ & ner wave garniehlng on the top. l{bile the son6r s f drly Doa-deocriptl the band do quite a nioe job ou it. lhe voealist has a good but unrernarkabLe 'noice & therer a sone interesting lead gUitar for those rbo like to look for ingtruroent-heroes in their bandc. I Shut Upt is nuch the sane" The baad is tight & theret s a bouacy touoh to their songs tbat lifts then out of the dirgy just-anotbcr-northern-rookband nould. Howeverr theyrre gtill a littlc too nuch in the traditional hitieb guitar-based rook nould for try tastesl offering lothing thatrs putioularly dietictiuctive or innovative. Andt aE for the Clash influence that their letter clainsr I honestly oanrt hear it aa;rrbcrc herc. Iert up is rshetg So Attraotiver. I wisb the drunrner didnrt nake syery nunber sound exaotly the sarnel Otherrisel this is o.k. Finallyr rSonething Wrongr. I Like the guitar on thi.s. Overall then, thi.g is a good straightforward conmercial rook banclr if a ltttle dated in etyle; They seen to have problems accepting the fact that punk/[cr rave has changed. the face of rook. t{aybe they shoultt eln nors at H.t. E not try to etraddle the chaso betsean t53 & r80. Antr"nayl theytre glgging looallyr so donrt just take rqr oplnion - go along & deoidE for yourself.


"$:i:" &Jtit*A:


tgirtry":i_"r""F*{.,,,n* b-ffi KP,.r":f) 6rlt"f jj*i q"L1T t"""r,,,* {-i"q$;: $t*ll ffi*1*y;;1-.'{ "d.* n]fui* ;;', r""fi,ff 1; FNTS: *'Ji"q"it6;:""J Xff{Lq*!:}s","". ei"to-i-",,,ffi if if."no" "i]'l 4 gav" 'b.?-."\"',rnoDt l*iFY kffiFi^4:t*" iri,ff.;';;;v1:,i;ffi.b:d"\,1.' :-:' "r^r.-"'





jt"'" *:"uNtE"j1;lr-:;'*i"J-TrJii,".T:!,:j'"':?: -"^tjt"lJ: rnt"o""t"J1"^"

"o"*\ ".%t:o bo%o+;-90"*1\a


J*jjlt"lu"" ,ro

,1 "ouorJ'."0"to" "v IQroH

what".i , ';.;; n]r lceor f?'-f" 1iq".*:N."JJ"; ,1!?o?*^%o"en"\ ?,s:l #;;,:.", ". ","^1 * ; Jff ?"0 l-',,; *.? ?? . e1-'*{o\tocal.r._y. l'- f *o", ffi **f;; *" b:+* n6; e-lN%* t rt5;rt{",""'";j Z,:^'e "

*j*;'{.;:""diN"i";:,*-"T*#'.Jd"l'F:#;: a\ instn f"**l? $*o * '



ffi $NH,*Hffi "o;?a"a\+Jb


e stii *i*"$W{':: {:ii"tâ‚Źfi ;#***4

W""", r$"# qv



shlPrEv (oni',



wo,";ot*l/tl r,9


fhis page was supposed to carry a large feature on a new Bradford band called l{qqven Sevgleen. However, when I came to type this ufu-i coulErTTind the text of the interview or the photos that lrd filed ar"ray. Sol with profuse apologies to them (a tne promise that when I find them Irll run the feature as originally intehaea), herefs a report on the group. For several weeks, Ird been getting rphone calls from some guy With a new band. He didnr t want to mee{ up with rne j.n a pub, but was insistent that I take time out to come d-ormr to their rrehearsal studiosr. f rd been putting it off because I lcnew i.tf d take up some time & Ir d. a million other jobs to get done. I{ot^rever, I eventually agreed to meet them i.n The Churchil}, Bradford where my olrn band end up after rehearsals. Rehearsal over, Ird just got in a g,a:r'e of pool went they anived. Five minutes drive in their tiny van & Irm bei-ng lead j.nto an o1d warehouse, expecting to find. a couple of tatty amps & a tape recorder stashed away i.n some cold baclsoomo i.lrongl Heaven Seventeen Ne 5 guys in late teenage who hold down dayjobs but have rrirtually given up a social life to become a rock band-. Each of them (plus the two roadie/ engineers) has sunk {,1'OOO of savings into buying gear. No rich relations, itrs all their own money. ,.Iith the result that they went to J.S.O. in Bi.ngley & bought over f,?rOO0-worth of gear. In a rented. warehouse, theytve set up one room for rehearsingl a second. - adjoini.ng the rehearsa] room - for mixing & a third, a sizeable ha11, is being done out so that they can. use it to do showcase performances to inrrj.ted friends of the band. l.then the conversion workr s finishedy they intend to have the rehearsal roomr/mixing room op"ru,ti.ru as a proper studi.o to serve the band. A11 this, & theyrve not yet done a grgl The bandr s members have only been playing thei.r instruments seriously for the past year or so &, as f listened to them running through a short selection of their original- songs, there were a few rough edgeel though the numbers are good, wi-th a couple that I particularly liked. With the gear to give them an outstanding stage sound plus a we}l-rehearsed set (tney work most ni.ghts for several trours) of promising sel-f-written th"y "otrg", are a band that deserve to do wel1. Theyrve had some bright posters printed.. f suggest you look out for them. Theyrve certainly worked hard enough to deserve an

rctTwed bqlwbq


- d.P. (own label, '79). Rockabj.tlyr s what itlatchbox are currently riding as they clock up a stri.ng of hits for themselves. Their nearest cornpetition is an outfi-t


cal-led riftr-irlwind. If the genre takes off r then Bradfordf s in the local lf.M.C.rsl atre RockabillT il.ebs. Their F consists of d tracks - 2 their own, 2 covers of standards. The A-si.de offers thei-r own IBoot i{i}l Soogief which has just the right guitar pound & is fronted by a good vocalist. Being a blend of country & rockrnrroll, i.trs easy to see why this cuts it in the clubs. 2nd tra-ck is a f airly good version of f Aintt l{othinf Shaki.ntr. Turn over for tOne r'lay Tbainr which has an irresj-stable steam-train rhythm coupled. to a catchy walking basstine. Neat guitar break too. Finally, therers a good version of rAlabama Shaker. Irm a mug for thj.s sort of stuff - Iove it. Irm told theyrve another release in the pipeline - will look out for it with interest. I(ILLdRi,ldTrnS - r'Iwisted. Wheel' ./, '5X225' (Gem, '80). Back in the mid-sixtiesl The Twi.sted i^lheel was the I'lanchester club to which mods travelled miles for allnighters. The Huddersfield superstars come u-c with a good mod song here thatrs got a Geno'rlashington guitar sound + the party feel thatrs on 9ecret 4ryairrs singles. Slightly bland & derivative, but a-Fii?:Jlipror aII that. It would have probably got into the lower reaches of the nationrs charts if itrd had more airplay. B-siders also good - maybe even better than the A. I sure you a1l lcrow tha.t an 5X225 is a Lamb:'etta scooter (t think 22J refers to the number of mirrors &/or pend.a^nts it'l1 take). THn mNKE'fS - rWhat I Wantr c/w rFour Lettersf (Rhesus Record-sr'79). fni.s is a powerful piece of d.ri.rrj.ng new wave pop that got a lot of airplay & was plugged" heawiLy in the music presso It shouldtve made them popsta.f,s..o brlt it d.idnrt. Rough justioe, itrs a bloody good single &, rereleased on a major label' could still d.o it for them. As thatr s unlikely, r.rnless you can pick this up in the second-hand racksr Jou'I1 just have to take rqy word for it. B-sider s nearer to raw punk - a bit heavy-handed., but with an interesting mixture of vocals. (Lightning r?B). THE JERKS - tCoolr c/w f Cruisinr (qain)t The second single from the band. that John Keenan (manager of The Fan Club, Leeds) described as Leedst first punk band. A-side is odd.. Neither one thing nor the other, i.t mixes punk vocals with melodic keyboards, sta,ndard roclc guitar & basis drumrninge Itts alright, but no big dea}. B-si.cle is a bit ordinary except for the keyboards. Oh, & I like the audi ence. use of the back-up vocals on the last couple of lines. JOHN POTTiIRTS CLAY - E.p. (figtrthawk Records rl!). I was interested to come across this because Jerry Clark of the Bradford band Coast To Coast mentioned. playing on this; (c tutorv- - \lrte r t rnltrrctilt ,lyrttnin", ?o(f , gE. I|t tt'r'tt by lhe though he never even got a copy himself (see profile of fuwhYv" al Lu,mb'g*'h tn'tlebolavrilgt k hiN 4eC. to C. in l{.C.R.4). Four trackse with Jerry on guitar p w't( rtdilLd, r>Vet pr payb l t lr ry tn lx*qhtre' - Hv u'!h'le \e att (mostly rhythm) on a1l but rDor+n The Li-net. First upr s Sa11yr which is RrnrB with a happy-go-luclgr feel abatt tturhl futd trf- yau' re rSeasiderslster hrl,eVe wil/l bel. ub"or| io to it. Sunshinet is slightly more bluesy (esp" the PtebdenEridge(6+t+s+)zzr+a aeb nnq Tli,esTsd, keyboards on the verses). Flip for Loy Orbisonrs rDown The lsr Li.ner (onl.y cover versi-on on the d.p.). This is a Jerry Lee paou /l.trc &e o/1 dl grtlpnHut{, Lewis type of number, complete with rattle-along Ll0*[ barrelhouse boogie piano thatr s nicely echoed by the ^ ^\(e(L rNo Use Hanging Aro'rndt has a bit more of a %?h{ort V uo .prce - Th"! ilchtl; guitarist" nj##rt{ l, ot--t'bftTv,",t' pub rock feel to it. Again, the pianofs rough great. r- qql jrrn eftdM /{e urtoie Vt'ut & alud mp,b rul4funit-)l râ‚ŹpS1 & a popular outfit



J /eYarls, i,io,u







q(anq^f iti'l', , pu W.P',,'/1,V,ry rtteff-ridnqls -flel Ha, wrnt Ptary lry lz{ ba/* rh*( ft.e,v ryq)lr Luif'#iiil1 t1,,^f y'ys ffiitd Vqi^c[,4aet ptf -uate4w rcvrc(n* -l t4U 1 I'nt tMnh / btlill,lg a c^ry,th7Elre a1le.1,fu (tt - t't/r;/"T"*L if, Uol,t'l,t I AW coWnn'q ,,iitle rlr Ph4 UA(tter yL!/te'dt 4ecVa , MeVV &t'levoKl.l Rtrg W on Lt7 b7 I /t-J


/&bl 9to


965 1q.1g7g 96frY4\ 1979 --

fage 15



c,edrt' wtr'MEW';


Fanzines tlglf.I..T. .. ErocA'lr ll)l.Dr rRA)Forr tEE ROT!! Sr,onpABp tn Bfaiuor.r is nolr un.lef l.oulvargrt: of;i5f€ t! tbo (toL..6U944) 1! a lood ltcr veu. tbat n..d! nev naaageoeut. :iir. tareG msic & 6arly r€v6rtl.g r,.. lslrtl.B """. * - lt€rr€d I alie:rnativ€r p!.sd tou! .nppott. &ldfor.d baDil Dat! Iorklnr hay. gDod €ta€e &, urtil r€c.;t\,, ,*r.a pcrsu.d.tL tb. lardloril to l.t th€r u!- [1. lor dejo! pult v.ru6 in the - lave sprrng trp in va.t " ir," -"t-il!'.il,;.-il"fr; olub rood {knovD sr od(u.r! ulio Roor) for r is s€t;ins r-" iri "tti.l "i"i! "r*. |lnu'b6rs crnoe th6 p nky'r??


E[tp!i,!$!' 696

rr.lc rlstrt .$rT tussdar. I baad probally b€"baok in action in ;*ii'.,ii",". -- lilov:mont ?s*i:I. tl€-I.o.r. $\ti-\ nor.tt€tr.loa or th. pub, th! I.oor bold! ovlr tror.sv€rr'th6 malaslrr € snlffinr olue' ro oi ;;;-;- dr lrookdoone; F 20o 9eopl6, ha6 a rrrte staalr ltahtiDar .to. & celtaiuly aroesait rlanr "."" ti ."oiii"" ;Ih-;; I xark Psrrvrs 'tin6, havlng ths fi8ld. fi6ld. lee+! Best! llor.Icnt rolLllt lelor lavon ar..L p.s. .aoh .mh r.-t Ee .l!nr plars +^ , ::-.l l6ad ihs + Be r.€d. tr6y to try courtlv-&-fleste"i -- -, 'd;;ierav. alL.co. Th.y do a hau-bors .ai 6arly'r on bop€ h€r]l hav€ rock baDds at Iealt "*.-'il.;;-1r""a a | Illre a!6 bom6 th8t'v€ como ,o ln thc rvenirg a thcn hav6 a guest balral for of nlaht! a ;€ek. stoutd t" e""d *;li so lthroush tbe nail-to 't€ the main slnt. At 3op inr this is very good because therefll be a steak u* - thererll be " i' ttre roJi'-lrecently otherg covered in future Yalue. Bande booked or being booked for the s to the left as you walk into the pub. With' I In pr6vious iE'u33 ,* corinS rs.ks .hou-Id llclud. Ult.rior liotiee!, food, d?ink, rock & pool ,rr"t o"i . lissuos. --*"""ii'-""- I J'': notrrionsd Dararq?dx'.t6r-io$. trootgt.ps' tbo raiiTlili-ffii-sode ask ior.. .l' nEy r.sv.

trffi,%ffi:,ldl";"Ii"illiff H#l-ll clv,doelart i::1".t-_:n3.*rin ;il A;;."il;, '€dn.intelest€d th€

bands.e rhe

lEff"lff:lli$l;:lj.ll' {

"r" | (EuddersrisrA't;-b;;;€€ 12 oontinuira vtth btoxsry ar€ Ev' coEv€rtlns are nentioned --rl coYn6talrs rooo' ao itrs riot availablo a,!l th€lof thi€ issu6 "i,i.. rant-ina ,rines routei ao. Azgr- ilz, Sll a 6:j). r-A" l3!.ackooo] Rox & the 2 Burnl€v' cat Ate fhe to do ths gla lhoul'd oortaot Oar.tb (Brf'd lfror ]9oo89 srt.! 6p[) or Biohsd (rFftd 61614r) sFLAiH o E in lradrord is sivine up its ru6.. lgg_!-!il!9l a Ee!9.1!-I4: both of rhon ar6 tl 8.et. Xorl1rg. night slectlonio disco-,&-iand proeran,6. l!!{,!.9.-. -. 'rusic

".'t't"-ei.r-.lriii-il;i[; *iao.

oands Or,€6uet.r o!.aoD6rtd r,o" or€€!3at.!o!'ApP6rIryhtd€.}usrout6!-i.;:::.,:":1'

+9,. ,_r^l#iry#_is,^9ry:Ti'.:*:,.1,


baok to tb€ dt€sdod d18ool) ihsn ltrtl le€al your .upport. Sor!. of th6 !5nil. thatrll be @ Joq .uPPor-. tlvlt€d to do tig3 th.r. lltoluale Counteldalo., r.phlsto rartr, raa rav,s raiET6dE ra!6 for_a.baltdl)r l(Ys=t.rtgus. qogtit.p! a othera. Iricrlltail baldr rhoulil l.av€ s r.rtagt ln tbe put fo! Jsck' $hot! the guy !u!at rt th. prog?anmo of b!lld8. THE UITRE

in Knaresborough is a small pub


lli; l":.:'il",i"l*"fi;'#;ffi:*,11"*; li#*4#:#"f;h llt.T ili:il:;*+#1# tffi":,nJi:";"::r.:" I iid*i,!,tii.,11'iii,"".

3 l.

t lI


+ I

F r-{ I


5 lxo rig ao"I, this. A bit msasy & f€s n€w ld€as, thouah €one of it |'ares l"uite inr..;.ri,, r€ading - erpect rch more of futu.6 issueE if itrs to ini.rertins l.ruite fo. Toylb€at. Frod aa I j"stiry its exis;enc€. C€I.tainty no r€ptaaodcnt -'-* > c I ii"i".iriJo ;;;;;;-i; il;;il;i.fi,r?? (ruI [os.1-10. set from io dare), B6gan rip, up 2op sprins at to llons l;$;e no.8. {ak€ftetil.E irlogula! rockzln€ has local ecene } a fes birre! I l|arios in each tssu€. Layout,a interosriEa & varisd (yirhin the liEttations o lor crcano pllntius - just btaok oa tirhl.re pap6r, EheetE €tapl6il tos€iher). *




go9l.use_of fotose but

so_me aw-fuI


"t::45 bitish croups Ibotr Ib€ :{.s rav€ i! an vraui-IEit, r beila t,ur W I t €rb€r of farrogatc ld"awing". A L€n. sp€ci.al' = idea vith foto of each band + a .hort wrj.t!-up. sha.ne that band !Ef!..@. xo!. ;.ta1l, abort this in lin-t€resti.€ yo[rre tnpatient you ca! rert iiGc-iElr lthe vrite-uPs arenr+ up to nuch i.n places. Hoy€v€r, at 20p it's stiu riag the pub on Hariogate 8d1589 - t-ne guy who nrns the glg iE cal}ed. Andyr whose U"r,a"tr""s-;t" dl.ti!oti;! of bavrn€ th€ iiln" i"rr.il.""


are now sold out. Ed. l,lick Herri\gton, 2! I excellent value. Most issues Road, Wakefielcl (tet' eZglq)' ln"t"""on os'r:4'.some , . . ^^^\ &--.- . . . (rith-r.bat???) 2op' oth€'s-25p., cov€rs-Hlttshire lYastro flon rButcoDber, Castl€ st., usre, tlilts., 3112 5Jl. Edito! ls Ton lconss

lnlti&L a! vat ])oontcfral rh6 ooltlor ll;":i'"1"i:;"i,T::*;'i':l:""lli'"::; fiH.Ht,;'"J:1.'i;:.:g::|;"' c,Ettrs !rr.L i! hadror.L (rcv 'ader Vault! h - *1." the prevlous ones. [o.4 is alllost hanatsor€. uE1ral ntr of looal lands + oi John Tdqubar - Ybo nrns th. f.r rs tsnd dates ar€ oono.!n.al) ls sttrtlng to I some rationats/interna-tionals. I Lik6 ihs reird carioons. If you ranna s.e

z. L


P G s

-o l<

d o c{

feature Live bande on a mors regular basig. Johl, ig keeping the.venue open at weekends all thloudb th. annrcr (ao itr! th€ coll68! studentrt unionr it usually cloees for the

I tfris ono, Irve some copies - send 50p & you can have aI1 4 issues by I return of post. In yhich a bunch of old hlpry poet6 }Ii.da th€ir rords lAlI {b. Fo.ts VoI.2. I arnong a wh,tte lot of good artwork & some nice bright colours - which summer)' He ig hopeful that tbere ri}l soon be I doesntt change the fact that the words are more crap than poetry. The a ohalg€ ln tbo t.ln. ol tb. liolna9 !o tbat | €dltorlal on ihe lnsid€ tack oov€r is a cry for a leturn io th€ g6oil old tb. g€ncraI publlc car hG adritt€d (cur!.!tly I posiilvis'! of A,!€I'ica in the fifi€s..." youobt Itrs 30p froE ?? T€tqlars ltrE regtrlcted to nembers & their guests - a lAve.l London N,,lfll. Linl.tatioa thatrg been the kiss of deatlr for end here ar^e 4 reviewed by self + Ken,Furn€r... tL. Pa.t fol. yoar.. L.tr! hop. tbl! v€nlr. loon II shaks ? (r5p - ',rrite c/o Rorah thad€, 202 K€&ltra.ton Park Road, Lorrior !.8alar !o!€ of it. for!.r popularity. lEl-iJi xoa rlag ihat's qulr€ Eood. Irtol'vi€|.s a rgeief,s that er€ readallc a,s the mod THE t{A.RE}IousE in Leede (tet. 46gzsl) - formerryl ir a littre clumb at times. rnterestinglyr not as blinkered

\ TA

o .3 c o


B3at & they rtk€ nins 3€1or ze'o. o 8i8 8!1d.' .o rt'6 noro ii"i-friii-ii"" iJJv riiii,v,-r;ir, iii,il i"--lirorud€ ihe srt' d81i? featur. baratr on .ev€t.at arelts eaci;;;: lxh_at hss b.cn_ thaa rbat rilr bo... but sots the rhore ltod 'lovs Ah6aily, tb.y,v. :LEn sptd;t f,lu.! aanrr a I He+9=-4#Ir!-:"1:: ::.I.:t:l:l :, I:io: Tl:t I"::1! ":i1i" Tl' b:Ti ?t::. 9:1p1* : ":1-.::,:::i..1r r"..aii'"rsr,i;*i;;;;TfiGEG" llry:-lt'" 19 9.1:-?.:_:I.1ry "''Int€!€stinsly aaqlgs lo[€ opiaions, but nainly obs€lvaslor. .t!r.t fi. lqy a ffiiffir'o I

lurobtlno E Iter Ska -dir€ct g:l::1.:-q:1.i:yi1i:::^:1"i1{_1' or."ay uri su"a,v l :1'_::y_r:l-:T.:4T^'Tr_:d'ff " "re{T-iiiid!i6-it' l:l$.d:*":t';:1.: 3J:ili{,";;:{;.*35::.:}i:i:1"1.3.ff"}i":.*-. R",,;i#ii;.;-iit iiiiie 0th3r!tsht.xlt1hAv€bardsdoirgone-offl#:".:':::.i':,: , si.s!. Band! rnr.r€.te. i*eoulrns T;;t: : ::i::;ifi..i f;:t,i3i";.i;"i":f:;"r(S,fT.ili:l#ftftTi .hould tlt tn touoh rrlth lik.' ths ol. r. t[' I ;::"1: ---.:: : -:^--'--pbotre o! er!. B oarrlna +::-"1:_cli:1: p:l 1"::.,:i - n"*"" liTii " lligl::.:"ll1l"t thic II takins - 1:.1.i3 1tr6 ltlilf{l: -.'__:-" photos "_: iine ilTI 'Doveloping You! ol.n Ftlnsr. Iosi of th6 clrt. :---_-_ a photos in here are flack-n-white, but therets interesting use of colour CLDPATAAT S tn Hudd.lsflcld ha! op6ned up to sone. captulinq of the Esns€ of llvs aotloa in th€Ee photos j.g t I rastt najot purl bsadg on trYld€vs a/or satttdsy!. I gleat."nDone by Nell AnibrsoIlr 4 Palaorston crgscentt Londor Nl] lt printsd e published + Better ZJp by Badges at l5p P&P. fhese g:igp are being booked in W Ray Rossir I& rasa.E.r of slllrhter I fre Dor!. It looks uke I!p 4e!x 4a!r!glq lto.I. is from 56 creltsemill Rd.. SellinshMr London SE6. 'a tqusic/eolltics/artl"oii-"tyt". ieaturec-a c;a€E intsrvior hdd;rsf tefi-i;-i;i-E;;i;;:?hc only torrn i' I r"nt;iil-:-pffi prug Clr1s, Chaos Poison Cyclon B, rgcotd revtewg/qig r€vlews,/Iyrtc6/etc, .g t,ll! 6foa that har r€vcla1 neekly puni vcuusc I (tbc oth.r rotatle onc there beinA Th6 Albion). I used ro good effect in the trvout - pl€nlJ to raad h6r€ for yout 25p. X.n great. you....? quite I likes itr tnink Horv about itrs Blt the cityr al.ready has its nan€ engraved in I tha elnal. of prrnk hirtor? trr !61na.the last fiors fazinas in futuFe issues - tr you,re rlarrollrng .ound the corltlrry, to bolt th' si+,I!!t?ri.!I1"" |l;;l";t;;i i.' rrke rhss€ - ihere,s ro* on€ itr *:t i?8) 11-991?:1 bcfor! th€v rcnt to tr"c s{at.!-r\thera, | ;.;;;^.;;"';;.-"ii"t""gi.,.r umusic ma4s aupricator error.ts, bur that,E nor (oops) up J.R. to Hir! !Dli* sbina -' --_-- '--':' "n"nor"-.ne roullns ban4s Dan4s s}lo shour,r do:r'i have soreihing inteiestinq to s4v. inter'eatinq s4v. 'Ibu!1ng : I to ii"'ll" sav thev ;;:;";;[';;" soreihins ":1.". plav fot.P.edl.y' I s.r. heailila off to ba.ss i;:.i i-"i;"" ;;r;;t irlie-urs in then are oft€n nore likely to b€ I rorrison' etc' Eollvt llcnilth' Joplint I t"J ry r."r r"n".1p""i'rg in tha area ran (sa.y) rocal ngrr.pa-Der o. eretr Dress coverase. they offer e alie.native to the national nuzak tn haatforil oontlnue€ io felture 4-9S. I nation acce.sible a nuch lsss foo* taraa, tut ls allo .xps,rdinq ltr I press rnltrB enaller in circulation but f3r note progra,n,". oi top-1lne rcegae aots. io, ii I fitefy to tNist rhat you say &/o! t.y to Bell you a5 half a ilrion tliinas




looks like therers at lasi a regular venue b€fore fo! 1l.ve reBta! h the arca...;oi


ltnat yorr a.renrt./werenrt/never will be. asaln - t. thc eni of anothc! pr?e tith | ...; ""' Peonle' wo get off Aussiei Nou in arad.. No$ a.t ot'r th1 i to to aay cav bello to Mandv Isndlln Llll,o to l apara .rougb

the entire trc houre rill be dermted to local bands - milrT l,fiSs IT. AJJ.sol for bands doing gC'gu during the guomerr oarry on sending in tlater because the lrle{rognome tean are going to nake sure that the g'ig guide is $lotted into other progranne$ - in factl they are boping to start a daily rock rnueic diary slot to help maintain some looal rock coterage. Ae youtll see. frora the advert. on the back ooverl Eel pie (nete

Tovascaclre recoard co./studios/viaeo tea.n/etc.) rirr be up in nrattioiffi-;uiy g:iving Iocal baadg a chance, for t100r.to get a sound.-&-vigion vldeo tape of their Jt" lbe tyo maia points here ar6 (a) witir video as the ooming thingl ma,ny bands are "t"gpatrread.;r uaing it to gpt the big guys interested (-itt e cheaper than nunerous badly-paid shoroase gtgs tn Lond.on where lavited musio prees/record c-o. reps,/etc. fail to turn- up) so it looks like a 6ood tbing to gst into & (t) *ittr their usual rates fixed af gzil, this really ts a oheap offer. Wt'at you Cet (aocording to leaflets in front of ne I ;phone

oonversatlons xith EeI Pie) is one hour of iet-up/sound-iheok time followed \r an bour of reoording. ftrg an B-track recording that can be done live or cai use you d'ning to a gtud,io reoording or can use a mixture of pre-recorded & live takeE for the gouDd. Visuallyl you get a full-colonr virleo film using tbree cEUrer?Bo Soe if youtre iu r band & oan muster 8100 betueen your it eoundE like a good id.ea. Llith basic editing & oost of the tape lnoluded,r there shouldnr t be hidd.en extras - & it should only cost a further ClO to g9t second oassette of the type thatrll shor through a home IY virleo neohinq - hire one of then & you can watch yourself on 1T at hons - bniag back Crcsrroadel all is forgivent Leeds band The Squares (wborre exoelleat tive) have a aer eingle roh; Buildy Hol-lyr (lue out in late June on Airebea.t Records. Around eane tirne Illror love (also Leeds) have r0aptain Scott at Tiffanyts ln a Junble Sale Soupr out on tlortlrcy Road. Reoords (it's a 3-traok e.p. of rAt Tiffa4rtat c/v rJumble Sale Soupr l* r0eptain Soottr - rbich gpea sone.way torards expl,aining the ludicrous titlet). ltso olto d.:lm'ln Juae ar€ Aggg;1;@@ (eee revier of pre-release cassette elcewhere in tbls t'cguc). Eradfora clut-tanA@gg have a Einete ort in June that containg tno of thedr oxa so[gtr Also oa the olub circuitr Rockab:illy Rebs are planning to brlng out a Fooncl dlro (see revier of thelr firet eri6li[G-FilG iesul). bst new band. nane erard.Soet to the punk outfit rhorre on at Albioa, Hudd.s. on Sat 22 June (eee g1g guiib). l{ott iato Bic Rao Studio ln Leeds & oaught Cuba doing the finishiag tiis on rllrelcEs. lforldt wui6'f,-iffi5Fl6irr next singLe Ja nrETa Rec6rds,- & I think it's ercclleui.. The ttudiors quite eraalL (it's in a converted. eellar) a fras just gone fulltino af,ter a fer Jrears ao a part-tine studio. Itrg the best gear of aly B-track etudio ln thc aroa & has a totally oornmitted & involved engineer in l{ike Robeoa (rho also ome the place & ll,vee above it) - an erperienoed rusician himself, he malces a poiat

of trylag to uaderetand rhat eaoh ba^ncl.r s about go that her s uo*in8 wtth them - none Llke an crtrs nenber of the group than an outeids engineer/producer.G?*,ainly, Guba & Sbako Appeal (rho vere ln the reek before Cuba) have aot found. better than hin &TE nro - l both bande bave barl quite a lot of etudio experience. I\lo clead reoord shopsr Socne & Hcard ln Lecdg & Peargona in Brad.ford. The trro had the same owners &1 appear to have beo loslng loltefo Shane to see then go. I{ore & more people in the rnusio biz pcn to be taking an lnteregt in Bradford ag being a place thatts likely to grab the aetioar g rook foous sone tinc Y6r] Grosr John Peel & Pete $ownsend are atrcng them. One d'oad,baad.r. ia oaee yourve not yet heard, Bradfordts E@l. gplit up "i the end. cf lay. Thcyrd just put in an ercellent Peel session & lookEd al} Eet for bigger thhga. Ths various nenbers shoulal be reappearing rith neu outfitg in the not-toodtstant tine to Qotrtcr Jo-bn Parkerr s word.s-&-nusio ebor tFor The prioe Of A pintf is at hadfordrE Theatre In trhe I{11.1 for 4 nights (Utn-zOtfr Jrrne). ?.3o start @ {!p in. Ouests inoLudc Rufaro & poete Little Brother & l{il}y Beckett, Cassette distrlbutioar you]l8gr1yoa11edI{c11olConnormiteg.tosaythatheintendsoom@ 1).I.T. oagscttcs cunent\r" oa sale & is kecn to bear f:som a.qrone solling then. & alo

trle,ll I



how goor dad's 96DnD eak€



r,as dt,Ad <€b dr cohlhg

fnc,ftn;S 'dr





Ibrtlonranr Halifarr ffi3 ?DH. Whilst on the subject of cassettes,r I hear that therer & ootrpanJr settiag up with recording gear & a fast tape copier asr a mobile, touring gigs" rcoord,ing bands & offering instant oassettes of the gig to punters as they leave : eaiy rorks for'bands not signed to a label, but should. be an interesti.ng d.evelopment.











,|lJ iEBft""r

rd akrFi E.d


(a posh name for a basic facifity)


offers 4,-TIRACK with DH( - at t3-50 p.ho + tape


IE'50 p.r 10 hour



Gear fncludes:TEAC 3 340,





de sk I







€tCo R

D. f



. + MIKI1S by AKG, C ALREC ,



t{0TA on

Br Ft



grodvction of this advert [q-

69. Page L7

++sorrrr is a

nsur phone no.

b-r hr rr.

(yt )l JI P (/)l


+l c ZI




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rl -I

Clucs Acra'se. E}1I]<3A ,


su^q. (a)

'g niv hflnirivt,.fli3.3 oheo'na,^ Cakholi6- i,,r bacLr^rorol a faeket-. ((-> t9HiE|," bd.n,rerc. belrlre-curbain




lp On \ct +^.e 'ror on rnq collac, / per$s .'(e) \-' tj llow'li1? Chcers ! (2,+)





zy}riviy |Ha..(d)

ru^ ffi aY avut


mEYen?prin, snal,(7rt'nYt|s . 'But

x :lnop beaJilre , ?rtcig VaPy t0 L (,ftorr46t,;9lv g6 ?lLop'aruund, t ,

ut () 8 - z t HI A ul t -l h,..

the p{lolic k rlrr,/ u o tt ?-vftf bo cJrch40ltt &.uiw oo [Ma. \tilvlw celrt^qou Ltva BL^+neze ?ublrcutW . Cheap is ;t>l plye cdttt?f lett+ flvl?hrnq bheqtbqp. fr phone 'tt <rzdntra( Vor'the*i to ' conlact t ou, Le tfer-hesfud rcVz paier mprerges better than' oid inani,la pu bhe rc l: cawVe hov,#do^L s/ @pfts

rl^nd? (b)

,heet, rult ,{+ qiuno lftg-up + bvt nuo. in Afre bvd', Bttin ezz chwlg aFe obo &ee+Wl, Thob> of the.bend Mlp l,o,- etfuiilly with qetftnq' qwcl >rin GeE wtfo.'


Wgu,j a


*'(xihanq* flirt' /f6n

-fts +. (lB) Souds-like. Sluebcet


llr -hlo.tn@t

awcl ievgaaenL\l there

,r(-'bw-cogt iulttifv *rvtqe a rrthter* evw hid, adverh|el' tn

. (t+) Itlob win lonq &s 1or wlst er{rc #1q HWi-H"i. (s,z\ ^. X-,e Gtt braad is here" |^o*o breqd ix ibe 3t4{l :"!6. (+r3r+)



nLerc, C,yrrpanis lilo.e p. Tfrna\hrt'L fr,n out. Itts..... Wallwrprtn( d, ntbaqe deoLt 'ffinrt4'wu iklpr, $olutioO *a f,ock rrord S ldlorhni',lE , r|*en,' tfrcher>, l.r+:sd"n t*tc-U"^. (+) Frio-one. .4lL ik rlahb , Jo no elc, to P(uv^bfe uour qrouf, tQ€F +'$E, el?"Cln eecs, 7' tl'<,rrrg raxc-4w4{ sl,lt'"'-.-? @,ZzY n sa na p\'e fape kJE* llX r,f qf adnisic tlw b u^1, @ry,\ rt*rlhili I ir", BRWO frgD { *,t:onto.o.rrsc.@} ong Band /,icl sect,on in a efulr,r) tvlll help qef qiq> t)*ro"' thi> a 5mal,[ tme ^ b$ger one nert & fecd 6. i,tfw e!+f" 1 o"r, Itr r ?a'+, w'it|. ?t f"tr w'jth ,Yr.dgr bn d,^dE brcarfqst l9tue, 1l'r bt/,;qil^l\lv m Juil,tr (a-a) Prrnnarl Ly Clves boHbn. {or neht bandE klo, bovrd't p{ortl ./ Annothicl ! tis is chsdc^t ! fi Ynor$Qgye, here'9 6 bit on' srr?!*' pltb\|cfrv, Fr<,( lir zsCXovcDoXha^ mellow . G) achL(Jllv rnarbeliile rrour gYtd? ldL,^g'''^ na'*ioi 8'


'.*Yr:.4x1 *'lr >W Y,*'b"tYrbj*as, U';;Ft.d.-atf


Withoup bareo Prt . (=,t )



Arurtu "hca( wurcupre?i, biil plpory, ,om(. ca*. Ao printinq coth lnr>\ ra/tir p o zfert' lnlt rrd-rlin \,Gn'i?ar rlrAn .(a\ " W.E q.l lezv/g church ! ffatls t/hol goe'll i,s (t),b!te du p,ltceYed. ov y,rt)n\e,l ; e olle?r i S /ho.neul hYsta'.ola. (o) meanvh eell the band h eYtiwre e ba rlge2 - T' D be h>ltiyy l.fall loaail r\ofo^ , (t ) ^ ,, 'o


You, rhru"tott


xtTe/. car"ra , rorqh[,1 +DH prornoYon , a$ortt> , rtan/ ?t, Yned,a tddrewi lfttoTtc"ttoe. ln 'eY". tb) the yheaw Ea lel rtevl ENc-ttM ei tYuff, ?hit ith, Excttlry I t?h, S.3 rycr.?:6if." hcor.iirDavc El"urads. (t) k'n'roll,igntl' ;t.t!




nEn,nfi[ STUIID














dates available for priuate functions

-contact lohn Farguha[



er an392717,


Hew wovt d yuu l,the b,s YeGoFa on equipwenh [,{ke

hhls.,.7 5[UTDrRHFT 1" g.THHIH -7 R E UI]X 3I BREj1IELL






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":'rurt Bil ]i'?13[3i,[:H' r, I,

Dru 3 + RruRLOtr Oeuaufrnuteq Dru



NatsE trH res f EypHNDEng rUmFRE5 sn+sf LtmtTERE Dgru NNE FILTE R5 BUR OfrnnNnaf nunHrE NE nDNffnR 5 U5TE/1r'


fruDt[ posters, hats & cLothes.


Afliqan hairitylists.

radford Printshop



UELTP\ENTS E\nF's f tffirTEnS

nnul nnnl ELEErnnvnre {vuc's,

fill Lhis tor the basic price of LIl per hr which is Lhe sanr e price as anJ ordinary 8- Lrach studio. Reduced ra|,es f or 10 hrs.

s7 ffior€, Ring /vlich on Leeds L371X1,

UE Fllsa Hnue RecsRos

ow^ Yo, c a^ p{t^l' r4out uot cosl mq?c{rals gii"ri

PnegEeD FIruo Fler-Elseo

Oru Eun fluru "LLtnlssE Lngrili


p'" ?ilrt;:i%, f;;:{: For details

ut_" cA^

Phone 22b14

nE''r,nfi[ SDUflI sTUIID

When you're thinking of recording


will be in BRADFORD JULY 21st- 25th we invite LOCAL BANDS TO RECORD

Masters or Demos you'll need a studio with a reputation for good sounds, good engineers, and a friendly relaxed atrnosphere. A studio whh the facilities you want, 16 track or 8 track available by the hour or on day bookings. The effects you'll need like Flanging, Echo, Reverlc, A. D.T. Noise Gates, Compressors, Harmonisers, Dolby'A'etc., and a studio area with room to breathe. A studio because of its unique sounds, attracts bands from all over the British lsles, Germany and Denmark, and a studio that doesn't charge the earth.


16 track f15 per 16 trackfl30 per





track track


per hour

f/5 per day

{10 hours}







. Combined 8 Track & 3'ColourCameras . 6Omin. Video Cassette

C99 inc.



RING -Kendall,on




8-TRACK f5O P:t .i?ht

+-TRACK; f+O

! !

Fully Equipped Studi Usoru6 ThsEHm, Huueru Hrmn+

REtvox, Hotffi ruD, G[umD, m,H.6o EmrmEEo ehc.n B&8,


%tymog, Mininooj,

Fender Rhodes Suitcase, Hammond f,g Organ, Moog laurus

Bass Pedals, ARP Salina String Machine, Cla/inetD6, MelloLron, Prem\er Drums, Kraner 5000Dmz Bass, Accoustic Pia$o &Cruifars



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