FY 23
Impact Report
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Acknowledgment of Country For Change Co. acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Wurundjeri and the Boon Wurrung People of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal Land.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Contents Introduction
A message from our Managing Director
Our Year in Numbers
The Challenge
Our Solution
Trainee Journey
Our Programs
Pathways for Change
Open Shift
Voice for Change
Workshops for Change
Our Impact
Our Team
Our Partners
FY23 Big Wins
For Change Cafe, Bellfield
Unifying our Brands
Our Impact in the Broader Community
Looking Ahead
Be a Part of Our Community
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Introduction For Change Co. is a hospitalitybased social enterprise that exists with the mission of eliminating youth homelessness through our hospitality venues. We believe in the power of employment to build skills, experiences, confidence and social connectedness, all of which contribute to a young person’s sense of self and ability to create the future of their choosing.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
A Message From our Managing Director One of my favourite stories to tell is about the humble beginnings of For Change Co. some 9 years ago. At the time, my entrepreneurial co-founder Dan Poole and his brother Liam would regularly roll their crêpe griddles down to St Kilda Beach to sell crêpes and raise funds for local charities working with young people experiencing homelessness. As an organisation, we have grown off the back of this simple attitude of utilising what we have - skills, experiences, crêpes griddles - and leveraging it to make social change. This year we ticked over 100 young people supported since our inception, over 13,000 hours of paid, onthe-job employment training, and over $300,000 in award-rate wages paid, an incredible feat that none of us could have initially anticipated. Of course, numbers only show one layer of the impact that we have. The true impact can be seen through the stories of those supported throughout this report- the incredibly strong and resilient young people who we have the privilege of working with every day. This year we have seen participants grow in confidence and skills with each day that passes and transition into jobs in hospitality, retail, customer service, and market research. The growth in our trainees every day is what keeps our team doing the work that we do. Our program provides empowering environments for trainees to grow their own set of skills, confidence, and experience. This allows them to create their own pathway out of cycle of homelessness.
This year we have continued to work on our FY23FY25 Strategic Plan with focuses on our operational sustainability, financial sustainability, brand unification, and impact breadth and depth. As you will read throughout this report, our work to diversify our revenue has included the opening of our fourth cafe in Bellfield in December 2022 and the launch of our Catering for Change service in July 2023. Our impact diversification has included the pilot and subsequent beginning of our Voice for Change youth advisory program, increased work in the employment partnerships space, and skills workshops for young people outside of our core programs. At For Change Co. we are strong believers in the need to understand our role and expertise as we address the mammoth challenge of youth homelessness. We prioritise partnering across the sector and industry with those who are experts in what they do. That’s why you’ll always see us acknowledge the invaluable role that our partners play in our impact, as well as the work of our team, board, and community of supporters who bring their passion and commitment to what we do every day. If you are finding out about us for the first time in this report - welcome! We are nothing without the support of our community and our social enterprise model enables everyone to play a part in tackling youth homelessness with us.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
If you are a partner organisation or individual we appreciate you! We will never take for granted the role that our partners play in making our impact model possible. Together we can achieve so much more. If you are a donor, funder or sponsor - thank you! Your belief and direct contribution to our work means more than you can imagine. It gives us the ability to deliver the work that we know is required to create a deep impact on the lives of the young people that we work with. Simply put, we are merely a sum of our community, without which we would not exist and would not be able to create the impact that we have. This year has been record breaking for us; but record numbers mean nothing if they aren’t leading to long-term outcomes. We are proud to be able to present those outcomes to you over the following report and invite you to continue this journey with us as we tackle youth homelessness, together.
Tenille Gilbert, Tenille Gilbert, Managing Director and Co-Founder For Change Co.
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Our Year in Numbers
Hours of paid training
Average shift attendance
Number of coffees made
Number of training venues
Award-rate wages paid to young people
Number of trainees supported in our program
Number of events attended by Crêpes for Change
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Young people supported in our programs Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
Age range
Born overseas
LGBTQA+ identifying
25.9% 74.1%
48.2% 33.3%
Non-Binary/Gender Fluid
The Challenge More than 28,000 young people experience homelessness across Australia. In Victoria, 25% of people experiencing homelessness are under 25 (Homelessness Australia, 2021).
These numbers represent an incredibly challenging issue in our community that has severe impacts on the young people it affects. Young people experiencing homelessness are more likely to have experienced past trauma linked with family violence, abuse, neglect, poverty, and discrimination based on their sexuality or gender. They often lack access to basic security including regular meals, healthcare, and connection with education. They also experience a greater risk of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse and exploitation. When we think about how young people can be supported outside the cycle of homelessness, we also need to consider that these young people, through their experience, may lack the everyday connections and support others in the community may have. These supportive figures and connections would otherwise help them in connecting with education or employment, teaching them how to drive or how to manage money, helping them access different services, and much more.
Without these connections, the young person’s ability to support themselves and realise their personal goals is incredibly difficult. Even if a young person can access secure housing, the support of a safe roof over their head often isn’t enough to create positive change to a young person and help them realise their full potential.
That is why For Change Co. exists - to create the environment, community and opportunities for young people to build their own pathway out of homelessness and into an independent future.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Our Solution At For Change Co. we believe in the power of employment to change the trajectory of young people’s lives. That’s why we create supported training and employment opportunities within our own workplaces. We know we cannot solve the problem of homelessness alone. This is why we work in conjunction with housing and homelessness partners who provide supported accommodation to the young people experiencing homelessness who participate in our programs.
Our approach to the challenge is centred around these key pillars
Paid employment and work experience
Supportive pathways to employment and education
Building financial independence
The importance of increasing wellbeing and confidence
Developing a community of support
And, ensuring this is all done within a framework of collaboration through partners and support organisations
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Trainee Journey
Module 2
Our rolling intake periods allow young people to begin our program at various times throughout the year. In addition, our required commitment of two shifts per week enables trainees to participate in our program while pursuing other educational or personal goals.
Module 1
• Customer Service. • Point Of Sale Operation. • Working in a proper cafe environment. • Floor Management. • Food Preparation. • Cleaning / Cafe pack down.
• A soft introduction to work responsibilities. • The skill of coffee making. • Workspace maintenance.
Extended Support Program (ESP)
Cycle of Homelessness Referred by housing service providers
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Module 3 • The Big Step Up - Expectations of being a team member. • Building initiative, problem solving and team communication. • Work entire shifts as a head barista, front of house and back of house. • Working longer / busier shifts.
Open Shift Program Transition into the Open Shift Program with a partnered organisation or supported into the wider workforce or education pathway.
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Our Programs Pathways for Change Open Shift Voice for Change Workshops for Change
Pathways for Change Our Pathways For Change program offers an opportunity for young people experiencing homelessness to be employed and trained at our cafe venues over a period of 6 months. This program is individually tailored to each new trainee at our venue and focuses on collaborative support between the team at For Change Co. and the housing services we work with. Along with learning the technical skills associated with hospitality, our program creates behaviour change for trainees by helping develop their work readiness skills linked with professionalism, communication, attendance and personal presentation. This helps ensure that when trainees graduate our program, they are ready to make the next step into further employment and education that aligns with their goals and that they can maintain and increase this engagement over time. For Change Co. is heavily engaged in this process by supporting trainees with goals planning, preparing work documentation and linking the trainees with relevant employment and education opportunities. We know that maintaining engagement with employment and education is crucial for young people as they graduate from our program. This helps the process of stepping out of transitional housing and into independent housing – breaking the cycle of homelessness.
Quin’s Story: Quin started our program in 2021 and immediately took to the coffeemaking training they engaged in at the start of our program. For them, training became a way to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Quin showed great courage and determination to persist with their training even when they found it hard. They ultimately showed incredible improvement from when they started the program, not just in the technical skills they were learning at our venues but also in building those crucial work habits that will hold them in good stead for the rest of their working life. It was also amazing to see Quin build their social connectedness at our venues. They really valued the relationships they created with trainers and also were really friendly with other trainees, helping them feel supported and comfortable at work. Quin graduated from our program this year and began working and studying retail.
“I really loved working with my trainers and learning from them… I’m grateful my first working experience was here.” - Quin
“Your program has been amazing for Quin and they even commented that it is the only thing they have ever stuck to and not dropped out of when times got hard. The biggest takeaway that Quin has had from your program, other than the skill of making coffee, is the personal selfdevelopment and confidence this has given them. To work with others and be a part of a team is a huge step for Quin.” - Quin’s support worker
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Open Shift Our Open Shift program stems from our belief that improved outcomes can be generated by paving a smooth transition out of our programs and into a graduate’s next chapter of employment. We know that the community wants to be involved in social change and support young people on this journey. This program gives workplaces the opportunity to gain new, well-trained, skilled staff who are ready to work, whilst creating a more diverse workplace and a sense of social impact for their teams and customers. Open Shift employers are provided support from For Change Co.’s impact team as they onboard our graduates to ensure a smooth transition, and graduates also stay in touch with our teams throughout the transition period as an essential time for their support to be offered. The program has created 7 employment partnerships and proved to be highly successful with 100% of respondents who transitioned into work with Open Shift employers remaining in the role at 6 and 12 months post-program.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Working with our community on this offering aligns with our long-held belief that the challenge of youth homelessness must be addressed through a whole-of-community approach.
Lee’s Story: Lee began working at For Change Co. in early 2022. Lee took to the technical skills of our program very quickly and loved embracing the challenge of new tasks. He brought a warm personality to each of his shifts and loved being a part of a team. The key focus for Lee was understanding what good professionalism looked like in the workplace and what appropriate behaviour looked like when engaging with team members and customers. This was an area Lee was able to grow over time in our supportive work environment and when the opportunity came up to work at Arcadis’ office cafe space, Lee felt confident he could make the step into this autonomous and customer service-focused role. Lee began working at Arcadis in late 2021 and continues to work there whilst also beginning study in mid-2022.
“Lee is a great contributor to Arcadis and fits in well with the team members; (he) has a committed work ethic and a warm friendly disposition. We are very lucky to have him on board.” - Lynda, Head of Reception and Administration at Arcadis
“I feel that Lee has become more responsible and (the program) provided him with structure when going through difficult times. I also feel it has made him more confident and has been good for his self-esteem. When I have spoken about the traineeship with him he has spoken about it with confidence and purpose. He developed an attitude of going to work to get things done and not letting others’ behaviours affect him. He’s become more resilient in being able to work with different people and manage his emotions.” - Lee’s support worker
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Voice for Change Our Voice for Change program was formed in response to our belief in embedding livedexperience voice throughout our organisation and broader community, ensuring that young people with a lived experience of homelessness are always given a platform to create change on the issues that affect them. The program is a unique combination of paid, on-the-job employment, and training with participants using the skills they learn along with their lived-experience to evaluate and provide recommendations on a live program - in this year’s case that was directly to our team at For Change Co.! We believe not only in embedding livedexperience voices in our work, but also ensuring that young people are being remunerated for sharing the knowledge they have from their experiences whilst continuing to build their capabilities to support other organisations.
4 participants took part in our first cohort of this program, with 3 participants moving to further employment in areas of advocacy, health and public policy whilst one continued education in these areas.
“The best part of the program for me was the freedom we had over research topics and how we presented our findings. I also valued the support and access to resources about For Change Co. and other team members who could assist us in modifying our recommendations to best reflect as many voices as possible.” - Lived Experience Practitioner
“The best parts of the program were working with the team and presenting our work to the board. I feel that we worked really well together as a team, which made the experience all the more enjoyable. Additionally, seeing all of our work come together through the board presentation, along with the wonderful feedback we received, was very rewarding.” - Lived Experience Practitioner
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Workshops for Change Our Workshops for Change program provides the initial touch-points and introductions to a range of topics developed to support young people towards their future of employment and independence. Often, workshops are the first introduction for our participants into For Change Co. and into our employment and training programs. This is a light-touch approach which allows participants to scope out the possible next steps before diving in, whilst gaining valuable skills, knowledge and resources along the way. Our key workshop topics include: L Financial literacy L Workplace rights, health and safety L Employment goals L Five Senses coffee training
“I have highly enjoyed the financial literacy workshop… it helped explain difficult things and everyone was very interested to learn more. The information covered in the workshop, especially about budgeting, is certainly very useful for everyday life.” - Reilly, workshop participant
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Our Impact Our impact is consistently measured through internally delivered surveys, interviews, and testimonials. Our impact is measured in alignment with our Five Pillars of Sustainable Change; being housing, employment, education, confidence and community.
Housing We work with our partner specialist housing service to ensure that all participants in our program are in supported accommodation during their time with us. This is an essential element in giving every participant the best possible opportunity through the program, and is, of course, a key pillar in supporting young people to exit the cycle of homelessness.
respondents transitioned to independent housing 12 months post-program respondents receiving continued housing support
Employment Gaining meaningful and stable post-program employment is a key goal of our programs and an important factor in supporting young people to reach financial independence and permanently exit the cycle of homelessness. Employment within our workplaces creates an introduction into the world of work whilst creating a foundation of skills, behaviours, and a positive attitude towards their future of work.
respondents who remain engaged in employment 12 months post-program
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Education For many of our trainees, education is a primary or secondary goal during the program and as they transition into their next chapter. Our programs provide a unique learning environment that differs from mainstream education which some of our participants have previously struggled to engage with. By developing a routine and developing social connectedness in our program, participants can feel confident transitioning to further education that aligns with their goals.
respondents who are engaged with education 12 months post-program
“it provided me with skills and a job that complemented me during my studies. This helped me be more prepared for other jobs and more comfortably be able to afford living expenses. Developing my skills was cool, I liked learning and developing skills that I haven’t been presented with the opportunity for before” - Hamish, trainee (March 23)
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Confidence We know greater self-confidence can lead to increased psychological well-being, resilience and motivation to pursue goals. Giving trainees space to build their confidence underpins everything we do; from creating meaningful employment opportunities, and fostering new friendships, to offering them tangible skills and encouragement.
Trainees demonstrated an increase in their confidence by an average of 33%
“Ken’s confidence (specifically public speaking and engagement) has tremendously increased. They loved the customer service elements, and smashing targets. Please continue doing this amazing program” - Abdullah - Transitions Coordinator at Launch Broadmeadows (Oct 22)
Community All humans need a community to get through the hard times, celebrate the good times, and to thrive. We know that community is an essential ingredient as our trainees transition out of the cycle of homelessness and into their chosen futures. We focus strongly on creating a community for our trainees to be a part of, whilst encouraging our trainees to form new connections as building blocks for their next chapter.
Trainee Post-program Surveys measure a rating of 7.4/10 for connection to community (Average measure for supportive workplace measured high for LGBTIQA+ trainees (9.3/10) trainees from a multicultural background (8.7/10) and First Nations trainees (10/10))
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Danny’s Story: Danny began Pathways for Change in late 2022. While Danny was a great contributor to our venues and very keen to complete new tasks, the one area he found particularly challenging was engaging with customers. For Danny, his lack of experience with employment meant stepping into a dynamic environment and interacting with customers was an area he didn’t have a lot of confidence in. Danny was encouraged to take on this task more and more consistently as he progressed through our program and this culminated in his participation in our trainee takeover day at our Brunswick cafe, where he spent a whole day running the point of sale section of the cafe. Danny graduated our program in May 2023 and was supported into an employment opportunity at McDonalds. Danny is coupling this work with study and feels like he has the financial support to transition to independent housing in the coming months.
“I like coming here. I liked being able to communicate with everybody and build skills. It helped boost my confidence and I definitely needed that. (There were) three sets of customers today and (my trainer) was out the back and I thought “I have to take these orders” At the start of the program I would have never had thought I’d be able to do that. That’s one of the things I appreciate most.” - Danny
“Danny has shown more confidence in his customer service skills and overall confidence in general. Danny will carry these skills over into his new role. He has really loved being a part of the program, he speaks highly of the trainers and staff and is thankful for all the skills he has learned along the way. This program provides such a supportive environment for young people to thrive and gain transferable skills to carry them into future employment endeavours” - Danny’s Support worker
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Our Team
As with any organisation, we are only as good as the people who choose to spend their days working towards our mission. And luckily, our people are legends! Thank you to our wonderful team who are committed to their work, who choose to share their skills with us and who make our vision a reality.
Board Members
Team Members
Chair - Judy Hargrave Deputy Chair - Myles Munro Treasurer - Paul Benveniste Secretary - Katie Nicol Director - Chris Mills Co-Founder and Director - Levi Fernandez
Abby Gilmore Artem Chekmarev Courtney Gregg Eloise Oliver Ewan Thomas Georgie Mason Jess Downey Kyuhen Dykes Madeleine Hayward Madisen Stringer Michael Gwynn Rose John Shoichi Ishii Sofia Di Vincenzo Abby Flett Rachael Lee
Executive Team Managing Director - Tenille Gilbert Operations Manager - Fiona Walker Impact Manager - Joe McAllister Marketing and Communications Manager - Amanda Serra Transitions Coordinator - Claire Renehan / David Christie
Venue Managers Coffee for Change - Ed Coleman Crêpes for Change - Jill Cameron Bellfield - Phoebe Smith Brunswick - Jam Taylor Melbourne University - Lucy Conn Middle Park - Ross Eckersley 26
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
“Working with and mentoring our trainees is an aspect of the job that I don’t take for granted, seeing their confidence & capacity build over the course of the program helps drive my professional sense of purpose.” - Ross, For Change Cafe Middle Park Manager
In FY23, employee surveys showed an average satisfaction rate with the culture of For Change Co. of
“My favourite part of working with For Change Co. is seeing the trainees step out of their comfort zone, embracing challenges and celebrating their victories along the way. We also get to do this with an amazing bunch of people in a supportive environment.” - Phoebe, For Change Cafe Bellfield Manager
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Our Partners Our partners are a diverse range of organisations and individuals who share our vision for a future free from youth homelessness. As an organisation, we understand the role that we are able to play in this lofty vision, and know that we are part of a community who are invested in making this reality possible. From funders and landlords, to pro-bono supports, and impact partners, we are incredibly lucky to be surrounded by support. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to everyone who believes in what we do and chooses to partner with us on this journey.
Australian Communities Foundation
Australian Pharmaceutical Group
Bank of Melbourne
Banyule Council
City of Melbourne
Creative Natives
Danks Foundation
Equity Trustees
Fernandez-O’Neil Family
Flight Centre Foundation
Inner North Community Foundation
Janice Durken Family Gift
Matana Foundation
Moreland City Council
NAB Staff Team
Paul Ramsay Foundation
Perpetual Trustees
Pressroom Partners
Rotary Melbourne
Sandringham Rotary
Sisters of Charity Foundation
Sunshine Foundation
The Ellingworth Legacy
VCF Bird Family Charitable Trust
Westpac Foundation
Wetherall Family Foundation
William Angliss Charitable Foundation
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
In-kind Support Ferrero
Fluid Branding
Hall & Willcox
Josh’s Rainbow Eggs
Pressroom Partners
Social Venture Partners Melbourne
The Cluster
Barista and Beyond
Breathe Architecture
Chef’s Hat
Five Senses Coffee
La Marzocco
Nightingale Housing
RMIT Training
St David’s Dairy
The Ascot Lot
The University of Melbourne
Yarra Trams
Impact Arcadis
Bridge It
Joan Specialty Coffee
Launch Housing
Melbourne City Mission
Merri Outreach Support Services
Mind Australia
Salvation Army
South Port Community Housing
Vincent Care
Wombat Housing
YMCA Victoria
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
FY23 Big Wins
For Change Cafe, Bellfield For Change Cafe, Bellfield is a neighbourhood cafe co-located with Banyule City Council’s new Bellfield Community Hub. Our partnership with Banyule City Council made this cafe possible - with generous support from council to build and fit out the light-filled space. The cafe is our largest to date with a full commercial kitchen and plenty of seating to welcome in the community and to invite them to be a part of change with us. Our Bellfield location has also allowed us to increase the capacity of Pathways for Change, with an additional 4 places in our program currently available, and with the intention for this to grow as we adapt the program to this location. Pathways for Change at Bellfield has allowed us to create new impact partnerships with local specialist housing services including Mind Australia and SYC. We have also utilised For Change Cafe, Bellfield to host work experience for students from our neighbouring Waratah Special Development School. The program allows students to be introduced to a workplace environment for the first time and learn a wide range of different tasks that are required at a cafe. Later this year we look forward to our long-term partners, Launch Housing, opening their newest social housing accommodation right next door to our cafe. This build will complete our vision for the space as providing place-based, accessible employment and training for young people residing in these new apartments.
“The cafe is a good and safe place” - Julie, Waratah Student
“The opportunity to interact with the wider community is invaluable… It’s provided a framework for students to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. The use of professional language has supported (students) to improve their conversational skills and functional literacy” - Krys, Teacher at Waratah Special Development School.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Unifying our Brands A key strategic goal for FY23 was the unification of our venues and programs under the ‘For Change Co.’ branding. This meant changing the names of our first two cafes, home.one and home.two, to For Change Cafe, Brunswick and For Change Cafe, Melbourne Uni respectively. We also renamed our flagship hospitality employment and training program from home.plate to Pathways for Change, and our Youth Advisory Program to Voice for Change. All of these names, of course, tie back to our umbrella brand and are designed to enhance the curiosity and interest of people who come across our venues and programs, whilst contributing to the overall increased recognition of For Change Co. A bow to our legacy brand of ‘Crêpes for Change’, these names serve as a reminder to our team, partners and community that we exist to create change, and that every pillar of our work must come back to achieving our mission.
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Our Impact in the Broader Community
For Change Co.’s primary mission is to support young people out of the cycle of homelessness. In doing this, however, there are many other social and environmental challenges that we are able to play our part in addressing. This year we have continued to work on our commitment to addressing these challenges.
Reconciliation For Change Co. completed our first ever Reconiliation Action Plan (RAP) this year a large project and commitment that we are proud to have achieved. As an organisation, we exist to address the social issue of youth homelessness which disproportionately affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We know that in order to address this issue we must place reconciliation high on our agenda. We are also a highly values-driven organisation and believe strongly in our responsibility as a business to incorporate reconciliation into all of the work that we do. We want our team and our community to come on this journey with us and to be educated alongside us. Our first ‘Reflect’ RAP has brought into focus where For Change Co. is currently at on our reconciliation journey and the gaps that remain. We have clearly seen an alignment and commitment from our whole team and community with the principles of the RAP and have focused heavily on engagement in building up our knowledge and understanding of reconciliation and the role that we have to play. This year, we publicly announced our commitment to the ‘Yes’ vote for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Sustainability As an organisation that exists to improve the futures of young people, it would be remiss of us to not be doing everything in our power to improve the future of this world for young people. Sustainability has always been a priority at For Change Co., and we have continued to build on this strong platform this year. As our primary footprints, we have focused on sustainability in our hospitality venues including areas such as waste-reduction, sourcing of goods and decreasing singleuse plastic across our venues.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion As a team and community we aim to be a reflection of the diverse cohort that we support - ensuring that all of the young people we work with are able to connect with and find role models within our team. Over the last two years, we have been working with a DE&I framework to identify and navigate the gaps that we have in our organisation in order to create a values-aligned team and community made up of diverse voice, where everyone feels included and has access to equal opportunities. We continue to drive these values through our recruitment and induction processes, with training, supports and resources provided to the team so that we can continue to build on this work together.
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
SDGs Embracing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our global endeavour unites nations, emphasising the crucial interdependence of poverty eradication, improved healthcare, and education. We strive to combat climate change and protect our vital oceans and forests, fostering a sustainable future that cherishes inclusivity and environmental preservation.
SDG 1:
SDG 3:
82% of our trainees graduate our program and transition to further employment, education or a mix of both. This provides clear opportunities and financial support for trainees in moving out of poverty.
Surveys measuring general wellbeing improve from 4.9/8 to 5.3/8 while trainees are in our program.
No Poverty
SDG 8:
Decent Work and Economic Growth Our Financial Literacy workshops contribute to positive outcomes with our trainees with trainees collectively showing a reduction in economic strain post program. Participants surveys show an increase in confidence from 3.2/5 to 4.2/5 80% of respondents are employed 12 months post program.
Good Health and Wellbeing
SDG 10:
Reduced Inequalities 73% of respondents transition to autonomous housing 12 months post program. 82% of our trainees graduate from our program and transition to further employment, education or a mix of both. 80% of respondents are employed 12 months post-program.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
We unite in fostering a sustainable future that cherishes inclusivity and environmental preservation, driven by our commitment to uplift communities.
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Looking Ahead We are currently in our FY23-FY25 strategic plan and continue to work towards our key pillars of organisational sustainability, financial sustainability, broadening and deepening impact, and consolidating brand and identity. Within this strategy, some of our key projects for FY24 include:
Catering for Change Our newest social enterprise, Catering for Change, officially launched in August 2023. We have often been asked to cater for a range of workplaces and with the support of Rotary Melbourne, were able to take the leap into developing this arm of the business. Catering for Change is intended to begin as a revenuegenerating arm that will direct profits back into our existing impact programs, however, we see significant potential for our Pathways for Change program to diversify into providing opportunities for young people to be trained and employed in catering. We also know that catering provides a great touch point for our customers to share our work with their workplaces, families and friends and to contribute to change with us in a new and unique way.
Diversify Employment and Training Offerings Our Pathways for Change program continues to offer essential employability skills with a focus on customer service and barista skills to prepare trainees for work primarily in hospitality and customer service roles. However, we know that our trainees also use this experience as a foundation for moving into many different career opportunities. Catering for Change will grow our capacity to provide training in food handling and cooking roles which are areas that our trainees often express a desire to be involved in. Voice for Change will grow to offer participants more opportunities to explore work within the NFP, social services and government spaces, another area that young people we work with often express interest in working in.
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Increase Program Capacity
Diversify Partnerships for Greater Impact
Our flagship Pathways for Change program has significantly increased in capacity over the last year and continues to grow through iterations across the program. Now that we have four established cafe venues for training to take place, along with our coffee cart, we are working to ensure efficient and effective use of all of our venues, whilst understanding where industry partnerships can play a role in increasing the number of young people that we can support. Unfortunately, the issue of youth homelessness affects thousands of young people every year, so we will continue to work to support as many young people as we can.
We have always known that we cannot address the challenge of youth homelessness alone. That’s why we create partnerships across the sector and industry to create a community of organisations working together towards an aligned vision. Over the last year we have diversified the specialist housing services that we work with in line with our placebased approach and to ensure that we are available to support young people who need us most - we will continue to seek out and engage new housing partners to achieve greater impact. Along with this, we are working to solidify and grow our employment partnerships with workplaces that are looking for employees and who want to have an impact on young lives. We will work this year to develop resources, tools, processes, and of course, the relationships to make these partnerships a simple decision for employers to make in creating welcoming environments for program graduates whilst building the culture of the organisation for their people.
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Be a Part of Our Community
Become a Philanthropic Donor Although For Change Co. generates the majority of our revenue through trade, with no recurring government funding philanthropy and donations allow us to build our capacity and to create more opportunities to change the lives of young people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.
Become an Open Shift Partner If you own or manage a small to medium business in Melbourne and are often recruiting, being an Open Shift partner offers you the perfect opportunity to hire incredibly talented young people who have graduated from our training program and who are ready to take their next step towards independence.
Visit one of Our Venues Visit one of our venues or have our Crêpes for Change Food Truck come to you - put your money where your mouth is by making sure that you get your daily coffee with a side of good feels or have our food truck cater for your next event and share the good with your family and friends.
Our Venues are Located at For Change Cafe, Brunswick 6 Florence Street, Brunswick For Change Cafe, Melbourne Uni Corner or Tin Alley and Union Road, The University of Melbourne, Parkville For Change Cafe, Middle Park Middle Park Lightrail Station, Canterbury Road, Middle Park For Change Cafe, Bellfield 13 Daphne Cres, Bellfield Coffee For Change Level 4, 235-251 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Why not book us? Have Crêpes For Change or Catering For Change, at your event!
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Financials Income Statement FY23
Less Cost of Goods Sold of Trading Activities
Gross Revenue from Trading Activities
Revenue from Other Sources
Covid-19 Government Assistance Program
Gain on Disposal of Fixed Assets
Interest Received
Service Fees
Revenue from Trading Activities
Go to this web address to access our full audited financial statements. forchangeco.com.au/annual-report
Impact Report 2022-23 | For Change Co.
Annual Leave Expenses
Bank Fees
Consulting and Accounting
Crêpes for Change Fuel/ Gas
Crêpes for Change Motor Vehicle Expenses
Crêpes for Change Repairs and Maintenance
Crêpes for Change Site Fees
Dues & Subscriptions
Electricity, Gas & Water
General Expenses
Impact Expenses
Office Expenses
People & Culture
Postage & Courier
Professional Development Expenses
Repairs & Maintenance
Salaries & Wages*
Software Costs
Stripe Fees
Total Expenditure
Net Surplus (Defecit) Attributable to the Company
*Salaries and wages includes all wages paid to trainees in our impact programs 41
For Change Co. | Impact Report 2022-23
Financials Balance Sheet FY23
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Trade & Other Receivables
Total Current Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment
Total Non-Current Assets
Total Assets
Trade & Other Payables
Income Received in Advance
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Accumulated Members Fund
Total Equity
Assets Current Assets
Non-Current Assets
Liabilities Current Liabilities
Get in Touch Tenille Gilbert
Co-Founder & Managing Director For Change Co. P: 0415 983 223 E: tenille@forchangeco.com.au
Follow us:
FACEBOOK-SQUARE @forchangeco INSTAGRAM @forchangeco_ LINKEDIN @For Change Co. forchangeco.com.au