Metro 04/15/19

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Rep. Arndt

Brownfield reform bill gets hearing By Larry Limpf News Editor

Wave action

Even though it's spring, winter keeps trying to make a comeback. Addison McNutt, age 10, dresses warm for a recent visit to Marblehead, unconcerned with the wave behind her. (Photo by Maggi Dandar)


Oregon to finalize agreement for property Oregon on Monday held a meeting on downtown development in city council chambers. The focus was mostly on the development of property where the former Kmart store is located on Navarre Avenue, an area where the city wants to develop a downtown area. Oregon in the last couple of years has been in the process of acquiring property in an effort to create a downtown area. In 2017, council passed a resolution in support of designating a zoning overlay as the first step in creating a downtown area that would include retail, residential, an entertainment district, and open green space along Navarre Avenue. The overlay district covers three areas bordered by Isaac Streets Drive, Navarre Avenue, Coy Road, Dustin Road, and Pickle Road, an area that totals 167 acres. The goal of the overlay district is to make it easier for the city to welcome modern development. Developers will have the option to bring buildings up closer to the front lot line to make some walkable space, and to move in some innovative ways with

Service with You in Mind


Ultimately, our expectation is, we’re going to put a developer in our shoes. This is a risk the city is going to take.

By Kelly J. Kaczala News Editor

parking. To that end, the city acquired 30 acres of property from Navarre Avenue to Pickle Road, and property south of Dustin Road, including the former WOHO radio station property on Pickle Road. Plans call for that area to be mixed use residential and retail development. The city appropriated $3 million in the municipal budget for land acquisition and development in the core of the city. Oregon purchased the 30-acre site, behind the former Kmart on Navarre, for $1.4

Due diligence Oregon also authorized a ground lease/ purchase agreement for the former Kmart property for a 120 day due diligence period that ends on April 26. The city wants the property as part of its downtown development project. During the due diligence period, the city wanted to determine whether it should enter into a 10-year lease with an option at the end of the 10 years to buy the property for $3.7 million, with lease payments of approximately $300,000 per year during the period. The city also had to determine whether the cost of demolition, the interest in development, and its capacity to develop were practical in an effort to move forward. Final engineering estimates will be obtained for demolition to determine suitability for possible development. “We’re in the final weeks of our due diligence phase,” City Administrator Mike Beazley said at the meeting on Monday. “The title work is in its final stages.” The administration has recommended the city move forward with the agreement, Continued on page 2

Free Towing • Free Loaner Cars 12 Bays to Serve You • All Makes/All Models Awesome 3 yr./36,000 mile Nationwide Warranty 4041 Navarre Ave. Oregon


A bill that would reform brownfield regulations in Ohio has been re-introduced in the state legislature. Representative Steve Arndt, R – Port Clinton, said House Bill 168 would stimulate economic development by incorporating into Ohio law the federal bona fide prospective purchaser defense for someone interested in purchasing contaminated properties. Rep. Arndt provided sponsor testimony for the bill last week to the House Civil Justice Committee. “In many areas throughout Ohio, there are many slightly contaminated properties, like the site of former gas stations or dry cleaning businesses, that are not currently in productive use simply because of a business our current regulatory structure says is too cost prohibitive for developers to pursue,” he told the committee. The federal purchaser defense was established as part of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) – the program created to regulate what are called Superfund sites. Arndt said federal statute provides purchasers with an affirmative defense who have knowledge of existing contamination if the purchaser follows the appropriate protocol. His bill would establish state level immunity for potential purchasers of contaminated property through the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency if the protocol already in place in federal law is followed. Under the protocol, potential purchasers would have to review federal and state databases for information about possible contamination on the property, interview persons knowledgeable about the property and have the property inspected by an environmental professional for signs of contamination. Continued on page 2

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Bryan Golden See page 7


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APRIL 15, 2019

A good hand Ron Gladieux has a hand you can smile about. He and his wife Marian, Bob Damschroder, and Jerry Lynn (not pictured) were enjoying a game of euchre at a card party held at First St. John Lutheran Church. Other games included Uno, Yahtzee and dominoes. (Press photo by Ken Grosjean)

Kmart property Continued from front page

added Beazley. Legislation on the matter will go before council within the next couple of weeks. “We’re ready to move forward,” he said. The owner of the property wants the buildings torn down before the city takes possession, said Beazley. He estimates it will cost the city over $200,000 to tear down the buildings and abate some asbestos found at the site. The city will also bear the annual property taxes of $60,000. Beazley broke down the agreement: In years 1-5, the city will be pay $282,060 annually in lease payments. In years 6-10, the city will pay $307,000 annually. Oregon will then buy the property in the 11th year for $3.7 million. Interested tenants The city already has tenants interested in leasing some of the property, which will help cover the costs, said Beazley. “Ultimately, our expectation is, we’re going to put a developer in our shoes. This is a risk the city is going to take. We know there are some commercial lots of about 1 acre each selling for up to $700,000 to $1.2 million in the area. We know we can carve out three or four lots across the front of the

property and still have acreage in the back. We believe we can get that return,” he said. The city also wants to make an assessment of developers who are interested in the property. He said there are some developers who have expressed a “strong interest” in bringing in restaurants, movie theaters, medical offices and residential. “We have enough land available that we think we can achieve residential, from single family homes to senior oriented town houses, to an apartment complex that works for younger people closer to Isaac Streets Drive,” he said. There is also enough land for a mixed use office/retail/restaurant area. One of the developers did a drive through of the city last week. He had pointed out to Beazley the advantage of traffic heading to the Lake Erie islands, Cedar Point, and the local hospitals. “Our two hospitals bring in economic energy. There are thousands of people per day in and out of those hospitals – patients, visitors, doctors, sales people, nurses, technicians, people who go in for tests. And they become customers for other businesses in the area,” he said. The city also has access to I-280, another advantage. “The developer said when he sees the expressway exits both north and south of this site, it’s something they believe can benefit restaurants. They want that expressway access. They said they can make this a regional attraction that works for Oregon,” said Beazley.

peezing (PEE • zing) verb, slang: peeing while sneezing

Downtown development City officials provided a history of the Continued on page 5

Reform bill receives hearing “If any of the due diligence steps indicate that there is contamination present on the property, the prospective purchaser must cooperate with any reasonable steps in the future to stop ongoing releases and prevent exposure,” Arndt told the committee. Implementing such a program for prospective buyers on sites in Ohio would bring the state in line with Indiana and Michigan which have already incorporated language from the federal regulations or similar language into state law, he said. He said HB 168 is identical to a bill he introduced last year that didn’t make it out of committee before the legislature’s session ended. Beginning in 2002 through the final funding round in 2013, the Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund programs provided grant assistance to communities to redevelop brownfield sites. According to the Ohio Development Services Agency, the programs redeveloped more than 380 former commercial and industrial properties that, in turn, created more than 3,800 acres of development ready land. A white paper released last year by the Greater Ohio Policy Center identifies funding options it recommends for consideration for remediation programs, including: -Redirecting existing revenue from the JobsOhio Revitalization Program, the liquor profits that JobsOhio returns to the

state or the Abandoned Gas Station Fund. -Expanding the sales tax to include additional services not currently subject to the sales tax. -Eliminating certain tax expenditures that have a diminished level of appropriateness given the time period they were enacted and the state’s current economy. In a statement issued last year, the GOPC said the bill would “fill the gap in brownfields redevelopment by aligning Ohio with the federal Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser defense. The BFPP defense offers a much more cost-effective means to putting brownfields into productive use because the BFPP defense does not require a full-blown assessment and cleanup of a prospective property.” Ohio has more than 9,000 brownfields, according to the policy center. Rep. Arndt last week said local officials affiliated with landbanks have expressed support for the bill. “Now they’re only operating under Ohio law, thinking they are exempt from any kind of responsibility if they acquire a site that has any type of contamination,” he said. “When I indicated to them my bill would add a layer of protection for them as long as they follow the CERCLA laws on these sites, some were a little shocked when they realized they could be exposed if they acquired an old gas station or restaurant that had a gas station or something like that.”

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Continued from front page


Metro Edition

lbury, OH 43447 • 1550 Woodville Rd., Millb ionns. cattio blilica 419-836-2221 • presspub

APRIL 15, 2019

The Press serves 24 towns and surrounding townships in Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky & Wood Counties Vol. 35, No. 31

‘Stop the bleed classes’ helps save lives By Kelly J. Kaczala News Editor Attending a free community event on May 23 at the Oregon Public Library may very well save a life. May 23 is Stop the Bleed Day, a nationwide campaign that highlights ways a bystander can help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. Local health care professionals will be on hand at the library to educate the public on life saving techniques to stop the loss of blood, according to Alexis Bolanis, trauma program coordinator at Mercy St. Charles Hospital. It takes just five minutes for a person to bleed to death without some kind of intervention. The class will show the public how to pack open wounds, how to apply tourniquets to wounded limbs, and pressure to bleeding arteries that will give a bleeding victim a chance to survive. There will also be health care professionals available to educate the public on how to treat other emergency situations. “The Oregon Police Division will conduct two classes of ALICE training. It teaches you what to do in an active shooter situation. It’s also taught in schools and churches. And the Oregon Fire Department and EMS will offer CPR training and ADD alert awareness. So we’ll all be there throughout the day,” she said.

Sandy Hook Stop the Bleed was developed after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that killed 20 children and six staff members in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012, she said. “After Sandy Hook Elementary happened, they found that a handful of people who were shot who didn’t make it probably would have made it if someone in the school or near them would have known to stop the bleeding,” said Bolanis. “Instead of dying of their injuries, some people bled to death. Mass shootings, unfortunately, are happening in places where you don’t have a trauma surgeon or a nurse nearby who can stop the bleeding.” Stop the Bleed is an initiative that partnered with the military, which knows how to stop bleeding on the battlefield, she said. “Basically, bleeding can be stopped by applying a tourniquet to an injured limb or holding pressure on wounds if the wounds are in the abdomen or chest area. You can’t always stop bleeding in the stomach or chest, so you stuff something in there. You can make a tourniquet out of anything. People might be afraid to even use a dirty T- shirt in a stab wound because it might cause an infection. But we don’t care if it’s dirty. Stuff it in there. It’s OK to do that. It’s what you have to do to save their lives. We can deal with an infection later,” she said. Tourniquet safe For years, some have believed the use

of a tourniquet would destroy tissue, and lead to an amputation. Bolanis said it is not true – at least in the short term. “You actually have to have a tourniquet on for two hours before you face loss of limb. That’s a really significant period of time,” she said. “The number one priority in any traumatic situation is to stop the bleeding.” In trauma nursing classes, she was taught to assess injures using the ABC approach: Check the patient’s airway, breathing, then the circulation. “Now they teach you to always check for bleeding first. Then you do the airway, breathing, and circulation. It’s something that has come full circle. We really need to be aware that people are bleeding to death.” The actual Stop the Bleed course is about an hour long, she said. Sometimes she goes to schools, churches and other places to teach the class, “places where shootings can happen.” At a recent mass shooting, she said some of the people had taken the course and had saved several lives by stopping the bleeding. “So it’s working, it’s getting out there, it’s happening.” Registration is not required to attend the classes, which are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The public can attend any of the classes. “They don’t need to be there the whole day,” she said.

BP was major donor in lake bill initiative By Larry Limpf News Editor Campaign finance reports filed with the Lucas County Board of Elections show that the Toledo Jobs and Growth Coalition spent almost $306,000 to sway Toledo voters to not support the Lake Erie Bill of Rights ballot initiative in February. With 6,260 actually voting against the measure, that comes to about $49 a vote. By contrast, Toledoans for Safe Water spent just under $5,900 in support of the issue and saw it pass by about 61 percent with 9,955 votes. Voter turnout was low at about 9 percent. What’s especially irksome to the backers of the initiative is almost the entire source of the coalition’s funding is from B.P. Corp. North America, Inc., Houston, Texas, which is listed as donating $302,000 to the anti-LEBOR campaign. “The time has come for corporateowned politics to take a backseat to the citizen-led efforts and movements for change. We want to be the ones who influence and shape our communities to reflect our values and protection for the city we call home,” said LEBOR organizer Julian Mack.

The expense reports for the Toledo Jobs and Growth Coalition show that most of its funding was spent on out-of-state consulting, legal and advertising firms: -Yellowstone Associates (Virginia), $10,000 for consulting - Shumaker Advisors (Ohio), $10,000 for consulting - Chain Bridge Bank (Virginia) - $140 for bank fees - Battleground Strategies, LLC (Ohio) $25,000 - general campaign consulting - CrossRoads Media, LLC (Virginia) -$105,444 for radio ad production and placement - DDC Public Affairs (Washington, DC) - $10,000 for digital ad production and placement - Langdon Law, LLC (Ohio) - $10,000 for legal fees - New Troy Strategies (Virginia) $122,352.39 for campaign outreach, direct mail, radio ads, text messages and phone calls. The campaign refunded $12,708 back to BP Corp. Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie donated $1,000 to Toledoans for Safe Water on Jan. 16 and $500 on Feb. 27 – the day after the election. Crystal Jankowski, a member

of Toledoans for Safe Water, donated $1,000 but most of the donations to the group were well under $100. LEBOR grants legal rights to the Great Lake and its watershed as an amendment to Toledo’s charter. According to Toledoans for Safe Water, it will be the first U.S. law of its kind. The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund drafted the bill of rights for the lake at the request of Toledoans for Safe Water, which then gathered signatures to qualify the measure for the ballot. But no sooner were the election results announced than a member of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation filed a lawsuit to prevent the ballot measure’s enactment. Mark Drewes, a director of The Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association whose family farms in Custar, O., filed the lawsuit in Federal District Court for Northern Ohio, challenging the constitutionality of LEBOR. The suit argues LEBOR violates federal constitutional rights, including equal protection, freedom of speech and is unenforceable for its vagueness. In March, the court issued a preliminary injunction that prevents the city from enforcing LEBOR while the case proceeds.

Retired teachers The next luncheon of the Lucas County Retired Teacher Association will be held Thursday, April 25 at noon at Brandywine Country Club, 6904 Salisbury Rd., Maumee. The program, “Manor HouseBehind the Scenes,” will feature Deanna Douglas and Sandra Shutt, who serve on the Interior Restoration Committee and have served as docents at the Manor House. The featured charity is the Toledo House, which is requesting paper products (toilet tissue, paper towels, tissues and paper plates, cups and bowls), plastic silverware, cleaning supplies and all baby products. Entrée choices include Stuffed Chicken, meatloaf or cavatappi fresco. The cost is $19.50. Reservations are due by April 18. Send your check to LCRTA with lunch choice noted to Jeannine Petcoff, 15139 Todd Rd., Petersburg, MI 49270.

Business survey Businesses in the Navarre Avenue business corridor are urged to fill out a survey by May 24 for the Oregon Economic Development Foundation’s Business Retention and Expansion program. The first phase of the project involves surveying nearly 1,000 businesses on and around the Navarre Avenue business corridor. A task force will examine the results and look for ways to assist businesses in Oregon with operations and potential expansion plans. To fill out the survey, go to https://surveygoldcloud. com/s/6E422F96910748A6/27.htm. For more information, go to: https://

Crime in East Toledo Tracey Britt, community service officer with the Toledo Police Department, will speak to The East Toledo Club about crime in East Toledo. Her talk is open to the public and will begin at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, April 18 at the East Toledo Senior Center. Officer Britt is assigned to East Toledo and lives in Birmingham.

Office cats Do you have an office cat? The Press is doing a story about the benefits of cats in an office environment and would like your comments. Please contact The Press at 419-836-2221 Ext. 24.

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APRIL 15, 2019










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APRIL 15, 2019


Oregon to finalize agreement for Kmart property Continued from page 2

desire to have downtown development and why there was so much interest in acquiring the Kmart property. Council President Dennis Walendzak said that when Kmart closed its store a few years ago, city officials expressed concerns about what could be done with the property. “How could we prevent the building from potentially sitting vacant in Oregon?� said Walendzak. “What could we do to direct what happens? As a company goes bankrupt, that building could potentially be sold in a bankrupcy hearing and we would then have no control over what kind of tenant goes inside that building.� Mayor Mike Seferian said the city made improvements to Navarre Avenue to make the area safer, and more attractive to future development. “We were always looking for something that could stimulate potential retail investors to come to our city. When I first got elected mayor, Mike Beazley asked me what my long term goal was. The long term goal was, we would try to develop something that we would call our style of downtown along that Navarre Avenue corridor. So we’re thinking, what could we do to entice developers to want to locate a business here. So we started working on a plan to come up with some concept. We knew it couldn’t happen overnight.� Risk A little over 15 years ago, the city and the Oregon Economic Development Foundation bought 150 acres of land to develop into industrial space. “They did it without a development partner that was committed to buying it, they did it without specific plans for all that land, and did it not to be land developers, but to help shape the future for Oregon. That was one of the smartest moves that Oregon could have made.� There were people who criticized it at the time – added Beazley. “They said, `Why should the city get involved in this?’� But it was on that land where ware-

housing was developed, as well as the Oregon Clean Energy plant, Fresenius, a medical care facility, and Autoneum, a manufacturing auto supply facility, he said. “There’s been well over $1 billion in capital investment, and hundreds of jobs that came from the city stepping up and taking risk. Smart cities go out and do those things. It was not done as an investment in land, but it was done as an investment in the future. That sort of approach really invested in the future in Oregon.� When he first came to Oregon as administrator, Beazley said council members and the public wanted restaurants and retail. “Retail is harder than it used to be. But there’s still opportunity for retail. We’re blessed with some wonderful businesses at our core. But our community has told us they want more restaurant choices. That’s probably our number one target. We’re excited about that opportunity.� Beazley said the city decided to take more risk by seeking to acquire the Kmart property. “We started talking to developers, especially when it became clear that Kmart was going to close. More than 5 years ago, that handwriting was on the wall as other Kmart locations were closing in this market. We looked at the challenges we had before. The last time we had a big box store had gone dark on Navarre, it stayed empty for almost 15 years. We saw what happened at the corner of Holland-Sylvania and Central, where the Kmart store has been at that site, which is now grass growing through asphalt, and land that has been empty for many years with semi trucks parked on it at an important intersection. In talking to our council members, we concluded we could not afford that kind of risk in Oregon. There is risk associated with moving forward, but there was greater risk for Oregon with stepping back and not doing anything and hoping it would work,� he said. Infrastructure When city officials started talking to developers, they were told that the desire for the type of restaurants they wanted was hampered by space, attractive layout and

The city will move forward on a lease/purchase agreement with the owner of Kmart on Navarre Ave., Oregon. (Press photo by Ken Grosjean) investment. “That’s why city officials looked at making Navarre more attractive and safer, with the investment in turnlanes, public space and streetscape,� said Beazley. He added that is why there is more investment in infrastructure planned along the Navarre Avenue corridor, including improvements at the corner of Coy and Navarre. Another challenge is providing “walkable space.� “We have a lot of great housing in Oregon, wonderful subdivisions,� said Beazley. “We met with realtors across Northwest Ohio. One of the things we weren’t offering was a walkable space. It is something offered in Sylvania, Perrysburg and Maumee. People in the generation behind me are looking to buy a house or condo, and be able to walk to a coffee shop, restaurant, or tavern. They want to have that walkable experience. If I look at land sales and housing sales in those areas, there

are lots of people who could be here making those choices.� The city also looked at quality rental options for people who may work in Oregon but don’t live there. “We have a lot of people working in our hospitals who live in Perrysburg because they haven’t been offered that quality rental. They do not see an option available to them to meet the lifestyle they are looking for,� he said. “As we look at Oregon’s demographics, we are among the oldest communities in the region. We have fewer school children. For a variety of reasons, we haven’t attracted that next generation of home buyer. So for those of you who are here, we want to make sure that someone is ready to buy your house and attract people who make their life here. We have to make sure we have a great range of choices, but we’re missing that niche.






APRIL 15, 2019


Spa to open in Walbridge Intuitive Wellness Spa will open its first storefront location in Walbridge on April 22 at 30600 Drouillard Rd., Suite D. Services will include massage therapy, reiki energy healing, and reflexology. More information about the services and the opening event can be found at “I believe that the balance of body, mind and spirit is essential for a greater sense of self-awareness and overall health and wellness,” says owner operator Clarissa E. Voorhees, LMT. The spa will also offer corporate

on-site chair massage, charity fundraising events, engagement parties and bridal showers, silent auctions, raffles, door prizes and employee recognition awards. It will be open Tuesday through Saturday by appointment only and will be holding a grand opening April 22 from 4-7 p.m. A ribbon-cutting will be held at 5 p.m. and there will be drawings and a free gift for the first 25 visitors. The phone number is 419-3567072.

2-1-1 transfer

referral. With the move, UWGT will gain the ability to text message 2-1-1 Navigation Specialists and remote Navigation Specialists in Northwest Ohio will prioritize Northwest Ohio calls. UWGT will also receive daily quality assurance reports that will be shared with staff, donors and community members.

On July 1, 2019, United Way of Greater Toledo (UWGT) will be transferring its 2-11 operations from United Way of Greater Cleveland (UWGC) to “Gryphon Place,” a well-developed and long-established social service resource center in Kalamazoo, Michigan. United Way 2-1-1 is a free, 24/7, 365day information and referral service line, available to all residents across Lucas, Wood and Ottawa County. In 2016, UWGT relocated its 2-1-1 operations to UWGC, having signed a two-year contract agreement, which has now expired. The predominant factor behind UWGT’s move to Gryphon Place is due to a rise in service costs, increasing from $450,000 (2016 -2019) to $654,000 (2019 and beyond) a year. The decision to relocate UWGT’s 2-1-1 services to Gryphon Place was done so after ongoing meetings with local agencies, hospitals, elected officials, city/county representatives, Fire & Safety, Job & Family Services, and mental health and recovery services, who approved of the transfer. Gryphon Place will be hiring a fulltime 2-1-1 director and coordinated access specialist, who will reside in UWGT’s office, overseeing local 2-1-1 functionalities and 2-1-1 outreach and engagement. “Restoring a degree of local presence for 2-1-1 is very critical to its success. This is the feedback we are hearing the most from community members,” said Jill Bunge, director of Community Impact at UWGT. Gryphon Place will also be hiring 2-11 navigation specialists that will telework and answer calls from their home. These individuals will be from, and located in, Northwest Ohio. The contract with Gryphon Place will cost $465,000 a year. UWGT will retain online access to the 2-1-1 database for community members, instant online messaging with 2-1-1 Navigation Specialists and coordinated access for direct homeless shelter

People Masons honored

Ohio Freemasons honored a 60-year member and a 70-year member, both from Wood County, in a ceremony at Otterbein SeniorLife- Pemberville. Family, friends and fellow Masons from the Pemberville and Genoa lodges gathered to watch Allan Ballard and Joel Davis receive membership awards; both are from the Pemberville Masonic Lodge 516. Ballard was presented with a 70-year pin and Davis received a 60-year pin. Both men also received plaques and certificates signed by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary of the Ohio Lodge.

Easter Sunday Dinner Oven baked ham, mashed & gravy, green beans or corn, roll & butter

Ghanbari visits Neighborhood Watch

Rep. Haraz Ghanbari (R-Perrysburg) addressed members of the Woodcreek Village Neighborhood Watch in Lake Township on Saturday, April 6. The newest member of the Ohio House of Representatives, who was appointed a few weeks ago to fill the seat left vacant by Theresa Gavarone when she became a member of the State Senate, informed the group how laws are made. He took questions and comments from those attending, and said he is expecting to support legislation that would allow township police officers to enforce laws on interstate highways. (Submitted photo)

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Main Library for remodeling, all meetings until further notice will be held at the Lutheran Village at Wolf Creek. (Turn into entrance at traffic light opposite Pilliod Road and bear left to Forest View building. Once inside the building, turn left to proceed to chapel/meeting room.) All are welcome. The program will include a presentation by Sandy McPherson, past board member of Lucas Ohio Genealogy Society and author of a genealogy blog, who will talk briefly about the War of 1812, focusing on the war in our area. She will then discuss the Daughters of 1812 and the Great Black Swamp Chapter, of which she is a charter member. For more info, visit

Forum set for 2 judicial candidates The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 109 will host a candidates’ forum for the Perrysburg Municipal Court judge position on April 23 at the Lake Township Administration Building, 27975 Cummings Rd. at 7 p.m. Incumbent Aram Ohanian and challenger C. Drew Griffith, both of Perrysburg, are vying for the Republican party’s nod for the judgeship, with a term beginning Jan. 1, 2020. The winner of the May 7 primary election takes the judicial post unless an independent candidate files for the race by May 6. If that occurs, the independent candidate would then face off with either Griffith or Ohanian in November. The forum will be open to the public. “Those attending will have an opportunity to ask questions of the candidates,” Mark Hummer, Lake Township administrator, said. “This is a very important election that will place an individual in the local courtroom for several years, so the public needs to know where the candidates stand on issues about which local residents are concerned.” Both candidates have extensive legal backgrounds, he said. “Mr. Griffith is currently a magistrate with Northwood Mayor’s Court, and Mr. Ohanian has been the Perrysburg Municipal Court judge since January.” For more information regarding the forum call the Fraternal Order of Police, 419353-9728.

Dale & Don’s Drive-In, 2701 Navarre Avenue, 1950s

Skywarn webinar The annual Skywarn Severe Weather Spotter’s Webinar for Wood County will be held Thursday, April 18 at 1 p.m. in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union, room 206, on the campus of Bowling Green State University. No pre-registration is required. Registration will start at 12:30 p.m. Closest parking lots include Lot 7, sections B, C and D, which require payment, and Lots E, F, 3 and 4, which require permits. Visit for information. The webinar, presented by the National Weather Service Cleveland office, will give participants an overview of how severe weather develops and what to look for when severe weather occurs. Participants will have the opportunity to become official weather spotters for the National Weather Service. The webinar is recommended for all first responders; however, it is also open to the general public. There is no cost to attend the seminar, which is open to all ages. Contact the Wood County EMA office at 419-354-9269 or email for details.

Genealogy meeting The Lucas County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society will meet April 20 at 2 p.m. at Lutheran Village at Wolf Creek, 2001 Perrysburg-Holland Rd., Holland. Due to the temporary closure of the

History Corner err


Tracey Britt, community service officer with the Toledo Police Department, will speak to The East Toledo Club about crime in East Toledo. Officer Britt is assigned to East Toledo and lives in Birmingham.

Thursday April 18 at 12:30 p.m. at the East Toledo Senior Center. The talk is sponsored by the East Toledo Club and is open to the public. RSVP to Jodi at 419-691-1429, ext 213.


A vintage 1950s Pontiac is parked in front of the diner operated by Dale and Don Hecklinger on East Toledo Navarre Avenue, Oregon, across Historical Society from St. Charles Hospital from 1957 until they sold it to Mel by Larry Michaels Berman in 1960. Berman first made it into a Frostop franchise, but after a fire in 1970, he remodeled it into an indoor restaurant known for the next 35 years as Berman’s. The property is now occupied by the Pharmacy Counter.

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Crime in East Toledo subject of talk

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The Senior Center is located at 1001 White Street in Navarre Park between Woodville and Navarre.

APRIL 15, 2019


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APRIL 15, 2019

Your Voice on the Street: By Stephanie Wade What is your favorite Subway sub concoction?

The Press Poll The Ohio legislature has passed a bill that would ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. In practice, that could make abortion illegal after six weeks. Do you agree with the bill’s intent? Do you disagree?

Steve Belcher Gibsonburg “The Subway Club. It’s got turkey, ham, and roast beef on it. I used to get it on the Monterey cheddar cheese bread or on the Italian with provolone cheese. Not toasted. Then I get it topped with mayo banana pepper and light lettuce.”

Kaleb Rucker Millbury “Meatball Marinara on Italian, toasted with provolone cheese and parmesan. It’s warm and delightful.”

Jocelynn Whitt Millbury “Turkey, American cheese, ham and salami on wheat bread. Not toasted. No veggies, no sauce, no nothing.”

Amanda Bowers Millbury “The Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki. I like it on the tomato basil wrap with pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickle and sweet onion sauce. It’s sweet and savory.”

Jim Romp Toledo “I like the Meatball Marinara sub and I like it with just a lot of jalapenos on it. I get it on Italian Herb and Cheese bread with mozzarella, toasted with parmesan cheese. Some restaurants have crushed red pepper... I get that if they have it.”

To cast your ballot, go to

Last Week's Results What do you think of presidential candidate Andrew Yang’s proposal for a universal basic income of $1,000 per month for every adult? 6% It will help millions of people who are increasingly losing their jobs to automation. 83% No, if the proposal is paid for by tax payers. 11% Yes, if billionaires pay for it, as labor costs disappear due to automation.

Investing in yourself provides benefits for a lifetime

Correction An article in the April 8 issue of The Press incorrectly stated that property along Woodville Road in Lake Township where a car wash is located was recently rezoned. The Wood County auditor’s website lists a commercial building at the property since 1997. The car wash site is adjacent to two parcels that are being used to temporarily store piles of leaves before they are composted. The two parcels are the subject of a zoning disagreement between the owner of the Woodville Road Nursery, who owns the parcels, and residents of Bailey Road.


Dare to Live

by Bryan Golden

The more you invest, the faster your assets grow.

Investing for your financial security is a sound economic strategy. It allows you to build your finances so you can afford major purchases and travel, as well as building your retirement fund. Common investments include stocks, real estate, money market funds, and businesses. Although financial investments are common, investing in yourself is not as widespread as it should be. As well as investing in your economic future, you also want to invest in yourself. Doing so provides priceless benefits which last a lifetime. Start with developing well defined, meaningful goals. Goals provide you with direction and purpose which guides you through identifying meaningful priorities. Knowing what you want helps determine the best strategy for getting it. Keep learning. Education is one of your best investments. Acquiring new skills, which enable you to accelerate the progress to your goals, is an investment with constant returns. Continuously expanding your knowledge provides an ever-

increasing tool set you will use to get what you want in life. Constantly look for ways you can grow and improve. How can you be more effective? Are there better time management strategies which would help you? Which of your abilities may be underutilized? Are you on track to reach your goals, or do you need to make adjustments? Learn from the experiences of others. They save you a lot of time and effort by demonstrating what works and what doesn’t. Your progress is accelerated by benefiting from what other people have discovered. Having a standard of excellence boosts your value. Don’t allow good to be good enough. Put in extra effort. Strive to be the best at whatever you do. A small amount of extra effort produces results far in excess of the effort required. Always be honest, trustworthy, and dependable. Keep your word. Treat others with kindness, courtesy and respect. Your attitude and actions influence that which you attract. Being rude or nasty diminishes

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P.O. Box 169 • 1550 Woodville Rd., Millbury, OH 43447 419-836-2221 Fax 419-836-1319 Distribution: 29,809 Metro Edition: 14,008 Suburban Edition: 15,801 General Manager: Mary Perkins News Editors: Larry Limpf, Kelly Kaczala Sports Editor: J. Patrick Eaken Features Editor: Tammy Walro Writers: Mark Griffin, Melissa Burden, Yaneek Smith, Photographer/Graphics: Ken Grosjean, Stephanie Wade Advertising: Julie Selvey, Lesley Willmeth, Leeanne LaForme, Peggy Partin, Katherine Siebenaller Classifieds: Cindy Harder, Stephanie Wade, Renee Ross-Morgan Circulation: Jordan Szozda Social Media: Tammy Walro

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Lake Erie Perch Dinner April 19

4:30 pm to 7:00 pm 6 pc dinner $13.00 4 pc dinner $11.00 Includes choice of potato, cole slaw or applesauce, roll & butter

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what you are able to accomplish. Invest in yourself mentally. Recharge your attitude with positive influences. Avoid negative situations and people who cause stress or anxiety. Limit, as much as possible, exposure to negativity. Engage in positive pursuits. Keep your spirits upbeat by appreciating all of the good in your life. Invest in your physical well-being. Take care of your body. Get enough exercise so that you feel good. Maintain a diet which leaves you feeling OK. Neglecting your physical health leads to needless agony. Have fun. Do things you enjoy. It is OK to take care of your needs. This is an essential component of investing in yourself. Being happy improves both your mental and physical state. Finding an occupation you really love boosts your happiness immeasurably. Happiness is an emotion you chose, not one you wait for. Eliminate unproductive activities which are draining. There is no need to suffer. You are free to make different decisions. You can make adjustments to change to a more rewarding path. Stop procrastinating. Time goes by too fast to put off important goals. Today is a great day to get started. Do whatever you have been delaying for just 15 minutes. This approach gets you started moving forward. Once you take the first step, take the next, and keep going. Investing in yourself benefits you now, and for the rest of your life. The more you invest, the faster your assets grow. Every drop of time and effort you invest pays you back over and over. NOW AVAILABLE: “Dare to Live Without Limits,” the book. Visit www. or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. Email Bryan at or write him c/o this paper.  2018 Bryan Golden


Letters should be about 350 words. Deadline Wed. Noon. Send to

Poor policy To the editor: It’s the time for taxes. And the for-profit tax preparation industry, in return for $6.6 million spent for lobbying by Intuit (TurboTax) and H&R Block, stands to benefit from a windfall. Congressional Democrats and Republicans are voting to permanently stop the Internal Revenue System from providing a free electronic tax filing system for America’s taxpayers. The IRS has the information needed to prepare taxes for most of us but if the IRS creates a free filing system, it would threaten the profits of tax preparation corporations. Paying taxes is a public action and for many reasons, ought not be privatized. This is yet another example of the ways unlimited money for lobbying benefits corporations and not people. The non-profit cross-partisan group American Promise is working toward ending this problem. We support a constitutional amendment to get unlimited and hidden money out of elections and policy-making. And we are working at the federal, state, and local level to make this happen. We want government of, by, and for the people - not corporations and special interests. Ellen Greene Bush Port Clinton


APRIL 15, 2019


Family Published third week of month.

Clothing Corral serving community members in need By Yaneek Smith Press Contributing Writer “We are a Christian ministry providing clothing to people in need regardless of residence, citizenship, ethnicity, gender or religion. We provide clothing to people in need at no cost, and build lasting relationships with our clients characterized by Christian love, trust and respect.” That is part of the mission statement of the Clothing Corral. The organization, founded by Jeff and Tracy Hartlage, is located at 160 W. Water Street in Oak Harbor and has an abundant supply of clothing to help supply the needs of local families. “I think that because I have been through different circumstances in my life, and my faith helped me. I want to help others. I am hopeful that the store not just serves clothing needs for people, but that they find encouragement from our faith,” she said. “I hope that we build relationships and want people to know our belief that God is our hope.” Thus far, the reception from the community has been overwhelmingly positive. An open house was held last weekend and the store was able to open itself up to the community. “There’s been an amazing reception, people have been so supportive,” Tracy said. “They’re happy to have somewhere to donate clothes, “They love that there is a place where people can come shop. They’re glad to have this place local. “We’re excited and a little overwhelmed because the place is getting such a great reception. I feel a lot of pressure sometimes to do it exactly the way we need to so it’s what people need,” she said. The clothing is available free of charge, but there are some rules that exist to ensure

Jeff and Tracy Hartlage

Jeff and Tracy Hartlage founded Clothing Corral, located at 160 W. Water St., in Oak Harbor, to help and support individuals and families in need. (Submitted photo) that clothing goes to people who need them most: • The person accepting the clothes must acknowledge that purchasing clothing would put a financial burden on the family budget;

• The clothing received is for your personal (or family) use, not for sale or trade; • A person is permitted to take a limited number of articles of clothing for him or herself, and a spouse and children under the age of 18 (typically seven articles of

clothing per family number). • A person may visit the store once every quarter; • A photo I.D. is required for each visit; • Providing false information on the registration form will disqualify a person from further service; • Food and beverages are prohibited inside of the store. The store is open Tuesdays from 1-6:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 7 a.m.noon and by appointment. Appointments may be made by texting or calling Tracy at 419-898-3906 or sending her an email to There is also a Facebook page at ClothingCorralOH/. “I would like people to know that anyone is welcome,” Tracy says. “If you’re willing to come in, that’s humbling enough. We had somebody ask today if you have to live in Oak Harbor. You don’t even have to live in our area to come.”

Springtime brings egg-citing fun at Imagination Station Enjoy egg-citing hands-on events and activities during April at Imagination Station. • Egg Drop Challenge, Saturday and Sunday, April 13 and 14 – One of Imagination Station’s most popular events is back – the Egg Drop Challenge. Visitors will use engineering and ingenuity to create a contraption that will protect an egg from a 20-foot drop. Participants whose egg survives the fall will be entered to a prize drawing. • Upcycling Celebration, April 15-22 – Learn how to care for the planet while turning trash into treasure. Upcycle plastic bottle caps into colorful wall art, lawn ornaments and jewelry. The science center will collect unwanted cell phones and tablets. Visitors who recycle these small electronics will receive free admission to the science center’s temporary exhibit, “Popnology: From Sci-Fi to Wi-Fi.” Imagination Station will be closed Sunday, April 21 but will be open Monday, April 15 and Monday, April 22. • Art Loop: Poetry and Performance, Thursday, April 18, 5-9 p.m. Imagination Station is once again a stop on the Art Loop. The science center is kicking off the 2019 season with BYOS: Bring Your Own Sock. Everyone has at least one sock without a match - turn that lonely foot covering into a one-of-a-kind puppet and put on a show. April programming at the science center includes: • Mini Explorers Club, April 30, 2-3:30 p.m. – Children ages 3-5 and their grownups will observe weather patterns using tools and record their observations through drawings and writing. Together they will create fluffy clouds and investigate the power of wind and how it makes things move. Free with admission. For more details, visit

Easter Egg Hunt Schedel Arboretum & Gardens, 19255 W. Portage River S. Rd., Elmore, will present an Easter Egg Hunt Thursday, April 18 from 5:30-7:30 p.m., rain or shine.

Family Briefs Separate egg-hunting areas will be designated for different age groups for kids ages 1-12. Bring your own basket. The event is free. Donations of canned goods for the Elmore Food Bank will be appreciated. Other activities scheduled from 5:307:30 p.m. include: • Visit with the Easter Bunny (bring a camera); • Easter egg cookie decorating station; • Storytime with the Harris-Elmore Library; • Bench’s Greenhouse Planting Station; • Easter crayon coloring station. For more details, call 419-862-3182, or visit

Hayes “Backstairs Tours” Hear the fascinating stories of the servants who worked in the Hayes Home during special tours being offered in April. The Backstairs Tour takes guests through some behind-the-scenes portions of the Hayes Home that are not included on the standard tour. Visitors will hear the stories of the many servants who worked for the Hayes Family over the years. Some were former slaves from Kentucky, and others were immigrants who spoke little English. The tour includes some hands-on activities, an exhibit room focusing on the servants and ginger snaps like those the servants made for the Hayes Family. The themed tour will be offered on certain days starting in April and continuing through early November. April dates include Saturday, April 13 at 3 p.m. and Saturday, April 20 at 4 p.m. Cost for this tour is $8 for HPLM members and $10 for non-members. Non- members must purchase the tour in addition to

a site pass. Hayes Home guides developed the Backstairs Tour based on months of research into the servants’ lives. The Servants Room exhibit area that is included on the tour is sponsored by Decker Roofing & Gutter Solutions. For the schedule, visit https://www.

Celebrate Spring at the Zoo Hop to it and bring the whole family to the Toledo Zoo to celebrate spring. Breakfast with the Bunny, which will be held Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20, begins with early entry to the Zoo at 9 a.m. for a special children’s egg hunt on the Africa! Overlook (indoors if inclement weather), followed by family-friendly crafts and a visit with the costumed bunny. Each guest will receive one free photo with the bunny. Guests will then gather in the Malawi Event Center for a chef-designed, kidfriendly breakfast buffet before having the remainder of the day to explore the Zoo. For pricing, more information and to make reservations, visit or call Group Sales at 419-385-5721, ext. 6001. Reservations are required and tickets must be purchased in advance. Breakfast with the Bunny price includes Zoo admission and member discounts apply. The Zoo will also host an Animal Egg Hunt on Friday, April 19 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Bring the whole family and see what enrichment treats the bunny dropped off for your favorite Zoo animals. Follow the animal egg hunt through the entire Zoo and learn all about animal behaviors, diets and daily activities through keeper talks and demonstrations. Animal Egg Hunt is free with Zoo admission. For more information, including the schedule of activities, visit toledozoo. org/egghunt.

Penta FFA Plant Sale Penta Career Center’s FFA chapter is hosting a Plant Sale Friday, April 26 from

1-5 p.m. on the Penta campus, 9301 Buck Rd., Perrysburg Township. Floral Design & Greenhouse Production students will be offering spring plants and flowers for sale. Flowers and plants available to purchase include hanging baskets, bedding plants and combination planters. Landscape & Turfgrass Management students will be conducting a tree sale featuring deciduous and flowering trees, including varieties of maple, birch and crabapple trees. Penta’s flower shop will also be open and will have memorial silk arrangements available for purchase. For more information about the Plant Sale call Penta Career Center at 419-6616344.

Free genealogy workshop Learn how to get the most out of RootsMagic Genealogy & Family History Software from the man who wrote it during a special workshop on Sunday, May 5, at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & Museums. RootsMagic Founder and President Bruce Buzbee will help participants with their genealogy questions and give an overview and demonstration of RootsMagic7. This event is free. • Noon-1 p.m.– The Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library will open for research and browsing. • 1-2:30 p.m. – Buzbee will present an overview and demonstration of RootsMagic7 with specific information on how to migrate FamilyTreeMaker data to RootsMagic. He will also discuss how to use a personal subscription in conjunction with RootsMagic. • 2:30-2:45 p.m. – Break • 2:45-4 p.m. – Question and answer session. • 5 p.m. – The Hayes Presidential Library & Museums close for the day. To help plan for seating, registration is requested. To register, call 419-3322081 and ask for the library, or email John Ransom at

Continued on page 10



APRIL 15, 2018


The Press 419-824-7400, or visit campfearless. For more information about ProMedica, visit

Family Briefs

Thanking volunteers

Continued from page 9

Free youth bereavement camp ProMedica Hospice and Heartland Hospice Care will host Camp Fearless for children and adolescents who have experienced the loss of a loved one. The free bereavement day camp, open to children ages 6-16, features therapeutic activities, arts and crafts and team-building exercises led by a team of professional counselors, hospice team members and trained volunteers. Children will explore issues related to the impact that loss can have on their lives in a safe and supportive atmosphere. The program also provides an opportunity for parents and guardians to meet individually with camp leaders to discuss the individual needs of the children and family following loss. Hospice staff provide information and connect families with additional resources to help children continue to grow and move forward on their grief journey. Locally, Camp Fearless is being offered at three locations: • Perrysburg: Camp Fearless will meet from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 18-21 each day at Zoar Lutheran Church. Registration is required and is open through June 12. For more information or to register, contact ProMedica Hospice at 419-824-7400, or visit • Fremont: Camp Fearless will meet from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 16-19 at Grace Community Church. Registration is required and is open through July 2. For more information or to register, contact ProMedica Hospice at 419-547-6419, or visit • Sylvania: Camp Fearless will meet from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 23-26 at Sylvania First United Methodist Church. Registration is required and is open through July 17. For more information or to register, contact ProMedica Hospice at

Mercy Health marked National Volunteer Week (April 7-13) by thanking its many volunteers – men and women who help make remarkable quality care possible for patients, their families and friends. Mercy Health’s volunteers serve in a wide variety of roles, including clinic physicians and nurse practitioners, greeters, clerks, aides, messengers, patient partners and ambassadors, transporters, drivers and more. In three of Mercy Health’s Toledo area hospitals alone, more than 750 active volunteers provided more than 118,000 hours of service in 2018. Some of Mercy’s volunteers just began their services while others have served for more than 20 years. Throughout the month of April, Mercy Health will honor the volunteers with celebrations to note a job well done. To learn more about Mercy Health volunteer program, visit and search “volunteering,” or call Volunteer Services. To inquire about volunteering at St. Charles Hospital, call at 419-251-4145.

Diabetes Get Together The Magruder Hospital Nutrition Department is offering monthly Diabetes Get-Togethers on the third Thursday each month September through May at noon in the Conference Center, 615 Fulton St., Port Clinton. A different speaker addresses the get-together each month. On April 18, Magruder Diabetes Educators will present a program on, “Diabetes Complications – Am I Doomed?” The group is for anyone dealing with diabetes or pre-diabetes, including family and friends. No RSVP is necessary. For more info, call 419-732-4027.

Books for Babies Local author organization, Northwest Ohio Authors, in conjunction with Gathering Volumes bookstores, invites community members in the Toledo area to join them

in supporting Austin’s Book Club at their Books for Babies event on Saturday April 27 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in the empty lot adjacent to Gathering Volumes. Books for Babies will benefit Austin’s Book Club, a charity that provides NICU families at Toledo Children’s Hospital with books to read to their newborns. This is often the only way these families can spend time with their babies who are receiving life-sustaining care. Austin’s Book Club also sends each family home with a book when their baby is discharged, encouraging early literacy. In addition to local authors having their books for sale, there will be raffle baskets ranging from children’s books and games to a grand-prize basket that will contain works from local authors and a gift certificate to Gathering Volumes. All proceeds from the raffle baskets directly benefit Austin’s Book Club. More details about the event are available at To find out more about Austin’s Book Club, visit

Amish Country tour Beeker’s Excursions will present a trip to the Heart of Ohio Amish Country Wednesday, May 22. Meet at Beeker’s General Store, 226 E. Front St., Pemberville, at 7:15 a.m. for shopping and breakfast bites before departing via motorcoach with Bliss Charters. Stops include Smucker’s (Orville), Lehman’s (Kidron), Ashery Country Store (Fredricksburg), Mrs. Yoder’s Kitchen (Mt. Hope) and downtown Berlin. Return to Pemberville at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $75 per person, which includes round-trip transportation, evening box meal, raffle prizes and refreshments. Reservations required by May 5. Payment must be made at the time of reservation. Call 419-287-3274 for details.

Kids Days @ Hayes Kids can test their skills at an obstacle course and with relays during Kids Days @ Hayes on Saturday, May 11 from 11 a.m.12:30 p.m., on the grounds of the Hayes Presidential Library & Museums, Fremont. Cost is $3 for kids and grandkids of Hayes Presidential members at the family

level and higher and $5 for non-member kids. There is no charge for adults who bring kids to this program. The obstacle course and relays are inspired by the Hayes Presidential Center’s special exhibit “A Family of Service: The Hayeses in World War I.” The title sponsor for Kids Days @ Hayes is Impact Credit Union. The obstacle course and relay event sponsor is JG3 Fitness. For information, call 419-332-2081, or visit

“Egg” stravaganza Enjoy the Easter season in Uptown Maumee as the Maumee Uptown Business Association hosts the 5th Annual Easter “Egg” Stravaganza on Saturday, April 13 from 10 a.m.-noon. The Easter bunny will be on hand at In Bloom Flowers & Gifts, located at 126 W. Wayne St., and art projects will be offered at Sunshine Studios located on the corner of West Wayne and Conant Streets. Children ages 3-12 are also invited to bring an Easter basket to collect candyfilled eggs from participating businesses.

CARES Awards The Lucas County Committee for Children will present the second annual Lucas County CARES Awards dinner to recognize individuals and organizations that have advanced the cause of protecting Lucas County’s children from abuse and neglect. The dinner will be held at The Pinnacle in Maumee on Thursday, April 25. A VIP reception begins at 6 p.m., followed by the awards program and dinner at 7 p.m. Honorees being recognized include: Agency Award – Sheila Metternick, Lucas County Children Services caseworker Board Award – Hon. James Ray, Lucas County Juvenile Court (retired) Community Award – Family and Child Abuse Prevention Center Director Award – Hon. Denise Navarre Cubbon, Lucas County Juvenile Court Family Award – Beverly Hardaway, foster parent Tickets are $100 and can be ordered online through EventBrite at

Join Us Easter Sunday, April 21 Specialty Buffet Only $14.99 Beginning at 11 am Enjoy... Carved Bone-In Ham Fried Chicken Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Scalloped Potatoes & more No reservations needed

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APRIL 15, 2019

The Press



They are not only collegiate bowlers, but prom dates By J. Patrick Eaken Press Sports Editor There is a reason why Caleb Salyer and Reegan Denton signed their national letter of intents together to bowl for Lourdes University. Salyer, a Millbury resident who attends Penta Career Center, and Denton, a Delta resident, were prom dates at her school, Notre Dame Academy. They met while bowling, of course, and played on a travel team together last winter for the Penny Jo’s Eastern Lanes team. That’s how bowling is in the Toledo area — it’s a community. Ask Salyer, who has been bowling since he was 3 years old. “I’ve been bowling for 15 years already and I’m only 18, and I know everybody around town and everybody knows me. I get along with pretty much everybody,” Salyer said. “I’ve always wanted to bowl collegiately ever since I heard that collegiate bowling was a thing, and I was really young at that point. Originally, I wanted to go to Robert Morris (University), but opportunities like the one I’ve been presented don’t come around very often so I’m perfectly happy with staying around the bowling community around here instead of going away for college. It’s just everybody knows everybody pretty much. You say a name and it’s familiar to you.” They will both begin bowling for

Reegan Denton and Caleb Salyer Lourdes beginning in the fall. Salyer, who bowled for Clay for four years, has been a first team All-Metro League selection for five seasons and held

Oak Harbor

the state’s high average. The left-handed bowler has four 300 games to his credit and rolled a pair of 800 series, plus he has 38 non sanctioned 300 games over his lifetime. “Caleb is a big key to versatility on the lanes for our men’s program,” Lourdes coach Torrie Bartalone said. “Caleb has had an extremely successful youth career and we see him having an even better career here at Lourdes on and off the lanes.” Denton has been a two-year letter winner at Notre Dame. “Reegan is a young lady that will bring success to our program both on and off the lanes,” Bartalone said. “I believe with her work ethic and heart she will become a key component to our program.” Denton did not begin bowling until her sophomore year at Notre Dame, improving steadily throughout her prep career. She has bowled in the GTUSBCA Adult/ Youth Doubles tournament each of the past two years. A member of the National Art Honors Society, she is a three-time recipient of the Jefferson Service Award. Salyer says, at first, the attention from the Lourdes coaching staff blindsided me, but he was pleasantly surprised. “It was cool. They kind of surprised me when they came into town, and then (Southwyck Lanes owner) Sherry (GratopBrown) went ahead and told them pretty much my whole life story. They decided that they liked what they heard and then they watched me for pretty much this

whole season in the (junior tournaments) and in the Metro League and stuff like that,” Salyer said. Torrie Bartalone, who is assisted by her husband Dan Bartalone, was named the first men’s and women’s bowling coach at Lourdes University in 2018. She is charged with creating the program from scratch. “The coach there is really renowned and she is really good. At bowling, she’s had to overcome a lot of circumstances and she is just a really good role model,” Salyer said. Under coach Ron Koles, Clay was the Metro League runner-up this year. Koles has told The Press that Salyer has a big hook, which is a good thing, giving him “a little more area to play with.” Salyer maintained a 221 average, but says his game as its ups and downs like any sport. “Bowling is a lot more mental than it is physical so you just want to keep your head right and not get down on yourself when things aren’t going your way, and just try to fix it before you get too angry,” Salyer said. For the development of his game, Salyer credits Koles and Keith Nusbaum, the owner of Shot Maker’s Pro Shop at New Glass Bowl Lanes on Telegraph Road in West Toledo. Salyer had a 300 game there on February 16 using a Hammer Purple Urethane ball. Upon arriving at Lourdes, Salyer intends to major in history and Denton nursing.


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APRIL 15, 2019


43rd Annual Quilt Show The 43rd Annual Sauder Village Quilt Show, set for May 1-5, is again expected to draw quilters from across the country. Recognized as one of the top quilting events in the Midwest, this annual event features hundreds of quilts, a vendor market, schoolhouse classes, special exhibits, creative demonstrations, special workshops and more. Throughout the five days, hundreds of quilters will be sharing their talents as both traditional and modern interpretations of quilts are on display in Founder’s Hall. With categories ranging from pieced, appliqué, and mixed media to art and innovative, masters, baby, miniatures and youth – guests are sure to enjoy browsing the variety of quilts this annual event has to offer. “For the past 43 years the Sauder Village Quilt Show has celebrated the rich tradition of quilting while showcasing the fine craftsmanship of quilters from throughout the region,” said Kim Krieger, Media Relations. The Vendor Market, located in Founder’s Hall, will be a highlight of the week for quilters again this year. In addition to a wide selection of fabric and supplies available at Threads of Tradition Quilt Shop, guests will also be able to shop from quilt vendors coming from Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Massachusetts (Wednesday through Saturday). Many spectacular exhibits have also been planned for the five-day event. Quilts by guest artist Pam Buda will be on display in the Quilt Shop from WednesdayFriday. Other unique exhibits include the 30th Anniversary Hoffman Challenge, the Chinese Zodiac Collage Quilts, Knot Even Quilters, Text and Texture Challenge, and a Beyond the Garden Gate Challenge. Another show highlight will be the Sauder Village Challenge – an opportunity for quilters to share special Sauder Village memories and interpret them through fabric. Throughout the week, guests will enjoy live piano music and quilting demonstrations in Founder’s Hall. There will also be a quilt raffle held for the chance to win a 90” x 105” quilt, “Diamond Dazzler.” Raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each or six for $5 and proceeds will benefit the Junior Historian Program at Sauder Village. Certified Quilt Appraiser Donna L Kooistra will be at the show to appraise quilts for insurance replacement value, fair market value, and donation value. Quilt appraisals will be done by appointments or by walk-in on Thursday, May 2 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday, May 3 from 12:30-2 p.m., and by appointment only on Saturday, May 4. Registrations are still being accepted for the brand new “Schoolhouse” event, winners preview, lecture and workshops planned as part of the 2019 Quilt Show. New this year guests can attend the “Sauder Village Schoolhouse” – a day of quilting and entertainment to learn about the latest quilting trends, techniques, tools and technology. Guests can choose from

Quilters from across the country are expected to attend the 43rd Annual Sauder Village Quilt Show, set for May 1-5. (Submitted photo) multiple subjects taught simultaneously. Class topics will cover the fundamentals of quilting, technique sessions focused on quilting skills and product classes. The $49 registration fee includes lunch with the Schoolhouse activities running from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Friday, May 3. Each session is held in its own classroom with presentations by a variety of nationally and locally known educators, artists and quilt business personalities. Guest artist Pam Buda will also be offering a lecture and quilting workshops during Quilt Show week. Scheduled workshops include “Colonial Star” on Wednesday, May 1 and “Practice What I Preach” on Thursday, May 2. She will also present a special lecture, “Secrets of Professional Quilters – Revealed” on the afternoon of May 1. Quilt lovers will also want to register for the new “Winners Showcase Preview” to be held Tuesday, April 30 from 5-8 p.m. This new evening event will include hors d’ oeuvres, a PowerPoint presentation of the top winning quilts, an awards presentation and the chance to be among the first to get a glimpse of the 2019 quilt show. Workshop/event description, fees, supply list and registration details are available online at Throughout the week guests will also have an opportunity to explore Historic Sauder Village to visit with costumed guides in historic homes, farms and gardens, and community shops. The Sauder Village Quilt Show runs Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. A special “exhibit only” admission pass is available in Founder’s Hall for the annual Quilt Show for $11. The admission price for the Quilt Show and Historic Village is $18 for adults and $12 for students ages 6-16. A two-day pass is available for $28 for adults. Again this year, children 16 and under are free every Sunday during the season. For more information about Sauder Village, visit the website or call 800-5909755.

Join us in celebrating! Visit these local churches during Holy Week.

First Congregational Church blends traditional service with contemporary music, creating a place where you can connect with God through faith.




6pm 6pm

10am 10am

11am 11am


“A QUIET GATHERING” Thursday, March 29 Thursday, April 18


CELEBRATION Sunday, April 1SERVICE Sunday, April 21

AFTER EASTER Sunday, April 1SERVICE Sunday, April 21

Faith has found a home here, and so can you. Faith has found a home here, and so can you. Visit À UVWFKXUFKWROHGR FRP to learn more Visit to learn more. or to watch our service online. 2315 Collingwood Blvd., Toledo, OH 43620



APRIL 15, 2019

Join us for Worship this Holy Week and Easter Maundy Thursday, March April 1829 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.

April 19 Good Friday, March 30- -12 12Noon Noon&&7:00 7:00p.m. p.m. Easter Sunday, April 121 8:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m.

First St. John Lutheran Church 2471 Seaman Street - Toledo, Ohio 43605 - 419-691-7222

He is Risen! Join us for Holy Week here at

St. Jerome Catholic Church Holy Thursday, April 18 | 7:00PM Mass Good Friday, April 19 | 2:00PM Mass Good Friday, Stations of the Cross 7:00PM

aU_ qm pTUm @mpMl @m wM IM]MHl@pM $ql /UmM_ alK

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Last Fish Fry – Perch | Shrimp | Salad Bar – 5:00-8:00PM | Parish Hall

Easter Vigil Saturday, April 20 | 8:30PM Mass Easter Sunday, April 21 | 8:00AM & 10:00AM Masses

0p aT_ qpTMl@_ TqlIT

300 Warner Street, Walbridge, Ohio | 419-666-2857

9 2a]MKa 0p ¨0/ © 9U]]Umpa_ $ www mp[aT_wU]]Umpa_ alS

“Come hear about the greatest miracle in human history, and how it personally impacts your life today as well as your future.” Sunday, April 21. Morning service begins at 11 am. Register by clicking “Plan Your Visit” on our website:

FREE egg hunt after the service for all children under 12 years old.

Guest Services will greet you at Door #1. Loving Nursery, Pre-K, and Children’s classes. FREE gift for all first-time guests.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Living Word Baptist Church

Wynn Center • 5224 Bay Shore Rd, Oregon Pastor Jim McCourt





APRIL 15, 2019

St. Ignatius Catholic Church 212 N. Stadium Road, Oregon, OH.

26535 Pemberville Rd. Perrysburg, OH 43551 (between St. Rtes. 795 & 163)

Community HOLY WEEK SERVICES Holy Thursday April 18th Morning Prayer- 8:00 am Mass of the Lord’s Supper- 7:30 pm Evening Prayer- 10:00 pm

April 14

April 18

Good Friday April 19th Morning Prayer- 8:00 am Stations of the Cross- 12 noon Passion of the Lord- 1:30 pm

PALM SUNDAY Service @ 10:15 a.m. with communion MAUNDY THURSDAY Service @ 7 p.m. with communion

April 19

GOOD FRIDAY Service @ 7 p.m.

April 21

EASTER SERVICES @ 7:30 a.m. and @ 10:15 a.m. Communion at both. Breakfast @ 8:30 a.m.

Eastminster United Presbyterian Church

Celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord!

725 Navarre Ave., Toledo, OH. 419-691-4867

Rev. Thomas James

Join us for

Easter Sunday Service

Easter Worship at 7:00 am (Sunrise) & 10:00 am Breakfast 8:00 am Children’s Egg Hunt 9:00 am

10:45 a.m.

Easter morning breakfast 9:30 a.m.

All are welcome!

Holy Saturday April 20th Morning Prayer- 8:00 am Blessing of Food- 2:00 pm Easter Vigil- 8:30 pm

St. John’s Church (UCC) 1213 Washington St. Genoa, OH.

Easter Sunday April 21st 6:45 am Sunrise Service at Maumee Bay State Park Easter Service at 7:30 am, 9 & 11:30 am

Solomon Lutheran Church 305 West Main Street Woodville, OH. 419-849-3600

Holy Week Worship Maundy Thursday April 18 at 7:00 PM with Holy Communion Good Friday, April 19 at 7:00 PM “Tenebrae”

Easter Sunday Events With Holy Communion

Festive Worship at 8:00 and 10:30 Sunday School 9:30 Come! Be a part of the Joy! We have a place reserved for you!

Come Celebrate the Living Jesus with Us! Maundy Thursday Service at 7pm Good Friday Service at 7pm Easter Vigil Service at 5:30pm

Easter Sunday Services at 8 & 10:30am Breakfast served from 9:15-10:15am

419-855-3906 Senior Pastor Don Giesmann Asst. Pastors Ryan Shields & Dawn Balduf

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but is Risen.” Luke 24:5

We celebrate the Risen Christ this Easter morning. Come join us as we celebrate the good news. Sunday, April 21, at 9:00am Worship with Holy Communion Grace Lutheran Church 19225 W. Witty Rd. Elmore, Ohio 43416

Praising, Growing, Serving in Jesus’ Name

Calvary Lutheran Church 1930 Bradner Rd., Northwood, OH 43619

Holy Week Schedule April 14th Palm Sunday Services 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. April 18th Maundy Thursday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. April 19th Good Friday Prayer Vigil 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

(Come when you can, leave when you must.)

Tenebrae Worship Service 7:30 p.m.

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 4155 Pickle Road (at Pickle & Lallendorf) Oregon, OH 43616

April 21st Easter Services 8:00 Traditional & 10:30 a.m. Praise Team Potluck Breakfast at 9:15 a.m. (there is plenty of food!) “Children Bell Choir” at Late Service “Come enjoy time with your family at church this Easter”


Come Home to First St. Mark’s Lutheran Church for Holy Week and Easter Service

APRIL 15, 2019

Genoa Trinity United Methodist Main & 4th Street • SR 163 • Genoa, OH • 419-855-3575

HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Maundy Thursday April 18 11 AM

Good Friday

April 19 Tenebrae Service 7 PM

Easter Sunday - April 21

Easter Breakfast 8 AM Holy Communion Service 9 AM

1121 Grasser St., Oregon, OH. 419-693-7128 Sunday Worship 9 AM Pastor Robert Blohm

Easter Sunday, April 21st Sunrise Service 8:30 am Traditional Service 10:00 am


“I AM the Resurrection and the Life”

Faith United Methodist Church 3415 Starr Ave. Oregon, Ohio 419-691-5137

Maundy Thursday

Pot Luck at Oak Harbor United Methodist 6:00pm, Living Last Supper Musical and Holy Communion 7:00pm. Good Friday Noon NoonEcumenical Ecumenical Worship Worship Service Service Trinity United Methodist Church Christ Community Church,UMC 5th St., Genoa Genoa Trinity

Community Community Invited Invited Easter Sunrise Easter Worship Easter Worship 10:30am 7:00am 10:30am Genoa Trinity Genoa Veterans Park Genoa Trinity United Methodist Church Shelter House United Methodist Church Handicap Accessible Handicap Accessible

He Is Risen! Alleluia!

Join Us at


Ashland Church


2350 Starr Ave., Oregon, OH


Good Friday, April 19th, 7:00 p.m. “Messiah in the Passover” will be presented by Chosen People Ministries, where a Jewish Christian will demonstrate each aspect of the Passover Meal and how Christ is at the center of it all.

Easter Sunday, April 21st 6:30 a.m. Easter Sunrise Worship Location at South Shore Veterans Park corner of Stadium and Bayshore. This will be a 30-minute worship with sunrise at 6:45. A time of music, Scripture, quiet meditation and prayer.

9:15 a.m. Continental Breakfast Gather at Ashland Church for conversation and a light breakfast

10:00 a.m. Easter Resurrection Worship

Join us for Holy Week and Easter Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church 204 Main Street, Genoa, Ohio Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:30 am

Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with great music, scripture, preaching and singing the Hallelujah Chorus.

11:15 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt (infant-age 10) The youngest children will hunt first, then the older ones, And all children will end up with equal amounts of treats.

419-720-1995 • Most services are live streamed at:

St. Boniface Catholic Church 215 N. Church Street, Oak Harbor, Ohio Good Friday Easter Vigil Easter Sunday

1:30 pm 8:30 pm 8:30 am




APRIL 15, 2019


The Press

AAP urges recall of Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) calls on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to issue an immediate recall for the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper inclined sleeper, which has been tied to 32 sleep-related infant deaths, according to a new analysis by Consumer Reports. AAP urges parents to stop using the product immediately. Stores should remove the Rock ‘n Play Sleeper from their shelves. A warning issued by the CPSC and FisherPrice on April 5 did not go far enough to ensure safety and protect infants, according to the AAP. “This product is deadly and should be recalled immediately,” said Kyle Yasuda, MD, FAAP, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “When parents purchase a product for their baby or child, many assume that if it’s being sold in a store, it must be safe to use. Tragically, that is not the case. There is convincing evidence that the Rock ‘n Play inclined sleeper puts infants’ lives at risk, and CPSC must step up

Toledo Zoo

and take immediate action to remove it from stores and prevent further tragedies.” Last week, the CPSC and manufacturer alerted consumers to stop using the product when the infant reaches 3 months of age or is capable of rolling over, citing 10 infant deaths that occurred in the Rock ‘n Play. The Consumer Reports article, published April 8, tied a total of 32 deaths to the Rock ‘n Play, including the 10 noted in last week’s warning. Consumer Reports concluded that these 32 deaths, between 2011 and 2018, included babies even younger than the 3-month threshold cited in the initial warning, which is alarming. The cause of death listed for some babies was asphyxia, or the inability to breathe caused by the babies’ position. AAP urges parents of children of all ages to immediately stop using the Rock ‘n Play. “We cannot put any more children’s lives at risk by keeping these dangerous products on the shelves,” said Rachel Moon, MD, FAAP, chair of the AAP Task

Business Owners...

Go green and go wild at the Party for the Planet Join the Toledo Zoo in celebrating Mother Earth and exemplifying its mission of inspiring others to join in caring for animals and conserving the natural world during Party for the Planet on Saturday, April 27. Drop off your recyclable goods — including hard-to-recycle items — between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Zoo’s Anthony Wayne Trail parking lot. Admission/parking charges do not apply to this special recycling project, which is made possible through partnerships with: Goodwill, AIM Ecycling, LLC., KTLCB/ Lucas County Waste Management, City of Toledo Department of Neighbors, American Paint Recyclers, Gateway Recycling and Waste Reduction, Inc., and TerraCycle. Items that will be accepted include: • Car tires (up to 10 per group) • Jeans and other clothing • Small appliances, microwave ovens, telephones • Paper, phone books, newspapers • Electronics, computer accessories, DVD and VHS players. (Televisions, CRT monitors, refrigerators, large appliances, air conditioners, light bulbs and batteries will not be accepted). • Aluminum cans • Secure document destruction and recycling • Printer cartridges (toner and ink) • Cardboard • Cell phones • TerraCycle items - including food pouches, cereal and chip bags, beauty and oral care packaging • Paint cans will be collected at Woodsdale Park from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. for $1/ gallon container. Documents will be destroyed offsite following the event. As well as dropping off recyclables, the Zoo is a great place to spend a green day with your family. Get tips on how to be more ecofriendly through displays from local “green” organizations, enjoy earth-friendly activities and witness animal feeding demonstrations all across the Zoo. These demonstrations are more than just fun to watch; they also serve to remind us that animals all across the world are relying on humans to take care of the land, water and air we all call home. All of the green activities are included free with Zoo admission. For more information and a full list of recyclable items, please visit planet.

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Force on SIDS. “The Rock ‘n Play inclined sleeper should be removed from the market immediately. It does not meet the AAP’s recommendations for a safe sleep environment for any baby. Infants should always sleep on their back, on a separate, flat and firm sleep surface without any bumpers or bedding.” The AAP does not recommend inclined sleep products like the Rock ‘n Play, or any other products for sleep that require restraining a baby. The AAP advises against using car seats, strollers or other devices for sleep because of the risk that a baby could roll or turn into an unsafe position and be incapable of moving, leading to suffocation or strangulation. The Academy offers more information on safe sleep recommendations in the policy statement SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment. Information for parents is available at www.healthychildren. org/safesleep.


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Genoa 6-year-old wrestler James Wirick finishes sixth at the NUWAY tournament.

Wood County Dartball League tournament champions — Zion Luckey. Seated (left to right): Jim Hansen, Curt Juergens, Dick Eilert, Brian Burrell, and Dan Meyer. Standing (left to right): Manager Rick Nelson, Todd Geisbuhler, Mike Moenter, Mike Hoelter, and Andy Lang. (Photo courtesy Mark Kunstmann/

APRIL 15, 2019


Taylor Works scores. (Photo courtesy Chris Schmidbauer/Owens CC SID)

Waite’s Taylor Works a first team All-American guard The Owens Community College womens basketball team placed three players on the list of NJCAA Division III AllAmericans, including 5-foot-11 sophomore guard/forward Taylor Works (Waite). Works was named first team after leading the Express in scoring with 17.4 points per game and in assists at 4.6 per contest. She tied the school record for second most points in a game against Hocking CC this season with 36 points on February 16. Her efforts during the D-III national tournament earned her a place on the first team All-Tournament squad as well. Works averaged 16.7 point per game while shooting 42 percent from the field for the tournament. She also averaged six rebounds and nearly five assists during the

The Press Box

ens basketball team has had in a season. The program now has 11 total players that have been named to an All-American squad. (— by Chris Schmidbauer, Owens Sports Information Director)

Zion Luckey wins tournament

Express’s three tournament games. Owens 5-10 freshman guard/forward Moreina Moore (Thomas Worthington) and 6-0 freshman guard/forward Shyah Wheeler (Elida) were also named AllAmericans. The three nominees was the most any school received to be named to the NJCAA’s D-III All-American team. It is also the most nominees that an Owens wom-

Zion Lutheran of Luckey captured the 2019 Wood County Dartball League Tournament championship in Bowling Green. Zion concluded round-robin action with a 10-1 record, two games in front of BG Trinity United Methodist, BG Nazarene, and Pemberville Methodist. ZL won its first six games before suffering its lone setback at the hands of PM during the third week of play.

BGN, the league’s regular-season champ with 46 wins, won its last seven games to earn a share of second place. Stony Ridge finished in fifth at 6-5 after winning five of its final six contests. Rounding out the standings were: BG Cloverdale (5-6), BG St. Mark’s (5-6), Salem Grace United (56), Bethlehem No. 1 (4-7), Bethlehem No. 2 (3-8), New Rochester (3-8), and Pemberville Presbyterian (1-10). Zion’s championship is the team’s first postseason crown since 2008 and the squad’s 10th dating back to 1956. The league will hold its annual awards banquet on April 15 at St. John’s Lutheran in Stony Ridge.

(continued on page 17)

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C A R E .



APRIL 15, 2019

The Press Box

Northwood, Clay win powerlifting titles

(continued from page 16)

All-American wrestler

By Press Staff Writer At the regional power lifting meet hosted by Northwood High School, the Rangers won the boys championship, Clay finished second and Elmwood was third. In the girls meet, Clay was first and Northwood finished second. Other athletes participating were from St. Francis, Genoa, Toledo Christian and Cardinal Stritch. At 125 pounds in the boys competition, Jacoby Addy (Clay) finished first with a squat of 220 pounds, a bench press of 165 and deadlift of 265 for a total of 650 pounds. Joey Yarad (Northwood) was second at 190140-255—585 and Chantah Chanthabam (Clay) was third at 155-85-210—450. At 135, Luke Tilton (Clay) was first at 275-155-275—705. At 145, Drake Parker (Clay) was first at 315-170-335—820, followed by Luke Roach (Clay) 305-150-345—800 and Chris Lucio (Stritch) at 300-210-290—800. Roach

earned second on a tiebreaker. At 155, Demond Marks (Northwood) was first (315-215-335—865) and Mickey Asad (Northwood) finished second (285200-315—800). At 165, Emilio Rendon (Clay) was second (345-320-385—960). At 175, Anthony Williams (Northwood) placed first (485-275-450—1210), Grant Goodman (Genoa) was runner-up (410230-365—1005), and Andrew Enright (St. Francis) was third (345-200-365—910). At 195, Branden Canada (Clay) was first (375-245-450—1070) and Sam Bullimore (Northwood) was third (350-215-350—915). At 210, Northwood’s Tyler Hughes was third at 375-225-405—1005. At 225, Dalton Dempsey (Northwood) was first at 465-215-405—1085) and AJ Rable (Northwood) was third at 340-230340—910). At 250, Clay’s Mark Lodzinski was third at 405-250-415—1070. At the unlimited weight class, Clay’s Timothy McCourt was second (365-280-

375—1020) and Dravyn Luna (Northwood) was third (345-205-380—930). In the girls 115, Alanna Chanthakham (Clay) was first (210-90-210—510), Julia Nonekowski (Clay) was second (190-90205—485) and Avery Roach (Clay) was third (90-105-55—275). At 135, Mikayla Mariano (Clay) was second at 135-70-120—325. At 155, Jelena Sanchez (Clay) was first (195-95-250—540), Kayla Powell (Northwood) was second (185-115-230— 530) and Gracie Klatt (Clay) was third (21090-225—525). At 175, Kirsten Stacy (Northwood) was first (225-135-325—685), Audrey Dalton (Clay) was second (220-100-245—565) and Bethany Gillespie. (Northwood) was third (100-65-165—330). In the unlimited class, Ana Hoddinott (Northwood) was first (285-135-325—745), Anna Rew (Clay) was second (255-125320—700) and Aleah Segura (Clay) was third (28-125-285—690).

Mierzejewski All-Press Woodmore 5-foot-8 senior guard Logan Mierzejewski is an honorable mention selection on the Alan Miller Jewelers All-Press boys basketball team. The All-Press graphic had his name spelled wrong and listed him as playing for Northwood. Mierzejewski averaged 7.2 points, 2.2 rebounds and two steals. The Press regrets the error.

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The Northwood boys team celebrates a power lifting championship. First row, kneeling (L to R): Joey Yarad and Dravyn Luna. Second row, standing (L to R): River Emmert, Demond Marks, Mickey Asad, Dalton Dempsey, Alex Yarad, Cameron Noel, and A.J. Rable. Third row, on platform (L to R): Alec Romstadt, Justyce Luna, and Tyler Hughes. Top level: Anthony Williams and Jimmy Jablonski.

Genoa 6-year-old James Wirick earned All-American status at the NUWAY national wrestling tournament. Wirick competed at 40 pounds in the NUWAY Nationals individual wrestling tournament on April 6. This is his second year wrestling. To qualify for the tournament you have to place in the top eight at the NUWAY state tournament. To qualify for the state tournament you have to qualify top six at your regional tournament based on where you live. Wirick took first place at the OH-WAY Northwest Ohio regional tournament. At the OH-WAY state tournament he pinned is first match opponent in 21 seconds and his second match in 27 seconds. In the OH Way finals he lost, taking second place at the OH-WAY state tournament. This qualified him for the national tournament. At the nationals Wirick won his first match 14-11 against Caiden Torrey (Indiana 40 pound state champion) and then techfalled (winning 15-0) in his second match against Colt Burchett (eighth place OHWAY). Wirick lost in the semifinals to Robert Thall, the Ohio state champion and eventual national champion. To go for third and fourth, Wirick faced Jayton Serpa (fourth place in Illinois state tournament) where he lost. This put him in the fifth and sixth place finals where he faced Easton Egen (Michigan state champion). He lost, which gave him sixth place at nationals and All-American status (top eight).

*Source: 2015 CVS Audit Report

Since 1972


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APRIL 15, 2019


Unbeaten Lake baseball hands Wilker a milestone By Mark Griffin Press Contributing Writer The spring of 1985 was an exciting time for Greg Wilker. In the same year, you could have gone to see the Live Aid concerts in London or Philadelphia, bought a movie ticket for $2.75, or watched as Michael Jordan became the NBA Rookie of the Greg Wilker Year. That was the year Wilker took over as the head baseball coach at Lake High School. “I coached the jayvee team in 1983 and ‘84,” Wilker recalled. “Bob Brough was the varsity coach and he had been there for several years. He had a couple of young children and was ready to get out (of coaching) for a while. There was an opening there and I was the next man up. I was fortunate to take over a good program at a young age. Bob had some really good teams previously. He got back into coaching with me five or six years later as my JV coach. He had a great baseball mind.” Thirty-five years after landing the job, Wilker is still the coach at Lake. Last Saturday, his Flyers hammered Wauseon, 20-2, giving Wilker his 600th career victory. The Flyers beat Elmwood, 5-0, on Monday to improve to 7-0 and 1-0 in the Northern Buckeye Conference. Wilker’s record stood at 601-344 and counting, prior to Wednesday’s game against Genoa. He was three wins shy of becoming the 16th winningest baseball coach in Ohio High School Athletic Association history. Wilker, 57, said his players knew he was one win from No. 600, so they went out and scored nine runs — all with two outs — in the first inning against Wauseon to put the game away early. “I don’t pay that much attention to the numbers,” Wilker said. “That’s more

CCYC’s 17th Annual

Lake junior Noah Blank. (Press photo by Russ Lytle/ important to the kids and it’s nice for the program. I told my assistant coaches I was glad to get it out of way before league play. A big crowd was there and it was a beautiful day.” Wilker taught business at Lake for 35 years before retiring last year, and he’s coached the offensive and defensive lines for the football team for more than 30 years. He was inducted into the Ohio High School Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 2014. Under Wilker, the Flyers have won nine league/conference championships,

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21 sectional titles, six district titles and one regional title. His 2001 team lost to Youngstown Ursuline, 6-1, in the Division III state semifinals. “We had an outstanding team,” Wilker said. “We had nine seniors, nine juniors and a sophomore, the most (players) I’ve ever carried on varsity. That group just had a passion for the game and they were very competitive.” Wilker has coached several children of his former players over the years, and he made sure to praise his current assistant coaches for “making this a lot of fun, be-

cause we really enjoy working together.” Wilker’s varsity assistant is former Elmwood player Dory Boggs, who has been with the program since 2004, and former Lake players Mike Kohlhofer and Brandon Maze. Kohlhofer, who played on Lake’s 1985 team, and Maze have been on the staff for three years. “The big thing about kids, as long as you show you care about them, kids are kids,” Wilker said. “They know my entire staff cares about them, not just about wins and losses. They want them to become better young men.” Wilker is high on this year’s team, which features four seniors who will play college ball next year. Catcher Dawson Delventhal will play at the University of Northwest Ohio-Lima, second baseman Harry Jackson is going to Lourdes University, right fielder/ pitcher Luke Walsh is headed to Davenport University in Grand Rapids, Mich., and pitcher/left fielder Jacob Boelkens will play at Bluffton University. “We have quality kids and we’re very fortunate,” Wilker said. “A lot of these kids we have now, I coached their fathers years ago and they know what the program is about. I really like the quality and character of the kids. We’re very athletic and we run very well. We play good defense and they like playing baseball, and it shows.” Lake entered Wednesday’s game with a .396 team batting average, led by Jackson, who was hitting .577 with 15 RBI. Dawson Delventhal was batting .500, followed by junior pitcher/left fielder Bronson Medley (.435, 10 RBI), sophomore center fielder Jaxon Delventhal (.429), junior first baseman/DH Brendan Zink (.412) and senior pitcher/first baseman Austin Fouty (.400). Junior shortstop Scott Mackiewicz, a returning starter, is just coming back from pulled leg muscles. Senior Jacob Boelkens, who also plays left field, is Lake’s top pitcher. Boelkens, who struck out 11 in the win over Elmwood, is 3-0 with a 0.36 ERA, 23 strikeouts and only one walk. “He has outstanding control,” Wilker said. “He has one walk in 19 innings and he throws three pitches for strikes, which makes him very tough in high school.”

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Mark your calendar for Next Year’s Event: March 21, 2020



APRIL 15, 2019

Ohio softball coaches honor Clay’s Brenda Radabaugh By Press Staff Writer Clay softball coach Brenda Radabaugh was inducted in the Ohio High School Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association on January 18. In 27 years, Radabaugh’s softball teams have compiled a 524-183 record while earning 14 league titles. Her teams achieved 18 sectional and six district championships. She was awarded league coach of the year honors 10 times, the Northwest District Coach of the Year accolade three times and the Alan Miller Jewelers All-Press Coach of the Year on three occasions. She received the state’s Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity Award in 2016 and the Buckeye Cable Sports Network Coach of the Season in 2017. She coached the district all-star team three times and the Northwest District Underclass All-Star Team twice. “With the 500 wins, it’s been a lot of years, and I’ve been very blessed with a lot of dedicated and talented players who have taken the time to put in the work. You’re not going anywhere without good players. I’ve been lucky to have a lot of assistant coaches who know what they’re doing. There have been some very supportive administrators, too,” Radabaugh told The Press when she reached win No. 500. “I’m just having a blast doing it. My family has always been there for me. My parents have always been there for me. I’m just very lucky that I have a lot of people who have my back.” Radabaugh is not one to rest on her laurels. She’s someone who is quick to credit her players and assistant coaches, but Radabaugh deserves plenty of the credit for reaching 500 wins as a softball coach, a feat achieved after Clay defeated Central Catholic, 9-1 in 2017. The milestone signifies what she’s accomplished in her years coaching at both Clay and Central Catholic. “There were quite a few surprises. When I hit 400 wins, I had no clue. This time, I knew (this was) No. 500, but I didn’t know what was going on (afterwards). The coaches had ordered t-shirts, and it wasn’t just our team that was wearing them, it

Brenda Radbaugh huddles with players. (Press file photo by Scott Grau) was half the people in the stands — our principal, our superintendent, our AD. Everybody had them hidden until the game was over,” said Radabaugh. “We were in the circle after the game and everybody started taking their jerseys off and I saw them wearing the t-shirts, and my jaw hit the floor. The school presented me with a watch and a huge banner was made up.” Radabaugh served as the Northwest District secretary for 15 years and the president of the district for the past two years. She acted as the Northwest District representative for the OHSFSCA for eight years and also spent six years as the presidentelect, president and past president of the association. She has also been a voter for

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the state coaches poll since 2004. Radabaugh got her first taste of coaching at the age of 17 when she and a friend coached her sister’s 12 and under summer softball team. That summer, she realized her passion for coaching. Over the years, Radabaugh coached high school volleyball with one trip to the state final four as the head coach at Central Catholic. She is now a volunteer coach for the eighth grade volleyball team at Erie Mason Middle School (Mich.). Her high school softball coaching career began with five years as the junior varsity coach at Clay followed by nine years at the helm of Central’s varsity team. She then became the second softball coach in the history for Clay High School, where she

will begin her 19th season. Radabaugh graduated from Edon High School where she was a four-sport athlete. She then earned a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Toledo while earning four varsity letters in softball. Upon graduation, she accepted a teaching position with Oregon City Schools, where she is now in her 33rd year teaching high school mathematics. Former Clay player Haley Dominique credits her success to Radabaugh. Dominique is now an outfielder at Ball State University. “Coach Radabaugh was one of my favorite coaches that I have had the opportunity to play for. She is all in all the time and is completely invested in coaching and that is something special. She was really good at knowing when to be easy going and fun, but also knew when the time was to be serious and really get after it at practice. She is the kind of coach that you want to play well for, and you want to win for her,” said Dominique. Dominique continued, “Coach Radabaugh always believed in me. When I got pulled up (as) a freshman, there was never a doubt in my mind that she believed in me, even though I was a freshman and knowing that your coach has confidence in you makes you play so much better. “In all of the ups and downs we have had (when) I have played for Clay, there was never a moment where Coach Radabaugh was ever too low or too high. When we would face adversity in a game — for example, we played Anthony Wayne during my freshman year in the regional semifinals and they tied the game in the top of the seventh on some defensive miscues, she never got flustered,” Dominique continued. “She always found a way to calm us down and bring us back to earth. There have been many moments that I can remember in my career where the inning was rough and we got in the huddle and there was never any negativity out of her, and it was always motivational to hear what she had to say. My whole career was a wonderful experience, in part because of Coach Radabaugh.” (— includes file quotes from a Press story written by Yaneek Smith)

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Locke Branch Library, 703 Miami St., will present, Sit, Stay, Read, April 15, 3:30-4:30 p.m. – Improve your reading skills while reading to a gentle, friendly therapy dog; Teens Now Serving, April 16: 3:30-4:30 p.m. – Teens will make snuggly fleece blankets for animals at the Toledo Area Humane Society; What’s Up Wednesday (teens), April 17, 3-5:30 p.m. VFW 4906 Lake Erie Perch Fish Fry, April 19, 5-7 p.m. or until sold out, 2161 Consaul St. Dinner and sandwich available. Dine in or carry out. Call 419-698-4411. Vendors & Crafters Wanted for the 45th Birmingham Ethnic Festival. For info, email East Toledo Senior Center, 1001 White St., serves home-cooked lunch Mon.-Fri. at 11:45 a.m. Menu includes: April 15 vegetable lasagna; April 16 grilled chili dog on bun; April 17 – grilled cheese and tomato basil soup; April 18 – honey baked ham; April 19 – baked tilapia. Meals must be ordered by 11 a.m. the day before by calling 419-691-2254. Cost is a recommended donation of $2.50 for those 60 years and over. The center will hold a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser April 17, 4-7 p.m. Dinner includes spaghetti (with or without meatballs), salad, breadstick and beverage (dinein only). Tickets are $8 presale and $10 at the door. Dine in or carry out. Dream Travelers will explore the Lone Star State of Texas through food and photos April 22 at 10:45 a.m. RSVP by April 17. Call 419-691-2254 for details. Birmingham Block Watch meets the 1st Tues. of the month at 7 p.m. at the Birmingham Branch Library, 203 Paine Ave. and the 4th Wed. of the month at 7 p.m. at VFW Post 4906, 2161 Consaul. Hungarian Embroidery Classes, Mondays, 2-4 or 6-8 p.m., Calvin United Church of Christ, 1946 Bakewell. Come to any session or call 419-3495539. East Toledo/Oregon Kiwanis Club meets the 2nd and 4th Mon. at 11:45 a.m. at the American Family Table restaurant on Navarre Avenue in Oregon. Walk-ins welcome. For info, contact David at 567-312-4014. TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) welcomes new members who want to lose weight. The group meets Mon., 7-8 p.m. at the East Toledo Senior Center, 1001 White St. Weigh-ins from 6-6:45 p.m. Yearly membership is $32. Weekly dues 50 cents. Call Judy at 419-691-8033 or come to a free meeting. Everyone welcome. Waite High School Alumni Class of 1951 meets the 2nd Mon. of every month. For info, call Betty at 419-691-7944 or Fran at 419-693-6060. Waite High School Class of 1955 meets the 2nd Tues. of each month. For more info, contact Ned Braunschweiger at 419-893-4336. Prostate Cancer Support Group meets the 4th Mon. of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the 2nd floor Cancer Center Library at Mercy St. Anne Hospital. For info, call Roger at 419-346-2753 or Ernie at 419-344-9830.

Oregon City of Oregon Tree Commission Meeting, April 16, 4 p.m., Community Room, 5330 Seaman Rd. Public invited. “Messiah in the Passover” presentation April 19, 7 p.m., Ashland Church, 2350 Starr Ave. The speaker, a missionary with Chosen People Ministries, will explain the symbolic meanings of the various items of the Passover feast and highlight their relationship to the Last Supper Easter Egg Hunt presented by VFW 9816, April 20, 1-3 p.m., 1802 Ashcroft. Colored eggs, facepainting, photos with the Easter Bunny and lunch. Open to the public. Call 419-725-9916. Harbor View Historical Society Presents: French Town: 1812, April 20, 1 p.m., Oregon Branch Library. Oregon Branch Library, 3340 Dustin Rd., programs include Family Storytime, Mondays, 6:30-7 p.m.; Toddler Storytime, Wednesdays, 1010:30 a.m.; Preschool Storytime, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10:45-11:15 a.m.; Babytime, Thursdays, 10-10:30 a.m.; Candy Construction, April 16, 6-7 p.m.; LEGO Freeplay, April 17, 6-7 p.m. For teens: Diversity University, April 15, 4-5 p.m.; Taster’s Choice, April 16, 4-5 p.m.; Ukulele Club, April 18, 4-5 p.m. For adults: Bay Chapter Book Discussion – “Today Will be Different,” by Maria Semple, April 16, 2-3 p.m.; WISE Wellness Initiative for Senior Education, presented by Harbor Behavioral Health, April 19, 10 a.m.-noon. P.E.R.I. CHAPTER # 93, Lucas County District 1 Meeting, April 25, 1-2:15 p.m., at Oregon Fire Station #1 Fire Hall, 5002 Seaman and Wynn roads. Open business meeting regarding regarding pension, HRA, Via benefits, medical and pharmacy Insurance. Refreshments will be available. All members, guests and any O.P.E.R.S., (including Northwood) and soon-to-be retires are welcome. Limited seating available. Oregon Retired Firefighters Assn. meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at noon at the Oregon Inn. Oregon-Jerusalem Historical Society, Historic Brandville School, 1133 Grasser St., is open the first and third Thursday of the month, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Call 419-693-7052 for details. Breakfast Club hosted by Dylan Clement, local Edward Jones financial advisor, every 3rd Monday of the month from 8-9 a.m. at the Oregon Senior Center, 4350 Navarre Ave. Seating may be limited. To reserve a seat, call Jill Williams at 419-6987688. Oregon Fire & Rescue Museum, is located at

4350 Navarre Ave. For private tours contact Mike Snyder at 419-297-2383. Harbor View Historical Society Inc. and Museum, located at 2083 Autokee St., is open Thursdays 5-8 p.m. and Saturdays 1-5 pm. Admission is free. Volunteer Services is looking for individuals to join the staff. Call 419-691-1517 for info. Great Eastern Toastmasters Club meets the 1st & 3rd Tues. of each month from 6:30-8:15 p.m. in the community meeting room near the cafeteria at ProMedica Bay Park Hospital. Guests welcome or join for a small fee. Contact: Allan Hoar at 419-698-3733 or visit GreateasternTMC. for info. Oregon Republican Club meets the 1st Thursday of the month at the Oregon Senior Center, 4350 Navarre Ave. Visit www.OregonRepublicanClub. com or contact Lynn Gibbs at lynlin3215@gmail. com for info. Ashland Church Food Pantry, 2350 Starr Ave. will be open the last Sat. of each month from 1-2:30 p.m. ID required. Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step Christian-based recovery program to help anyone overcome hurt, habit or hang-up (addictions, anxiety, depression, grief, co-dependency), meets Wed. from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Intersection Church, formerly Heritage Christian Church, 1640 S. Coy Rd. Everyone welcome; free. Call 419-389-3299 for info. Support Group for Anyone Grieving a Death or Loss meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Faith United Methodist Church, 3415 Starr Ave. James Wes Hancock Oregon Senior Center, 4350 Navarre Ave, open weekdays 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Daily activities include bingo, cardio drumming, line dancing, fitness classes, exercise, Euchre, Bunco, Mahjong and health screenings. Lunch served at 11:30 a.m. daily. $2.50 donation is suggested for seniors 60 & older; all others $5.32. Reservations required 24 hours in advance. 419-698-7078. Christ Dunberger American Legion Post 537 hall at 4925 Pickle Rd. is available for rentals and accommodates up to 145 people. Call 419-2620103 for details. Quilts of Compassion seeks quilters to help make quilts for local charities, hospitals and disaster victims. No experience required. The group meets the last Wed. of the month 1-3 p.m. at Faith United Methodist Church, 3415 Starr Ave. Call Flo at 419693-3766.


Pancake Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt, Northwood Church of God, 1838 S. Coy Rd., April 20, 9-11 a.m. Children’s Easter Egg Hunt to follow. Northwood Food Distribution, April 24, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Josie Reinhart Community Room, 6000 Wales Rd. Northwood Community Cares Golf Outing, May 19 at Chippewa. Contact Todd Brand at 419-340-6081 for more info. Northwood VFW 2984 All-You-Can-Eat Fish Dinner, Fri. 5-7:30 p.m., 102 W. Andrus. Chicken, shrimp and steaks also available. Breakfast served Sundays from 9 a.m.-noon – includes two eggs, meat, potatoes, toast and pancakes. Snack bar open Thurs. noon-4 p.m. Public welcome. City of Northwood Adult Rec Program, Mon. and Wed. from 6:30-9 p.m. and Sat. 8:30 a.m.-noon in the Arts, Athletics and Administration Building (old high school). Access to the weight room, gym and marked walking track, indoor pickle ball court available. Fee. $20. Group fitness classes offered Mon. & Wed. from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and Sat. 9:3010:30 a.m. Fee. $2. Walk the halls Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. – no charge. For info, contact Parks & Rec Director at 419-690-1607. Men’s Prayer Breakfast, every 3rd Sat. of the month at 9 a.m. at Northwood Church of God, Coy & Curtice roads. For info, call 419-693-0260. Free Home Safety Assessments & Smoke Detector Installation Program offered by Northwood Fire Department. To schedule an appointment, city residents may contact the fire chief at 419-690-1647 or email firechief@

Jerusalem Twp. Board of Trustees meet the 2nd and 4th Tues. of the month at 7 p.m. at the township hall, 9501 Jerusalem Rd. Jerusalem Twp. Food Pantry, open 2nd Wed. of every month, 9-11 a.m. at the township hall, 9501 Jerusalem Rd.


Curtice Community Club will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month to plan next year’s Curtice Kidz Day Festival, which will be held June 9. Anyone willing to donate to the American Flag Fund for flags to line the streets in Curtice during the summer months may send donations to Curtice Community Club, Box 194, Curtice, OH 43412.

Walbridge Steak Dinner, April 20, 5-7 p.m., Walbridge VFW Post 9963, 109 N. Main St. Dinner includes baked potato, vegetable, salad bar, roll and butter and dessert. Cost. $12. Walbridge Branch Library, 108 N. Main St., presents Family Storytime Tues. at 11 a.m.; Kinderskills for kids ages 3-6, Tues. at 2 p.m.; Students in Action Tutoring, Thurs. 6-7 p.m. (all grade school levels); Senior Wii Bowling Monday at 11 a.m. Call 419-666-9900 for info. Walbridge VFW Bingo, first and third Sun. of each month, 109 S. Main St. Lightning bingo at 1 p.m.; regular bingo at 1:30 p.m. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Food and drinks available. New games; higher prizes. Sponsored by the Auxiliary. Call 419-666-0367 for info. Support Group for Families and Friends who are Dealing with a Loved One’s Heroin/Opiate Addiction meets Mon. 6:30-8 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 705 N. Main St. Sponsored by Mainstreet Church. For info, call 419-838-7600.

APRIL 15, 2019


The Press

Church Worship Guide Deadline: Thursday 11:00 am

Inspirational Message of the Week: Putting Gratitude in Our Lives We all know how nice it is to be thanked for some small kindness or good deed which we have done for another. But perhaps more important than the warm feeling that we get when someone expresses their gratitude to us, is the positive outlook that gratitude usually engenders in the person who is grateful. That is, the feeling of being grateful helps to keep us focused on the positive. Instead of harping on how bad things are, or regretting the past, gratitude looks for the positive aspect and the silver lining. And although we all may occasionally feel sorry for ourselves, we can

Northwood Calvary Lutheran Ch. 1930 Bradner Rd./Corner of Woodville & Bradner Rds. 419-836-8986 Sunday Worship: 8am & 10:30am Sunday School 9:30am Pastor Robert Noble

2975 Eastpointe Blvd. Saturday Worship: 11:00am Thursday Bible Study: 7:00pm

alleviate some of these feelings by getting into the habit of reminding ourselves of how much we have to be thankful for. Our good health, having friends and family who care about us, and even something as mundane as going to work, are truly things for which we ought to be grateful. We should spend some time each day counting our blessings. We might be pleasantly surprised to find that this exercise itself will make our lives better. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. N.I.V. 1 Chronicles 16:34


Don’t hide your light under a basket! Invite your friends and future friends to worship & experience the joy of fellowship with you. With rates as low as $8.25 per week (Suburban) or $9.50 per week (Metro), you can be listed in the Press Church Directory. Call us at 419-836-2221

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 4155 Pickle Rd (LCMS) Ph. 419-691-9407 Preschool 419-693-8661 Sunday Worship 8 & 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am Sat. Service 5:30 pm

Sharing Jesus & Living His Love

Oregon Northwood Church of God 1838 S. Coy @ Curtice 419-691-1376 Rev. Brent Smalley, Pastor Sunday Worship 10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm “Everyone Welcome”

See you in church!

Pastor John Genszler


Sunday Worship at 10 Church School for All Ages at 11:15

2350 Starr Ave. Oregon 419-720-1995

First St. John Lutheran Church 2471 Seaman St. 691-7222 or 691-9524 Sunday Services: 7:45am &10:15am Sunday School 9am Jerald K. Rayl, pastor

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FOR SALE 40+ AC 40 ACRE ACRES RESS FOR FOR SALE SALE Developement Land Location: SR163 (East of Genoa, Within Village Limits)

OREGON 827 Grasser, 4 bed, 1.5 bath, basement, garage, nice home $129,900. Also available 1566 Coy Rd. Call for details. 419-691-3049

•Zoned R-3 •460’ Frontage •Perfect Subdivision Site •All Utilities Available •Ottawa Co. Auditor Parcel ID: 0101959627799000

29+ ACRES FOR SALE Developement Land Location: SR51 West of Genoa (Next to Flower Shop & Doctors Office) •9 Acres C-2 •20 Acres R-3 •Willing to Split •280’ Frontage •All Utilities Available •Ottawa Co. Auditor Parcel ID: 0120847218355000

For Information Call Attorney Ernest Cottrell

419- 855-9955

*** PUBLISHER'S NOTICE *** All real estate or rental advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act. As amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), handicap (disability), or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, specification, or discrimination. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free telephone number 1-800-669-9777, for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. *Equal Housing Opportunity*

7(55< )/252









'$1%(55< 5($/7256

Lana Rife


Full Time Realtor 109 E. Main St. Woodville, OH

! " " #$ % %& !'(#

Great properties for sale‌ ‌ 18513 W. SR 105 Elmore, OH $214,900 - 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, A complete remodel w/ new appliances & additional lot - over 1/2 acre! Must see! 300 W. Riverview Dr. Woodville, OH $229,000 - 4 bdrm, 2.5 baths, open concept, 1st floor master, lots of space inside & out! Almost 1/2 acre! 100 Lavine St. Woodville, OH $114,000 - 2 bedroom condo w/ large kitchen, sunroom, one car garage, just outside of town! 4870 CR 41 Helena, OH $84,000 - 4 bedroom, 2 full baths 2 car garage, Over a full acre! 335 Jackson St. Elmore, OH $119,000 - 3 bdrm, 1.5 baths, 2 car garage, and a block shed/workshop! 0 Yeasting Rd. Elmore, OH Lot - Just over 2 acres - $34,000 0 Aspen Ave. Elmore, OH Lot - over 1/3 acre - $30,000 Eagle View Subdivision 2190 S. Nissen Rd. Elmore, OH Lot - 1 Acre - $14,500

New & Pre-Owned Singles & Doubles 2 & 3 Bedroom Bank Financing Available! Walnut Hills/Deluxe Park 419-666-3993

Millbury House- Rent with option, 2 Bedroom, Shed, No Garage, $595/mo. 419-206-7125 Walbridge- 1 Bedroom Apartment $375/mo. 419-206-7125 Northwood- 2 Bedroom Condo, 1.5 Baths, Garage, Appliances, $675/Month +Deposit & Utilities, No Smoking, No Pets, References, 419450-9470


Oregon Arms Spacious 2 Bedroom apartment, appliances included, patio, C/A $575/Mo. +utilities. Mountianbrook 2 bedroom, newly remodeled, all electric/ no pets. Visit us on our website at: Office: 419-215-6588 Cell: 419-277-2545 Oregon House- Rent with option, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Garage, $495/mo. 419-206-7125


Yorktown Village 1 & 2 Bedroom Townhouses & Apartments

1105 S. Wheeling Oregon

Join Oregon’s Finest Community ★Laundry ★Swimming Pool ★Spacious Floor Plans ★Private Patios ★ 24 hr. Emergency Maintenance


419-693-9443 • Near St. Charles & Bay Park • 5 minutes from downtown Toledo • Visit Spacious Newly Remodeled Units • Laundry • Pool • Cat Friendly • New Appliances • 1 Bed - $475.00 • 2 Bed - $585.00 • On Site Manager & Maintenance

C1 Commercial Property; Located on SR20 Perrysburg; 2400SF Shop/Warehouse; 440SF Office; Plumbed Air; 3 Phase Electric; 12' Overhead Door; $1600/mo. (419) 349-2445

Oregon- 1506 Groll 3 bedroom. $760+ deposit. 419-704-2760 Oregon- Starr Ave. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, upper, no pets/smoking. $545/mo. + $545 deposit, includes water & heat. 419-693-9669

Under Contract! 606 W. Main St. Woodville, OH 6727 CR 41 Helena, OH 112 S. Maple St. Oak Harbor, OH 25540 Luckey Rd. Perrysburg, OH 222 Lime St. Woodville, OH 6401 Wildacre Rd. Curtice, OH 822 W. College Ave. Woodville, OH 19910 W. SR 105 Elmore, OH 1380 Fleetwood Dr. Fremont, OH 18560 W. SR 105 Elmore, OH 215 E. 1st St. Woodville, OH 218 N. Perry St. Woodville, OH 22121 W. SR 579 Curtice, OH

Real Estate for Sale 2023 Ashcroft Oregon, Ohio 43616 2-bed, attached garage $69,000 (Pending) 2516 Melva Ct. Toledo, Ohio 43611 Nice 3-bed, w/sunroom & attached garage $83,500 (Pending) 3228 E. Manhattan Toledo, Ohio 43611 Very nice 2-bed, w/extra .87 acre lot $64,900 24055 James Ridge Millbury, Ohio 43447 Lg. 3-Bed home, built in pool! $189,900 1884 N. Genoa- Clay Center Rd. Genoa, Ohio 43430 Nice brick ranch! (Pending) Lots and Land (New) 409 Beachview Curtice, Ohio 43412 10 40x100 lots Perfect place to build your dream home. $10,000 40 acres 9033 Jerusalem Rd Curtice, Ohio 43412 $350,000 2.88 acres 10050 Corduroy Curtice, OH 43412 $32,000

Belkofers Auction Service KP Premier Realty Ken Belkofer 419-277-3635

Use this Truck for FREE when you buy or sell with Wendt Key!

*** PUBLISHER'S NOTICE *** All real estate or rental advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act. As amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), handicap (disability), or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, specification, or discrimination. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free telephone number 1-800-669-9777, for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. *Equal Housing Opportunity*

1 Bed $475 & up 2 Bed $575 & up

It’s not what we do it’s how we do it! Give the Team who cares a call today!

Happy Easter!CED U

419-333-TEAM 4 RED(8326) 1403 West State Street Fremont, OH 43420


DIN National Classified Ads PEN

CURTICE- 1 & 2 Bedroom home, good location. Short-term Lease Available, Call Mark for more information 330-690-5376 East Side- All new 1 bedroom apartments. $400/month + electric +one month deposit, credit check. No pets/smoking. 419-250-9748

Your New Home for 2019

East Toledo- 2 & 3 bedroom homes, $500/month-$650/month For more information call 419-779-7406 East Toledo- 583 1/2 Dearborn. 2 bed, stove & refrigerator included. No pets. $450 + deposit. 419-836-7557

Eastside 1-Bedroom Lower $325/mo 1-Bedroom Upper $350/mo 2-Bedroom Lower $425/mo 3-Bedroom Lower $450/mo Plus Deposit & Utilities Appliances Included No Pets 419-691-3074 Elmore House- Rent with Option, 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Garage, Basement, $895/mo. 419-206-7125 Genoa House- 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large garage & shop, c/a. Main Street, Rent with option only. $975/mo. 419-206-7125 Lake Township- Quiet 2 bdrm, brick apartment, utility room, 1½ bath, 1516 Owen Rd. $600 lease, no pets. 419-467-9432

If you’re or sell sellaaproperty, property, If you’relooking looking to to buy buy or ourour experienced REALTORScan can show experiencedfull-time full-time REALTORS show ANY is listed listedby by ANYproperty property that that is ANY real estate office not just our own! ANY real estate ofďŹ ce-not just our own!

featuring 1 bedroom apt. $500 2 bedroom apt. $600 2 bed. Townhouse $675$700 • Pool • Oregon Schools • Intercom entry • Cat Friendly • Washer/Dryer Hookups

Ask about our specials! “ Make your ďŹ rst Big Move!â€?

EASTWYCK APTS. 3148 Corduroy Rd. Oregon, OH 419-691-2944

Autos Wanted CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Makes/Models 2002-2018! Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We're Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-985-1806 Employment 25 TRUCK DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL Training! Stevens Transport covers all costs! 1-877-209-1309 Financial IRS TAX DEBTS?$10k+? Tired of the calls? We can Help! $500 free consultation! We can STOP the garnishments! FREE Consultation Call Today 1-855-823-4189 Misc. For Sale KILL BED BUGS! Harris Bed Bug Killers/KIT. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, DIATOMACEOUS EARTH-FOOD GRADE 100% OMRI Listed-Meets Organic Use Standards. BUY ONLINE ONLY: Miscellaneous Were you an INDUSTRIAL TRADESMAN (machinist/boilermaker/pipefitter etc) and recently diagnosed with LUNG CANCER? You may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Risk free consultation! 877-781-1769 Lung Cancer? And Age 60+? You And Your Family May Be Entitled To Significant Cash Award. Call 866-428-1639 for Information. No Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket. GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS! 100 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-889-5515 Cross Country Moving, Long distance Moving Company, out of state move $799 Long Distance Movers. Get Free quote on your Long distance move 1-800-5112181 Call Empire TodayŽ to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-800-508-2824 Wanted to Buy Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at or visit our website for more information Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.







Autos, Boats & Campers • Flea Markets • Garage Sales • Help Wanted • Household Pets • More

We provide our local community a “trusted� way to buy and sell to each other through our classified ads section.

Inside Sales Associate Mike's Hauling We buy junk cars, trucks and vans Scrap metal hauled free. 419-666-1443

3 year contract for 30 acres farm ground, $200/acre. Must plant corn (and fertilize), wheat, beans in that order. 419-377-8127

Bosch Landscape Now Hiring Crew Members Spring & fall clean-up; trim, edge & mulch beds. Landscape & lawn installation; build beds, plant shrubs, trees & flowers, install hardscape. Part-time mowing available. You will need reliable transportation. Call 419-836-1551

Cash Services is currently looking to hire dump truck drivers. Must have Class A or Class B CDL and current DOT med card. Pay is based on experience and minimum starting at $18 per hour. Must be reliable and have a good driving record. Offering 401K match and medical available. If interested call for more information or stop in to fill out an application today! 419-972-6061 5811 Woodville Road, Northwood Customer Service - Tri-State Expedited Service, has an opening on the second shift (3:30 P.M.- Midnight) The position requires excellent communication and phone skill. Tri-State offers a competitive salary plus a full benefit package. Please respond with resume, salary history and references to or fax to 419-837-6494.

! " # $ % & ' ( ) **

+ & $ * ,

Dump Truck Driver needed Fulltime or Part-time. Must have CDL and dump truck experience. 419461-6295

Tri-State Expedited Services, has an immediate opening for an Inside Sales Associate. Must have three years of proven sales experience preferable in Transportation/Logistics. We offer a competitive salary and a full benefit package. If interested please reply with resume, salary requirements and references to: Janitors Needed at Turnpike Plaza in Genoa, Part-time & full time shifts, including weekends. Pays up to $9.10/hr. Must have clean background and reliable transportation. Call 419-261-6094 Mon-Fri between 9am-4pm. Laborer needed for fence company. Must have drivers licenses & be a hard worker. Call 419-467-0156 Landscape company needs workers, who enjoy working outside. Stone work, decks & plantings. If interested call 419-666-9664 Need combination Nanny/Secretary/Odd jobs person, 2 days/week. $11/hr. 419-377-8127


EXTRA! EXTRA! cash? Pick up a Press Route! The Press is looking to hire carriers. Routes are a flexible way to earn extra income on your own schedule. If interested, please contact Jordan 419-836-2221, Ext. 32.

Help Wanted Screen Printer Email Resume to: 419-862-3891

Delivered to over 47,000 Readers in Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky & Wood Counties

Happy People Wanted

Hiring for All Positions Apply in Person Lee Williams House of Meats 2521 Starr Ave.

Full-Ć&#x;me Cemetery Worker/Road and Park Maintenance Benton Township, Graytown, Ohio CDL required or can obtain, Full Ć&#x;me, OPERS, BeneďŹ ts, VacaĆ&#x;on Ć&#x;me Cemetery Experience preferred Handling of equipment experience preferred Please submit resume by April 26 to: PO Box 7 Graytown, Ohio 43432

Tri-State Expedited Service, a full service transportation company in Millbury, Ohio has an immediately opening for an AR/Collection/Credit person with experience. We offer a competitive salary plus a full benefit package. Please submit resume and salary requirements to or Fax to: 419-837-6494.

On items $100 and under. Good til April 25th, 2019 Perfect for quick-sell merchandise items such as m TV’s, Washers, Dryers, Furniture, Appliances etc. F Up to 20 word limit on General Merchandise Only. No commercial ads. *Limit 2 ads per customer and each ad runs for 2 weeks.



Since 1972


Metro • Suburban • Explore


Box 169, 1550 Woodville Rd. Millbury, OH 43447

419-836-2221 • Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 classiďŹ


needed to wash all equipment used in daily operations, keep workspace, restrooms and exterior areas clean & litter-free, and receive & store inventory. Must be able to lift a minimum 50lbs.

Apply in person.

1105 Main St., Woodville


R.D. Haar’s The Cleaning Professionals Now Accepting Applications • All Shifts • Positions for Management, OfďŹ ce, Sales & Housekeeping • Competitive Wage/Negotiable • Experience Not Necessary-Will Train • Bondable 18 Years, Current Drivers, License, Reliable & Dependable Individuals Only Need Apply • Clean Background Check

Leave message at 419-720-0593

Windsor Lane Health Care is seeking applications for the following positions

RN • LPN $7,000 sign on bonus


$1,200 sign on bonus

Fax resume to 419-637-2555 or send email to or stop in at address below.


Needed-Hard working employees for Hand/Dunnage Assembly for 1st shift. Must be able to lift 25 lbs and have experience using hand & power tools. Please call 567-331-0544

Security Officers needed. $15.00 to start, plus benefits. Call 567-698-4201 Mention Req ID: 2019-269707

Windsor Lane Health Care is seeking applications for the following positions

Need someone to mow grass, upkeep property and mowing equipment 1-2 days/week. $12/hr. 419377-8127

SALES OPPORTUNITY NABF College World Series media publications/sponsorship. Commission only. Call 419-936-3887, leave name and phone number.

Granny’s Kitchen

NOMS Healthcare is looking for a Medical Assistant, CMA/RMA in our Genoa office. Please visit to apply. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

Need someone to clean welding shop/work area 1-2 days/week. $11/hr. 419-377-8127

ClassiďŹ ed Line Ad

Deadline Thursday 1pm

Deadline: Thursdays at 1pm (Closed Fridays) 419-836-2221 or 1-800-300-6158 •

Fax resume to 419-637-2555 or send email to If interested in taking STNA classes, stop in! 355 Windsor Lane, Gibsonburg

WCCOA Outreach Coordinator The purpose of this posiĆ&#x;on is to increase visibility of, and support for WCCOA through creaĆ&#x;ve and consistent messages. This includes print, electronic, and social media. QualiďŹ caĆ&#x;ons for this posiĆ&#x;on include: Bachelor’s degree in public relaĆ&#x;ons, markeĆ&#x;ng, adverĆ&#x;sing, communicaĆ&#x;on, journalism or other related program or demonstrate equivalent experience in related ďŹ eld. Must possess strong wriĆ&#x;ng, research, and organizaĆ&#x;onal skills. Must demonstrate and understand media relaĆ&#x;ons skills. Must be proďŹ cient with InDesign and MicrosoĹŒ Oĸce soĹŒware (including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Publisher). Must manage sensiĆ&#x;ve and conďŹ denĆ&#x;al informaĆ&#x;on with integrity. Demonstrated communicaĆ&#x;on skills, both wriĆŠen and oral. Must meet the requirements contained in Ohio AdministraĆ&#x;ve Code (OAC) 173-3-06.6 (B)(3). Compliance shall be reviewed not less than annually. Must successfully complete Bureau of Criminal InvesĆ&#x;gaĆ&#x;on (BCI) records check, as deďŹ ned in OAC 173-9-01. Must demonstrate uency in English, both wriĆŠen and oral. Must be able to liĹŒ a minimum of 50 pounds consistently. Agency applicaĆ&#x;on available at the Wood County CommiĆŠee on Aging, 305 N. Main Street, Bowling Green, Ohio; at our website or by calling 419.353.5661. ApplicaĆ&#x;ons will be accepted unĆ&#x;l the posiĆ&#x;on is ďŹ lled. EOE.

Luther Home of Mercy located in Williston, Ohio is a Christian based organization supported by numerous Lutheran programs. Our campus setting has eight (8) unique residential homes, serving adult individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. At this time LHM is accepting applications for the following positions: Housekeeper Accepting application for part time & full time Housekeeping Aides starting pay of $9.75/hr. Experience in housekeeping is helpful. Must be able to dust, wash, vacuum, scrub & buff floors and clean walls and ceiling. Direct Care Staff If you are looking for a new career in helping other join Luther Home of Mercy’s Direct Care Staff, assisting residents with DD with their daily needs for our Williston Ohio campus. Hiring for all shifts at $10.75/hr. No experience necessary Supported Living Provider Luther Home of Mercy has individual homes throughout Lucas, Wood and Ottawa County’s. At this time we are accepting application for 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts and weekend shifts to assist adults with Developmental Disability, starting pay at $11.00/hr. Applicant must meet the following qualifications: some experience (home care) in field, valid driver’s licenses with reliable transportation for transporting. Also must obtain a CPR/FA and Med Administration within 30 days of hire. Nursing LPN LPN’s, if you are looking for something different in health care and are interested in a unique opportunity to use your skills in Long Term Care, and then consider our family. We are currently hiring for 1st (5:30a-3:30p), 2nd (2:00p-12:00a) & 3rd (11:00p-7:00a) shifts, (partial shifts available for 1st & 2nd), starting pay of $20.55/hr. with full benefits. All applicants must have a HS Diploma or GED and be able to past a BCI check and drug and alcohol/physical check, lifting 40+ lbs. Interested applicants may apply online at or at Luther Home of Mercy 5810 N. Main St., Williston, OH 43468. (10 minutes east on RT579 from Woodville Rd.) Or fax resume to 419-972-4347.


Like Working Outdoors? Full-Time Competitive Wages

Bayshore Lawn Care Spring Clean Ups Residential/Commercial Mowing, Trimming, Bagging Mulching & Light Landscaping *Licensed & Insured *Free Estimates *Senior & Military Discounts Call 419-654-3752

Bob's Tree & Landscape

(2 miles east of Genoa)

Call Thad 419-340-8744 419-855-3058

Turnpike Service ce Plazas are hiring for: TRAVELER’S EXPRESS

Hiring for All Shifts and Shift Managers Part time Positions Available • Starting at $10.00 per hour Meal Discounts • Flexible Hours Applicants will be considered for all concepts

Apply @

Blue Heron Plaza

Wyandot Plaza



Maintenance Position Maintenance position needed at Tanglewood Landing Apartments in Woodville, OH. 25 hours per week. Responsibilities include: General maintenance, lawn care and snow removal. Applications available at Tanglewood Landing Apartments OfďŹ ce or mail resume to Classic A Properties 41601 Dunlap Drive, Belmont, OH 43718

Home Health Caregiver Are you or a loved one looking for help with Personal Care, Companionship, Housekeeping, Meal Preparation, or help with your Lawn & Garden. Experienced. CPR & First Aid Certified. Available Monday thru Thursday (8am-4pm) Call or Text 419-654-3453

Handyman needed to repair wooden fascia board and soffit of front porch due to recent wind damage. Please call 419-389-4875.

*A Mechanic looking for used* vehicle, motorhome or ? Running or Not, Pay Hundreds, Thousands for the right vehicle look. Pay accordingly, anything with wheels. 419-870-0163

Thank you Jesus, Mary, Saints Joseph, Jude and Perigrin. Please continue to heal my family and grant work financial aid to all in need. CAH

LUCE TRUCKING #1 & #2 Topsoil Fill Dirt Driveway Stone River Rock Grindings Bobcat Work Commercial & Residential

(419) 836-4317

Let us help rid your yard of the winter blues! Tree & Stump removal Tree & Hedge trimming Gutter cleaning Power washing Veterans & Senior discounts Fully Insured Free estimates 419-360-9956

CHARLIE'S LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Weeding, Pruning, Edging, Mowing, Flower Beds, Mulching, Hauling, Planting, Raking & Other Odd Jobs

Free Estimates Reasonable Rates Dependable No Job too Small

(419) 322-4469 From The Grass Up

KNIERIEM PAINTING & WALLPAPERING EXTERIOR-INTERIOR Painting & wall papering; Interior wood refinishing; airless spray; power wash & blasting; silicone seal; refinishing aluminum siding; residential; church, farm. 50+ YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATES *SENIOR & WINTER RATES* 419-697-1230 NORTHWOOD

“MEG'S SWEET PICKINS� Tues. - Sat. (9-5) Sunday's (10-4) Great Eastern Shopping Center 2676 Woodville Rd, Northwood Annalee Dolls, Mickey Mouse Collection, Old Toys, Holiday Decorations, Furniture and Much More! For more information call Jean 419-277-9083 NORTHWOOD FLEA MARKET

Great Eastern Plaza 2664 Woodville Rd. TUES-SAT: (9am-5pm) SUN: (10am-4pm)



One guy who does it all! Give him a call! Free Estimates

Call 567-207-4955

Lawn Care Residential & Commercial. 419-392-1488

BAY AREA CONCRETE New or Replace Concrete •Driveways •Sidewalks •Pole Barns •Porches •Stamped & Color Concrete •Brick & Block work etc. Veterans & Senior Citizens Discounts -Free EstimatesLicensed & Insured Mike Halka 419-350-8662 Oregon, OH

COMPLETE MASONRY SERVICES • Brick • Block • Stone face • Tuckpointing • Chimney repair work • Basement Waterproofing Free Estimates Licensed & Insured


New or Tear Out & Replace Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Steps, Pole Barns, Garage Floors, Pads, Stamped & Colored.

Free Borders Spring Specials Bobcat Services Hauling Stone & Topsoil ~Free Estimates~ ~Licensed & Insured~ Professionals Quality and Service with a Smile.


Trains, antique dolls and toys, bears, clocks, glassware, baskets, nautical, holiday dĂŠcor, military items, primitives, furniture, coins, clothes, video, quilts, games, crafts, books, jewelry, purses, shoes, Tupperware, wall hangings, phonographs, knives, murano and healing jewelery, records, VHS/DVD's & Players, lamps, knick knacks, kitchenware, puzzles,TV's, bedding, linens, and more. For more information call Jean 419-277-9083.


Got too much stuff? Let The Press help get the word out about your garage sale!

$5 OFF

Northwood Church of God 1838 S. Coy Rd Northwood, OH Pancake Breakfast Served

(about 30-35 words) Your ad is seen by over 49,000 Readers in our circulation area and also on the web. *Must Mention ad at time of placement or bring in to receive discount . Expires 10/25/2019

Deadline Thursdays at 1pm


Since 1972


Metro Me M e etro etr ttro ro • Suburban S Suburba Suburba burban rb n • Explore E Explor xplor plor plo p l e

419-836-2221 • Fax 419-836-1319

Open Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 Closed Fridays


22571 W. Front St. (House attached to Shirley's Carryout) Indoor Sale! April 19th & 20th 9am – 6pm Appliances.. Stove, double door refrigerator, washer & dryer, end tables, coffee tables, tv stand, dinette set, rocking chairs, lamps, antiques, hutch, pictures, crime novels, holiday dÊcor, microwave, kitchen dÊcor and oak dresser.

OREGON 5532 Cedar Point Rd. April 17th, 18th & 19th 9am-4pm Lots of everything!

1 Leather Recliner, beige, $65. 419-693-2920 2 Matching couches, white in color, 6ft and 8ft. Good condition. Free! 419-838-5462

2 Swivel Rocker chairs, mauve fabric. $75 ea. 419-693-2920 Bed (queen) $150, dresser (9 drawers & mirror w/shelves) $150, cabinet $25 and nightstand $5. Country set. 419-266-2535

Saturday, April 20 9am-11am

Complete bed set, attractive head board, mattress, spring and bed frame- Free! 419-838-5462

Children's Easter Egg Hunt to Follow.

Dark Red Leather Club Chair from Samson's, $60, 419-855-4716

Garage Sale Ad

Reg. $20 (1� Box)

JD 9400 Combine $32,000. JD 2950 Tractor $17,000. JD 630 Disc 20ft $5,500. 419-308-9066

Charter Bus Tours: Call for new fliers! June 21-23 “Jesus� Lancaster, Pa. Sights & Sounds Reduced price: $549. New 2020 Tour! Israel & Holy Land w/George Kreger Nov. 3-13 Please put your name on Tentative list! Details and Price TBA Evelyn's Excursions 419-737-2055 Cell 419-367-1471 Also Face Book & Web

Oak Harbor

Conservation Club Rescheduled Gun Show & Swap Meet Sunday, April 28, 2019 S 9am-3pm 97 975 S. Gordon Rd. Oak Harbor, OH $4 Admission LChili & Hot Dogs Fo Table Reservations For 4 John Scharding Call 419-862-2335

La-z-boy recliner. About 10 years old. Medium blue. Always covered, barely used. $85. 419-836-9754

1 dozen jelly jars, 18 large mouth pints, 6 pint small jars. Jar lifter, funnel, good used - some new rings Funnel $30/OBO. 419- 838 7111

Barbell & 60-lbs. of weights, and 2 dumbbells 10-lbs. ea. $30.00 for all. 419-666-7545

3 (27�) Toshiba color TV's. Remote control, cable compatible, not flat screens. $25 each 419-691-3335 Leave message.

Antique Interior Doors from 1920's, $95/ea. 419-836-9754 Case XX knife collection. If no answer leave message. 419-836-4011 Craftsman Lawn Edger, gas powered, new belt & blade. $75. Call 419-691-0756

FREE CLASSIFIED LINER AD On items $100 and under. Good till April 25th, 2019. Perfect for quick-sell merchandise items such as TV's, Furniture, Appliances etc. Up to 20 word limit on General Merchandise only. No commercial ads. Limit 2 ads per customer and each ad runs for 2 weeks. Deadline – Thursday 1pm

The PRESS 1550 Woodville Rd. Millbury 419-836-2221 Mon.-Thurs. 9-5

***Garage Sale Ads***

2017 Husqvarna W436 Commercial walk behind mower. Purchased new fall 2017 and used at one residential property. Only 47 hours. Excellent condition. $2,400. 419-344-3087

Great Eastern Plaza 2660 Woodville Rd. OPEN EVERY WEEKEND: Saturdays (9am-5pm) Sundays (10-4)


Pancake Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt

Interior/Exterior Power Washing Marc 419-464-8248

Tools, Bikes, Outdoor, Camping, Fishing, Sports, Appliances, Records, Man Cave and more. For more information call Jean 419-277-9083.



Licensed & Insured Fertilizing Weed Control Senior Discounts Free Estimates Kyle- 419-345-5666

Servicing Yards Since 1999 •Bushes •Tree Trimming •Flower Beds •Decorative Ponds •New Lawns etc. “Spring & Fall Cleanupâ€? Call For Estimates – Insured James Sherman 419-693-5173 Cell #419-481-6765

Ads reach approximately 47,000 local readers AND are placed on our website Ads Should Run The Weekend Before Your Sale.

Deadline: Thursdays @ 1pm All ads must be prepaid by cash, check or credit card. 1� Boxed Ad = $20 1.5� Boxed Ad = $25 2� Boxed Ad = $30 Ads can be placed by phone 419-836-2221 Or Emailed to Classified@ Or in person at 1550 Woodville Rd, Millbury, OH GENOA 1891 N. Genoa Clay Center Fri. April 19 & Sat. April 20 (9am – 4pm) Calphalon pots & pans set, patio table, patio umbrella, patio rug, chain saw, mens Carhartt coat XL, Christmas tree, housewares, clothing and much more!

OREGON 2121 Maginnis Rd. Wed. April 17– Sun. April 21 (9am-5pm)

Household, toys, clothes from birth to plus size, and other misc. A little bit of everything! OREGON 655 & 663 Sweetwater Dr. Thursday & Friday Only April 18 & 19 (9am-3pm) Adult and Kids Name Brand Clothes, Sporting Equipment, Home Decor and Bedding, Weber Gas Grill, Books, Accessories and Much More.

WALBRIDGE 1942 Owens Street (On Wales Rd at Owens St) Tuesday, April 16 (9am-5pm) Spring Sale! Garage Packed full of stuff! Don't miss this one!


Apply at the following Marco’s PizzaŽ locations:

149 Main St. E., Toledo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698-1511 2607 Starr Ave., Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693-9383 2036 Woodville Rd. near Pickle. . . . . . . . 697-1131 4624 Woodville Rd., Northwood. . . . . . . 693-0700





Hudson Bay Blanket- Queen, Classic striped (Blue, Black Yellow & Green), Perfect Condition, 100% Wool, $25, 419-855-4716

nadine & capone


Microscopes- each with its own wooden box with some accessories2 battery- 8� 4 drawer, 9� IIIIV possibly brass $10 each. 419-693-3132

Pet ramp, new in box, never used. $75. Call 419-691-0756

Sears Car luggage rack & mounting bars. Good condition. Will fit on any vehicle. $50 OBO. Call or text 419654-3453 Toshiba 52� color digital light projection TV. Extra projection light, remote control, cable ready. $75. 419691-3335 Leave message.

5 Finger

Get fast results in the ClassiďŹ eds! Reach over 47,000 readers in our 4 county area.


to sell your items totaling under $2,000. (15 words) *20¢ each extra word



RESS Since 1972

Metro • Suburban • Explore

PublicaĆ&#x;ons serving Lucas, OĆŠawa, Sandusky and Wood CounĆ&#x;es

Box 169, 1550 Woodville Rd. Millbury, OH 43447

Deadline 1pm Thurs. - Open M-Th. 9 to 5 Box 169, 1550 Woodville Rd. 419-836-2221 fax: 419-836-1319

Like peanut butter and jelly, Nadine and Capone go together! These two were found together as strays and we weren’t aware of how bonded they actually were until two of our volunteers took them on a DOTT (Dogs on the Town) ďŹ eld trip together and we discovered they were long lost BFFs! Capone is the calm sensitive type and Nadine is super irty! We will often ďŹ nd them cuddled together in the same bed licking each other. They walk so well on the leash together, love everyone they meet and love car rides! They must get adopted together and to help do so, their adoption fee is $150 for the two-fur! To meet this dynamic duo and the other 50+ currently up for adoption right now at Lucas County Canine Care & Control, stop in to 410 S Erie St. Open Mon-Fri 11-7 and weekends 115. To view adoptable dogs, stray dogs in the event you are missing your dog, and to make a donation please visit #YouwilladoptbetterinToledo

Thank You for Reading The Press!

Marnie is a gorgeous young Tortie with the sweetest disposition! She is just 10 months old and loves playing with the other kittens. Marnie also enjoys sunbathing! Come meet this stunner today! The Humane Society of Ottawa County

The Humane Society of Ottawa County 2424 E. Sand Rd Port Clinton, OH 43452 Open: Tue-Sat 12-5 (419)734-5191 Our adoption fees are: Dog's (over 1 year) $150* Puppies (under 1 year) $175* *Includes spay/nuder

2006 Subaru Legacy GT. 71,400 miles, excellent condition, original owner. Lots of bolt on mods. All professionally done. It has 332 whp and 334 ft. Lbs. of torque. Car has never been raced, or ever abused. I have all the documentation for work done, and all the dyno printouts. Mods to numerous to list. Asking $15,000. For any questions you can call me at (419) 343-7577 or (419) 691-0619

20HP Yamaha Kicker Motor, side mount control, electric start tilt & trim, Panther mounting bracket and remote steering. $3,500/OBO. 419559-3059

2015 Harley Davidson Dyna Fatbob. One owner. 582 miles. Lots of extras. 103 ci, 6 speed. HD cover. Call 419-205-4542


1998 Mercury Villager window van-1 owner, 6cyl./auto, looks new in and out, 120K-$2,000/OBO. It's gotta be the nicest one in town! 419870-0163 2009 COLEMAN AMERICANA LE CHEYENNE CAMPER. FOR SALE - $8,000 EXCELLENT CONDITION INSIDE NEVER BEEN ON A TRIP!! Rear & Front Tent End Beds, 2 Burner Range, Single Sink, Storage, Booth Dinette-Bench Seat w/Slide Out Bed, Front Storage Trunk, Awning and More. CALL 419-340-6334 -ASK FOR KENT

We Repair Chinese Pocket Bikes, Scooters, and Mopeds, many parts available. Also repair motorcycles. Hours: Thursday, Friday & Saturday (12-6pm) Call to verify hours 419-244-2525

1968 Chevy C30 Flat Bed Farm Truck, 5ft removable racks, tandem axles, V8 stick, 80k miles, just out of barn. Red original paint, nice, never any rust, looks new, drive anywhere. $4,000 OBO. 419-870-0163

Leer fiberglass Truck Cap

2003 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Classic, Fire Engine Red, 32K Miles, $10,500, Call 419-367-5338

Good condition. Very heavy duty, with sliding windows and lights. Dark gray in color (off a Dodge Ram 1500) $375 OBO. Call or text 419-654-3453

Cimarron Express


*All adoption fees include spay/ neuter & appropriate vaccinations*

Local Runs – Home Daily, Some Dedicated Runs Available

Our adoption fees are:

1974 Z-28 Camaro- Dark green paint, medium green vinyl trim, Z-28 performance package. 20,000 original miles, original owner. Excellent condition. For more info call 419574-8295

*We buy most anything from automobiles, antique vehicles, will come look, pay HundredsThousands! Call 419-870-0163


¢ 52










Zoning Variance Board Meeting request/notice. Henry W. Bergman Inc, Genoa, Ohio has requested a sign variance on S.R. 51 that does not meet current setback requirements. Meeting Date: Monday, April 29, 2019 at 6:30pm. Location: Clay Township Administration Office, 21774 Holts East, Genoa, Ohio 43430 Public invited for input in reference to this matter. Questions or comments feel free to call David Dunn, Zoning Inspector Clay Township Zoning, 419-855-2079

April 20th @ 10:00 A.M. 319 Wilson St. Port Clinton, Ohio 43452


Cats (1-5 years) $90 Cats (5+ years) $45 Kittens (under 1 year) $125

2424 E. Sand Rd Port Clinton, OH 43452 Open: Tues-Sat 12-5p.m., (419)734-5191,

Public Auction

Lola is a sweet, 1 year old Boxer mix just waiting for her forever home. She loves playtime in the yard but wants to be a lap dog and cuddle even more! This young lady is very smart and well behaved. And just look at those EARS!

GOOD GO TO WORK CAR! 2005 Ford Focus ZXW, clean, runs good, 153,000 miles, good tires/battery, maintenance records. $2,000. 419-637-2810

Oak Cabinet- 2 doors, 1 shelf-2 ½' long, 2 1/3' tall, 1 ½' deep. $10. 419-693-3132


Furniture: Household, Misc, Glass-Amethyst, Ruby, Pyrex, Toys childs typewriter, pinball game, pogo stick, Collectibles: Hoosier cabinet, Barrister book case, stereo viewer w/slides, advertising items, Harmonicas- Army, Marine & others, hat pins & holder, watches, ladies wedding set, beer signs, vintage phones, Post Cards, First day Issue stamps, American Flyer typewriter, Christmas, Red Comet Fire Ext., vintage metal outdoor furniture, primitives & more. Old Radios: All kinds of testers, record players, Garage Items: Snow blowers, Toro 21� mower, 2000 watt generator, garden wagon & cart. There is entirely too much to list! This will be a huge sale! THERE WILL BE 2 RINGS

Owner: Gae Haueisen Cash or Check

Items sold as is where is. No warranty! Go to # 4464, # 1582 or for complete list & pictures. Not responsible for accidents or theft.



A S uction


KP Premier Realty

Auctioneer: Ken Belkofer 419-277-3635

Refinery Process Operator Overview Toledo Refining Company LLC (TRC) is located in Oregon, Ohio and is owned by PBF Energy LLC. The refinery has a crude oil processing capacity of 170,000 barrels per day. TRC is currently accepting applications for Refinery Process Operator positions. Description Process Operators operate, maintain and repair units and equipment. A Process Operator works 12 hour rotating shifts on various units within the refinery which process crude oil as a feed stock in order to produce gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, various chemicals and other products. Process Operators are trained in the operation of plant processing equipment, including pumps, compressors, furnaces, heat exchangers, valves, distillation columns and other equipment common to refinery operations. Our Company is committed to a foundation of safe and environmentally compliant operations so Operators must follow all procedures and safe work practices. New hires are subject to a one year probationary period and will be required to complete a 36 month apprenticeship program. Starting pay is $30.92 per hour. Responsibilities An Operator may be responsible for: maintaining equipment and operations; climbing ladders, tanks and towers up to 250 ft.; taking samples/readings of various process streams; initiating work orders and permitting for work related to the assigned unit; maintaining proper and safe process operations of the operating equipment; and communicating effectively during the shift and at shift relief regarding key process unit and equipment information. Basic/Required Qualifications Must be at least 18 years of age; be legally authorized to work in the United States without restrictions; hold a High school diploma or equivalent; and hold a current driver’s license. Must be willing to perform/comply with the following: working forced or mandatory overtime based on refinery needs; working on holidays and weekends; working in enclosed/confined spaces, such as tanks and towers; working with large, hot, high-speed machines; lifting a minimum of 50 pounds; working around chemicals; wearing fire retardant clothing and personal protective equipment; maintaining/shaving your face daily so that a respirator/face mask can seal properly; performing fire fighting duties; working outside in harsh weather conditions; complete all job training and testing requirements; and working with petroleum products and support systems that are under high pressure and heat. Conditions of Employment Written tests and assessments; meeting physical criteria for the job; a physical skills demonstration test; ability to demonstrate basic computer skills; pass a background check and drug screening; be eligible to qualify or hold a Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC card); and be eligible to qualify or hold a State of Ohio 3rd Class Steam Engineer License (SEL). In order to be considered for this position, applicants must submit their resume in Microsoft Word or .pdf format per the following process on or before 11:59 P.M. of May 5, 2019. All interested candidates may apply by going to and select “Refinery Process Operator� (Oregon, OH). All applicants must provide a valid e-mail address where they can be contacted regarding updates on the recruiting process. Should an applicant be selected for testing, contact will be made via email. All contact information must be accurate and up to date. There will be 4 stages of the hiring process. Relocation is not available for this position. Phone calls will not be accepted. EOE/M/F/D/V



Lung Cancer? Asbestos exposure in industrial, construction, manufacturing jobs, or the military may be the cause. Family in the home were also exposed. Call 1-866-795-3684 or email $30 billion is set aside for asbestos victims with cancer. Valuable settlement monies may not require filing a lawsuit.

The Press Classifieds OPEN 24 HOURS EVERYDAY! 3 easy steps to place your ad... 1) go to our website at www. 2) click on classifieds 3) click on classifieds form


If You’re an Expert and want to get involved... CALL 836-2221. Deadline: 11 a.m. Thursday Hauling






Robert Belville Builder

or Roofing Metal Asphalt


Auto Repair

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Free Loaners/Towing With Repairs Completed

Dan R’s Automotive

4041 Navarre Ave. Oregon 419-693-6141


Shawn 419-276Demolition

•Clean outs •Tear downs •Dumpsters •Insured


James Sherman 419-693-5173 Cell # 419-481-6765

Schaller Trucking •Sand

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BAY AREA CONCRETE New or Replace Concrete Driveways, Sidewalks, Pole Barns, Porches, Stamped & Color Concrete, Brick & Block work etc. Veterans & Senior Citizens’ Discounts – Free Estimates – Licensed & Insured Mike Halka

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The big guy landscaping one guy who does it all. give him a call. free estimates

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APRIL 15, 2019

Celebrate with these Local Businesses!

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IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY FOR THE RIGHT CHILDREN’S LIFE INSURANCE. A DreamSecure Children’s Whole Life Insurance policy from American Family Life Insurance Company is a simple way to help your child, or grandchild, get a head start on building financial protection. Because someday, they’ll live for someone else, too.

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Lake Erie Yellow Perch, Shrimp, Frog Legs, or Smelt Served with Fries & Cole Slaw

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Challenger International Soccer Camp June 3-7, 2019 Ages 3-18

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Build a bundle. Save a bundle.

Home & Auto go together. Like you & a good neighbor.

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Eye Exams by William Kegerize, OD

Some things in life just go together. Like home and auto insurance from State FarmÂŽ. And you with a good neighbor to help life go right. Save time and money.

Camp held at Rec Complex 5401 Starr Ave. Ext. Register online



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Make sure your business stands out in the crowd!


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Join this page for only $37.00 a month you will get a 2.38� by 4� ad and reach over 17,000 homes and businesses in East Toledo, Oregon, Northwood and Jerusalem Township.




For more information call The Press at

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APRIL 15, 2019

Lenten Specials

Shrimp Basket Perch Basket Walleye Bites


Harbor View

Historical Society,


Monday Steak Night $2 OFF Ribeye • Tomahawk Pork Chop • 12oz Bone-in NY Strip 8oz Ribeye w/ Baked Potato $9.99

$3 Margaritas All Day Tuesday

Thursday Special ½ Rack Ribs, 8oz Ribeye w/ Baked Potato & Salad $21.99

Lunch Specials Daily 11am-2pm Try this for lunch! 2 Smoked Meatloaf Sliders $5.99

Catering for Graduations, Call Now for Pricing!


FRENCH TOWN 1812 with Military Historian Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Sass USMC (Ret)

Sat. April 20 • 1:00 p.m. Location: Oregon Branch Library (Dustin Rd.) FREE and Open to the public

SMOKEY’S BBQ ROADHOUSE Open at 11am, 7 days a week • 419-725-2888

2092 Woodville Road, Oregon, OH 43616

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