Press And Journal 5/15/13

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JOHNPAYNE Let’s increase penalties for sex offenders


eightening the protection of our children from abuse and sexual predators has been a key focus in the state House of Representatives since the last legislative session. So far, the General Assembly has passed measures into law closing court-created loopholes in federal and state law requiring convicted sex offenders to register his or her home address when they are released from custody. We also created the Pennsylvania Task Force on Child Protection to identify areas of the Commonwealth’s legal code that need strengthened or modified. The purpose of the task force is to prevent institutional reporting failures like those that allowed Jerry Sandusky to abuse children

I believe these stricter penalties are more in line with the severity of putting our children in harm’s way. for more than a decade. To continue efforts of protecting children from abuse, I’ve reintroduced legislation to increase penalties for sex offenders and predators in the Commonwealth. I have been championing this legislation since 2005. Specifically, House Bill 184 would include a minimum of 50 years in prison and a maximum of life imprisonment with no possibility of parole for anyone over 18 years of age who is convicted of sexually assaulting a child under the age of 12. Additionally, it would increase the penalties for individuals convicted of rape and involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and for those who fail to comply with sexual offender registration and related requirements. I believe these stricter penalties are more in line with the severity of putting our children in harm’s way.

Fish for Free Day Fishing offers families and people of all ages a great opportunity to spend some quiet, quality time together in the great outdoors. To help encourage participation in this great activity, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) created the “Take Me Fishing in PA” program. Additionally, the commission will again host one of its two annual Fish for Free Days on Monday, May 27. The “Take Me Fishing in PA” program encourages families to fish in Pennsylvania waterways and/ or participate in one of the family fishing programs offered by the PFBC and its partners. There are family fishing events planned at lakes, streams and creeks across Pennsylvania. To view a complete list of fishing events, visit my website, www. Additionally, the PFBC hosts Fish for Free Day twice a year. On these days, anyone can legally fish in Pennsylvania without a fishing license. This year’s Fish for Free Days coincide with the Memorial Day and Independence Day holidays and will be held on Monday, May 27 and Thursday, July 4. Fish for Free Day provides a great opportunity to introduce people of all ages to fishing without investing in a fishing license. And when you get “hooked” on the sport, licenses are very affordable at just $22.70 for a resident adult license or $11.70 for senior citizens. John Payne is a Republican member of the state House of Representatives. He represents the 106th district.

THE PRESS AND JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - B-5

SOUNDOFF Submissions to Sound Off appear as written. The Press And Journal edits only for clarity and punctuation. Additional comments and audio versions of some Sound Off comments are available at www.

“Hello. I just wish that Mike Bowman, who is running for mayor … ” (Listen online at “Yeah, why do we, your customers, have to pay for all those other papers … ” (Listen online at “I see your friend Bear got published again in your paper … ” (Listen online at “The following is an article that was printed in the Patriot-News … ” (Listen online at

K“Ain’t nobody worried whether

that part-time Royalton officer has his job – we got our own business to deal with.”

K“I hope Lower Swatara Twp.

files charges against those brainiacs that left weapons in unlocked vehicles. Could that be considered negligent? There has to be some type of legal violation to be considered.”

L“Keep our assets! No to selling

our town’s moneymakers! Save the water, sewer and electric departments. Tell them how you feel at the polls. Vote these cronies out. Vote for new and break up this band of corruption.”

J“I went to the powwow in

Middletown. It was so nice to see that event. Thanks to whoever sponsored it, and thanks to all the people who were there. Makes me proud of the town.”

L“I hope the high school is going to get an athletic director soon.”

L“I think the borough should

have a second opinion on the state of our finances. I would not take the word of just one doctor if I were given a terminal diagnosis. I certainly don’t trust, and do not want to take as gospel, what Mr. Morgan reports.”

You may call the Sound Off line at 948-1531 any time day or night, or e-mail us from our Web site at:

Sound Off is published as a venue for our readers to express their personal opinions and does not express the opinions of the Press And Journal. Sound Off is published in the Viewpoints sections but is not intended to be read as news reports. Sound Offs are published at the discretion of the Press And Journal.

and jealous of their competitors’ success that they will sink to the dark pits of hell to sabotage them. A former council president is on Facebook, causing problems, twisting the truth and only sharing parts of the stories! She uses people as pacifiers, someone to gratify her insatiable need for adulation. If a person meets her needs, she will keep that person around; if not, she’ll throw that person away like a used paper towel. She views the truth as whatever she needs it to be. What you see is not what you get. What you see is the role she plays to impress, conquer and control. She feels threatened by anyone or anything that reminds her of her failures. Yes, she has created her own reputation in this town and wants to pull people down with her. She needs to take her negative energy to another town.”

town. I guess if my ex decides to ignore that PFA and he’s following me through town, I shouldn’t expect to drive to the police department for safety. He’d kill me before the police could open the door to let me in.”

L“Did anyone notice that the

borough didn’t support the powwow? I’m sure it was probably better that way.”

J“Did you ever see all of the

stuff the antique dealer has at his place in downtown Middletown? Incredible. You can find anything there. Cool thing about is he knows about all of that stuff. He’s a real historian.”

L“Pastor Vernal Simms tells the

group that ‘Let those without sin cast the first stone. No one here will be judged for “Mrs. Seibpast mistakes.’ “Still no paint on ert, I heard you What happened? speak at the town crosswalks in town.” Oh, I guess he hall meeting, and meant that only most of the time about himself you seemed to be focused on yourand McGlone who organized the self, your husband, your properties, event. However, McGlone critiyour business, etc. I wasn’t there to cized others for not showing up. hear about your personal stories! I Allowed others to be disrespectful was there to hear what you could and heckle candidates. Meetings, do for the town. When you finally employment, travel are planned got to that part, your salvation for a way in advance, so unless you town that is over a million dollars know for a fact that someone in debt is to charge people a fee to refused your invitation to attend have a yard sale, and fine them if your rally you have no reason to they don’t take down their yard sale criticize, except for what you do signs. Are you serious? First of all, best – stir the pot! Nothing you did who do you think is going to enon council benefited the citizens; force the permit for a yard sale? The you both have a poor reputation in police? I certainly don’t want the this town. I’m sure other people are police wasting their time with such wondering, ‘When did Mr. Simms trivial matters. Code enforcement become a resident of Middletown is already almost non-existent, so Borough?’ ” I don’t think they have the time or manpower to enforce it. How many “People complain about the tens of thousands of dollars do you Middletown Borough police bulthink yard sale permits are going to lying them. If people had respect generate? Quite frankly, a middle for their neighbors and the borough school civics class could come up codes, they would not be getting with a better idea.” police visits. Too many Middletown people think they are above the law “Has anyone noticed that and can do what they want. They there’s no street sweeping schedule? get cited or arrested and then comDoes anyone care? I do.” plain that police are bullying them. I had issues and the Middletown “I would raise holy hell before police resolved every one of them. I would let Middletown schools Thanks, Chief Wheeler and police merge with Steelton-Highspire. force. Great job. As to the Met-Ed Steelton is just an extension of lease being broken, there should Harrisburg – and they just want to be an investigation by the state merge because we’re building a new attorney general. That lease was school. Sorry. If you can’t afford in force for years. I suspect some our electric rate and property taxes, illegal deals were made to break you can’t have the good without the that lease. If that lease was broken bad.” illegally it could be reinstated. As for the new police station, it is in a “When? When is this town flood zone and should not be used going to say NO to landlords who by the borough.” care nothing for the aesthetics of our town? From the looks of things, “Still no paint on crosswalks in never. Sad. So very sad.” town.”




L“How can getting some conces- L sions from the remaining borough employees make up for the millionplus deficit? Why is it only the union employees that must give concessions –those in the administration office make more than the union employees and have just as good or better benefits.”

L“This stuff the borough is doing L is nothing more than union busting, plain and simple. If you’re not disgusted by that, then shame on you. Come to think of it, shame on me, because I didn’t vote in the last election when these people came into office. I won’t make that mistake again.”

L“Maybe Mr. Morgan should

do a little more research and check out the salaries of several nearby municipalities. They are higher than Middletown!”

L“How does it make sense to sell

something that makes money? The water and sewer department along with the electric department make money for the town. So you sell the water and sewer for a nice amount of money, then council spends it frivolously on consultant and legal fees or redecorating offices, and then what? We’re in even deeper water then. But that is why this council made sure they have control over the water authority.”

L“Mr. Handley recently quit

the Middletown Borough Authority. I guess something didn’t go his way. He didn’t like the truth being uncovered at the council meeting on May 6 so he shot off his mouth and stormed out of the meeting. We don’t need this type of loose cannon on Borough Council.”

L“Pin down these jokers when

they flippantly quote statistics about income, wages and other things. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts the numbers they’re saying are older than the hills. Am I wrong? Then prove it, you smarty pants.”


L“The borough is a joke. I don’t

even bother calling them anymore. Things I used to call the communication center about, I no longer bother. I don’t try to call the finance department about my bill, because the last time I did either the voice mail is full, or it takes a day or so to get a call back. Not faulting the employee. I’m sure she’s doing the best she can. There’s no street sweeping schedule, and you can’t get in the building if you need the police, or for any other reason. I’m surprised they haven’t yet put in metal detectors and armed guards. What they really need is a padded room, and it should be called council chambers.”

J“Givler might have been a

former police officer, but he didn’t set the policy. Officer Givler was the only officer that treated you like a human being.”

L“I understand some people

support the current council. I might support them too, but, they aren’t at all transparent, and they’ve done nothing to foster good communication with the residents. If you ask me, the Chrises both need to take an anger management course. As well, I’m sick and tired of Courogen wasting the tax dollars we pay him with. I can’t wait until they are unemployed.”

K“What happened to all of the Christmas trees that had been in downtown Middletown?”

L“It’s sad that these people who L“So the new police building is had the chance on previous councils to really make a difference and clean things up feel so threatened

going to be on the second floor of a locked building that isn’t down-

K“Explain something to me. I

read the Journal’s guide for the elections. Why didn’t the people in office respond? I mean, for goodness sake, it’s free publicity and a great way to speak to your citizens. Never mind – I just answered my own question.”

L“There is barely any upper

management left in the borough. Everyone else left, quit, retired or was demoted. How is this place even running with what is left?”

M“OK, your house is nicest in

town and you support Bowman? Good for you. Good luck carrying on an intelligent conversation with him – and can’t wait until he has to do a major TV interview during a disaster. We already look like a laughing stock.”

K“Does anyone know why the

June Arts and Crafts Fair as been moved from Hoffer Park to the corner of Ann and Union? The park had lot of room, and was shaded from the summer sun. The empty lot that the fair will be held on seems small, unshaded, and on the corner of a very busy intersection. I would like to see the reason it was moved. Oh, and also the fair is now one day, not two. I can see some reasons behind that, as a lot of crafters can’t do a two-day fair.”

so much Section 8 into Middletown. Darn shame – that’s why it’s changing for the worst! Stop having babies you can’t afford and work, and maybe you won’t need Section 8 and come to our town ruining it. Sad.”

L“If Middletown is so bad off

L“Support the Elks. Make sure

it never falls into the hands of the borough. It is a true asset for all of Middletown. No wonder the borough wants to take it by eminent domain _ because if they do, they’ll sell it just like they plan to do with the water and sewer department. Mark my words.”

financially, why did we just spend $290,000 to make the electric shop into a police department? Where did the $3 million come from to make advance buyouts for flood victims? “Borough “Why can’t I send an All governments of Middletown, run with a struce-mail to my councilman don’t you dare tural deficit since tell me I have in Middletown?” they spend more to replace my than they take in. sidewalks for a I’m not saying that is right, but this couple of cracks when I see pavecouncil created a crisis. Now,after ments that aren’t even concrete – slashing upwards of a dozen emjust macadam. How in the heck is ployees and still frivolously spendthat legal?” ing, Morgan pronounces that we are still headed for financial ruin. How “Why can’t I send an e-mail to much did his advice cost? Over my councilman in Middletown?” $100,000, I’m told. We need good sound leadership in this town and I “The P&J Voter’s Guide is a do not believe we are getting it now. marvelous idea and would be a Stop paying all of these consultants great service to the voters. Howand inject some common sense. By ever, posting it at such a late date the way, all of these big ideas that prohibits write-in voters from using are coming now were talked about it, since our ballots must be posted by council members before they before the Guide is available. Fureven knew about any financial prob- ther, if the Guide is to be posted in lems way back when they were run- print edition OR site-subscription ning. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy only, that is a bad decision; the at our expense. I’ll pay a little more Guide’s information is critical for for my electric to have the services the voters and, as such, should be and ability to get a live person when freely available to aid the public in I call any of the borough numbers.” making the best choices at the polls. An uninformed voter is a liability, “Here’s what happens when you but an informed voter is a precious call the borough: ring ring ring ring asset to our town.” ring ring ring ring ring ring.” “I read with dismay that some “Fellow voters, let’s take stock politicians in Middletown want of what this current council has to build a skate park. No thanks. I done. 1. They came into office and pay enough taxes already without immediately hired a new solicitor, adding to them. A better suggestion financial consultant and engineer. In might be to simply ban skateboards addition, they paid the chief of poand similar toys from the borough’s lice to stay home for months and get streets and public places – no tax paid, while installing their pick for increase, but a possible revenue chief. 2. They lowered the electric increase by fining scofflaws. I know rates and then had their financial some citizens think a skate park will advisor tell them they were in finan- bring revenue to the borough, but cial trouble. 3. They voted to close I doubt it will work. If the skaters the communications center, which were old enough to drive themhas been in existence for decades, selves to the skate park they’d be and for good reason. Now we candriving cars to other places – their not even speak to a borough official parents won’t drive them here by phone or in person. 4. They because if they were parenting played musical offices for months they’d be doing something with the and we had no idea where to go to kids instead of the kids being on pay bills, file complaints, etc. 5. skateboards, and I doubt kids from They cut employees to the electric other communities will be coming and other utilities, ending in the to Middletown for such recreation. longest power outage in years durI’m tired of having to drive around ing the holidays. 6. They applied for kids trying to do wheelies and 360s Act 47 relief erroneously. 7. They in the street or seeing them loitertook a small problem at Borough ing in groups or other questionable Hall with the generator and turned it activities. It makes our town look into a reason to move the police out like a hoodlum’s haven. Let’s clean of Borough Hall and spent $290,000 it up.” in the process, when they could have moved the generator for under “Mr. Handley and Marsha $10,000. 8. They completely cut Cleland hear facts what went on in the lines of communication with the e-mails and get up and walk out of community and tell little, if anythe meeting and deny it. These are thing, about their plans, while the former employees that were angry borough secretary puts propaganda over facts.” on the website. 9. They act childish when citizens meet to make sense of “Rachelle Reid does not have the situation by painting a pole that the capability to write the responses does not even belong to the borin her question for council. Press ough. We need reasonable people at And Journal must have done a good the helm. Please get out and vote for job for her.” those who seek to put things straight (Editor’s note: The responses from this madness.” in our Voters’ Guide are in the candidates’ own words. They are edited only for spelling, punctuation and “McNamara, I believe the minor grammar mistakes.) residents in this town are done with this council’s lies and destructive “Why isn’t there more about policies. The very low turnout for The Elks Theatre in the Sound-Off? Mark Morgan’s $100,000 waste of They’ve been showing so much a report speaks volume. You, along good stuff lately. I’m surprised the with Louer and Rhen, have created most of this town’s problems during P&J doesn’t publicize it. It’s our town theater!” all your past terms, and the chaotic












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