The Vine

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23 Purpose Groups bubbled up It all began in 2008 when the Presbytery of the James asked itself a question, “What is God calling us to be and do?” From this simple question has come a new mission and vision for the work and ministry of the Presbytery. The question arose from a number of factors: the sale of the Presbytery offices; the relocation of the Presbytery offices to the Synod of the MidAtlantic offices; a capital campaign for Camp Hanover; an organizational structure that was 1215 years old; and difficulty in attracting people to serve on the various boards and committees of the Presbytery. It seemed like a good time to ask the simple question. From that question came a sense of what we value. Those values were summarized in three words: missional, connectional, and communication. These words articulated what was central in our life and ministry as a governing body. The new mission and vision of the presbytery has some old parts that continue. The old parts required constitutional committees and commission from the Book of Order are: Committee on Ministry, Committee on Preparation for Ministry, Committee on Representation, Committee on Nominations, and the Permanent Judicial Commission. In addition, a value held dear in the Presbytery is leadership from throughout the Presbytery. While the 9 District configuration will cease, the new 6 Nominating Regions will enable the Teams and Committees to have leadership from throughout the Presbytery. Three new Teams rather than five Boards will oversee the work of the Presbytery: Communication and Coordination Team; Leadership Connections Team; and Mission and Service Team. These eight-member Teams will oversee the work of various Purpose Groups in their respective areas. You’ll notice on this page the 23 Purpose Groups that have‘bubbled up’ through our discernment process. Purpose Groups require a minimum of three persons to be considered. Some Purpose Groups will be for networking and recognition only whereas others will require staff support and still others will require funding. To date, the proposed Purpose Groups have requested $692,310 in funds for 2011 . . . almost twice our current program budget! A proposed 2011 budget will be considered at the February, 2011, Presbytery meeting. These are exciting times to see what God has in store for us as we attempt to be faithful in doing God’s mission and being God’s people. May we continue to seek our way through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

POJ Acts 16.5 Initiative—-to oversee and administer the Acts 16.5 Initiative for the Presbytery.

Older Adults—to sponsor programs

African Immigrant Fellowship—-to promote the AIF (African Immigrant Fellowship) and P&R (Peace and Reconciliation) in its service as a component of the presbytery.

Presbytery—to hold annual clergy retreats to enhance and encourage their leadership skills and to promote a spirit of collegiality.

Black Caucus—to engage in leadership of

Presbyterian Women—to increase

respective African American congregations in a meaningful process of developing a working definition of evangelism and devise a systematic approach to doing evangelism.

the participation of women in the congregations, Synod and churchwide to build a more inclusive community.

Camp Hanover Ministries—to oversee and attend to the ministries of Camp Hanover.

Collegiate Ministries—to develop creative ways to inform all our churches about the work of collegiate ministries and encourage their involvement in this vital ministry.

Disaster Response—tracking and disbursement of funds for Disaster Assistance.

and services that respond to the challenges and needs of older adults in the presbytery.

Public Policy Witness—to continue and enhance the presbytery’s longstanding tradition of encouraging effective public policy witness among individuals and congregations in the presbytery.

The Resource Center—to resource churches, schools, agencies and individuals for ministry in a diverse and everchanging world.

Mosby Court and Fairhills community by setting Christian examples of Christ.

Retired Church Workers—to coordinate the spring and fall meetings of the Retired Church Workers and Association of Retired Ministers, Spouses and Survivors.

First Things First—to use research

Small Church Ministry—to sup-

Eastminister—to continue serving the

proven best practices to help youth, singles, couples and fathers experience healthy relationships and strong fathers.

Forman Christian College—to promote education in Pakistan, especially in the area of providing scholarships to Christian and Muslim students.

Haiti—to connect the congregations of the presbytery with mission opportunities and initiatives in Haiti.

Hunger—explore ways to heighten awareness of hunger and direct the presbytery’s response.

New Church Development— encourage, plan for, organize, facilitate, oversee, support and develop new congregations in order to reach the growing and increasingly diverse population in central Virginia.


port and encourage ministry in and communication between small member churches, their members and pastors.

D E N O M I N A T I O N A L & H O L I D A Y

Summer Intern Ministry—to provide opportunity for students to become acquainted with and consider future ministry in a small church setting. A joint venture with Union Presbyterian Seminary.

Southside Presbyterians in Ministry ‘SPIM’—to nurture and minister among Southside churches.

Youth—to foster the deepening of youth ministry at the presbytery and church level.

World Mission—to provide communication, resources and connection with mission personnel, networks and churches.

1 - 1 - 11




1 All Saints Day

2 Christian & Citizen/ Election Day

3 4 5

World Community Day

6 7 Stewardship Commitment 32rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

8 9 10 11

Veterans Day

12 13 14

33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time/ Caregiver

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Christ the King/ Reign of Christ

22 23 24 25 Thanksgiving Day

26 27 28 1st Sunday Of Advent/ Begin Lectionary Year A


Presbytery of the James ~ October 16, 2010 ~ St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA October 19, 2010 Dear Friends: The Presbytery of the James met for its 76th Stated Meeting on Saturday, October 16, 2010, at St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA. It was a good day to worship, learn, and do the Lord’s work. The gracious members, officers, and ministers displayed wonderful hospitality and warmth in hosting our meeting. The meeting concluded about 2:45 following a day of good discussion, debate, and action.

Attendance: Of the 233 minister members 147 (63%) were present; of the 233 elder commissioners eligible to attend 153 (66%) were present, 86 of the 112 congregations of the Presbytery (77%) were represented, There were also 4 people from various boards and committees, 4 Certified Educator/Elder Educators, and 39 registered visitors. People We welcomed the following ministers into the presbytery or recognized changes in ministries: Rev. Glenda Hollingshead from Holston Presbytery as Pastor of Colonial Heights Church; Rev. Jeffrey Lee from Seattle Presbytery as Associate Pastor of New Hanover Church; Rev. Sarah Marsh from Presbytery of Mid-Kentucky as Associate Pastor of St. Giles Church; Rev. Dick Oman from Presbytery of the Yukon, Honorably Retired; Rev. Judy Thomson from Presbytery of Eastern Virginia as Temporary Supply for St. Andrews Church; Rev. Burt Brooks, Pastor of Brandermill Church (United Methodist). We were led in worship by Rev. Keith Hill and Rev. Sarah Marsh of the host congregation. Rev. Carlos Malave, Assistant Stated Clerk in the Office of Ecumenical and Agency Relationships of the PCUSA preached. We held the honorable retirement service for Rev. Graham Patterson. Examined and enrolled as candidates: Susan Butterworth (River Road) Matthew Gaventa (Westminster, Charlottesville) Examined and approved for ordination: David Barry, Greater Atlanta Presbytery, as Associate Pastor for Outreach, Third Church, Richmond. Actions of the Presbytery: Adopted the October 16, 2010 docket. Approved the minutes of the June 15, 2010 Stated Meeting. Elected Rev. Arch Wallace as Acting Stated Clerk of a potential judicial matter because of a conflict of interest of the Stated Clerk. Received as information reports from the General Assembly Commissioners to the 219th GA. Approved a process for considering the proposed amendments to the current Book of Order.

Dismissed with thanks the Implementation Task Group that has enabled the new structure, mission and vision of the presbytery to come into existence. Met Carol Pierson, seminary intern, who will oversee the new mission and vision plan of the presbytery in its first year. Elected a number of persons to the Constitutional Committees and the new Teams. Elected Rev. Janet James as Presbytery Moderator for 2011. Elected Rev. Beverly Bullock (Class of 2012) and Elder Kenna Payne (Westminster, Richmond) as Synod Assembly Commissioners. Approved revised nomination procedure for Commissioners and Alternates to the General Assembly. Approved the sale of Great Creek Church Property for $3,500. Answered Amendment 10-A in the negative. (vote was 152/152/3). Answered Amendments 10-B-10-O in the affirmative. Gave permission to Camp Hanover Ministries Board to serve communion as appropriate in 2011 for Camp Hanover sponsored/hosted events. Validated the position of Head of School of Church Hill Academy (part of Church Hill Activities and Tutoring). Approved Rev. Chris Thomas as Member at Large, August 1, 2010. Approved Rev. Scott Crannell as Member at Large, September 21, 2010 Approved Rev. Nancy Clark as Member at Large, September 1, 2010 Approved Rev. Julianna Claassens’ ordination be laid aside in order for her to become a member of the Dutch Reformed Church Approved Rev. Beverly Bullock as Member at Large, effective June 30, 2010. NEXT MEETING: The 77th Stated Meeting of the Presbytery is scheduled for Saturday, February 19, 2011. However, we do not have an invitation to host that meeting at this time. H. Carson Rhyne, Jr., Stated Clerk

Presbytery of the James to host missionary from Haiti by Mary Jane Winter

The Presbytery of the James will host mission worker Mark Hare from Haiti February 1828, 2011, as part of the Presbyterian Church’s Mission Challenge. He is available to speak in churches, meet with small groups, clusters of churches, or individuals interested in Haiti and the challenges Christians there face. D o n ’ t miss this opportunity to learn about the witness of our church in Haiti, a country that has suffered great devastation from the earthquake. Even before the earthquake, Haiti has been a country in crisis with enormous need. Mark’s mission work, which is also supported by the Hunger Program of the Presbyterian Church, focuses on helping small farmers develop sustainable agriculture, and includes work with women, youth, leadership training, and micro enterprise.

2011 S TATED M EETINGS Saturday, February 19 ....Invitation Needed Tuesday, June 21 ......... Brandermill Church Saturday, October 15...... Invitation Needed

Presbyterian Mission work in DRCongo by Flo Sthreshley

Larry Sthreshley and his wife Inge have been working in public health and agriculture for the Presbyterian Church (USA) since 1987. Inge graduated from the University of Hawaii with a degree in tropical agriculture which equipped her to serve as an agricultural missionary. Larry received his doctorate from Tulane University in Public Health Management. Larry oversees public health work for the Presbyterian Church (USA) in the Democratic Larry and Inge Sthreshley Republic of Congo. He also implements the projects supported by the Presbyterian Women involving planting of palm trees and moringa tress and distributing bicycles. He has worked with the Presbyterian Disaster program DEVRU which has been very successful in introducing high-grade manioc and cowpeas, which have increased productivity. He also oversees the Congo grants managed by Interchurch Medical Assistance World Health, Inc. which involve implementing USAID grants for the Democratic Republic of Congo and Southern Sudan. He and his co-workers write the proposals and administer them to bring healing to some 10 million people. Larry and his staff are currently working on a new five-year $16 million grant to help the women in Eastern Congo who have been brutally raped. A consortium of Heal Africa, Panzi Hospital and another group PPSSP are working to protect the women, heal them and provide them with education about their rights and help them get a vocation to sustain themselves. These amazing projects and many more are overseen by a team of three expatriates and a highly capable team of some 50 Congolese working with the government and the Protestant Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Published by Presbytery of the James, 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA 23227. Editorial Rights Reserved. Articles without by-lines are written by the editor. The Vine is a publication mailed free to members of Presbytery of the James congregations. Submissions, corrections, letters or requests for additional copies should be sent to: Clifton Edwards, Editor; Presbytery of the James; 3218 Chamberlayne Avenue., Richmond, VA 23227 or email:

2 ~ The Vine ~ November, 2010





World AIDS Day Presbyterian HIV/AIDS Awareness

Presbytery of the james The earliest examples of Christian missionary activity are those recorded in writings that would eventually come to form the New Testament. The earliest such writings are the letters of the Apostle Paul, written in the course of his missionary activity in Asia Minor and Greece. His activities were preceded by an expansion of Christianity from the first followers of Jesus in Jerusalem throughout SyroPalestine. This is described in literarily form in Acts of the Apostles. It is our task to continue mission work locally & throughout the world.

2 3 4 5

Thirteen rules of the Camino

2nd Sunday Of Advent

6 7 8 9 10

Human Rights Day

Participants in 2010 ACTS.


A Call to Service by Betty Walsh

Doubt is thought’s despair; Despair is personality’s doubt. Kierkegaard

The way of Saint James is traveled by bikers and hikers. Even a few fat dairy cows, known in this area of Galicia for their rich creamy queso, cross the Camino to get from one lush field to another. But across these streams and spring fed waterways, across the stones and rubble, the boulders and cobblestones, believers wend their way toward a holy place, maybe a thin place—to Santiago de Compostela, Spain—thought by some to be the third holiest site after Jerusalem and Rome. Following my 95th mid-life crisis, I was going in search of something, to find myself, praying fervently that once there, metaphorically speaking, I’d find someone at home. I’m still processing the real depth and reach of what I found along the way, but what I can share are a few “lessons of the road—the Camino.” 1. Take care of yourself, first. It may not sound Christian, but it is. God’s earthly vessel—me—can only be useful to others and the larger kingdom’s work if I am strong, healthy, centered, and calm enough to be used. Rub your muscles, take an aspirin and a vitamin, put band aids on the blisters and rest. You have about 120 kilometers ahead of you. 2. Next, wash your socks, hang them to dry, and get on with it. The everyday minutiae of our lives absorb us, frustrate us. No, I didn’t have my favorite laundry detergent, a dryer, or Downy. In fact, I slept in alburque housing and shared a bath. Most days, my socks were still wet when I put them on, but the world did not come to a screeching halt because the little things weren’t

perfect. 100 k to go. 3. Thank God for the flat spaces. The hills are just around the corner. 4. Try to avoid the big mud puddles. But even if you avoid the puddles, your sneakers will still get mud on them. In another, 3 kilometers, your shoes will be clean. Let go, let God. 74 k. 5. Camino. Path. Tao. Where the heck is it? Oh, I make my road. 6. Looking down at the road may make you miss the larger yellow arrows marking the way. Look up, look Up, look Up. Only 50 k. 7. If you keep pressing or rubbing a spot, you will make a sore. 8. Life, like the road, begins and ends. The only thing you really control is the quality and nature of the steps you take. 9. Sometimes you see the arrows clearly; sometimes you step out in faith. So this isn’t the right path for you today? Turn around. God’s there too. Have you got 40 k more in you? 10. Did that stranger just speak to me? Smile, breathe, habla, sprechen, parlez, fala—share some vino and cheese. Most folks are good. Fear of the bad robs us of so much richness. 20 k. 11. Some people salt their bread. So? 12. Even an attempt at a solo pilgrimage is not possible. Someone is always ahead and someone behind. And if you’re really lucky, someone is by your side for a while. 10 k. 13. For some the Camino is a race to win; for some, it is a “way” to finish. For me, to finish it was to win it. Okay enough. I’m not sure I believe in the magic of pilgrimage. I’m not even sure I believe James’ bones are in that silver sarcophagus. But thousands of souls have walked that way in belief, and I believe in belief. Buen Camino.


3rd Sunday Of Advent

ACTS: A Call To Service 2010 Some years ago, several POJ youth ministers clustered around tables, hands wrapped around a latte and passionately weaving together their dreams for ministry. Brainstorming about mission opportunities for middle school youth, and wanting to shift the perception of mission as something one ‘goes and does’ at certain times, they wondered, “What if middle school youth gathered for a service retreat right in Richmond? Would it cast mission in a different light?” Hence ACTS, A Call To Service, began. This retreat, sponsored by the POJ Youth Ministry Committee, draws participants from all over Richmond. The youth divide into work teams and travel to at least three different agencies. Each team is led by an adult who accompanies and works alongside them. Additional adults serve as drivers and chaperones. The entire group combines their energy to do one gigantic service project together during the retreat as well. Bon Air hosted ACTS 2010 on August 3 thru 6. Twenty-two youth from seven churches in the POJ participated: Bon Air; Fairfield; Forest Hill; Salisbury; Second, Richmond; Three Chopt; and Village. Nine local organizations benefitted from their enthusiastic labor: Boaz and Ruth; CARITAS; Daughters of Zelophehad; FISH of Eastern Henrico County; A Grace Place; Home Again, Lucy Corr Assisted Care Facility; Neighborhood Resource Center; and Ronald McDonald House. The youth cleaned, sorted, and organized donations; visited and played with residents; planned, and prepared, a meal for the families of hospitalized children; (See ACTS on page 6)

The Vine ~ November, 2010 ~


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4th Sunday Of Advent/ Christmas Joy Offering

20 21 22 23 24

Christmas Eve


Nativity of Jesus Christ/ Christmas


1st Sunday After Christmas/ New Church Development

27 28 29 30 31



New Year’s Day


2nd Sunday After Christmas Day

3 4 5 6 Epiphany of The Lord

7 8 9 Baptism of The Lord

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2nd Sunday In Ordinary Time/ Race Relations

17 Birthday Martin Luther King, Jr.


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins

19 20 21 22 23 3rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

24 25

Week of Prayer or Christian Unity ends

26 27 28 29

30 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Southwest Virginia

CHARLOTTESVILLE CHURCHES The last week in July (2010) this summer twenty-seven members of Presbyterian Churches in the Charlottesville area worked hard, played a bit, learned a lot, and gained a new appreciation for Christian service and God-like humility. They came from seven District One, Presbytery of the James churches, plus one Richmond area returnee. The group was diverse: middle schoolers to older adults, rank amateurs to skilled craftsmen, mission trip vets and first-time adventurers. There was one set of brothers, five parents and child/children, a pair of sisters, and two couples, for a total of seven family groups. These families all grew closer in work, worship, fellowship, and learning. And all the rest of us bonded together as an intergenerational community of willing hands and open hearts whose backgrounds mattered less than their present life together, sort of what Paul had in mind for the churches he founded and nurtured. Work involved tearing off and replacing the roofs on two houses—one metal roof and one shingle roof; repairing a bathroom, remaking a kitchen, installing new flooring, rerouting gray water outside a home’s crawlspace, scraping, priming and painting a whole house; fixing porches and steps; cleaning, finishing, and painting an entire room; and assorted spot fixes. District One churches have been affirming the connectional nature of Presbyterians by participating in this joint mission opportunity for well over a decade. We plan to do it again next year, the last week in July 2011. Mark your calendar and plan to join, as families and families of one find new bonds with each other and other Presbyterians. I am confident we will once again discover a new appreciation for what we have here in our community, the richness of who we all are together. Carol and Mike Atchison

4 ~ The Vine ~ November, 2010

Canada Duncan Native Reserve

Portrait by Kilpy Snyder



Fifteen Canada native mission team members, which were composed of college students, sent by Lord Jesus Korean Church (Richmond, VA) served a Canadian native church located in Duncan, BC, Canada as short-term missionaries along with GNM (Grace Native Mission Organization). Due to post-colonial socio-cultural contexts, Duncan has less than 1% Christians. Under the guidance of GNM officers, the mission team had a chance to visit native people at Duncan reserve area and spread the Gospel to them. On August 19, the team invited native youth members and had a praise night and dinner party from 6 pm to 10 pm. At the night activities, four native youth members attended the event. On August 18 and 19, the team opened Vacation Bible School for missionaries’ kids and 12 children enjoyed various biblical events including Bible study, Christian dancing, and biblical activities by using planks. According to Rev. Yong W. Joe, representative of GNM, it was the first time that VBS for missionaries’ kids was held at Duncan reserve area. Rev. Joe mentioned that it was unexpected heavenly grace that GNM and a mission team from the United States had an opportunity to pray together, worship together, serve together, and evangelize together as brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ.

From July 11-17, 2010, thirty-one youth and adults from First Presbyterian Church, Richmond, traveled to Siguatepeque, Honduras for a week of mission. God was glorified through our work and through the relationships that were forged, and we were changed by the love and hospitality shown to us by so many of the Hondurans. In them we saw Christ. Chris Mooney, Associate pastor

I feel truly blessed to have gone to Honduras, as it brought me out of my box and opened my eyes to see ways that God works. On an average day in Honduras, our mission team would split up into two groups. Some of us would work with construction while others left the campground and traveled to schools throughout the town to teach Vacation Bible School. Whether we worked with construction or with the children, both groups had their rewards. It is amazing to see how many people with so much less than we have can be so happy and blessed. God works in crazy ways and I feel more blessed to have seen and experienced such enthusiasm and passion for God. Samantha Shaffer, Douglas Freeman High School

The children there were eager to make friends. I was inspired by the positive energy that each child shared with us. Kilby Snyder, Douglas Freeman High School

Gayton Kirk, Tazewell & Epiphany Episcopal join for Mission They met and fed the homeless in New York City at The Bowery Mission, Midnight Run, New York City Rescue Mission, Westside Campaign Against Hunger, God’s Love We Deliver and 4-Star Soup Kitchen. Their eyes were opened and they were able to see the love of Jesus in action. In our world full of material ‘stuff’ that disconnects us one from another, it is important for youth to go back to witness the basics. Seeing the world through the lives of those who are struggling makes the biggest impacts on youth.

FEBRUARY 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6

5th Sunday In Ordinary Time/ Souper Bowl of Caring

7 8 9 10 11 12

Numumu Orphanage Center

Cite Soleil, Haiti

San Mateo, Guatemala




Set beneath the rolling hills just outside of the small town of Siavonga, Zambia, the Numumu Orphanage Center is providing hope for people in a part of the world devastated by hunger and disease. Numumu provides care for orphans and vulnerable children from the surrounding area, supplying them with food, clothing, shelter, education and health care. It currently houses 68 children, 39 boys and 29 girls. Along with caring for those children, The Center employs over 30 members of the local community, helping them to work and support their families financially. From March 2009 to June 2010, I was blessed with the opportunity to work for Numumu as the Income Generating Activities Coordinator, supervising the small businesses the orphanage had begun in an effort to raise additional funds to support operations. My job entailed monitoring fishing, carpentry, welding, and poultry rearing operations. From spending nights out on the lake with the fishing crew, to cutting boards at the carpentry workshop, to sweeping up chicken droppings, I am fortunate to have had a wide range of experiences during my time at Numumu. More than anything, though, I’ve learned that even in a world full of suffering, God is in control and is doing wonderful things.

Every other year the Haiti Outreach Ministry (HOM) church leadership retreats for a threeday event. This is a regular ministry effort of Spotsylvania Presbyterian Church in Fredericksburg. Despite the earthquake and the challenges this presented, over 250 church leaders from Blanchard, Cite Soleil, Ibo Beach and Repatriote came together for encouragement, fellowship and to learn crisis counseling skills. This year’s retreat was a partnership of Pastors Leon, Luc and Profaite along with the Spotsylvania Presbyterian Church team. The SPC team prepared for this trip over a year-long time period, raising the needed funds. We were joined by a team from Richmond, headed by Dr. Lerla Joseph, which contributed significantly to the retreat because the team had Christian counselors and a psychologist as part of it. Retreat participants engaged in worship, prayer, grief counseling classes, discipleship teaching, preaching, crafts, medical clinic, games, pedicures/manicures and eating good food. A rousing soccer match was had between the four churches represented. The retreat ended with each HOM church represented receiving an assembled painting that was the result of a cooperative craft and each participant being presented a study Bible and gift bag of food.

Equipped with passports, hiking boots, and Bibles, our group was not exactly sure what we would encounter during our 10-day stay in Guatemala. Ten University of Virginia undergraduates, one graduate student and six Westminster, Charlottesville members went to Guatemala. After a few days journey, we found ourselves in the cold and wet town of San Mateo, Guatemala. Though we did not find beach-like weather, we found much more. The town needed a retaining wall as a part of a new school site. We helped dig a trench and hauled rocks up the mountain—an arduous task to say the least—all the while learning more about each other as well as the wonderful Guatemalans that we had the privilege to work alongside. When our work days were over, not only had we put forth our best effort in helping the town of San Mateo, we grew to love the people who fed us, entertained us, and welcomed us warmly into their community. We came home with not only a little bit more dirt on our clothes but a better understanding of each other as well as being ever changed by our culturally and religiously fulfilling experience in Guatemala.

Sam Cross

Claire Acree, UVA

Richmond Second visits sister church in Malawi Our stated purpose at Second – “to be witness to and for the world of the new reality that God has made available to all people in Jesus Christ. . . and to know Christ and make Christ known in downtown Richmond and throughout the world” – beckons our hearts and lives to connect with mission partners in Malawi, in southeastern Africa. Five members from Second Pres, along with Pastor Alex Evans, traveled the long distance to Malawi to spend significant time with sisters and brothers there. We celebrate our ties to Ministry of Hope, based in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, but with feeding stations and programs for orphans and vulnerable children in a number of outlying villages.

We also celebrate our partnership with St James Presbyterian Church, our sister congregation in Blantyre, Malawi’s commercial center. Alex Evans preached during morning worship on August 1, 2010 and we re-affirmed our desire to pray for, encourage, and inspire each other in urban ministry. We also know God continues to challenge our hearts and call forth our generosity as we work with our Malawian Presbyterian partners with their major challenges – clean water, better buildings, health care, support for orphans and vulnerable children, and more. May God continue to guide us and bless as we seek to

13 6th Sunday In Ordinary Time/ Camp and Conference Ministries..

14 15 16 17 18 19

Stated Meeting POJ


7th Sunday In Ordinary Time/ Health Awareness


Presidents’ Day

22 23 24 25 26

know Christ and make Christ known throughout the world.


8th Sunday In Ordinary Time/ Celebrate The Gifts Of Women

28 Children at Khwamba Center

The Vine ~ November, 2010 ~


MARCH 2011 1 2 3 4 5

‘In God’s hands service camp’

6 Transfiguration of The Lord


Tuckahoe to Mullens, WV


In August, two teams from Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church traveled to Mullens, WV to work with Appalachia Service Project. The teams worked in four homes building drain spouts, finishing kitchen cabinets, adding underpinning and taking a newly built room addition and gave it paint, trim and a new floor. The teams fellowshipped and worked along-side teams from Methodist Churches from Connecticut and North Carolina. It was easy to see God’s presence in the beauty of West Virginia, the smiles from the families and in the cooperation and accomplishments of the volunteers. When we change the lives of others, it has a way of changing us.

International Women’s Day

9 Ash Wednesday

10 11 12 13

1st Sunday In Lent/ Daylight Saving Time Begins

14 15 16 17 18 19

For the second summer, the youth of Providence Forge Presbyterian Church “stayed home” for their mission trip and provided services to people locally in New Kent and Charles City Counties. Funds were raised for the mission through a dinner and auction held in January after Sunday worship. Twelve youth, as well as sixteen adults, were involved in the camp. Participants spent their nights in the church educational wing. With the help of local businesses, one of the participating youth built temporary outdoor showers on the church property, providing hot showers for the participants. Each day began with morning devotionals before breakfast. Later youth prepared their own lunches, placing them in a cooler that was taken to their worksite. When they returned around 4:30, there was free time for them to rest, shower, go swimming, or play games. Supper was followed by worship service led by our pastor, Steve Hodges. Each day ended with small group devotions and a sharing time. Service projects consisted of demolishing a deck, then replacing it; cleaning up yards and hauling debris to the landfill; scraping and painting windows and railings, installing a handicapped ramp; rescreening and repairing porches; and repairing and painting porches and porch steps. The congregation and various community businesses helped to complete the tasks and make “In God’s Hands Service Camp” a success for the second year.

Swift Creek traveled to China

20 2nd Sunday in Lent

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

3rd Sunday In Lent

28 29 30 31

In late May of 2010 Pastor David “Tuck” Knupp along with Rose Acheson and Dick and Marlene Ebert of Swift Creek travelled to China where they partnered with an American mission group doing work there. The trip centered around teaching conversational English at a university in Hebei Province southwest of Beijing. They joined forces with seven others from the US and with four young American teachers who had been teaching there all year. The mission group’s motto was “Education instructs the mind; Friendship teaches the heart”. From classroom time in the morning to free-form conversations with students in the afternoons to programs presented by our team at night, we were received warmly and enthusiastically by the students and found many opportunities to build friendships. Our university hosts gave us the freedom to share what we believe if students inquired, so long as we did not overtly proselytize, a boundary that we carefully observed. We considered our time there a wonderful opportunity to sow seeds.

6 ~ The Vine ~ November, 2010

ACTS (A Call To Serve) (Continued from page 3)

built (2) 4’ x 16’ raised vegetable beds; and assembled a play set at a shelter for homeless women and children. This year’s large-group mission project was to glean 682 pounds of cherry tomatoes with the Society of St. Andrew. In addition to serving up food and snacks, the kitchen crew (high school youth) pruned, pulled, and spruced up the backyard of one of the Daughters of Zelophehad’s shelters. Others loaned their expertise: caterer Vicky Krabill (Ginter Park) supervised the chefs who fed the residents of the Ronald McDonald House; master gardener Richard Nunnally (Chester) led in building the vegetable beds; photography buff Tim Williams (Chester) captured the retreat on film; graphic artist Linn Coghill (Chester) designed the retreat T-shirt, and handymen Warren Trevvett, Don Geisler (Chester) and Tom Hobbs (Ginter Park) led their work team in answering the question: “How many people does it take to assemble a swing set?” Middle school youth like tangible evidence of their efforts; “I want to drive by and say to my parents ‘I helped build that,’” exclaims Melrica Williams of Village Church. The retreat offers concrete opportunities to show God’s love. In case you are wondering, participants also did all the other things one would expect during a retreat: they worshipped, played, and slept (or not) together. It is such a meaning-filled opportunity that many POJ youth attend ACTS every year. Looking for something for your youth to do next summer? Consult the youth link on the POJ website for information on ACTS 2011 and mark your calendars.

Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. - Voltaire

Building changed lives for Christ On December19, 1909, thirteen Presbyterians chartered Louisa Presbyterian Church. Two years later they moved into their new sanctuary which still serves the Lord to this day. In the 1940's a small addition was built on the back of the church for Sunday school space. Now, after nearly sixty years, the ninety people who are the members and friends of Louisa church are again expanding their facility to better serve the physical and Louisa Presbyterian Church. (inset) Original building built in 1911. spiritual needs of the congregation and the community. of the community ministries that this new buildGround was broken on September 12th for ing will be used for are the expanding "Calvin's a 4,800 square foot community building which Closet" clothes swap/giveaway ministry, various will include seating for over 100 people in the cub scout and girl scout meetings and the fellowship hall, several general purpose rooms Louisa MOM'S Club. Louisa church invites you for Sunday school classes, meetings, prayer to join us in celebrating our expanding witness groups and choir rehearsals. A kitchen and and ministry as we continue to "Build Changed nursery facility adjoin the fellowship hall. Some Lives for Christ."

Brandermill youth travel to Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti & more By Sandra Bottoms

The Brandermill Church has been actively involved in missions near and far for many years. This past summer a team of 10 adults, including 1 high school student and 1 college student, traveled to Guatemala through the Highland Support Project to help improve the respiratory health of the people by building masonry stoves for their homes. Brandermill has been sending mission teams in support of this effort for more than 15 years. This year’s team built 16 stoves and planted 160 trees. Our Youth and Children deployed 3 mission teams this summer. 15 high school students, along with 3 adults, worked in the Swan Quarter, NC area through YouthWorks. They led a day camp, did light home repairs, and painted. 12 middle school students, along with 3 adults, worked in the Winchester, VA area through the Jeremiah Project. They did various home repair projects, including building porches, and even roofing. 12 elementary aged children and 4 adults worked in the Waynesboro, VA, joining their helping hands with 60 plus other children from 9 different churches to wash windows, pack back packs, and many other helpful projects. Additionally, 5 church members joined with mission teams to Honduras through Friends of Barnabas, and 2 other church members traveled to Haiti through Haiti Outreach Ministries, all providing critical medical care for two of the poorest countries in the world.

Guatemalan Mission Team

Children’s Mission Team joined “Helping Hands” with 9 other churches

Learning never exhausts the mind. - Leonardo da Vinci

High School Mission GTeam

Middle School Mission Team.

Build a relationship with a mission worker

APRIL 2011 1 2

by Mary Jane Winter

It is easy to support World Mission personnel with our gifts and prayers. As important as that is, there is much more! Our Presbyterian mission workers are dedicated and gifted people. Consider building a relationship with at least one of them. In these days of modern communication, there is much more a church can do. Make the relationship personal. Engage more people in your congregation. Consider at least one suggestion below. • Arrange an opportunity for a mission worker to communicate by Skype and speak directly to a Sunday School class, a committee meeting, or even to the children at Vacation Bible School. Have adults and children prepare questions ahead of time to ask. • Read the blogs and monthly posts of your mission worker. The Presbyterian Church puts these online. Include them on your church’s website. Assign a different person or class to respond each month. While mission personnel cannot reply individually to everyone, they deeply appreciate hearing from you! • Send birthday cards and Christmas cards to the mission worker and family members. • Invite a children’s Sunday School class to email the spouse or the children of a mission worker and ask about their daily life, what people eat and why. Prepare the suggested foods. Learn how to say “Thank you God” in their language and use that in the blessing. • Don’t wait for the mission worker to write. Take the initiative and ask when they will be in the U.S. and invite them to your church. Plan this visit even a year ahead of time. They will be grateful for the interest and invitation. • Learn about the church partner with whom your mission worker serves. Learn about the country and context, what their needs are, what gifts they offer, and how God is at work there. • Pray not only for your mission worker, but also for the church there. Learn their specific prayer requests and include them in your congregation’s prayers every Sunday. • Each time the Lord’s Supper is celebrated, include a symbol of the country or partner church to make visible the connection you have with the Gospel’s witness in that part of the world. Our mission workers in the Presbyterian Church (USA) are committed and awesome people. Their numbers are growing! They need your prayers and financial support. They also need to know they are surrounded by your love and care reaching out to them in the Spirit of Christ. The Vine ~ November, 2010 ~

3 4th Sunday In Lent

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5th Sunday In Lent/ Self Development Of People

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Passion/ Palm Sunday Holy Week Begins

18 19 20 21 Maundy Thursday

22 Good Friday/ Earth Day

23 Great Vigil Of Easter

24 Resurrection Of the Lord/ Easter/ One Great Hour of Sharing

25 26 27 28 29 30


N ECROLOGY 2009-10

Where to find information . .

ELDERS Wilson Abbott Yager Willie Tucker Hunley Charles Randolph Chapman Mary Louida Brand S. John Davis Weeks Hill, John Hill, Richard Galloway Marianne Saunders Arthur Frederick Stocker, Wallace Willard McDowell John Fraysse Kathryne B. Routt Marie Groom James Eck Gwyndolyn Ward Keil, Archibald Benson, William E. Phipps, Roland Rackett, Estelle McCarthy, Dan Bedsole Juno G. Bruce, Jack Merritt Otto R. King Edna Ruth McFarland Fleming Owen W. Matthews, Jr. Betty Throssell, Barbara Gilmore, Jesse Bratton Charles F. Rosemond, Jr. Elizabeth Richards, Paul Jacobi Gladys Overbey John Fisher Wright, Iva Davis Morris Earle Breeden, Barbara Packard Robert B. Small Lucy Tinsley William Youngblood Malcolm R. Dixon, Jr., Gay Montague Jewett, Joseph Ashby Jennings Mary Francis Buchanan Flowers, Kelly Hollabaugh Bartges Walter J. Curtis, Joseph L.McCoy, Floyd L. Mitchell, Clifton M. Bachtell, Jr., John F. Butterworth, III David Carr, Elaine Venn John Dorsey Elizabeth Young James Brown Jean Anderson Jessup Gordon Keller Samuel Chambers, Sr. Nancy Coen Chester Starkey Rixey Redmond Lillian Wilson



William L. Long, Sr.

Revelation Receives Distinction The Commentary Revelation written by Union Presbyterian Seminary’s President, Brian Blount has been selected as the top reference book of the year by the Academy of Parish Clergy (APC) for their annual awards program. Revelation is part of Westminster John Knox Press’s New Testament Library commentary series. Blount’s book was one of the Top Ten Books for Parish Ministry published in 2009 named by the APC for their excellence, and newness of subject and their appropriateness for the Spiritual growth, academic excellence, and development of the art, practice, and skills of congregational leadership. Brian K. Blount

8 ~ The Vine ~ November, 2010

Operation of the Presbytery .............. H. Carson Rhyne, Jr. Database, Nomination Committee..... Jean Baumgartner Program registration, general Information .. Sue Brossart Vine, website, brochures, certificates ..... Clifton Edwards Accounting, budgets, intents ............. Cindy Hollingshead Committee on Ministry .................................Sterling Lloyd Camp Hanover..................................... Katherine Nguyen Camp Hanover.................................................... Bob Pryor Committee on Preparation for Ministry ... Franklin Reding

Orange mission trips By Debbie Rexrode

Leslie Clements, Liam McLeod, Ann Taylor Mohrmann, Lynne Clements, Rod McLeod, Sandy McLeod, Debbie Rexrode, and Rev. Denise Hall of the Orange Presbyterian Church travelled to Charlotte, North Carolina (pictured below) to do inner city mission work under the leadership of the Avondale Presbyterian Church. At Crisis Assistance Ministry, we sorted clothing for The Free Store that provides good quality clothes and household items for people with no resources. With Love, Inc, we worked at two different homes doing yard work, cutting brush, and repairing a fence. As a part of an ongoing meal ministry, the team prepared and served a meal for 80 people at three street locations. Finally, the team spent a morning visiting with the guests of Samaritan House, a recuperative care facility for people who are homeless. Anna and Mike Collins traveled to Dickensen County in Southwest Va. (pictured below) with a mixed-age group of 31 people who worked on three major projects and finished up a project from last year. Churches represented were Orange, Blue Ridge, Olivet, Meadows, Westminster, South Plains, and First Presbyterian in Charlottesville. Projects included roofing, bathroom refurbishing, installing a French drain, porch repair, house painting, staining a deck and repairing porch steps on a house.

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