Nassau County Internal Affairs, Officers Obstruct Report Filing Procedures:Myra Snyder Scott Killing

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Denied Needed Health Care Services to a Transfer Site, Yet Approved Services at Hit Site Brookhaven, all need to be arrested. These are some of the doctors involved in the conspiracy to murder Myra Snyder Scott. We seek the arrest of each one for his/her participation in the medical and or management services which led to and effectuated the murder of Myra Snyder Scott. In closing, I have attached more erroneous medical records. Attached, you will find a certificate of death for Myra Scott. The proper name is Myra Snyder Scott. Please note the missing license number for Suraj Sookhu. Please note the falsified cause of death as natural causes. There is nothing natural about doctor injection induced cardiopulmonary arrest. I am asking everyone concerned about the wrongful death of Myra Snyder Scott, to please contact the below offices and demand an investigation into the wrongful killing of Myra Snyder Scott by North Shore Hospital doctors. The Killing of Myra Snyder Scott had nothing to do with cancer, and everything to do with a premeditated cold blooded in house doctor murder. Again, Myra Snyder Scott was criminally killed via a doctor induced disease she has never had, coupled with a doctor only witnessed do not resuscitate order. In your letter, please demand that hospitals enforce the laws of humanity, by requiring a doctor to pronounce someone dead if they are dead and taking the pulse of the alleged dead person. This did not happen for Myra. No one officially pronounced her dead and her pulse was not taken. I believe Myra Snyder Scott was criminally induced into a coma, placed to freeze to death in the morgue, and was injected to induce the alleged cardiopulmonary arrest. Please demand a full investigation into the 6 day stay and killing of Myra Snyder Scott while at North Shore Hospital. Please help stop these eugenic, criminally insane crimes. Please mandate an end to the use of hospitals as hit centers to kill off innocent people who have been criminally induced into the hospital. Please send a copy of all letters to: or call 516 642 6007. Andrew Cuomo, NYS Governor, Emailed to: State of New York, State Capitol Albany, NY 12224


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