October Issue of Spirit Alive Magazine

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Joyce Spencer

Missionaries On A Battlefield

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The Intercessors Battleship101

Girl Power!

with Dawniel Winningham

Spirit Alive Magazine A Ministry of Spirit Alive Network© and Jus Being Real Productions© October 2011 Jus Being Real Publications 839-B Hwy 163 Calhoun, TN 37309 For subscription, questions, or to correct an error please send an email to Spirit Alive Network© spiritalive12@yahoo.com For advertising information contact Lila Robinson caliproducts1@yahoo.com Publishers- Gary Robinson Editor in Chief-Lila Robinson Contributing Writers; Lila Robinson Gary Robinson Kayla Finley Cynthia Metcalf-Miller Dawniel Washington

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Copyright 2011 ISSN# 2160-9675

Table of Contents SPIRIT ALIVE BATH AND BEAUTY.................................................................................................... 6 FAITH BEHIND BARS AND BEYOND! ............................................................................................... 8 PRAYER TASK FORCE .......................................................................................................................... 9 CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ..........................................................................................................11 The Failure of Education......................................................................................................................11 FEATURED AUTHOR OF THE MONTH ............................................................................................ 16 Steve Alexander Smith ........................................................................................................................ 16 GIRL POWER! ....................................................................................................................................... 18 With Dawniel Winningham................................................................................................................. 18 In Pursuit of your Purpose ............................................................................................................... 19 EVERY MAN STANDING IN HIS PLACE .......................................................................................... 20 What Makes You A Real Man? ........................................................................................................... 20 MISSION STUDY GUIDE ..................................................................................................................... 22 The Intercessors Battleship 101 .......................................................................................................... 22 SISTERS OF FIRE ................................................................................................................................. 23 Taking the Hard Road ......................................................................................................................... 23 FEATURED PROFILE OF THE MONTH............................................................................................. 25 Joyce Spencer ...................................................................................................................................... 25 CHEF'S DELIGHT ................................................................................................................................. 35 CHEF ANDARRIO............................................................................................................................. 35 APHESIS HOUSE .................................................................................................................................. 37 KAYLA'S CORNER ............................................................................................................................... 39 The Battle ............................................................................................................................................ 39 POEMS OF PRAISE .............................................................................................................................. 40 Changing ............................................................................................................................................. 40 RELATIONSHIPS .................................................................................................................................. 43 LIFE, LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS .................................................................................................... 43 From Chaos to Peace........................................................................................................................... 44 SPIRIT ALIVE BOOK SHELF NEW AUTHORS ................................................................................ 46 SISTERS OF FIRE WOMEN ................................................................................................................. 48 MISSIONARIES ON THE BATTLEFIELD .......................................................................................... 54 Aunty Kim’s Kids ............................................................................................................................... 54 Gloria Mama Love: Heart 2 Heart Hand n’ Hand ........................................................................ 56 BROADCAST PAGE ............................................................................................................................. 67 JUNIOR MISSIONS ............................................................................................................................... 68 HEALTH WATCH .................................................................................................................................. 70 BREAST CANCER AWARENESS .................................................................................................... 70


Join Us Every Friday at 11:00 PM, est. ON BLOG TALK RADIO Join us on Blog Talk Radio for Faith Behind Bars and Beyond! We offer challenging discussion topics and converse with others who understand the plight of our brothers and sisters behind bars and the hardship of transitioning into a life BEYOND the walls. With Host Lila Robinson author of upcoming book “Invisible Society” Join the Discussion Live Every Friday Night by dialing 424-675-8300 or chat live on Blog Talk Radio at www.blogtalkradio.com/lilarobinson Post your comment!

PRAYER TASK FORCE Prayer without Ceasing (2Thessonians 7:0) The Power of the Intercessors around the world praying on behalf of those who cannot pray. Steadfast on the battleship from the doors of Heaven. The Prayer Task Force consists of men and women who are connected through prayer interceding for the needs of our people, community, nations and kingdom. Seek Him and He shall be Found

Sunday: Pray For The Nation: we will seek God's face on behalf our nation that they will

turn from their wicked ways and that our land will be healed.

Monday: For the Women battling Breast Cancer: pray for healing, strength and revival in

their bodies that they may find strength, healing and love in God's hand.

Tuesday: For the Advancement of the Kingdom of God. That the Lord will grant His people

victory in His Name.

Wednesday: Employment Lord we ask that the power of Jehovah -Jireh be upon His people

that the doors of opportunity and provision be upon them.

Thursday: Vision & Wisdom we seek the Lord's visions for His people that he may grant us

wisdom in what He has in store for the people of the kingdom of God.

Friday: The Trumpet of the Lord that God's people may hear the sound of His trumpet and

know His voice.

Saturday: To Empower the intercessors with supernatural gifts of healing, love and


CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY The Failure of Education “The Black Male Epidemic�

The epidemic facing young black males in America is astonishing. According to statistics most young males will not graduate from high school if they do not have a solid background in literacy. Young black males and Hispanics are more likely to be placed in a remedial reading class than any other race or gender.

In recent years, the American Educational System has been under fire. The current statistics reveal that the United States has the lowest educational score in the world rating 24 out of the 30 developed countries in the world. However, we also house the largest prison population in the world ranking number one in the world. The correlation between the mass incarceration and education has been the focus of many studies by educators, policy makers and the Department of Justice. Researchers agree that African American and Latino males represent the greatest disparity in the educational school system. The United States spends less than $12.00 per student as compared to the $18.61 to $30.00 per inmate in the criminal justice system. Is America more focused on incarceration than education? These are just some of the issues addressed in American Education in Crisis.

Illiteracy in America 7 million cannot read! Source: National Institute for Literacy

American education in crisis! One of the most technologically advanced nations in the world. According to CNS News it cost an estimated 18.6 million dollar to incarcerate illegal immigrants. Reports from the Department of Justice indicate that approximately $29.2 Million Dollars were spent on incarceration in 2001. The United States spends approximately an average of $63.00 per day in comparison to the average $12.00 per day it spends on K-12 grade education. America has the largest population of incarceration and our Education Ranking is 24 According to current reports submitted by the Children’s Defense Fund.

child has met satisfactory state laws on education. However, the child has not mastered any of them. What happens when that child is met with real challenges while pursuing higher education?

Failure! According to the report on minority males in particular, African Americans, the average

young black male fails to complete their education. In an interview with Tavis Smiley “Too Important to Fail” that was broadcast on PBS discussed with panelist Alfred Tatum, PhD Director

of the University of Illinois Reading Clinic argues that young black males must take responsibility for their education. However, statistics reveal that young African American males are far behind in

the educational system. In fact, most children according to Children’s Defense Fund Report are below grade average in subjects such as math, reading and science in the 4th, 8th and 12th grades.

These grade levels mark pivotal points in transition in every student education. How did America fall behind in providing quality education for our children? We have failed to address adequate

reading skills. When children are learning to read we have dropped the ball on transitioning these students from learning to read to discovering the reading to learn. Today’s children in public

education school have less support at home and fewer teachers combined with budget slashes on education. Most schools operate on a budget that amounts to the family of five income of less than $12,000 per year. Another challenge is the cultural discrimination in which educator hold as

biased views that come from disparities in the current environment. Another struggle is that educators are not willing to bring their skills to low income, impoverished and high crime areas.

There is a mixture of fear, discrimination and low pay grade that sends many educators

transferring to schools with little social challenges that contribute to lower grades, violence and high drop out rates. There is also a need for African American male educators to help lead the way

to improving educational system. Currently there are few African American male educators. In

the McMinn County, Tennessee there are no African American male educators in none of the 18 plus schools. This is one of the main reasons that young black males are struggling in schools due

to the lack of role models provided for them According Dr. Alfred Tatum who reveals some startling

statistics that contribute to the young black male has not mastered reading by first grade they have

an 80% chance of dropping out of school. The crisis is hugely contributed to literacy. The American Crisis on Education is a battle against literacy at an early age. By developing programs

that reflect our current urban society and including historical information that reflect the African American and Latino images could drastically change the American Crisis on Education thus resulting in our students becoming more competitive in our current and future society.


FRIDAY NIGHT PRAISE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 7:00PM TO 11:00PM LIFTING UP PRAISE UNTO THE LORD The Night Belongs to Jesus!! Don't Forget to Rate Your Favorite Artist if your artist is chosen as the Friday Night Praise Artist of the Week Your comment may be featured in Spirit Alive Magazine


Author of “British Black Gospel”

SAM: You have a book out about the History of Gospel Music what prompted you to write this guide to Gospel Music?

SAS: It may be difficult to believe, but to date, no book as ever been written that traces the history of the development of Black Gospel music in Britain. After initial research and investigations in the mid 1990’s, it soon became clear to me that there was a gaping niche in the market. That was my motivation, as well as a little prompting from my wife. SAM: What challenges did you face putting together this guide? SAS: The main challenge was finding time and a work life balance. My day job as a Scientist is mentally demanding and through sheer determination I found the strength and single-mindedness to complete the task. It did however take 10 years. SAM: What was your favorite moment writing the History of Gospel Music? SAS: My favorite moment was discovering that Thomas Rutling, a member of the world famous 19th Century Fisk Jubilee Singers from Tennessee, USA, is buried in England. He left behind a great legacy and story which makes up a part of the early contents for my book. To the uninitiated, the choirs introduced the Negro-Spirituals to the British Isles and were seen by hundreds of thousands of people including royalty. SAM: Tell us about the Gospel Music Industry that is exploding in the U.K. SAS: I would use the word ‘simmering’ rather than ‘exploding’. Gospel music in the UK is still considered a niche market, but the current trend shows a genre that is fast gaining recognition and exposure partly as a result of the rapid development of black churches and interest from business and marketing professionals within the field of professional music SAM: The Gospel Music Industry is quickly taking notice of the Gospel Artist in the U.K can you explain this new interest ? SAS: Satellite TV and the internet have made the world a smaller place, and I think we are moving more closely to the concept of a global village. Also, strategic marketing alliances between US gospel record companies and UK counterparts have helped to build awareness of the ‘gospel brand’ outside the shores of the USA. Not to

mention, an increase in quality and professionalism leading to the emergence of UK artists such as Noel Robinson. SAM: Can you define your role in the Gospel Music Industry in the U.K.? SAS: My role is multi-functional but my book for example is multi-layered in that it caters for the nostalgic, academic, journalist, curious and also anyone who requires an access point into European black gospel. SAM: What do you think was the most important turning point in Gospel Music? SAS: In Britain, it was the formation of the London Community Gospel Choir in 1982. SAM: What contributed to this factor? SAS: The combined visions of 4 men!! Bazil Meade, Lawrence Johnson, Delroy Powell and John Francis. SAM: What challenges did the Gospel Industry in the U.K endure upon launching into this field of music? SAS: Gospel music in Britain is still at an embryonic stage. The fragmented niche industry needs a loud and firm professional voice, such as a Gospel music association. SAM: How can we find out more about Gospel Music in the U.K SAS: By reading the book ‘British Black Gospel’ which comes with a free music CD.

Visit Amazon and if in the UK, signed copies can be obtained from http://www.britishblackgospel.com

Steve Alexander Smith will be featured on Spirit Alive via Blog Talk Radio You can also purchase his book at Amazon.com.uk

GIRL POWER! With Dawniel Winningham

Author of REAL Girl! Power and REAL Girl! Power Workbook, Performance Coach for Fortune 100 firm, Life Coach, Friend, Mother, and Woman. Currently working on REAL Girl! Power series the first of which will be REAL Girl! Power for Tweens and REAL Girl! Power for Teens to be released October, 2011.

Why GIRL! Power Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Of all of the books that I could have written, some may ask Why Girl! Power? As I searched my soul for what I really wanted to do with this life that God granted me, it occurred to me to do what I am best at and what I love most. I am best when I am in service to women. Nothing against men, it’s just that since I am a woman, it kind of makes me an expert! Also in my day to day role as a performance coach for a fortune 100 firm it is my job to help people be their best day after day. It just so happens that 90% of the people I coach are women. Because of this, I am able to leverage my own life experience as well as those of other women I know to help women sort through being better not only personally, but professionally as well. As part of my legacy, and as an offering to the women of the world, my next step was to capture my experience (and advice) on paper. Much of what I share is the learning’s of my Big Mama, Aunts, and other women I have been blessed to have touch my life. And of course my own struggles as I weave my way through this maze we call life. I leave this legacy to my twin daughters, and to the other daughters, the mothers, the sisters, and the friends in the world who need someone to tell them how much they are loved, and how truly powerful they are when we unite! Girl! Power is for women of all ages, races, and walks of life. When we, as women, band together, there is not much that we cannot accomplish. Please tune in each month as I share with you steps to pursue your dreams and to live up to your true Girl! Power potential. Until then, make sure you love, because I do.

Proverbs 31:30

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.”

In Pursuit of your Purpose Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. I won’t lie. I used to be jealous of women who worked from home, and those women who were doing what they loved to do! Now I am on the other side of the river, doing what I love to do! Please don’t be mad at me, I am here to help you get there too! Don’t get me wrong…I still go to work at a 9 – 5 every day. The only difference is that now I have uncovered my purpose and I am living it. The 9 – 5 pays those bills that still exists in spite of being called to a purpose. There are many reasons you should walk in your purpose. There is a saying that when you love what you do; you never work a day in your life. SO TRUE! Besides, you can’t take your destiny with you. Don’t be the person wishing you had did things differently when it is too late. Act NOW! Admittedly, getting started is the hardest part. First you have to figure out WHAT your purpose is. It should be a combination of what you are good at, what you like to do, and what people will pay you for. (Just because it is your purpose doesn’t mean you work for free now, let’s keep it real). Once you figure out your purpose GO. Don’t wait for the wind to blow in a certain direction; don’t wait for the sun to set just right. Don’t even tell a lot of people. Actions speak MUCH louder than words. GET GOING. Believe in yourself and your purpose, even as you believe in GOD’s ability to fulfill your destiny.

Finally look around you for the resources that you can use to be successful. If you don’t have them, then start working to build them. Sounds easy huh? Well it is. After all, fulfilling your purpose and walking on the path that God set out for you will make your journey a blessed one from the start. When you are doing what you are meant to do you will find that doors open up for you, when once there were no doors. God will bless your path and what you need will be presented to you. But first you MUST SEEK YOUR purpose. Your pursuit starts NOW! Ask the LORD to guide your heart and your steps and it shall be done.

Matthew 7:7

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.


What makes a real man; has been debated for centuries. We look to male role models in our society to set the path straight for those of us who desire to be a REAL MAN. I set out for twenty years leaving behind my home, family and hometown in which I had known all of my life. It is a familiar story; no man in the house except those who were skillful at causing harm. Coming from an impoverished background didn’t stop me from having big dreams for my life. I truly believe God gives us a vision so large that we may grow into them. That was my burden. I saw the vision and went across the land to find it. I had no one to teach me how to be a man, no one to LEAD the way. There is something to be said about aging when it comes to wisdom. In order to be a real man you must first be able to submit to the CHRIST! The one who will lead the way. Becoming a Real Man means standing up to the challenge of becoming, transforming and living a life in Christ. When we are no longer ashamed to kneel at the cross, to lay our burdens on His Shoulders and willing to pray in the presence of our young men. That’s what a REAL MAN is made of! JESUS



The Intercessors Battleship 101

The very word “warrior� reminds us of battle anywhere in the world. But what we don't think about is where and who is on the battleship. There are few key elements needed for the intercessor the first being a strong personal prayer life. This will ensure that the intercessors are constantly in tune with their Commander In Chief Jesus Christ. Secondly, we need to understand that the life of an intercessor is one that has a heart to pray daily, constantly and without ceasing on behalf of others. This is not a ministry for the busybody. This ministry is on purpose, focused and diligent in its service. Third, the intercessor needs to be fully clothed in the Armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-17). The helmet of salvation without it you cannot hear the Commander in Chief, the breastplate of righteousness to protect against the enemy you must seek God daily for guidance, wisdom and strength in Him. Then you must be girded with the Truth meaning you must study your word to show thyself approved unto the Lord. (2Timothy 2;15). The shield of faith without it how can you believe in who and what you are seeking? The Sword of the spirit; the tool that goes before us rightly dividing. This piece of equipment I love. When I speak to those who call themselves prophets/prophetess, those who desire to speak in tongues I always inform them that the Lord's sword will decide if it is His Word or thus saith the man. Finally, it is the feat that is shod with peace. This is so important. Where ever we go our words, life and action should bring peace not destruction, disorder or imbalance. God desires us to bring the Gospel of Peace because His Word will bring peace to those who receive it. An angry or vindictive intercessor does not have the interest of the Kingdom nor the gift of intercessory. This is our equipment in which we need to be effective in our prayer life as an intercessor. BOOK YOUR WORKSHOP ON INTERCESSORS BATTLESHIP TODAY Booking Information on Intercessors Battleship 101 Spirit Alive Ministries/Sisters of Fire 423-336-9940

SISTERS OF FIRE Taking the Hard Road

It is human nature to choose the road with the least pebbles. Our flesh desires for the road that allows us comfort with minimum pain. The road to service in Christ is one of test and trials. No road is worth its weight in heaven without it first being sharpened by the Word of God. There are many times we may be confused, hurt and injured during our walk. Why? We cannot become strong builders in the kingdom without bearing first the Cross of Christ. Paul stated that should we not also suffer also? We need to understand that though we come to the Father that we must battle for the kingdom which is taken by force. This means that it will not be easy. Imagine for a moment if Christ had taken the easy road. If He had decided it would be better to ask the Father to take away the cup. Do you not think He would not have altered the plan? The Father knew that Jesus would become His Christ. Are we willing to bear His cross? The Lord encourages us to stand strong, be strengthen and to trust in Him. Though the road that is crooked, harsh and full of tribulation are you willing to take that road for the purpose and Glory of the Lord. How far are you willing to travel? Which Road will You Take? And is there only one way to travel?

CHARACTER MAKEOVER Spirit Alive Ministries

Transformative, Empowering & Challenging! Get your Character Makeover Today! Hosted by Kayla Finley of Sisters of Fire & Spirit Alive Ministries To sign up please contact sistersoffire@gmail.com Spirit Alive Ministries dedicated to serving women around the world.


SPIRIT ALIVE MAGAZINE INTERVIEWS JOYCE SPENCER Jazz’s Leading Lady & Inspirational Woman of God!

SAM -Joyce you are a native of South Louisiana tell us about your upbringing in this cultural zone which is famous for producing jazz greats such as yourself?

Joyce: South Louisiana is a very unique and special place largely due to the French influence or heritage. It has definitely influenced the culture in terms of dialect and music----like Cajun and/or Zydeco music; however, we were never deprived of great music in all genres of music during my lifetime in South Louisiana. SAM: During that time what was South Louisiana like , many people may not know a lot about South Lousiana so can you give us a picture of the area in which enriched your talent for music?

Joyce : South Louisiana is an area where people love to celebrate! Everybody knows about Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but many of the smaller towns and cities had their own unique celebration. You will find festivals throughout the year, which includes pageants, special shows, parades, and a fair with food and amusement park rides.


Joyce has reached back while appreciating her unique heritage as she brings back the sounds of original jazz combination of her grandfather Freeman Fontenot an originator of Zydeco Music

SAM: You mention your grandfather Freeman Fontenot an originator of Zydeco music can you tell us a little about his background and the history Zydeco music. I myself have never heard of this style of music so can you enlighten this generation?

Joyce: In short, Zydeco is Cajun music with rhythm and blues added by African Americans who weredescendants of slaves. I stated earlier that the French Cajun culture influenced the music anddialect of the South Louisiana, but in this case, I believe that the African American culture influenced the French Cajun music dramatically. My grandparents and parents spoke the French language fluently. My grandfather owned a dance hall where he and his brother Ray B Fontenot and good friend and Grammy award winner, Clifton Chenier, played often. However, during his childhood, I was told that his parents (my great grandparents) converted from Baptistto Catholic so he could play music on his accordion. During that time, the church didn't allow music "outside the church". This hall was also used to teach African Americans in this one room building because African American children were not allowed in the "White" schools and there were no resources to build schools for them in these small towns or rural areas. SAM: Can you tell us how many horns do you play? I have seen you with several what attracted you to the brass instruments? Joyce: I started playing clarinet in the 5th grade beginner's band. My three older siblings played in the band, so I figured I would play an instrument, too. I switched to tenor saxophone in the 12thgrade simply because my band director, Ms. Bergeron, needed another sax player in our small band. There were maybe 40 students in the band. Most schools have assistant band directors and private teachers for their students, etc., but we did not have those luxuries in this small town. After my second year in college I changed majors to music and eventually added the alto sax and flute. A few years ago, I added the soprano sax, and I sing. In college, I learned the basics of piano; however, I never mastered it to the level of the sax and flute. SAM: There comes a time in everyone life when they come to know what they want to do with their life, when did that peak for you?

Joyce: It was my second year in college, but I allowed the "giants in the land" to keep me away from my dream. Or, it could also be a Moses situation----that I knew my calling, but it was just not time yet. Now, those same giants are still there, but they are not nearly as big as they appeared back then.

The Inspiration of Joyce Spencer

SAM: Tell us about your inspiration.

First, what is in my heart is what inspired my music or what God put in my heart through His spirit and life's experiences of my own and the people around me. I didn't have private lessons or music theory and analysis, but I'm thankful for the gentle exposure I had with Ms. Bergeron and the small concert/marching band in Basile, LA. There were no specific or individual mentors around, but I do recall my big brothers Paul and Austin bringing home this jazz music when was a young teen. That was so amazing to me!! I loved the Jazz, but no one was playing this kind of music in church or bands in my immediate area, so where could I go to learn this? New Orleans is a three hour drive away, so it was too far to travel. However, during my first year in college, I realized I could get the knowledge there, so I changed majors. SAM: Can you explain the diversity, style and blend of music in which you bring to Praise and Worship?

Joyce: I love music that brings peace and healing to the soul, where the mind, will and emotions are. It's music that brings healing to the deep recesses of the soul where no physical hand can reach, but the spirit of the music can! If we understand the power music has and its God-given purpose, we can bring Praise and Worship in all styles of music whether vocal or instrumental.

SAM: The town where you grew up was not known for nurturing music how were you able to maintain your passion and resist that temptation of discouragement?

Joyce: The town or the geographic area was known for nurturing music for fun and dance, but not to "master" an instrument in classical and jazz music. I think that I and maybe others may have felt that this is for other more privileged people. Some had the opinion that I had no business majoring in music and/or I would not make it, but when I look back, I can see where there were some strong hints of this God-given gift, but I didn't know enough to know what to do with it, nor did anyone else around me. Now, please understand that no one meant any harm and wanted the best for me, they just didn't "know enough to know�. SAM: With your passion came a period in which you had stepped away for 20 years what happened during that block of time and how has that encouraged you to return to your first love of music? Joyce: Like I said reality hit real hard after college. I had labored up to six hours a day practicing/playing my instrument; however, the reality of making a living and the slim chances of a female horn player being discovered became a harsh reality. Besides, churches were not really receiving horn players as part of the regular

music ministry. I got married and had two beautiful children and felt like nothing was better than that, but there was still a little part of me wanting to "do music"-----playing my horns, writing and composing, etc. One day, church I was attending allowed me to bring my sax to rehearsal. It was then that I started to renew the "gift and passion", where even my husband saw something different this time. Then I gradually started working on music more seriously again part time around 2008, while working a job, but when the company closed down and I saw that I could not find another job earning the same money, I really started working harder toward my music career. There are several nights I stayed up all night reading and planning and instituting marketing strategies--trying to figure out this business of music. There are many great independent artists out there, but I believe we don’t spend the time working on the marketing and business side of music. I'm grateful for people like Mr. Henry Harris of Strategic Music Partnership for education to independent gospel artists in the area of business and marketing. There are also others like jazzy100.com who promote or support all genres of music on their websites, radio stations, etc. because they have a passion for independent artists. I must say that no one is more supportive than my husband, LaDarien Spencer. For years I had "laid down my life" or my passion for music to support him in his business endeavors, now he says he is here for me now. SAM: In your interview with Take Five you mentioned that you want your audience to know that you are singing through the instrument and not just playing can you explain that in more detail?

Joyce: I want to be melodious, which means producing or having a pleasant sounding lyrical tone that's agreeable to your ear. We mostly think of this when listening to a vocalist, but I want to deliver this through my instruments. SAM: I noticed in all of your bio's, presses and interview you talk a lot about healing and soul. Why is that so much a part of who you are as a person? As a musician? Joyce: I believe that should be a part of every musician's mission both vocalists and instrumentalists. The soul is in trouble, and I don't feel like we give enough time and energy to healing that part of us. Most of my songs were written out of some kind of pain or should I say they were written to heal some kind of challenge or pain in my life. I heard many testimonies how the music on my CD relaxed them at home, on the job, in their cars, etc. I know we need "shout" music so we can dance like David danced!!! We just need to balance that with "healing music", too.

Joyce Speaks about Meeting Challenges Head On! SAM: Let go a little deeper is there a part of you that gravitates towards the healing of the soul ? An experience that has led you to serenade that part of your being as well?

Joyce: Several of the tracks on my CD were written years ago as I dealt with challenges and disappointments in my life from losing loved ones, jobs, promotions or even being deceived and rejected by people who said they loved me. My pastor, Pastor Alonzo Johnson told me years ago that there will be at least one Judas in your life, and I added that there will be a lot of doubting Thomases, too. The Bible tells us in the 1 Peter 4:12 to not be surprised or think it not strange of the fiery trial or ordeal that is trying you......that you will be glorified when His glory is revealed. I don't believe there is one adult who can't write a book about emotional trauma in their life. My mission is to reveal the healing power of music to get through all these trials and tribulations victoriously. Many people have been hurt or traumatized and many times at no fault of their own, but they have not healed. If a person breaks the bone in the leg, he/she is taken for medical care to set the bone back in place where eventually he/she will walk upright again. However, a "broken bone" in the heart and soul is often left unattended and the" bone" grows or heals "crooked" leaving us in ongoing pain, with a limp in our souls for many years----and we wonder why we remain bitter, hating people for no reason, etc. I use music to reach inside and "break" the bondage of the crooked bone----to reset and align it the way God meant it to be, thus setting the captives free. Sometimes, the music can "set the stage" for the person to be healed and delivered or even while the music is being played. It has worked for me for many years. God has used music in on all genres (even classical) to minister to my soul and bring healing and stress relief.

Joyce Spencer Life, Love & Family SAM: Relationships is there someone special in your life? If so, how has that inspired your life and if not, where do you stand on relationships concerning what you expect?

Joyce: The special people in my life are my husband LaDarien Spencer, and my children Ashley and Aaron. Now my family has extended to my son-in-law Robert and my beautiful grandson, Jayden. There is nothing better than family! They encourage me and each other by just being there. I realized that even more when my cousin/sister/friend Sharon F. Williams passed away a few weeks ago due to cancer. When she was in the hospice care facility, we had many relatives there in her room, the waiting room and even sleeping there all night in prayer and support. And, the ones who couldn't stay, brought food. Several of the staff mentioned how unusual that was, as there were other patients with had no visitors. I thank our parents, the children of Freeman & Ella Fontenot, for STRONG family values. I have learned the purpose of family is to always have someone who loves you no matter how many times you have erred, gone astray, etc. Sharon was one of my strongest supporters, even when my first CD project failed, she and others encouraged me to try again, and of course, I did.

SAM:“Sweet Dreams” a CD in which you have created tell us about the composition of this music?

Joyce: The "Sweet Dreams" CD has eleven tracks of songs and instrumental music of smooth jazz, smooth gospel, inspirational jazz, with a hint of traditional/folk, Latin jazz on soprano/alto sax, flute and vocals. The CD project was written, composed and produced by me, along with an audio engineer. I'm thankful to the musicians H. Tyrone Walls (keys), James Ward (bass), Christopher "OZ" Billik (lead/solo guitar/audio engineer), and Jimmy Stixx (drums).The inspiration for this project was really my life and passion for music. This CD helped me put the music of my life in a tangible form. SAM: What Challenges did you face in creating the CD “Sweet Dreams”

Joyce: The first time the CD was recorded was in 2009. I had an agreement with a local independent promoter/audio engineer to produce and promote the CD. The entire project was a complete failure in terms of quality and agreement. I was devastated! Here I am----back in the Lion’s Den! My husband insisted that I not give up---that I will have a CD. With the encouragement of Chris King directing me to The Kitchen Studio, I started all over again. This time I didn’t wait to be discovered; I discovered myself!!! I’m thankful to Tyrone Walls (keys) for going back to the studio and starting all over again. I was in the studio the entire time, even through mixing and mastering. Now, I’m so glad the attempt failed. I’ve learned so much about the business side of music and marketing. SAM: You talked a little about some of your influences such as Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Kenny G, Ronnie Laws and David Sanborn, What about these specific artist as a whole that inspired you to continue on the path?

Joyce; I always believed that whatever you want to be excellent in, you must listen or watch those who are already excellent or skilled in that area. These are only a few artists I listened to in order to become a better horn player. Each horn player wants the most "melodious" tone. One of my college instructors told us in our jazz class that playing a lot of notes without a good tone is not the mark of a master musician. I guess in the spiritual world, it's like making a lot of noise with no love. When you don't have the mentors or even instructors who may not support your passion to become skilled on your instrument or any given field of study, you can always listen to other artists, read their articles, etc and get tips. The first time I heard David Sanborn and others play in the altissimo register and even growled, I was amazed. I somehow found out what mouthpiece he was using, etc. Through trial and error, I figured it out. So, I learned from everybody and everything I could get my eyes and ears on. I believe God strategically puts people in your path to help you with every challenge you're having.

JOYCE STANDING ON THE ROCK OF HER FAITH SAM: It is apparent when anyone speaks with you that your faith is very much a part of your being can you tell us a little about your walk and how that is intertwined with your music?

Joyce: My CD has been labeled smooth jazz, inspirational jazz, gospel jazz, religious, Christian, etc., but my faith can't be separated from my music because it's in me. There was one smooth jazz radio station that rejected my music because they were not accepting "jazz with a message". (Even though it was rejection, I actually liked that title.) That's when I realized that I had never known jazz without a message. I didn't let the lives of some jazz artists deter me from enjoying the rich, soulful and fulfilling free form melodies of jazz. My CD is being played on both secular and gospel/Christian radio stations. When I wrote my music, it was written for the church at large, not the four walls inside a church building. It was also written to "crossover" into all that God created, even to those who are not believers, as Jesus even told his apostles to go out and preach. When I released my CD, I had no idea there was anything called "inspirational jazz" and had some difficulty putting it in a category. I also found that several churches have jazz programs/ministries, too, and now the saxophone is more acceptable in the church. SAM: You have two bands in which you are fully involved the first called Expressions and the other Faith Band can you tell us a little about both bands and how they differ? Joyce: Expressions is the band I formed to play at certain venues where a band is required or requested. They are the same musicians who were with me in the studio, except OZ. The lead guitar player is now Harry Jackson. They are all church musicians and three of us (including me) are full time musicians who may play for other bands as well. I either play with tracks or a two to seven piece band. It depends on what the venue wants or what's in their budget. I also collaborate and play with Tony Key and The Faith Band, where he brings the gospel with an "old school" R&B sound. God has commissioned him to go back take the music style that he played for years and "bring it back His way".

You can find his tracks streaming at this link: http://www.myspace.com/thefaithband You can find my CD at the following links: 1. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/joycespencer (CD and mp3 digital download) 2. http://himrp.com/Joyce.aspx (My website) 3. http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sweet-dreams/id368892419 http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sweet-dreams/id368892419 4. http://www.myspace.com/joycespencer/music/albums/sweetdreams16096931

Joyce Spencer One of the Great Ladies of Jazz For booking, please call LaDarien Spencer at 214-418-2861 or Email us at himrp09@gmail.com. There is also a contact form on my website: http://himrp.com/contactus.aspx.

You can find my Electronic Press Kit at this link: http://www.reverbnation.com/c./rpk/190607? access_code=9e009a2641d6719e5440&auto_play=true http://www.reverbnation.com/c./rpk/190607?access_code=9e009a2641d6719e5 440&auto_play=true Cost and traveling fees are negotiable and based upon whether the church or venue wants a solo artist with performance tracks or a large or small band, and whether it's a church ministry or private event. You can also reach us via social networks on FaceBook, MySpace and witter.


LOW COUNTRY BOIL SERVING 5 PEOPLE 3LBS REDBLISS POTATO'S 3LBS ANDOUILLE SAUSAGE 3LBS OF CORN ON COBB 8 OZ CHICKEN BASE 4 TABLESPOONS OLDBAY 3LBS OF SHRIMP SHELL ON OR OFF METHOD OF PROCEDURE: IN A 5 GALLON POT ADD CHICKEN BASE POTATOS, SAUSAGE CORN ON COBB, OLDBAY COOK FOR 30 MINUTES. the last 5 minutes of cook time add shrimp last cause shrimp cooks fast. Once shrimp is cooked ready to serve This Low Country boil is common in the lower regions of Georgia and South Carolina. Great for a FootBall Tailgate in Cool Weather!

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I was once told by my mother that this walk, the one with God, was the hardest walk I was ever going to take. Boy was she right! I try to stay focused on God, on this life I’m trying to live but every day is a battle and it is not an easy one to win. I draw off the inspiration of older women, who like myself can tell you a thing or two about life but nothing is more inspiring to me than the story of my mother. I know, because of her that I can win! I know that God will have the victory. My mother didn’t raise, I didn’t even know if my mother even loved me when I was child but I know now, through her and through God’s eyes that healing can come in all situations and circumstances. My mother is my best friend and she has shown God’s love and grace through the love she gives me every day. This battle between the world and my soul will be won so I say to all the younger generation out there, it is a fight worth fighting, just try Jesus one time and it will save your life. Nothing is easy but it’s worth it. You tried drugs, sex, and this world – try someone that can you give you peace beyond understanding. Phil 4:13 I can do everything through him that gives me strength.


Change is hard for so many reasons, If only we can be like the weather, flow like all the seasons. Can’t shake this feeling that if I don’t change soon, I’ll take root to this spot with the oncoming monsoon. It’s easy to sin, just like breathing in air But that breath is toxic and hard to bear. Just because it happens and the timing feels right, Also means your soul is starving: morning, noon & night. I’m here to speak the real no matter how harsh because it’s true. There are few things I haven’t tried and a lot of things I do. I don’t know what that means or what end I’ll find. All I know is that God has stood the test of time. Believing, yeah that easy, believing is just having some faith. But walking is another story and Lord I’m feeling late. I tried to put something down, Something beautiful to inspire But I been walking for days and I’m beginning to tire. I told you that I’m here to strictly speak to the truth Tell what the real is and what I ‘m going through. I’ve been walking and this road here is rough. Man, I’ve been the gansta but this walk here is tough. Don’t think I’m giving in; your girl just can’t get weak But this is just the place I’m in at this time I’m at my peak. Change is hard, but I’m trying to let it go One day I’ll get there and wear my heavenly glow.

Reprinted from Google Images


This month we will focus on life, love & relationships. The main focus will be on challenging ourselves as a family to learn how to balance every aspect of our lives. So many marriages buckle under the strain of stress that stems from the daily grinds of life. However, if we learn how to balance our life according to the Word of God we can live a life that will make us whole again. One of the main aspects of keeping harmony in your life as you go through your day take time out to pray for yourself, spouse and children. Remember to focus on the positive aspects of your life and place the negative in the nonnegotiable box in other words putting it on the plate and allowing God to consume it. The scriptures tell us “ Phil 4:4-7 (NKJV): (4) Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! (5) Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. (6) Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; (7) and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. God desire for us to have peace in every aspect of our lives. It is important to Him. When we are living a life of chaos, stress and imbalance we certainly are not representing Christ. When others around us look at our lives there needs to be evidence of the peace that surpasses all understanding. This is not solely for your purpose.


This is for those around you that they may see God. This is why it is so important that our lives reflect all of the biblical teachings of Christ. When we fall to pieces, allow our households to function in chaos this is exactly how they see the Christ. They look at their own lives, the life of the believer and those who are in the world. There must be a marked difference in the two functions of life. The enemy desires for our lives to be ineffective in every aspect. If our lives are a mirror image of what the world has laid before us then we are giving in to the enemies play book. It is essential that you realize that this whole cycle of life is not under our control but under that which is in Heaven. Learning to focus our attention on the things of the Spirit rather than of the flesh will quickly transition you from pain, anxiety and frustration to one of peace, joy and totally loving your life no matter what the situation. You see, when we learn to be content at whatever season we are in then and only then can we truly walk in the purpose of God in our lives. It is truly possible to live a life free from chaos and drama if we seek the Lord in all things. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.� (James 1:5).

If you would like to receive our Free Report on Life, Love and Relationships; From Chaos to Peace log onto www.blogtalkradio.com/lilarobinson follow us to receive your free e-report You can listen to Empowerment in Word; Tuesday Ladies Night 11pm(EST) 8pm (PST) on blogtalk radio.. Be Transformed

FAITH BEHIND BARS AND BEYOND A ministry committed to SETTING THE CAPTIVES FREE! If you or someone you know is behind bars or have been released and is struggling with issues this is the group for you. Do you have a desire to see them Change Their Lives? Or as an ex-felon are you looking to strip that title and change your life? Are you interested in serving the needs of ex-felons, inmates and their families? Then contact Faith Behind Bars and Beyond working together to Set the Captive Free through bible studies, resources, networking and programs. You can connect with us via FaceBook to join our Forum Group or email spiritalive12@yahoo.com


The Power of these women of God is astounding Each one bringing a special anointing to the Sister Network. Sisters of Fire is a network of powerful women speakers, authors, producers and more.

Sisters of Fire women are available for speaking engagement around the world. Touching on topics such as Women Behind Bars, Missions, Brokenness, Getting into Position, Empowerment, Business, Finances, Young Women, Teens and more.. For more information you can contact this powerful network at spiritalive12@yahoo.com

or join Sisters of Fire Forum group online via FaceBook




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Date: Monday April 2, 2012 – Thursday April 5th 2012 Join our missionary team in 2012 for a mission trip to the Beautiful island of Dominican Republic. Events include: Crusades Conferences Seminars Preaching at Churches Pastoral Training Humanitarian and Building Projects Street/Beach Evangelism Many other Activities for those in Attendances Please click attending if you are interested in joining us or bringing a group from your church.

Missionaries are responsible:

1. Airfare 2. Visa procedures in their countries 3. Missionary fee (Meals/Accommodations) 120US Missionaries must be: 1. 18 years and older 2. Christians YOU CAN EMAIL US FOR MORE INFORMATION AT CARIBBEANMISSION@GMAIL.COM God Bless you

Listen Live on BLOG TALK RADIO Lila Robinson is the CEO/Founder of Spirit Alive Magazine. She is also a published author the book titled “Divine Keys for Kingdom Living” and her upcoming book titled “Sex, Christianity and Marriage: What Does a Garter Belt Have to Do With It” She has spent numerous years working in the ministry. Mrs. Robinson has been featured on ItsOurWorld7 Blog Talk Radio Show and has interviewed personalities such as Lady Charmaine Live, Judith Gayle, Gospel Artist and scores of authors. Mrs. Robinson is also a motivational speaker, spiritual coach and women’s empowerment leader. Her no bars held attitude has helped her to build up the kingdom of God. Mrs. Robinson has also created the Spirit Alive Network and conjunction with Spirit TV Gospel Talk on Livestream 24/7 and the Jus Being Real Gospel Show. Although her life hasn’t always been a bed of roses she takes the salt with the sweet and handles it with humility. She believes in putting Christ first no matter what the cost. “Many times I will find myself outside of the church walls, not because I don’t like church, it is the call of the lost that keeps me on the road to helping others Breakthrough in their own lives. Mrs. Robinson is currently working on her next project Faith Behind Bars and Beyond a radio broadcast show on Blog Talk Radio. The purpose of this show is to help change the stigma of ex-felons to provide a platform to discuss issues such as addiction, family, recidivism ratio, and how this impacts our society as whole. The program launched its first episode on August 19, 2011 with Co-Host Cynthia Metcalf Miller author of “In Rare Form”. These two ladies come from what they have labeled the road to Hell. But we they have been redeemed by the Savior Hand. There is no subject Mrs. Robinson is not willing to touch on as long as it is edifying for the Body Christ. I think my strongest calling is to those who have been broke down not just broken. My message is to bring hope, transformation and lead them to the Savior. Lila Robinson also has a Gift Store where she sells her all natural bath and beauty products made with all natural ingredients. You can check out her products at www.spiritalivenetwork.weebly.com Proceeds help to support the ministry and keeping all our broadcasts and magazine free. The Spirit Alive network store has African Clothing, All natural beauty products, gift baskets for the holidays and all broadcast Books, Transcripts, DVD's and CD can be purchased online. You can listen to Lila Robinson on Livestream, Facebook, Blog Talk Radio, Cinch Cast and Spreaker. Join us every Friday at 11;00am Fit for Jesus Broadcast, 6:30pm Lessons For Life and 11:00pm for Faith Behind Bars and Beyond...

CHRISTIANITY AND MARRIAGE WHAT DOES A GARTER BELT HAVE TO DO WITH IT? Providing tidbits for making your marriage stronger with Christ. Information on how to please your spouse, how to get rid of those old ghosts and the garter belt theory. Marriage From God's Perspective by Author Lila Robinson Get Your Copy Today and Discover How to Ignite the Flame in Your Marriage e-book available on Amazon.com or order via www.spiritalivenetwork.weebly.com


Fighting Malaria MALARIA FACTS

Malaria is a crisis. Malaria is a parasite, transmitted from person to person by a mosquito that bites at night every year one million people die from malaria 3,000 children die every day; that's one every 30 seconds worldwide, mainly in Africa.There are 17 countries that still have this crisis of malaria. Most of the people that live in these counties can't afford simple $10 mosquito nets or $2 treatments when they get sick. The simple fact is that these children are dying and we can stop it. Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease.

A Message from Aunty Kim Kids

Throughout Africa and the African American communities, children just like these are running out of hope — and running out of time That's why we are hard at work providing homes, healthcare, education, and so much more It takes a village to raise a child, to build the bridges that connect both African and African American worlds of cultural. To ensure a mind is not wasted by lack of knowledge or motivation we must bring understanding to our children in our communities in larger quantities. This promises their minds motivational and knowledgeable skills that will prevail for generations to come. Ms. Kimberly Stewart travels to Africa several times a year on Mission Trips to fight for their right to Live! Help Save a Child for just a few cents a day. It cost an average of $4.00 for a cup of coffee per day in one week that is an average of $20.00 for that amount you can save 10 children from dying by providing treatments for Malaria or purchase 2 nets. In one month 40 children treated for malaria and 10 nets to prevent mosquito bites. For more information contact Aunty Kim's Kids Foundation at 323-359-2117 or www.auntykimskids.org

THE CALL TO WAR IS REAL! Missionaries Serving Worldwide The Courage To Go Beyond The Wall

Gloria Mama Love: Heart 2 Heart Hand n’ Hand About:

MISSION STATEMENT Heart 2 Heart Hand N Hand International is a Non-Profit Organization,founded and registered in the USA in 2008, with a sole purpose of reaching the underprivileged and disadvantaged children in our local communities and the world at large in sourcing funds to support their needs for food, water, shelter, medicine, education and training activities. We believe that we can make the world a better place by helping and partnering with local communities in empowering, developing, growing and training children with a view of making a permanent difference in their lives and their surrounding in the regions of the USA, Africa and India.

This non-profit organization shall be driven by Biblical principles to help the poor and needy. Matthew 25:35-40, James 2:15-17, 1 John 3:16-18 and Matthew 5:13-16. OUR BELIEF

We believe that every child has a right to freedom, education, medical, shelter, food, clean water and security. OUR VISION

Our obligations are solely for the children as the core mandate. Mentioned below are the major activities we shall provide and involved with serving children around the globe with needed services such as the: 1. CHILDREN’S RIGHTS a) Education b) Life Skills

c) Medical Aid d) Shelter

e) Food and Water f) Clothing’s

2. CHILDREN’S PROTECTION a) Counseling to children and parents b) Providing legal aid

c) Building strong child/parent relationships

3. OPENING Children villages (ORPHANAGES)- Housing the following a) Orphans

b) Street kids

c) Abused kids

4. Building Transitional Homes a) For kids who are to be trained and returned to their families. 5. FUNDRAISING VENTURES a) Projects to raise resources

Heart 2 Heart Hand N Hand Intl is honored to send out its founder and CEO Gloria Cooper to Uganda, East Africa. Many of you know her by her previous missions with other organizations in the past thirteen years advocating for orphans, widows and projects on the mission field as an ambassador for Christ. Gloria will be “Looking into Africa” in Uganda at H2H’S pioneer work in Wakiso District, 25 miles from Kampala to: Assess house, water issues, farmland, projects, future missionary trips, NGO completion, H2H’s orphans in Kiboga & meeting H2H Leaders & Ugandan government officials. As you send & invest, your hearts will be going with her on this mission trip as well.

Cooper's in Africa/India ChronologicallyWhen I was 13 the Lord placed Africa on my heart as I had a best friend named Diane Askew, she was the only black at an all white school in Southern California in 1969, I was in 7Th grade and knew no color of skin only love between friends. I was never brought up with prejudices, but I soon found out that my step father was very prejudice against one of my best friends ever as we had come to make a PB and J sandwich, my step father told me to get that____ out of his house now! During those days you never asked your mother or father why... you just did what was asked and kept quiet. My friend gently walked out as I was mortified in my heart, I saw the pain she endured to be my friend, a white person!

Since that day, I have asked the Lord to make me an instrument of His peace and go about doing good in His name in Africa. I believe with the faith of a child that He has honored my hearts vow to be an advocate for Africa and her people especially the vulnerable children. 28 years later, In 1997 I had a phone call from a friend, like a brother to me, Bob and I were in ministry with he and ten others serving our community in Grants Pass in various outreaches. He was at the Dr Stephen Olford Institute of Biblical Preaching in Tennessee for a one month period as a pastor along with him was his room mate from Kenya, East Africa, named Justus Mully Amunga, He talked to me and said, " Kiribu to Kenya sister Gloria, when you are ready God will send you". That was my best birthday present ever on July 23, 1997.

The next year 1998 Justus came to Grants Pass, Oregon USA to join our little group from various churches. Then the seed began to grow and be watered by the Lord.

In 1998 Bob and I began to fund raise for the building in Kambiri, Kenya East Africa for a church, then an orphanage, then a school, a medical clinic and four more churches in Kenya. From our heart and resources we gave sometimes night and day for the ministry to be up right financially.. I was in charge of the sponsorship program, letters, gifts, accounts, prayers, Internet connections with Africa and the sponsors of these 81 precious souls’ ages 3-10 years of age at Ushindi Childrens Discipleship Homes. In November 2003 Bob and I were the first on the board of VOM to go and receive these little ones for all the sponsors for a 40 day time period. When I was on the plane the Lord gave me a vision that the children were dancing, singing and clapping their hands and singing to Jesus on our behalf. I shared it with Bob and an elder from the church we attended. When we got to the village of Kambiri, Kenya, I had to see the children and it happened just like in the vision the Lord had given EXACTLY!

We saw how great the children looked as the caregivers gave from their heart and prayers without pay they served these children as their own. I WAS BLESSED and desired to be like them in giving of myself, they were an example to me of how Jesus is. We fell in love with the children, the caregivers, the leaders, and the people of the village. Life was simple and there was plenty of time for God.

During that time Bob and the elder did a water project for clean water to the home and played with the children. The children washed my hair a million times and laughed out loud. I taught bible stories out under the trees, ate fruit with them and cried and laughed. I did biographies, photo shoots, asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up with an interpret or for each of the 81 children, along with videos to share in Grants Pass. I cried when I had to leave when our 40 days was up, I could not talk, I had a huge lump in my throat, it physically hurt. Bob needed to talk, I could not. I wanted to run off the plane when the engines started and Bob held me, I cried as the plane left the ground back to USA. God gave us a rainbow that day, He spoke to both Bob and I at the same time we would return back to our family in Africa soon. Through the years Bob and Gloria have had speaking engagements/presentations to many churches, organizations and individual people to support the children in Africa. We are still doing this but with discouragement of the economy.

In 2004 Bob stayed back to make the bills at home in USA, I went back for 60 days to Ushindi in Kambiri, Kenya with a Registered nurse and a young lady desiring to be a full time missionary there, to assist me with vacation bible school with the 81 kids and literally many hundreds of village kids as well. We took care of many children at the dentist this time over 56 had to have teeth removed. We brought over vitamins from Manna-tech and school supplies. Each time I left the USA, to go to serve in Africa, I left a teaching job knowing the difficulty home finances, Bob and I chose to say Yes to God and His faithfulness in our lives to serve and say yes Lord here am I send me.

In 2005 we missed due to finances, we chose to give to the people in Africa rather than go this time as the needs were great there.

In June 2006 I went for a 6 month term to serve as the USA ambassador for African Orphan Outreach, the sponsorship program as per requested by the nationals in Kenya requested me. I was just fresh out of university and ready to use all the early childhood classes along with 19 years of experience to help with the children, staffing issues and a few building projects, thus I became the administrator and worked closely with Justus as the director on the ground. I saw both sides of the spectrum the giving and the receiving end. I became the bridge in communications as neither side felt they were understood properly and frustration was occurring. There is so much more.

During this time period December 2006, I met Douglas Mukisa/Blessington he was at Ushindi helping one of the African Orphan Outreaches missionaries, Gentry King from Calvary Chapel to do an album for the Ushindi Childrens Choir as Douglas had a studio in Kampala, Uganda. After two weeks Douglas said," looks like you need a break Gloria, come with me to Uganda and refreshed". I will write my Pastor, Daniel Kaggwa and see what accommodations can be made.

So I said amen, after all no breaks after 5 months was hard on the spirit! Daniel replied AMEN tell her she will be holding the Kenyan flag as the leader for Kenya as we have no one coming from Kenya. So we went to Uganda for the first annual conference of Sign of the Dove, this is where I met Apostle Harry, Deborah, Pastor Cory, CJ, Don Arnold and all of the team from Sign of the Dove Chicago. I also met all the Sign of the Dove Uganda with Pastor Daniel Kaggwa, he became my son in the faith at this first annual conference in December 2006.

Bob was to come in December for Christmas but his work would not grant him time away, so he stayed back. I flew back after the conference for Christmas to be with Bob and family.

January 2007 Pastor Daniel Kaggwa/Erica Kaggwa and I continued our conversations by emails regarding the new orphanage of a small amount of children and he asked me to pray for the children in need in Masaka, he and Erica as this was her heart to do.

In July 2007, I went to the Sign of the Dove conference in Chicago invited as a leader from a friend Danae, presently, the His Embrace contact in the USA under the direction of Apostle Harry and Pastor Daniel Kaggwa.

In November 2007, Bob, Kelly a young missionary from Calvary church and I went to the Ugandan Sign of the Dove 2nd annual conference for a nine day period then off to Ushindi for a month. A total of 60 days was asked for from my job and Bob's and was granted to our amazement. We asked for assistance from Edgewater as Bob and I both had our air tickets but no support on the field. ECF gave us support and Pastor Matt prayed for us at the two services and we were able to give a small blurb about our going to Uganda and Ushindi and how we were hoping to find a ministry in Africa for ECF to get involved with.

We enjoyed the leadership conference and met the 14 children from His Embrace and went with the SOD Chicago team and washed walls, Spackle the walls that had holes, washed the floors and washed clothes, got rid of the bats in the ceiling and patched up holes too and purchased food for these 14 children under the direction of Apostle Harry and Pastor Daniel.

We left Uganda in December after 9 days of leadership training and went to Kenya to visit and bring vitamins, school supplies, letters from sponsors and soccer balls to the over now 200 children at two Ushindi' homes in the same village miles apart.

December 27, 2007- January 5th 2008 During this time the conflict happened and Bob, Kelly and I along with another African American had to flee the country of Kenya to Uganda.(This was an experience no one should need to go through (we realize what the children and widows of Africa have had to endure each uprising in Africa). Bob and I stayed with Pastor Daniel and Erica in their home. Kelly and April stayed at His Embrace until April left and Kelly stayed on until her departure in late February. Bob left first in late January to go back to work which he did not work due to circumstances for two weeks after I stayed until April for ECF in assisting with the 14 orphans in various financial and physical matters.

During February 2008-March when Glen and Jason showed, I helped Douglas, Pastor Daniel, Erica and Christopher to do the His Embrace budget and needs list. There were assorted categories given with a budget for 14 children and four staff medical needs, food, shelter cost, power bills, transportation. I was asked to stay on for Edgewater as Pastor Glen and Jason Fletcher were coming in March for a two week period to teach and evangelize. During that time I assisted Pastor Daniel with the budget of the children's festival in Zzana for Sign of the Dove Uganda as well as the budget and the itinerary for the conference for Glen and Jason for the conference in the villages and the pastors of Sign of the Dove Uganda. Gave an objective outline for the Cooper's, what we hope do for Africa to stir up the gifts of those in the church and desired to have ECF our church send us out for what ever time period to serve Jesus.

July 2008 Daniel Kaggwa came to Grants Pass and spoke at ECF about His Embrace for one week. Adaption program was spoken about by Eric & Jerry (Home for Good adoption)

March 2008- February 2009 Continued emails and personal phone calls to Daniel in Uganda. February 2008 helped the team of 14 in going to Uganda. Ladies met a few times prior to the ECF Africa 2009 trip. March 17th-April 6th 2009 went to Agape children’s ministry with Blake and Esther Gibbs in Kisumu, Matoso and Kisumu for a four day period and saw three of their ministries... awesome they do street boys...

Next was Two days at Ushindi in Western Providence, Kenya to drop off vitamins, school supplies and soccer balls and love etc... Take photos and love on the children and see how big they have become our children in the faith since 2002, 7 years now. Next was to Nairobi Kibera and Mururu slums and Kibera a slum Nairobi, Kenya with Douglas Mukisa in Nairobi Home Fellowships for four days our children in the faith

Next, Mombasa to see Pastor Zacharia's ministry for two days and rest. Went to Slums of Bokole,

slums of Jumva and the Slums of Vikwetano all with great needs.my son in the faith

Next was back to Douglas' to purchase food for His Shelter in Kibera slums and get capital for a salon for Mucuru slums/ ladies, "Amazing Grace" projects one and a half days. Back to Ushindi, Kambiri western Providence one day and night to take photos and say bye.

Next to Busia to Shalom Nursery and Primary school in Mugungu slums, with Willy Ouma a past Compassion child and now the director of Uganda Compassion, one afternoon our son in the faith

Last, back to Uganda to Pastor Daniel and Erica, last Sunday in Africa one day to give testimony of the great things Jesus is doing in Kenya and Uganda. Bob worked at His Embrace to make it a safer, cleaner place for the children and staff to live in by placing backerode and calking to plug up holes in ceiling where bat guano was seeping through. May 2009 went to Jackson County Library to a grant writing workshop which I signed myself and the treasurer up for a three hour time one day. We still have excess to the computer with special materials to look up grantors and hope to use our time in the near future for grant writing. In March 2009 Heart to Heart began as a non-profit.

H2H opened two bank accounts with three signatures to begin purchasing and raising funds for projects listed below. One at Evergreen for our large projects and SOFCU for our monthly purchases for the non-profit to run with a debit card.

Heart 2Heart began by selling Papa Murphy pizza cards with two donors purchasing the cards to be sold. Next we researched coffee and teas and Bisquitii’s through LongBottoms of Portland Oregon which we still sell and have requests from those who have purchased in the past. Also, we sell FishingCross jewelry on the web-site and at H2H functions.

Heart 2 Heart became involved with Drop in the Bucket with a clean water project in Uganda. With endless efforts we put together our first annual Art and Auction at the Bear Hotel with many giving wonderful art and items to be auctioned off to raise funds, $2,000.00 was raised toward the $5,500.00 clean water project (which we are still working on raising monies to date). In 2008 we began working with Pastor Gerald Kaijuka in Uganda, Africa with orphans and widows and sustainability projects. Personally Bob and I began to send funding for his family and three orphans that had lost their parents in the mud slides in Uganda of 2008 and Kiboga project monthly. A sustainable farm project in Kiboga with one acre to begin for $100.00 from October to October was discussed with the cooper’s and Kaijuka. Pastor Kaijuka was able to get the orphans and widows from Kiboga as requested for ownership as well as resources to dig the land and plant. In 2009 the first crop came in and many ate beans and maize (corn). Gloria and Bob purchased inexpensive video/photo for Pastor Kaijuka. Gloria was able to show photos of the first crop from Kiboga to the H2H board.

We voted and requested for more land to be leased to feed more children and widows from Pastor Kaijuka. He has given monthly expenditures to Bob and I for the gifts given for the last two years.

A web-site presence was made with webs.com in 2008 without having our non-profit we still needed the World Wide Web society know who we are and what we are doing, I purchased from go daddy 5 years with our name of Heart 2 Heart Hand N Hand intl.org. One of H2H’S advisory board members as a marketing specialist at a local bank made our wonderful brochures. We began to give out to share about clean water project, food, and sustainability projects. H2H participated in the Daily Courier non-profit fund raiser in 2009 and again in 2010 selling items in inventory and gave brochures with a sign up list for community to participate in being a member at large.

In contact with a Dr in Kenya that desires to partner with H2H began to try to fund raise for medical camps for Kibera and Mucuru for children to get shots and women to get pap smears. This did not happen as the timing was off for funding, but we hope to try again this July and August with a medical team from Tennessee. I hope to meet with Dr Joseph in May-July as I plans are being looked into for travel then. Heart 2 Heart put together our first annual golf tournament which was held in September 2010 with a BBQ and prizes mostly donated only a few items were purchased. We raised $500.00 to pay for the lease of land of five acres. Gloria was able to contact several growers in the Rogue Valley(Williams area) to get donated seeds to send to Africa valued at over $1,000.00 US dollars. We began helping JP in India with a small amount monthly here and there for the last two years. Two years ago we assisted him to get his ministry registration in India as well as paid for an accountant to have his records shown. In 2010 H2H received a proposal as requested by the board and voted to begin working with him with orphans and widows in India. Also we have helped with the funding of feeding programs/ educational VBS programs for the last two years at Christmas and New Years of 100’s of children and widows in villages. In 2008 Heart to Heart began as a non-profit.

In December 2010 Gloria purchased.net.nl.com so no other organizations could have our name for the next three years. I am now working with someone making an http//: web-site for free which we hope will be up in the next month or so. Meetings and phone calls with rotary club and other non-profit organizations have been accomplished in hopes they may be of assistance to H2H’s projects or as a connection point. Gloria met with Nancy Coleman Yonally from “Save a Childs Life” discussion was had to possibly help with the water project, gave ideas for an art online auction to sell art items H2H has been given for the water project, also Nancy agreed to be my mentor at this meeting.

January 2011 Gloria requested more seeds to be sent to Africa for the farm project with two donors giving over $800.00 worth of various seeds. We just purchased a camera for the project to take better photos for the web-site and donors to see projects and children. “A picture says a thousand words”!

February 2011 Bob and Gloria met the Directors of Legacy in Ashland which shared about sustainability training, media services for sustainability development in Africa. We will be in touch and meet with them in the near future. The purpose of our giving a chronological process is to show the calling on our lives and heart as missionaries to Africa, to help the poorest of the poor in villages and slums in Africa and India.

Bob and I are now praying about what doors and gifts He has placed upon us. What does the Lord have for us and the church. We believe that we are the connectors, the bridge and the way the Lord uses us is very special and unique for the body of Christ. We do not wish to think small when we serve a big God. We desire to be an intricate piece to do the work Jesus has called the church to do through HIs people both in the USA, Africa, India and all the outer most parts of the world for His glory.

Bob and Gloria Cooper, Heart 2 Heart Hand N Hand International


Jesus said, “For I was hungry & you gave Me something to eat, thirsty & you gave drink, a stranger & you took Me in, I was naked & you clothed Me, sick & you visited Me, in prison & you came to Me”. When you did it unto the “least of these” you did it unto Me. Look into your hearts you know Gloria’s heart cry for the Father’s Kingdom in Africa, give and it shall be given.

All donations are tax deductable/registered 501 C 3 (please write in memo: Gloria Mission trip on posited note) 636 Lincoln Rd Grants Pass, Oregon 97526, for more info call: (541) 324-4650


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In the upcoming issues of Spirit Alive Magazine we will be engaging young people to take an adventure around the globe as they learn about new cultures, languages and people from a diverse background. It is our belief that by teaching them today about the Great Commission we will establish an on-going outreach into the world as they seek to do the work of the Lord. There is no age in which God cannot use. We have a great desire here at our network to encourage young people to participate in the Kingdom of God. This section will take them as far as India, to the deserts of Africa to the rice fields of Asia. They will learn about children their age doing great things in their country to spread the gospel. So look for it next month: Kids on the Battlefield.


The Month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is a time when many fundraisers, sponsors and awareness programs are underway. However, how many young women are truly taking a stand against this horrific disease that has taken the lives of thousands of mothers, daughters and sisters. During the month of October is a great time to find out how more about breast care health. Definition of breast cancer: Cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare. About 1 in 8 women in the United States (12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.


• In 2010, an estimated 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 54,010 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. • About 1,970 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in men in 2010. Less than 1% of all new breast cancer cases occur in men. • From 1999 to 2006, breast cancer incidence rates in the U.S. decreased by about 2% per year. One theory is that this decrease was partially due to the reduced use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) by women after the results of a large study called the Women’s Health Initiative were published in 2002. These results suggested a connection between HRT and increased breast cancer risk. • About 39,840 women in the U.S. were expected to die in 2010 from breast cancer, though death rates have been decreasing since 1990. These decreases are thought to be the result of treatment advances, earlier detection through screening, and increased awareness. • For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer. • Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among U.S. women. More than 1 in 4 cancers in women (about 28%) are breast cancer. • Compared to African American women, white women are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer, but less likely to die of it. One possible reason is that African American women tend to have more aggressive tumors, although why this is the case is not known. Women of other ethnic backgrounds — Asian, Hispanic, and Native American — have a lower risk of developing and dying from breast cancer than white women and African American women. • In 2010, there were more than 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. • A woman’s risk of breast cancer approximately doubles if she has a first-degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. About 20-30% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of breast cancer. • About 5-10% of breast cancers can be linked to gene mutations (abnormal changes) inherited from one’s mother or father. Mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are the most common. Women with these mutations have up to an 80% risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime, and they are more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age (before menopause). An increased ovarian cancer risk is also associated with these genetic mutations. In men, about 1 in

10 breast cancers are believed to be due to BRCA2 mutations and even fewer cases to BRCA1 mutations. • About 70-80% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These occur due to genetic abnormalities that happen as a result of the aging process and life in general, rather than inherited mutations. • The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender (being a woman) and age (growing older). Initially, breast cancer may not cause any symptoms. A lump may be too small for you to feel or to cause any unusual changes you can notice on your own. Often, an abnormal area turns up on a screening mammogram (x-ray of the breast), which leads to further testing. In some cases, however, the first sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breast that you or your doctor can feel. A lump that is painless, hard, and has uneven edges is more likely to be cancer. But sometimes cancers can be tender, soft, and rounded. So it's important to have anything unusual checked by your doctor. According to the American Cancer Society, any of the following unusual changes in the breast can be a symptom of breast cancer: • • • • • • •

swelling of all or part of the breast skin irritation or dimpling breast pain nipple pain or the nipple turning inward redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin a nipple discharge other than breast milk a lump in the underarm area

These changes also can be signs of less serious conditions that are not cancerous, such as an infection or a cyst. It’s important to get any breast changes checked out promptly by a doctor. Learn more about the importance of regular screening and testing. Learn more about breast cancer symptoms and diagnosis.

Information provided by www. BreastCancer.org www.breastcancer.org has valuable information, resources and facts to help you make an

informed decision about breast cancer.


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