Pratham Books Catalogue 2013

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It all begins with one book. One fascinating story, peopled

with characters you want to talk like, act like, and be like. One private adventure into a world of words and pictures and ideas strung together just so, enclosed between two covers. That’s how we fall in love with books. When you open a book, you set so much magic into motion: Motor skills kick in, to help you hold up a book and turn its pages.Visual comprehension takes place, when you look at pictures, and figure out what they mean. Language skills develop when you see letters and words and sentences express actions and ideas. Cognitive skills, creative skills, pattern recognition and reading will stimulate all of these. Pratham Books exists to spark this love for reading - a spark that will light the way to a lifetime of learning. In the next few pages, you will encounter 855* of our finest messengers. Our stories come from all across India. They speak 11 different languages, and come with pictures that have a life of their own. Some of our stories are told by animals. Others feature friends and family. Still others live on the hillside, or by the sea. Many will make you laugh, just as many others will teach you stuff like science and mathematics. Some will take you back in time, while others will introduce you to an art form. Each story is stunningly original, and will reward its reader with many delightful moments that live on long after the book is closed. These stories are part of joyful reading material. They are also used as curriculum books in schools and institutions. 171 titles, in 11 languages, are making their way towards millions of Indian children. Join us in spreading the joy of reading to a few more.

* This catalogue has a selection of our best selling 171 titles, all available in a minimum of 5 languages.

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