5 Tips to Fuel Your Motivation to Study

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5 Tips to Fuel Your Motivation to Study

Do you have problems to start studying for your upcoming CIMA exam? Do you find it super difficult to just sit down and start revising? There are many challenges and frustrations to overcome when studying for your exams and believe me I’ve been through them myself. I will show you here what are my personal tips to fuel your motivation to study.

It can be immensely tough to study when you can meet your friends instead, or your favourite TV show is on, or you have the pile of laundry to do that just cannot wait any longer. That may sound funny but my house always looks so clean and I do plenty of laundry when I have to study. Believe me, I’m definitively NOT a cleanliness freak, but when I have to start studying, there

are tonnes of excuses why I should postpone the studying phase for another day or two... or ten‌ Don’t tell me you don’t have your own excuses! On top of that we also have the time constraints placed on us from busy days at work and the demands and desires to spend time with family. Therefore, the temptation to procrastinate and feel sorry for yourself is far easier and longer lasting than will power alone to get you hitting the books. Based on my own experience, those are the

5 tips to help you ease the pain and start studying:

1. Have the end goal in mind

I strongly believe in the power of our minds.

-Why are you studying in the first place? -What is the main benefit that you want to receive from your studies? -How will you feel when you finally accomplish your goal?

Visualize your end goal, write it (them) down on a post-it and stick it to your desk or computer’s screen. It will help you get back on track when you feel like quitting each studying session.

2. Prepare your study place

Find a quiet space where you won't be distracted. This could be a library, a cafe, a room in your house, or anywhere else that is free from excessive noise and interruptions. Avoid places where you're likely to run into your friends. Make sure you have all the pens, pencils, paper, highlighters, and postits you need. Prepare in advance whatever helps facilitate your learning process. Keep a small stash of water and snacks by your side. People are more productive when they're hydrated. Small snacks like peanuts, granola bars or fruit will help keep you energized. Avoid fast food and pastries. This includes pizza, hamburgers, nachos, doughnuts, muffins, cinnamon rolls, and croissants. These foods will give you a short energy rush that quickly turns into sleepiness.

More Visit Herehttps://www.practicetestsacademy.com/blog/80-cima/114-5-tips-to-fuel-yourmotivation-to-study

Tags- CIMA P3,CIMA E3,CIMA F3,CIMA P1,CIMA P2,cima exam,cima 2019 syllabus,cima online course

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