P&pmarch 2015 final

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A Scottish Blessing May your past be a pleasant memory, Your future filled with delight and mystery, And your now a glorious moment That fills your life with deep contentment. March 2015

Here we are, on the cusp of Spring; snowdrops and catkins, such fragile harbingers, shiver in the chilly air. It is a time of hope and positive change, when small details combine to magically transform our gardens and the countryside around us. It is also Lent, a time for spiritual renewal: you can join with others in following the “Five Loves” course of informal discussions—on Prayer, Worship, Study, Service, Reflection— inspired by the teachings of Archbishop Robert Leighton, whose tomb is in St Giles’ churchyard (see Fr John’s Letter in last month’s P&P). Who can tell what fresh shoots of faith might be awakened? See p.9 for full details. On the subject of love, Mothering Sunday falls on the 15th March and all are welcome at an all-age service at St Giles when the children can show their appreciation for their lovely Mums by collecting a posy for them. And on Palm Sunday they can join the procession with the donkey from the Martindale to church remembering Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem at the start of Holy Week. Meanwhile, with spring cleaning in the air, it’s time to tidy the verges and hedgerows around the village, so see p.14 if you can spare some time to do a bit of litter-picking. Likewise, there are plenty of tasks to tackle in the churchyard, and a working party will be busy there on the 28th March, so do come and help. Many hands make light work! Sally Lamb



Canon John Twisleton 01825 790317 Mr David Lamb 01342 810814 Mr David Colville 01825 791395 Correspondence to the Martindale Mr Martin Govas 01444 454821 Martindale Centre, Station Road, Horsted Keynes, W Sussex RH17 7ED 01825 790849 EDITOR P&P Mrs Sally Lamb 01342 810814 DISTRIBUTOR P&P Mrs Jan Humphries 01825 790365 CHURCH FLOWERS Mrs Wendy Colville 01825 791395 Contact the Rector to arrange baptisms, dedications, marriages, funerals, home communions, prayer for healing, home blessings and the ministry of reconciliation. SUNDAY SERVICES AT ST GILES 8am Holy Communion (Traditional language celebrating Jesus in word and sacrament. Last Sunday of the month follows the Book of Common Prayer.) 10am Parish Eucharist (An hour of worship accompanied by songs with Bible teaching, prayer, provision for children, Holy Communion and ending with a social over coffee. Every month the children and youth help shape an all age celebration.) Children go to their Club in the School from 9.50am, joining parents later in Church. Church is open daily from around 8am to 6pm. Every Wednesday 6.30pm Evening Prayer; Friday 10.00am Eucharist. Details of weekday activities are in the weekly news sheet reproduced with the Sunday sermon at www.stgileschurchhorstedkeynes.org.uk ST STEPHEN’S CHURCH, HAMSLAND (ROMAN CATHOLIC) Masses on first Wednesday of each month, 10am. No Sunday masses until further notice. Baptisms, marriages and funerals by arrangement with the Parish Clergy at St Paul’s Presbytery, Hazelgrove Road, Haywards Heath (01444 450139). The next issue of P&P will be published in April. Please submit items for inclusion by 18th March. If preparing your item on a pc, please e-mail to the address below. Other copy can be left in the Martindale post box or sent to me there. Thank you. Sally Lamb 01342 810814/e-mail: sallylamb555@gmail.com

Parish & Parishioner is published by the Rector, Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council of St Giles Church, Horsted Keynes for the benefit of the whole parish. The Publishers cannot accept any responsibility for any views expressed, information given and details of services or goods provided by advertisers, which are published in good faith.


LOCAL CLUBS AND ORGANISATIONS 1st HK Beavers, Cubs, Scouts Lynda Railton 01342 322205 1st HK Brownies Kay MacNaughton 790594 Rhoda Miles 790565 Angling Club Mr Andy Jones 790864 Art Club Jax 01825 790453 Babysitting Circle Karen Griffiths 791033 Bluebell Railway Pre. Soc. Membership Sec. 720800 Cahagnes Society Sue Stewart 01825 790930 Conservative Association Martyn Vernon-Smith (Chairman) 740634 (Horsted Keynes Branch) County Councillor Mrs Christine Field 01342 810310 Cricket Club Caroline James 07788 564690 Danehill Parish Hist.Soc. Susan Howe 01825 712177 District Councillors Mr Chris Hersey 01444 482270 Mr Simon McMenemy 07717 746535 Faith in Action Mrs H Nicholson 790777 First Steps Chris Wheatley 790467 Fitness Classes Lisa Moore 01444 847951/07753 445358 Friends of Chernobyl’s Sheila Nash (Co-ordinator) 01825 790295 Children Vivien Clifford (Secretary) 790081 Friends of HK Church Tim Westlake 07973 638518 Friends of St Giles School Sarah Webster 01825 791129 07881303226 Sam Bentley Glebe Allotments Mr J Kench 790585 Gym Club Mrs Sharon Ruben 791216 HK Crew (Youth Club) Chris Wheatley 790467 HK Post Office & Shop Assoc. Tony Mulcare (Chairman) 790626 Heating Oil, Bulk Ordering Chris Ollif oil@ollif.com/07400 094549/790546 Horsted Club Andy Jones 790864 Martindale Centre (Bookings) Mrs V Griffiths 790401 Neighbourhood Watch Kenton Lawton 790304 Parish Council Beverley O’Garra 791919 Pre-School Becky Barnard 790989 Royal British Legion Phil Gain 790021/07949 217612 Royal British LegionWomen’s Mrs C Deacon 790710 St Giles C of E School Mrs J Francis (Headteacher) 790240 Stoolball Club Jane Saunders 07837 456467/01444 459666 Tennis Club Chairman Mr David Anderson 790289 Membership Mr Alan Davies 790410 Village Hall Bookings - taken Mrs Caroline Burton 791307 Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Village Hall Committee Mr P Willis 790378 Women’s Institute President Mrs J Hewitt 01825 791395 Secretary Mrs Wendy Colville 01444 891002


MARCH 2015

ADVANCE DATES To avoid any clashes, check with the Village Diary (Sally Lamb 01342 810814). April 2015 1st Arundel to Worth pilgrimage overnights at the Martindale 2nd Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Martindale, 8.00pm Maundy Thursday Last Supper Eucharist with Vigil 8pm 3rd Good Friday family worship and workshop, 10am (Martindale). Stations of the Cross St Stephen’s 11am; Devotions and liturgy St Giles 1pm-3pm 4th Easter Vigil Eucharist 8pm 5th Easter Day 8am (BCP); all age Eucharist 10am; Festal evensong and benediction, 6pm. 14th Annual Parish Meeting, 8.00pm, Village Hall 18th St George’s Night (Cahagnes) 21st HK Angling Club AGM, 8pm, Horsted Club 26th Annual Parochial Church Meeting, St Giles 11am “5 O’clock in the Martindale” May 2015 1st-4th Twinning visit to Cahagnes 7th Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Martindale, 8.00pm 10th Rogation Sunday blessing of fields 10am. Preacher: Revd Lucille Gale, Diocesan Director of Ordinands 14th Ascension Day Eucharists 10am, 8pm (Sung) 17th Preacher: Fr Alex Baxter, Curate of St Andrew, Eastbourne 19th Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Village Hall 24th Pentecost 8am, All age Eucharist 10am 31st “5 O’clock in the Martindale” June 2015 4th Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Martindale, 8.00pm 6th Bingo and Bangers, Martindale (Pre-School) 9th Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Village Hall Horse Racing on the Green (Horsted Cahagnes) 13th 27th Open Studios Day (FOHKC) Ordination in Chichester Cathedral of David Howland as deacon to train as nonstipendiary Curate at St Giles 4pm 28th “5 O’clock in the Martindale” July 2015 4th Summer BBQ (Horsted Cahagnes) 11th Horsted Keynes Village Festival 12th All age Eucharist 10am 14th Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Village Hall 19th Bluebell Railway Songs of Praise 25th Village Produce & Craft Show 26th “5 O’clock in the Martindale” September 2015 8th Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Village Hall 21st-24th Battlefield Tour October 2015 3rd Roving Supper 13th Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Village Hall 17th MCMC Fundraiser November 2015 10th Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Village Hall 26th Horsted Cahagnes AGM December 2015 8th Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Village Hall 12th Carols on The Green


Sun Tues Wed

1st 3rd 4th

Lent 2—8am, 10am. Celebrant: Fr Michael Pearson Lent Eucharist attended by the school, 10am Mass at St Stephen’s 10am Evening prayer with healing ministry 6.30pm Five Loves group: Worship 20 Hamsland, 8pm Thurs 5th Five Loves group: Worship 6 Boxes Lane, 1.30pm Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Martindale, 8.00pm Fri 6th Women’s World Day of Prayer 1.30pm, Lindfield Evangelical Free Church Five Loves group: Worship 10 Cheeleys, 1.30pm Sat 7th Faith in Action Packing Session Martindale, 10-12 noon Stations of the Cross 5.30pm Aloe Evening 7.30pm, Martindale Sun 8th Lent 3— 8am, 10am Tues 10th Lent Eucharist 10am Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm, Village Hall Wed 11th WI: A Fantasy Garden for Eccentrics 2.30pm, Village Hall Five Loves group: Study 20 Hamsland, 8pm Thurs 12th Five Loves group: Study 6 Boxes Lane, 1.30pm Fri 13th FSW Fundraising Supper Wivelsfield Village Hall Sat 14th Make Mothering Sunday Posies 10am, Martindale Stations of the Cross 5.30pm Sun 15th Lent 4—Mothering Sunday 8am. All age Eucharist 10am with Sam Brown, Bluebell Railway, Elder of The Temple URC Church, Cray, Kent Tues 17th Lent Eucharist of St Patrick 10am RBL Women’s: Recycling Horsted Club, 2.30pm Wed 18th Five Loves group: Service 20 Hamsland, 8pm Thurs 19th St Joseph Eucharist 8am Five Loves group: Service 6 Boxes Lane, 1.30pm Parochial Church Council Martindale, 8pm Fri 20th Five Loves group: Service 10 Cheeleys, 1.30pm Village Lunch Martindale, 12.30pm Fri/Sat 20th/21st Litter Picking 9.30am from Martindale Sat 21st Easter Fun Day Village Hall (Pre-School) Stations of the Cross 5.30pm Sun 22nd Lent 5—8am, 10am Lenten healing service 4pm Tues 24th Lenten Eucharist 10am Wed 25th Annunciation of the Lord Eucharist 10am Five Loves group: Reflection 20 Hamsland, 8pm Thurs 26th Five Loves group: Reflection 6 Boxes Lane, 1.30pm Sat 28th Churchyard Working Party 10-12 noon Stations of the Cross 5.30pm Sun 29th Palm Sunday 8am, 9.45am Palm procession with donkey from Martindale to 10am Parish Eucharist “5 O’clock in the Martindale” Tues 31st Holy Tuesday Eucharist 10am Bishop Martin’s Chrism Eucharist Chichester Cathedral, 11am Danehill Parish Hist.Soc: 130 Years of Steam 8pm, Danehill Memorial Hall


FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS MARRIAGE Charlotte Walker and Jonathan Mitchell on 6th February REST IN PEACE Dorothy Violet Coldman (83), wife of Dennis, died 27th January, funeral 12th February at Worth Crematorium Doris May Kilford (94), died 28th January, funeral and interment 18th February Bob Sellens (91), father of Jane, Caroline and Ben, died 1st February, funeral 13th February followed by interment at Highbrook cemetery Ethel Brambley (95) of Westall House, died 7th February, funeral 2nd March at Worth crematorium Year’s Mind March 2nd Barry Roberts 2013 3rd Ronnie Spencer 2010 Norman Brown 2011 5th Violet Greig 2011 Vera Gale 2011 8th Sid Collins 2013 9th Quentin Hockliffe 2012 10th Ronald Burgess 2010 14th Colin Griffiths 2013 17th Jeanne Lamport 2013 20th Nora Davis 2013 29th Rebecca Genin 2013

Sunday 26th April at 11am Annual Parochial Church Meeting St Giles Church DONATIONS TO P&P As always, we are grateful to everyone who has made a contribution towards the printing costs of P&P. If you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to HKPCC. Donations can be sent/delivered to the Martindale Centre marked for my attention, or posted to me at Oak Tree Cottage, Chilling Street, Sharpthorne, W Sussex RH19 4HZ. Thank you very much for your support. Sally Lamb—Editor (HKPCC is a registered charity – No1154482) S Bishop, Mr R Cook, Miss M Denman, HK Stores, Mr R Luckhurst, Mr P Segal, and anon 4

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AND ODD JOBS cont/… Man and his Van – available for house moves, house clearances, collection / delivery of auction items, e-bay purchases and any other requirements including motorcycle transport! Fully insured. Please call 01825 740574 / 07818 040652 or green.ways@tiscali.co.uk Window cleaner, S Worsfold—All windows cleaned, conservatories, gutters, fascia boards, cladding. Every 6 weeks or one-offs. Always reliable. Very reasonable prices. Free quotes. Contact Steven on 07516822672. PUBLIC HOUSES The Crown Inn—14th Century Village Inn and Restaurant. Serving fresh homemade food for lunch or dinner, with a fine selection of local ales and wine. Large or small parties can be catered for in our beautiful surroundings, whatever the occasion. Bed and breakfast accommodation. Bookings recommended. Tel 01825 791609 The Green Man—First class hot and cold traditional pub food. Sunday lunch 12 noon—4pm. Now serving food Monday evenings 6-9pm. Quiz Night every Wednesday, 8.30pm, serving food from 6pm. Steak Night every Thursday from 6pm with free bottle of wine for every two steaks purchased. Booking advisable. Please note: kitchen closed Sunday evening. Tel 01825 790656 ROOFING Roofing and General Building Contractor—Fully insured. For no obligation quote ring W T Dye 01825 790048 or mobile: 07974 720699. STORAGE/OFFICE SPACE— starting @ £50 pcm Scaynes Hill. For further information please contact Charlie 01825790341 mob 07970621832 email charlie@ketchesfarm.co.uk TRANSPORT Flatbed van with tail lift, ideal for heavy or bulky items. Fragile or valuable pieces can be carried in the strong box or alarmed crew cab. Extensive experience both home and abroad. Haulage insurance and waste carrier licence. Call Kevin on 791859. TUITION English Tuition—Experienced English teacher, all levels, competitive rates. Melanie Farbrother, MA, PGCE, 01825 790206. French Matters—native speaker—Experienced teacher available for French tuition: all levels, all ages welcome. Tel: 01825 790080 HK Swimmers for swimming lessons From parent and baby to pre-school beginner stages. Local private pool, small classes. Contact Diane 07977 447603 or info@advswimschool.co.uk Jax Artclub for children—Come and have some creative time and fun! Small classes from 4 years old up.Tel Jax 01825 790453 or e mail jaxarts@googlemail.com for dates and further info. Specialist tuition with an experienced qualified teacher for dyslexic learners aged 5-11. Personalised lessons for children having difficulties with reading, spelling or writing. Gill Green BA, OCR Cert SpLD, gillmgreen@gmail.com, 01825 791030 Violin and viola lessons— in Horsted Keynes with member of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. All ages and levels welcome. www.musicteachers.co.uk Ben Pollani 07443 491685/01825 791719 bpollani@yahoo.co.uk VILLAGE SHOP Horsted Keynes Stores: Grocer, Delicatessen, Newsagent, Wine Merchant and Telecottage—Fresh bread, hot pies and other in-store bakery goodies. Delicatessen, now famous for its cheeses, turkey, patés, home-cooked hams, fresh and smoked fish. Wines, spirits, beers: functions supplied. FAX, dry cleaning. Open 7.30am-6pm Mon-Fri, Sat 7.30am-5pm, Sun 7.30am-12. Bridget & Clive 01825 790238. WEDDING RECEPTION LOCATION Stunning, peaceful parkland or lake settings in Horsted Keynes available for 5 weddings each year. April- August. A blank canvas for your country wedding. Unlimited parking and camping. www.cinderhillweddings.com


PETS cont/… Madeleine Pontet, DipCABT—A Companion Animal Behaviourist and Trainer, a member of the CAPBT specialising in canine-related behaviour and training. One-to-one consultations and training for all dogs from puppy to adulthood. I am fully insured and accept veterinary referrals. Please phone 01825 790223/07775 934920. www.sussex-dog-behaviour.co.uk PHOTOGRAPHY Photographs Forever—I will digitally repair your precious damaged, deteriorating or poor quality photographs so you can have fresh new prints and enlargements that will last forever . Photographs Forever, Oakwood, Beaconsfield Road, Chelwood Gate RH17 7LF. 01825 740986 07778 004550 PIANO TUNER Jonathan Hughes B.Sc. (hons) M.I. Tech, H.N.D—www.midsussexpianotuner.co.uk 01444 628772 /mobile 0793 997 9398. PLUMBING AND HEATING Atkinson Plumbing and Heating—Gas, oil, LPG and woodburners, kitchens, wet rooms and bathrooms. General plumbing and heating. 01825 791232/07973 550114 Boiler Servicing & Breakdown Repair—R A Francis Oil Fired Boiler Specialists. Specialising in boiler servicing, breakdown repair, new tank & boiler installations & commissioning. OFTEC Registered. Please call 01342 841511 or 07766 025578. Oil Fired Boilers - Repair and Servicing—Domestic Plumbing and Central Heating Repairs. OFTEC Qualified Fully insured. Phone Brian Goddard on 01825 791414 or Mobile 07769948385 Plumber & Heating Engineer—R N Turner—ACIPHE Registered. Plumbing and heating works—bathroom installations. References available. Tel: 01444 416069/07960167793 Solar Hot Water is now highly effective and affordable. Save up to 70% of your water heating bills using highly efficient solar panels .Solatube light pipes give you electric-free lighting using daylight piped down a shiny tube. Ideal for dark or windowless rooms, from £239.For a no obligation visit to assess your needs or to come and see them yourself call Chris at "Solar Sense" on 07899 65 77 22 / 01825 740037 BPEC accredited PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AND ODD JOBS Bannisters Ltd— Repairs to: modern furniture, bannisters/stairs, doors, floors, shelves and glass repairs etc. Cleaning or stripping, polishing and waxing. Upholstery and carpentry/joinery work undertaken. No job too small .... For free estimate and advice phone: 07950 035044. Wayfarers Cottage, Haywards Heath Rd, North Chailey, E Sussex BN8 4EX. Chimney Sweep and Flueologist - Clean Sweep- ICS Registered all work certificated. Chimney and Flue Sweeping, Flue Lining/Installations. Free smoke test, no mess brush and vacuum sweeping, CCTV inspections and fully insured. Open Fires/Wood Burners/Solid Fuel Appliances and Maintainance advice. Call Ian 01825790559/07824883902 email ihayward2@btinternet. Chimney Sweep - Milborrow the Flueologist—Extremely thorough brush and vacuum, Agas, Rayburns & all stoves serviced. Advice, problem chimneys solved. Stack repointing, fireplace repairs. Pots, cowls, birdguards fitted. Weddings attended with real black cat. 01342 717900 GSI Property Improvements—Do you need to get someone in? Home improvements, repairs or any of those jobs that need that extra pair of hands. Flooring—timber, tile, stone, laminate. Bathroom refurbishments and plumbing. Electrical repairs, painting, fencing to flat pack. If you need held with that job please give Chris a call on 01825 740 037 or 07899 657722 Horsted Signs—Sign writing. Vinyl signs for cars, vans, minibuses, notice boards, house names and banners. For details phone Peter Heasman, 01825 790459. Lucy Locksmith—Local Lady Locksmith for any problems concerning locks. Member of British Locksmith Association, no call out charge, discount for senior citizens, police accreditation. Moved house recently, are your locks insurance approved? 07780 840462. Top Trader of the Year with checkatrade.com


THE RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Friends The secret of life is keeping the main things the main things. This is why religion plays such a vital role. When people forget the world is made and loved by God and heading for his glory, we all lose out through thoughtless use of their lives and possessions. That being said, some people don’t believe in God for reasons he might excuse, like the experience of great evil at the hands of the ‘godly’. I wouldn’t want to judge anyone for unbelief and hold that the God and Father of Jesus will judge us all with mercy when the world ends. What are the main things that help God become real to us? PRAYER ‘Be still and know that I am God’ Psalm 46:10 WORSHIP ‘Gathering with the Lord’s people, on the Lord’s day in the Lord’s house around the Lord’s table’ STUDY especially of the Bible and lives of the saints SERVICE ‘You shall love your neighbour’ Matthew 22:39 REFLECTION including confessing your sins and periodically checking you’re keeping the main things the main things. A happy and holy Lent Father John


Healing service A 45-minute service of evening prayer with hymns in St Giles followed by prayer with laying on of hands by church members. The priest will be available for the sacraments of confession and anointing.

Sunday 22nd March 4pm

LENT AT ST GILES Tuesdays 10am LENT EUCHARIST Saturdays 5.30pm


Five Loves Lent 1 Lent 2 Lent 3 Lent 4 Lent 5


Home groups open to folk of all or no denomination will be looking at these basic spiritual disciplines. (see p. 9 for full details)


HOUSE CLEARANCE AND UNWANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Furnihelp Mid Sussex—Donate unwanted furniture and household effects to your local charity (no. 1143610) and help a local family in need. White goods in working order and other items (subject to meeting fire regulations standard). Tel/Ansaphone 01342 811755 or admin@furnihelp.co.uk for details. A Walter & Sons 01825 740206/07798 912826—Also barns, garages and outbuildings. JOB AND CAREERS COACHING Fully qualified professional coach available locally to help with issues around career choice and management. Includes CV writing, interview practice, understanding self and behaviours, occupational choices, options, developing portfolio careers, working for yourself, networking and using Linkedin. Works with young adults as well as those further into their careers or those looking for a change. Please ring 07966 691848 or visit www.untappedtalentcareers.com LEGAL SERVICES Jacqueline Lee Tel 01444 473372; jacquiblee@gmail.com—I am a friendly, approachable solicitor, with a small practice operating from home. If you need a will or power of attorney I can help. I will come to you at home at no extra charge. I can also advise on a range of other legal problems. MAPS AND STATIONERY Horsted Keynes Map - This Ordnance Survey map of Horsted Keynes, Ardingly and West Hoathly is twice the standard scale making footpaths easier to follow and features easier to find. Includes street maps of village centres and a brief history of each parish. Price £9.75 at Costcutter Sharpthorne, Wakehurst Visitor Shop or online at www.parishmaps.co.uk Alison Nicholson - Independent Phoenix Trader ID ref 27330 Greetings cards, stationery, gift wrap, children’s gifts. Order from my brochure or website. Charity fundraising, coffee mornings, school fairs and more. Tel: 01825 791718; e-mail ali.bubble@btopenworld.com or visit www.alisoncards.co.uk ‘Vintage Views & Nostalgic Images'- Over 4000 images dating from 1747 to 2000 of Horsted Keynes and surrounding towns and villages. Available as A6 cards (blank inside) or mounted prints ready for framing. Unusual gifts - shipped worldwide. Also cards featuring Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Vogue covers 1910 -1930, Flower Fairies, Beatrix Potter, Faye Whittaker plus some nostalgic adverts and motor racing posters. Now online at www.vintagepics.co.uk. Phone or email for details and lists. Ian Berry 01825 790837 Bluebell@berry11.fsnet.co.uk PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Artisan Decoration—25 years of experience in good quality domestic and commercial decoration at competitive prices. For further information and a free estimate, please contact Stephen Lines on 01825 790001. Basil Clark, Painting and Decorating, Property Maintenance—Wheelwright Cottage, Chapel Lane, Horsted Keynes RH17 7AF. Tel: 01825 790364/07748507026. Email: basiliclark@gmail.com Bernard J Cole, Property Care—Almost 30 years’ experience in Painting, Decorating, Coving, Tiling, Home Maintenance, etc. 01825 790040 P Moult & Associates—Friendly and reliable local service. 20 years’ experience. Free estimates. OAP discounts. All work undertaken. Please call 01825 714738/07884 342137 PEST CONTROL Carters Wasp Control—Treatment & removal of wasp/hornet nests, same day treatment. Please call Martin on 01825740972 /07717394086, or carters2@hotmail.co.uk Mice, Rats, Moles, Wasps—Horsted Keynes Pest Control— K Pollard 01825 790130 mobile 07881505418 PETS K-9 Beauty by Teresa—Professional one-to-one dog grooming in a stress-free salon. Hand stripping and terrier specialist; also bathing, grooming, clipping and scissoring to a very high standard, fully insured and member of the British Dog Groomers Association. Over 15 years’ experience. Open 7 days a week. Recommend a friend discounts. Dog food, handmade beds and toy boxes and now an independent distributor of Forever Living Products. Please call or pop in. Unit B3 Horsted Keynes Business Park, Cinder Hill Lane, RH17 7BA. www.k-9beautybyteresa.co.uk 01342 811 681.


HAIR AND BEAUTY The Beauty Room—A relaxing salon situated in the heart of Horsted Keynes offering manicures, pedicures, waxing, massage and eye treatments. For more information or to make an appointment please contact Victoria Fretten on 01825 790618/07964965742 The Finishing Touch Hair & Beauty—Be happy with your hair everyday! Do you have the right haircut for your faceshape? Do you have the right colour to compliment your skintone? For a free consultation call 01342 826005. 25% off for new clients! Stockist of Moroccan oil. Fringe Benefits Hair Salon is situated at the Horsted Keynes end off Haywards Heath, not directly in town, with ample parking. With 20 years’ experience, Vikki Wickens is fully qualified and insured, and worked in HK salon when it was open. Vikki recently updated her skills in modern cutting and colouring techniques, gaining straight distinctions. Ring for enquiries or to make an appointment - 07590989555 or 01444 443570 443570 Gill Gallon - Mobile Beauty Specialist based in Horsted Keynes - Member of The Guild of Beauty Therapists offering natural and organic facial treatments in your own home. Please contact me: email gillg19@aol.com, or phone 07853219833 Limes Treatment Room— Lindfield based beauty therapist with over twenty years experience offering Temple Spa facials, massage, waxing, manicures, pedicures & eye treatments. Please contact Madeleine on 07766 216301 or madeleine.lowson@btinternet.com Lindaire Mobile Hairdresser —Fully qualified experienced stylist from Chelwood Gate has now gone mobile! Phone Linda on 07851 208317 Vanilla Hair—5-star salon. London-trained stylists. Free consultations and advice. Stockists of L’Oreal Professionnel, Moroccan Oil, GHD, Opi Nail Bar. Experts in all hair care from everyday styling to Prom and Bridal. 17B South Rd, Haywards Heath. 01444 440794. www.vanillahairesigns.co.uk. Follow us on Facebook and click “liked” to received latest offers. HEALTH AND FITNESS Chiropodist/Podiatrist, Clare Beale BSc.(Hons) MSCh. HPC Reg—Local Clinic appointments. General foot care and specialist podiatry. www.clarebeale.com 01825 740059. Chiropodist/Podiatrist/Sports Therapist/Foot Health, Jerry Boon MSCCh MBChA—Home visits by arrangement. HPC registered. Tel: 07818 276082 Massage, Sport & Remedial Therapy Practitioner— Alison Sutton MSc, BSc. Individual tailored deep tissue massage that uses specific techniques to treat the stress, tension and fatigue that occurs through occupational, recreational or sporting activities. Biomechanical & postural assessments . Full member of SMA and ISRM. Tel: 01825 791834 or 07951372797 Personal Trainer — offering weekly circuit training and conditioning classes in the village. 1:1 Training, small group Personal Training and Outdoor Bootcamp. Fitness studio. Specialist in Fat Loss and the 30-Minute Metabolic Effect class. Contact Lisa at info@fitformoore.co.uk or on 01444 847951/07753 445358 Pointe Physio & Pilates—Jayne Lord, Chartered Physiotherapist, HPC registered, AACP registered. Small Pilates classes for all abilities, from beginners to advanced to over 70’s, at the Martindale and The Physio Therapy Centre. 1:1 appointments and home visits by arrangement. Contact me on 01825 791867 or 07740948705 or email jaynelord@pointephysioandpilates.co.uk for more information. Sports Therapy- M D Sports Therapy—Meg Denman BSc, MSST. I provide sports therapy for all sporting and non-sporting related injuries. Whether you tripped whilst walking the dog or have been suffering with an injury for years, I can help treat a variety of injuries whether they are acute, chronic or day to day aches and pains. Tel: 07542 204418, email:info.mdsportstherapy@gmail.com, visit: www.mdsportstherapy.info HOME AND CONTINUING CARE St Peter & St James Hospice & Continuing Care Centre (reg. charity no. 1056114) Providing specialist hospice care and longer term palliative care for those living with a life-limiting illness. For further information about donations and fundraising please contact Carol Hughes on 01444 471598. Westall House— Abbeyfield Society’s registered residential home, set in beautiful grounds. Single en-suite accommodation with 24 hour care in comfortable surroundings. We also have individual bungalows for independent living. Friendly and caring atmosphere. Ring Elizabeth Day, Care Manager, on 791157.


Thought of the Day broadcast by Fr John 12th January

There’s nothing like a good read. I’ve just finished Dave Eggers thriller The Circle. I won’t spoil it for you in case you’re reading it or thinking of reading it, but I will say it’s a sort of rewrite of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World for the social media generation. We are ‘the connected generation’ but as such we’re prey to subversive influences through the internet which this novel points up dramatically. ‘The Circle’ is Google-gone-wrong writ large with the whole world gripped by social media gone mad. It got me thinking about how social media both serves and hinders my connecting up with others. As a Christian I see Christ in my neighbour and my allegiance to other people is linked to that. Connecting up with others is what Church is all about. There are many digital networks and even churches with members who just meet online. All the same, the way we are as humans, in bodies present in one place and time, makes for a prioritising of physical presence one to another as in friendship, marriage, family, church and so on. I want to live connected – and the internet is one great option for connecting - but I can’t connect effectively without space and time away from social media. Computers don’t waste time but humans have to, both with one another and with God. Lord thank you for connecting us up through the internet. Give us wisdom to make that connecting serve you as well as our own well being for Jesus’ sake. Amen. 7

Palm Sunday 29th March Join the ecumenical procession 9.45am from the Martindale to St Giles [suits the donkey better—no disrespect to St Stephen’s!]

Good Friday - April 3rd Martindale Centre 10am Family worship and work-shop Hot cross buns - - Easter garden - Further details next month Come and Sing! We continue to meet 8pm, Tuesday evenings at the Martindale. All welcome—no audition required! Current songs include ‘Lean on Me’ and Billy Joel’s ‘In every heart’. 8

GARDENING AND LANDSCAPING Philip Ashton—Trees, Hedges, Gardens. All aspects of tree care undertaken as well as hedge and garden maintenance. NPTC qualified tree surgeon. Fully Insured. Tel: 01342 810729 Mob: 07805151245 Carters Groundworks—We specialise in land/woodland clearance, lakes & ponds. All aspects undertaken foundations, pipe laying, drives & tracks, tree & root removal. All kinds of plant hire available - diggers, dumpers etc ranging from 1-12 ton with or without operators. Rubbish clearance, tractor with low loader trailer, local machinery moving service. Top soil, mulch & aggregates supplied, & fire wood available. Fully insured & free estimates. Please call Martin on - 01825740972/07717394086 or carters2@hotmail.co.uk C lough Garden Maintenance—For a free friendly quote on Hedge-cutting, Turfing, Rotovating, Fence work, Paths, Patios, or Lawn mowing, please contact Nigel Clough: 01825 723138 or 07722710329 Garden Design & Renovation—We specialise in private garden design with full installation of both hard and soft landscaping elements. From complete garden creation to providing solutions for problem areas. Patios, pergolas and driveways to lawns, herbaceous borders, orchards and ponds. For a free local site visit please call Simon Doherr (HND Hortic) on 01825 790159 or 07812 001176. Garden Services - CARE 4YOUR GARDEN - Garden maintenance/Clearance, Hedge Cutting/Pruning, Turfing/ Seeding, Fencing & Gates, Leaf Clearance, Pressure Washing/Pond clearance and much more. Call Jody for all your gardening needs and a free estimate or written quotes. Fully Insured. T: 01323 846212 M: 07791 577246 Email: care4yourgarden@btinternet.com Greenways Garden Services— Professional RHS qualified gardener available for all garden maintenance including hedge, grass and brush cutting, tree felling/removal, mulching, weeding, planting etc. Reliable and prompt service by mature and enthusiastic individual who is passionate about planting! 01825 740574 / 07818 040652 or email green.ways@tiscali.co.uk Interlock Paving (Sussex & Surrey) — Specialists in all types of patios, driveways, paths, brickwork, drainage, and landscaping, with over 20 years’ experience. Free estimate. Tel: 01342 811484 mob: 07841 654299 . Email: interlockpavingsussexsurrey@gmail.com Newick Fencing Ltd—For all your fencing requirements, gates made to measure. Electric gates: new installations and adaptation of existing gates. Free estimates. Contact Barry Heasman on 01825 790990 or 07973 34 78 24 (mobile)/ www.newickfencing.com Professional Grass Cutting of Large Areas—A Walter & Sons 01825 740206 07798912826 Chris Sabin—All year round garden maintenance. Plumpton City & Guilds. Work on a weekly/hourly basis. Your local gardener. 32 years’ experience. Tel: 01825 790753 or mobile 07513 466244. T G Tapp Surfacing & Landscaping—Drives, patios , groundwork and all aspects of landscaping. 01825729261/760825 mobile 07775711233 Tree Surgeons and Landscape Contractors—Belvedere Tree and Landscape Experts. All aspects of tree surgery, stump grinding, hedge cutting. All aspects of fencing and turfing experts. Quality logs and woodland mulch for sale. Kew Gardens Trained and fully insured. Contact Barry Lewis-Langley 01825 791702/ 07798906291 Tree Surgery—Greyhound Tree & Garden Services—Grass and hedge cutting. Tree felling and reduction. Pruning and planting. Stump removal. Conifer care. Residential and commercial. Fully insured and qualified. App roved by WSCC Trading Standards and a Which? trusted trader. 01825 791979 or 07970 195570 www.greyhoundgardening.co.uk Tree Surgery, Hedge Cutting, Domestic and Agricultural fencing and gates installed—Seasoned firewood and charcoal also supplied. Fully insured and qualified. Contact Steve Miles on 01825 740491 or 07799 560708 or stevemiles110@live.co.uk. Trojan Fencing & Landscaping—Supplying and installing new fencing and gates. Repairs to old fencing. All aspects of tree surgery. Forestry, from thinning to large scale clearance. Hedge and lawn cutting. All aspects of landscaping from paths and patios to large earth moving. Clearance of waste ground. Removal of garden waste/ rubbish. Fully insured and free estimates. Tel: 01825 740385 or 07738 627246 Email: trojanfencing@gmail.com FURNISHINGS AND ANTIQUES Rupert Thacker Antique Furniture Restoration Services—Providing a comprehensive and sympathetic service, including furniture repairs, polishing work etc. to antique, contemporary and reproduction furniture. Old Barn Workshops, Flitteridge Farm, Daleham Lane, Fletching, East Sussex Tel: 01825 713111 or mob. 07950035044 email: sales@rupert-thacker.com www.rupert-thacker.com


BUILDERS. CARPENTERS AND PLASTERERS cont/… Nutshell Construction Ltd We are a family-run construction company that specialise in heritage restoration, refurbishment and bespoke residential projects. Contact us on 01903 217900 or email us at info@nutshellconstruction.com Town & Country Construction Ltd - Local building company with extensive portfolio of work in Horsted Keynes. All types of major building work undertaken as well as smaller projects such as kitchens, bathrooms, plastering, electrical work, general plumbing and carpentry. All carried out by experienced and qualified in house tradesmen. Gas Safe and NHBC registered. Tel: 07973 866121 or email info@townandcountryconstruction.co.uk

CAR SERVICING Mick Roberts— Mobile car servicing and repairs. 01825 790796/mobile 07769 530484. CATERING, PRODUCE AND LOGS Blue Smock Sussex Meats—Home produced lamb (monthly boxes and cuts), seasonal game, venison and rape seed oil. Open Friday or by appointment. Cinder Hill House, Horsted Keynes. 01342 810343 Griffiths—Jeffrey’s Farm— We deliver our own Free-Range Eggs weekly. Also Hay, Straw, Logs and Farmyard Manure. 01825 790401. High Weald Dairy, Tremains Farm—Open during the week for a wide selection of cheese. Cheese Gifts, Hampers and Celebration cakes of cheese available. Tel: 01825 791636. Visit www.highwealddairy.co.uk John’s Fresh Fish—Mobile fishmonger in Horsted Keynes on Fridays 10.30-11.15am. 01737 248242 Loaf - Event caterers—Weddings, christenings, parties, hog roasts, BBQ's, paella, hot and cold buffets, formal dining. 01825 791051 M 07792 859333 loafcatering@hotmail.co.uk www.iloveloaf.co.uk Karen Wheatley—Catering for every occasion Dinner Parties, Canapés, Buffets, Weddings, etc. 01825 790332 or 07976 281732 COMPUTERS AND INTERNET Affordable PC Tuition and Support— Need help with your computer, iPad or Tablet? Absolute beginners or specific issues. Windows, Apple or Android. Local experienced tutor. Steve Ward 07986 522595 swsounds@tiscali.co.uk COUNSELLING AND CONSULTANCY Counselling and Consultancy—Free no obligation introductory meeting. Personal counselling service for wide range of issues (incl phobias and some allergies) and to guide you to achieve your goals from experienced, empathic and highly effective NLP Master (and Health Certificated) Practitioner. Total confidentiality guaranteed. Pragmatic business advice from experienced entrepreneur and business angel. Call Paul Segal 01342 810654 for an informal chat or for details email: ps@paulsegal-creativesuccess.co.uk Sussex Counselling Partnership We offer supportive, confidential and professional counselling with life challenges such as anxiety, low self-esteem, loss, relationship and family issues, teenager concerns. Contact: Vicky Spencer 07982 138204 or Sophy Chetwood 07741 011894 www.sussexcounsellingpartnership.co.uk. We are registered members of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy and our counselling room is centrally located in Haywards Heath. ELECTRICIANS Electrical Services Supplied by James Denman— NAPIT Part P registered. Domestic and commercial. For good advice and a free quote please call Mob 07889 957330 or Tel 01825 740658. Email jamesdenman57@gmail.com Electrotech—Local Village Electrician. All jobs considered Tel Chris on 01825 790324 /07957960429 Fretten Electrical Services—NAPIT "Part P" registered. Call Steve Fretten on 07968 181168.


The Five Loves - for Lent - Lent gatherings

to reflect on five important aspects of living the Christian Life, linked with the teachings of our significant historical 17th-century resident, Archbishop Robert Leighton, enhanced by research done by Ann Govas and the Rector. Wednesdays: March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th at 8pm, meet at 20 Hamsland, home of Terry and Sylvia Higham with Ann Govas and the Rector Thursdays: March 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th at 1.30 pm, meet at 6 Boxes Lane, home of Beth and Barry Reed with Ann Twisleton, Val Giffen and Chris Wheatley

Prayer Worship Study Service Reflection

Fridays: March 6th and 20th at 1.30 pm, meet at 10 Cheeleys, home of Rhoda and Phil Miles with the Rector Mix and match sessions if you like. Each week stands alone. Study booklets available at the back of St Giles Church

Come and help make the posies for Mothering Sunday! Saturday 14th March, 10am at the Martindale Any flowers and greenery from your garden will be very welcome. 9

Bob Sellens (1923-2015) Address given by the Rector at Bob’s service of thanksgiving on 13th February at St Giles


hen I became parish priest in 2009 the first talk I attended in St Giles other than by me was given by Bob that July to the historical society, a fascinating presentation of the history of this building. It was the beginning of a six-year partnership which, among other things, will lead to publication of a new illustrated church history the proofs of which he has checked, thank God! Bob’s last official church venture, shared with Caroline Rich, was an electronic inventory of the graves in our Churchyard. There’s irony therefore in our sending him across the valley this afternoon to lie with Gladys, through the good offices of my friend and neighbour Lionel Whatley. His presence in the sanctuary this morning symbolises the loss felt at West Hoathly and Highbrook that complements what we feel here. Bob escapes being on the inventory he made for us, though his memory will continue, not least through his beautiful Book of Remembrance and Service Book, the latter placed on his coffin today. News of Bob’s death came to us early on Sunday 1st February when we were gathering in the school hall for Education Sunday’s Candlemass. What a lovely touch of providence that the school was venue for announcing the loss of Mr Sellens, who served as head from 1970 to 1984. Also that Boy Bishop and Santa Lucia, head boy and girl were at hand, as they are today. Bob was instrumental with my predecessor Fr Alan McRae in raising up these offices which look to age-old Christian faith and practice. Our head boy is dressed as a Bishop and our head girl as St Lucy, the girl martyr. We’re pleased they also can be with us on the altar at his funeral. Last September a procession left St Giles after parish Eucharist, speeding through the rain to The Green for the blessing of 1 Searles Cottages. How sad his move to the village was short-lived. That shed he proudly showed us, set up to house many creative pursuits, now to serve someone else! Bob was a teacher and he set things up by choosing the account of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 to be read today so I, preaching at his funeral, should give his last lesson! He knew God loved him with all his faults and wants you to know the same. Yours, like his, can be the embrace of a loving God who treats our sins like dust to be blown away. It’s not for me to list his sins – God knows them anyway – but, as surely as the holy water is sprinkled on his coffin, God’s cleansing is given to the baptised who seek his grace. This man wasn’t self-sufficient. All his creativity he traced back to his creator. He saw the Maker’s hand in all things. Those times he wondered around with giant receivers to catch and record bird song were to him an underlining of the marvel of things. James Nicholson writes: Almost whatever was going on at St Giles, Bob was central to it. For example, under Mark Hill Tout (and then under 10

DIRECTORY OF LOCAL TRADERS ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCIAL SERVICES dmc partnership—Local friendly firm of Chartered Accountants in Forest Row offers full tax and accountancy services. Includes preparation of Tax Returns, Capital Gains and Retirement Planning and Inheritance tax reviews. Bruce Cunningham 01342 824181 or Bruce@dmcpartnership.com AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTOR Carters agricultural contracting—Field flailing & topping, hedge flailing, tractor & dump trailer hire, & low loader, stock & deer fencing, Sussex chestnut post & rail supplied & erected, & seasoned barn dried logs. Please call Martin for a free estimate on - 01825 740972/07717394086 or carters2@hotmail.co.uk ARCHITECT Local RIBA Chartered Practice established 1995 with Sussex Heritage Trust Award Commendations. We provide individual attention and service to clients. Practical planning and design advice with creative solutions for new and historic buildings from start to finish. Contact David Jenkins RIBA 01444 484811 or email info@davidjenkinsdesign.co.uk. www.davidjenkinsdesign.co.uk. BED AND BREAKFAST Burghurst Lodge bed and breakfast in the centre of Horsted Keynes. Double room with en suite shower and separate kitchen in converted outbuilding. Tel: 01825 790039 . Website: burghurstlodge.co.uk Email: enquiries@burghurstlodge.co.uk Courtlands Nurseries B&B—large en-suite rooms, open all year (www.courtlandsnurseries.co.uk). Also Nursery: open Thurs, Fri, Sat 9 am-5pm for plants, free-range eggs, vegetables and cut flowers in season. (Closed Mon, Tues, Wed, Sun) 01342 810780 The Crown Inn—14th Century Village Inn and Restaurant offering Bed and Breakfast accommodation. Serving fresh homemade food for lunch or dinner, with a fine selection of local ales and wine. Large or small parties can be catered for in our beautiful surroundings, whatever the occasion. Bookings recommended. Tel 01825 791609 Saxons, Horsted Lane, Sharpthorne (near Ravenswood). Saxons is a large detached country house with splendid views over the surrounding countryside and the Bluebell Railway. One double and one twin bedroom, each with its own en-suite or private bathroom. Self-catering also available in wing of house. Tel: 01342 810821 email: saxonsbandb@btinternet.com website: saxonsbandb.co.uk Step Cottage Barn, School Lane, Danehill Well-appointed, clean & comfortable self-catering or B&B accommodation, can sleep up to 4 (2 on sofa bed). Ground floor shower room and fully equipped kitchen with washing machine and dishwasher. www.stepcottagebarn.co.uk Helen McLennan 01825 740574 BICYCLES Restored/refurbished secondhand bicycles for sale. Also servicing and repairs at a very reasonable price. Please call Pete Baldwin, Horsted Keynes, 01825 790657 BUILDERS. CARPENTERS AND PLASTERERS S Bishop & Son Ltd - Building Contractors, Est 1895, The Square, Forest Row. (01342) 822740—A family business offering Plumbing & Heating (Gas Safe), Builders, Painting & Decorating, Electrical, Property Maintenance & Carpentry services. Come and take a look around our hardware store at the above address too. D Gaston—City & Guilds Qualified Plasterer— All requirements including new works, plasterwork repairs, resetting smooth Artex, and textured surfaces. Plus decorating services. 01825 791136 or mobile 07721 925522 S Manvell—Purpose-made joinery timber frame repairs, and production and machining of designer wood products. Forge Works, 58 High Street, Ardingly—01444 892163 Mid Sussex Carpentry—Carpentry and handyman services. All aspects of carpentry carried out to your specifications, from wooden floors to hanging doors and everything in between, along with all those little jobs that need completion in your home. No job is too small. The price you’re quoted is the price you pay, no hidden fees! Contact Gary Richardson on 07770 270490 or email gary@midsussexcarpentry.co.uk



Hello to everyone. I’ll start by reminding everyone that the fishing season ends on Sunday 15th March 2015; it restarts on Tuesday 16th June. A future date for your diary: Horsted Keynes Angling Club AGM will be held on Tuesday 21st April at 8pm in Horsted Club. All members and guests are welcome and any members wishing to pay their subs may do so on the night. All subscriptions will remain the same for the new season, that being Seniors £45; Juniors £20; and OAP and Early Retired £30. It’s that time of year to remind all visitors to the lakes that, if the water is frozen, please leave well alone and keep your pets well away and under control. We are now hopefully about to see the start of spring, the time of year our plant life starts to wake up and show itself. As tempting as it may be, please do not remove any plants. If each person who visits the lakes takes just one plant or flower, there would be nothing left to grow next spring, so look and admire but do not touch. Thank you. Kingfisher watch: I have heard from one or two anglers that our resident kingfishers are in good shape after rearing their offspring; at least two pairs have had their youngsters fledge this year. We wish them well. There is still ongoing work on and around our waters so please keep well away from the areas where the machinery is working—better safe than sorry. A fond farewell on Friday 13th February: the village said its goodbyes to a man who was small in stature but large in life. I, like many others, paid my respects and said farewell to Mr Sellens, my teacher in 1955. Yes, that’s right, and still to this day I have to call him Mr Sellens, even after being asked by him on many occasions to use “Bob”. Sorry, but I have too much respect for him. Let’s hope he carries on his teaching! I’ll finish with my usual plea: please take care when you visit the lakes; it is the countryside, not a playground. That’s all for this month. More angling news in next month’s P&P. Andy Jones—Angling Club Secretary


David Stonebanks) we had parish retreats, or weekends away, when we'd try to get closer to God and each other and discern His will for the parish. It was after the first of these that we resolved to buy what became the Martindale Centre. Bob was with us, leading group discussions and guiding us all with his great wisdom and experience. In my own conversations with Bob I sensed he knew a church’s need of God was its greatest evangelistic resource. Peter Vince recalls: We will all remember Bob’s soft, distinctive voice, his winning smile and many acts of kindness. Bob saw children come and go. I remember his pride when folk he’d taught or mentored like Cavan Wood or Fr Alex Baxter came back to preach. Bob dealt with many who came and went in a sadder way. He was the welcoming father to the prodigal. Our chair of governors, Marion Lott writes: Bob became headmaster at a time of change in education. Previously schools had a Board of Managers, who as far as I can judge, met for tea with the Headteacher once a term and turned up as invited to events but had little or no responsibility for how successful the school was. Then the name changed and Governors were introduced and gradually their responsibilities were increased until the present time. Also parents began to be more obviously involved in their children's education and PTAs began to be formed. Bob had to deal with all these changes and he did so calmly and in a welcoming manner. Previously it had been the norm for parents never to cross the threshold of the school but that changed forever and it was under Bob's leadership that it happened so smoothly at St. Giles. We thank you, Bob, for your welcoming manner that emulated the Father of the prodigal and served that transition which allowed parents over the threshold of our school – and governors! How the world changed over your 91 years! Our churchwarden David Lamb pays a similar tribute, recalling the encounter of his own young family with St Giles and Bob. Everything he said and did was so understandable by young people. Would more of us had that gift today! It’s a gift of creative enthusiasm the guy had, be it about bird song, Broadhurst Manor, drains or liturgy – there it was. It infected us. It led us and it represented a heavenly Father’s affirming love. Naturally we should today apply the gospel of the prodigal’s return and the father’s welcome to the soul of Bob Sellens praying he will hear the royal words of absolution and welcome, which I repeat once more. His father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. “Quickly, bring out a robe—the best one—and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!” Luke 15:22-24 Bob – may that welcome be yours! For you and I – let’s get on with seeking God’s mercy and being instruments of that mercy in a sad judgmental world!


HORSTED KEYNES POST OFFICE UPDATE Unfortunately, Horsted Keynes Post Office has ceased to operate for the time being. The current policy of Post Office Limited does not favour ‘stand alone’ Post Offices but they are very supportive of locating Post Offices within existing retail outlets (Post Office Local) and would like to see this solution adopted in Horsted Keynes. Despite extensive efforts it has not been possible, so far, to find business premises in the village able or willing to host a full-time Post Office Local service. While we have not given up on this preferred option, we are exploring the possibility that in the short term an ‘outreach’ service could be provided within existing premises in the village, on a part- time basis, by a visiting post office from another village or town. However, it appears that if this alternative were adopted, Post Office Limited’s current policy might make it difficult to revert to a full-time operation in the future. Nevertheless, we will continue to strive for the best possible outcome for Horsted Keynes. We continue to explore all viable options and will keep the village informed of any developments. 18th February 2015 Horsted Keynes Post Office & Shop Association Ltd

GARDENER’S CALENDAR As I write, the weather can't make it's mind up, frequent snow flurries interspersed with bright sunny spells, but with a chill north/north-westerly wind making outdoor pursuits somewhat bracing. Snowdrops are in full bloom, the aconites have begun to open, helleborus foetidus cultivars have splendid flower heads, and the sarcococcas are still going strong, emitting a delightful perfume from their clusters of tiny white flowers. Daphnes are also beginning to give off heady scents and the days are really drawing out as the sun sets later. March can be dry, cold and windy too but a good month to crack on with preparation for the season ahead. To recap on some of the jobs mentioned last month plus others for tackling this month:

Prune apples and pears, cut down autumn raspberries, plant shallots, onion sets and buy seed potatoes and chit them.

Prune hybrid tea roses (each stem to 6 inches from its base), floribunda roses (cut down to 12-15 inches and thin out congested or crossing stems) and buddlieas, cutting the latter back hard leaving just 1-2 inches of last year's growth and removing any old woody stems.

Mulch flower borders and vegetable gardens when the ground isn't frozen.

Under protection (glasshouse/window sill) sow sweet peas; likewise broad beans "Aquadulce Claudia" if you didn't do so in the autumn. Also sow lettuce, tomatoes, alyssum, ageratum, clarkia, larkspur, stocks (Matthiola) and French marigolds, and directly into the ground radish, beetroot, carrots, parsnips and early peas.

Take cuttings of overwintered chrysanths, pelargoniums and fuchsias, pot up stored dahlias and lily bulbs.

Pot on houseplants whose roots are coming through the base of the pot. Pot into the next size pot not several sizes bigger, as roots sitting next to a large volume of wet compost don't always appreciate it.

If weather permits and the grass has begun to grow a little, cut the grass on a high setting. Spring lawn treatments can begin in March but always read the manufacturers’ directions as to dosage and weather conditions. Lindsay Shurvell—Courtlands Nurseries

The Village Lunch 3rd Friday each month—12 for 12.30pm The next lunch at the Martindale will be on 20th March. Enjoy a home-cooked meal in good company and with stunning views of the countryside! Please book your place by signing the list in the village shop. It would help the cooks if you could book by the Monday of the week in which the lunch falls. The cost of the lunch is £4.00. See you there! 12


HORSTED KEYNES VILLAGE HALL The Village Hall is for the use of all villagers, village clubs and societies, at an affordable rate of hire. We have a large hall with a stage, a small meeting hall, a modern kitchen and toilets for the disabled. We have enough tables, chairs, cutlery and crockery for 100 people and we even have an upright piano. Contact Caroline Burton, our Bookings Officer, on 01825 791307, Monday to Friday between 9am – 5pm for Village Hall bookings only.

Martindale Centre If you are planning an Event or a Party, come and look at the Martindale Centre with all its improved facilities. The whole of the Centre or just a part are available to hire, together with the use of the kitchen and all the equipment. For details of charges and further information, please look at St Giles Church website (www.stgileschurchhorstedkeynes.org.uk) To make an enquiry or to check availability, contact Veronica Griffiths, 790401

Chelwood Gate Village Market Saturday 21st March 10am until 2pm Chelwood Gate Village Hall Beaconsfield Road Locally sourced produce and crafts. Three marquees CAFÄ– 40


Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday March 6th Join with local women at 1.30pm at Lindfield Evangelical Free Church to share in a service prepared by the women of the Bahamas. Theme, based on the words of Jesus: “Do you know what I have done for you?” Alternative venues: Holy Trinity Church, Coleman’s Hatch at 2 pm Presentation Church, Haywards Heath at 2 pm LITTER PICKING IN HORSTED KEYNES We are now approaching the time of year when we need to get out into the Parish to pick up litter that others have left behind! This is best done before the growth of vegetation hides what should not be there. I hope some of you will be able to join me on the morning of Friday 20th or Saturday 21st March. I propose that we start from the Martindale Centre at 9.30am on both days, aiming to finish by noon. Last year, the Friday group achieved so much that the Saturday volunteers were able to finish earlier. Also, volunteers who were unable to join us on the chosen dates kindly went out earlier and notified me of areas they had cleared so we did not need to check them again.

Good Neighbours West Sussex Supporting local elderly people to reduce social isolation across West Sussex As everyone is different, the Royal Voluntary Service provides support which is tailor-made to individual needs. The overall aim is to enable people to increase social contact and become more active in their local community. This service is available free of charge and can include such things as:

accompanying someone to the shops or to visit friends

support to attend local clubs, groups and activities

enabling a person to take up a hobby

arranging for a person to be delivered a daily hot meal.

some company and a chat with regular visits from a volunteer.

We can also link you with a wide range of other organisations across West Sussex that provide advice, services and activities. Whatever the situation, the Royal Voluntary Service will visit you at home and together we will create some ideas and plans that will help you live the way you want. For more information, please contact our team on 01293 228 060

Danehill Parish Historical Society

Litter bags and high visibility waistcoats will be provided and we have a few hand-held litter pickers. Please wear stout shoes and your gardening gloves.

The talk at our meeting on 31st March will be '130 Years of Steam from LB&SCR to the Bluebell Railway’ by Matthews Cousins, GRA. It will take place at Danehill Memorial Hall, RH17 7HS at 8pm and is open to non-members at a fee of £3 to include refreshments.

Jon Martin

Susan Howe



NADFAS Newick & District Decorative and Fine Art Society Plumpton Village Hall, 2.15pm, Tuesday March 10th HISTORY OF ART IN 12 MASTERPIECES by Aliki Brains So which masterpieces will Aliki chose? Aliki is well qualified to tell us, having studied at the Ruskin School of Fine Art, Oxford, the Slade and the Courtauld Institute. So where will she start? Perhaps she may begin with one of the wonderful cave paintings at Lascaux andColeman’s then continueHatch with examples Holy Trinity Church, at 2 pmfrom Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. Followed presumably by one of the superb Italian religious paintings of the 15th Century, and then definitely Rembrandt, the Mona Lisa and Michelangelo—they must always be included. Next the Impressionists, surely they should get a look in . . but where after that? Edvard Munch? Sunderland? Or possibly end with Tracey Emin’s and her unmade bed? Or perhaps not! To find out why not come and join us? Visitors are always most welcome and the cost is £7 on the door with, as always, tea and biscuits afterwards, and a chance to talk to the speaker. If you require any further information please ring Marjorie Blunden on 01825 723250. Annette Sheldon

Creation God is sitting in Heaven when a scientist says to Him, “Lord, we don’t need you any more. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the ‘beginning’.” “Oh, is that so? Tell me….” replies God. “Well,” says the scientist, “we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of You and breathe life into it, thus creating man.” “Well, that’s interesting…. show me.” So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mould the soil. “Oh no, no, no…” interrupts God. “Get your own dirt.” 38


HORSTED KEYNES NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Your Village | Your Future | Your Choice

THANK YOU FOR GETTING INVOLVED! So far over 300 people have taken part in the ongoing consultation on the proposed sites for inclusion in the HK Neighbourhood Plan. Thank you to all those who have commented so far – at the 24th January event, at the last HKNP Steering Group meeting and via the website, email and post. You can still see all the sites information and have your say at www.horstedkeynesparishcouncil.com/np-consultation-events or by contacting the Parish Clerk.

WHY DO WE NEED A NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN? The majority of consultation responses we have received are positive about the idea of a Neighbourhood Plan and the process so far. If you are still asking yourself ‘Why does HK need a Neighbourhood Plan?’ here are three key reasons. The Neighbourhood Plan will:


Ensure that any development that does occur in Horsted Keynes will benefit the local community and meet local housing need - allocating sites in the Plan will bring forward a greater mix of housing types, including more affordable housing that can be held in perpetuity for people with a local connection. Protect the parish from large, unplanned development over the 16-year Plan period – Mid Sussex District Council has a requirement to accommodate a significant proportion of development across its villages under its emerging Local Plan and villages without a Neighbourhood Plan will be at greater risk of applications from developers for unplanned development.

Sussex Police are issuing an urgent warning to residents, especially the elderly and anyone living alone, not to be taken in by a current wave of crime in which phone callers posing as police officers or bank staff ask for bank and card details. The fraudsters call the intended victim claiming to be from either the police or a bank. They tell them that their card details have been fraudulently used and that they need to act urgently to protect themselves. They suggest that they hang up and ring the bank or police back to ensure that the call is genuine. Don't be fooled - they stay on the line and pretend to be the police or the bank. They then tell the intended victim to key in or read out their PIN number. They will then send a taxi or courier, who may know nothing about the crime, to collect the bank card. With this and the PIN they will then have full access to spend your money. Detective Chief Inspector Ali Eaton from the Surrey and Sussex Police Specialist Crime Command said: "Under no circumstances would the police or your bank request your PIN number over the telephone or arrange collection of your bank cards from your home address in this manner. "Never give out your bank details to someone who has contacted you on your home phone unsolicited. If you have any suspicions please do not use the phone you have just been called on to contact the police or your bank. If possible use another phone to contact the police to report it, or to contact a friend or relative to alert them. “We want to encourage everyone to continue to resist these callers, so if you have any information, whether you have received similar calls or know someone who has been a victim of this crime, contact Sussex Police via 101 or email 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk quoting Operation Edisto. You can also call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111." Prayerline Going through a tough time? Need to share a problem? Ever thought about prayer? Why not share it? Why not halve it? “That which I have placed into His hands....He holds..." Jenny Johnson Tel: 791040 7.00-9.00am Trine Crouch Tel: 790629 12.00-2.00pm Chris Wheatley Tel: 790467 7.00-9.00pm A problem shared is a problem halved! Prayerline is endorsed by Horsted Keynes PCC


NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH HORSTED KEYNES Anything suspicious, day or night, contact the police immediately. Contacting the Police: Ring 999 If a crime is about to be committed or if life is threatened, don’t hesitate to ring immediately. Ring 101 Report suspicious activity directly and immediately to the Police and ask for the Call Handling Centre. Calling 101 costs 15p per call; you can also use 01273 470 101 which connects to the same number but is usually free if you have an inclusive calling plan. You can also report nonemergencies by email to contact.centre@sussex.pnn.police.uk You can contact our PCSO, Erica Baxter, directly on 07789 168791, although if there is no answer or the answerphone is on she may be off duty, so please then use one of the main contact numbers above. Ring 0800 555 111 Crimestoppers. Phone if you have any information about motor crime or any other crime. All calls are treated confidentially and you do not have to give your name. ALWAYS ASK FOR A SERIAL NUMBER Area Co-ordinator Kenton Lawton Street Co-ordinators Rod Smith David Douglass Kenton Lawton

Mary Elston Lesley Watson Brian Lott Roy Humphries Andrew Townsend Dan Bastide Tracy Donaldson Heidi Mowforth 36

Neighbourhood Watch Contacts Tel No 790304 Areas Covered 790701 Church Lane, Leighton Rd & Cheeleys 790605 Chapel Lane & Wyatts Lane 790304 Tremains Farm (NW sign), Treemans Rd, along Hamsland up to rec. ground including Highfield 790260 Keysford Lane up to Water Works (NW sign) 791885 Waterbury Hill, Sugar Lane, Boxes Lane & Jefferies 790537 Bonfire Lane (top), Lucas & Birch Grove Rd up to & incl. Westall House 791565 Bonfire Lane (lower), Hamsland up to rec. ground, Challoners & H F Court 790201 Lewes Rd 791729 Station Rd, Hillcrest & The Green 791012 Rixons Close & Orchard 790825 Railway Cottages beyond HK Station

Help Horsted Keynes to thrive over the 16-year Plan period – it is clear from our consultation so far that the viability and protection of the village’s services is of upmost priority for most residents. Planning for some growth over the coming years, rather than trying to shut out any development in the short-term, will help to maintain these valuable assets for the future.

NEXT STEPS – DEVELOPING THE HKNP POLICIES Site selection for the Plan is ongoing – we are reviewing the consultation responses in detail at the moment. This community feedback as well as responses from the highways authority, other statutory bodies and landowners will feed into the draft Neighbourhood Plan which will contain policies as well as allocated sites. The policies will be at the heart of the Plan. There can be policies on, for example, the type and mix of new housing and on protecting assets of community value. There will also be site-specific policies that will influence what is allowed on sites allocated for potential development. The draft policies that were on display on 24th January are just the start of this process and we will be working on them in the coming weeks. We will be holding a community consultation on the draft policies as part of the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 14th April 2015 at 8pm in the Village Hall - look out for more details. Developing policies for the Neighbourhood Plan is just as important as selecting individual sites so please continue to take part!

FIND OUT MORE & STAY UP TO DATE: HKNP Steering Group meeting: Thursday 5th March, 8pm, Martindale There is an open session for questions and discussion at the beginning. www.horstedkeynesparishcouncil.com/neighbourhood-plan facebook.com/YourVillageHK


To join our mailing list email: hkneighbourhoodplan@gmail.com


Although the 2014/15 Parish Council year is not yet finished, we are already planning ahead for the 2015/16 year and I am pleased to advise that the budget and Council tax precept for the next financial year has been agreed by the Council and communicated to Mid Sussex District Council. The Parish Council has worked hard to keep the increase to the budget as low as possible without reducing services or maintenance and, as a result, a small increase of less than £1 per year on a Band D property has been achieved. Councillors feel that this still reflects excellent value and could not have been achieved without the continued support of the various contractors who carry out work for the PC and who continue to provide us with outstanding services and value for money. I also need to let you know that Mark Syrett recently resigned from the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Mark contributed greatly at PC meetings, represented the Council on a number of external bodies and, most importantly, was the driving force behind the early stages of the Neighbourhood Plan process. His input to some of the more lively Parish Council debates will be missed. 18

HK Parish Council

Village Mailbox


Mark’s resignation has created a Casual Vacancy (yes just like the J K Rowling book which is currently being televised!) within the Council. Formal notices of the vacancy have been displayed on the PC Notice Board but, as we are within six months of the next Parish Council elections (to be held on 7th May), the Parish Council is not required to follow the normal process to fill this vacancy – it will hopefully be filled when the elections take place. If you would like to fill this vacancy by becoming a Parish Councillor please see below for election details. Finally – Don’t forget the Annual Parish Meeting on 14th April 2015 in the Village Hall – 8.00 pm. This year we hope to have PCSO Erica Baxter available to answer questions, and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have been invited to present and use the event for further consultation. It should be a good evening – look forward to seeing you there. More next month. Beverley O’Garra Clerk to the Parish Council

There is an even more tenuous connection between Jane Austen (or at least her mother) and Horsted Keynes. Me. A forebear of mine, Thomas Powys, and Cassandra Leigh (Jane Austen’s mother) were childhood sweethearts, but she was also pursued by George Austen, who at that stage was further up the clerical ladder. The Rev. Thomas conducted their marriage in 1764, and later, when he received his first proper parish, she sent him a regretful letter. He subsequently became Chaplain to George III at St James, then Dean of Canterbury, which perhaps increased her regrets I think he would have contributed well to Jane's gene pool, being himself an elegant speaker (he addressed the House of Commons) and poet. Perhaps Cassandra was his one true love, since he never married anyone else. (I am descended from his elder brother.) Martin Powys-Lybbe

Winston’s Wish in West Sussex In West Sussex, Winston’s Wish run a unique bereavement support programme called SWITCH, aimed at children aged 8-14 who have suffered a close family bereavement which is having a negative effect on their behaviour. The bereavement may not be recent but may still be having an impact on the child. SWITCH offers family work, individual work for children and their carers, and group work. We end the programme with a celebration day. The aim is to provide children and families with the opportunity to work through their experience with qualified professionals and to help them make sense of their emotions and feelings, meet other people in similar situations, and provide them with coping strategies to help them reach their full potential. The programme has been running in West Sussex now for two years and feedback from both children and their carers has been very positive. We would like to reach as many of these children and families as possible in West Sussex. If you would benefit from SWITCH, or you know a child or family who might like any further information, please contact Sheila Elliott, Family Programme Lead for SWITCH: selliott@winstonswish.org.uk / switch@winstonswish.org.uk. Or phone the office on 01403 211030 and ask to speak to myself or a member of the SWITCH team. For further information on Winston’s Wish please go to our website www.winstonswish.org.uk 35

Great British Fish and Chip Supper – Friday 15th May 2015 Want to eat fish and chips and raise money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 15th May 2015 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s vital services. You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre. SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting eight friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00, you will raise at least £40.00 from your supper, but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA. The money raised will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families. For more information or to request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350 or email fundraising@siafishandchips.co.uk or visit www.siafishandchips.co.uk.

GOOD COMPANIONS Unfortunately I was not able to be at our February meeting as I succumbed to one of the nasty cold viruses doing the rounds, but am reliably informed that the afternoon went very well and the tea and entertainment were both excellent. A talented musical trio called "The Remnants" played guitars and harmonica and sang well-known tunes from the Sixties and Seventies, including Beatles and Elvis numbers. Quite a modern afternoon by Good Companions' standards! I have only heard good feedback and all enjoyed themselves. The Village Market Committee made their tea debut for us too that afternoon, providing a delicious selection of sandwiches and cakes. A big thank you to them, especially as some of the committee were wearing two hats on the day. Our next meeting is our AGM on Wednesday March 11th in the hall. We are doing a lunch for everyone so please be there for 12.30pm and we will eat first and hold the meeting afterwards. New members are always welcome. We are still looking for new committee members as well, so if you'd like to help one afternoon a month, please give me a ring. Thanks. Ann Catt—01825 740189 34

Your Parish Council Needs You! Would you like to be involved in making Horsted Keynes tick? Would you like to be contributing to the Parish so that it continues to be a great place to live? You can – you can become a Parish Councillor! The Electoral Commission comprehensive guidance for candidates is available via its website at: http://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/candidate-or-agent/parish-andcommunity-council-elections-in-england-and-wales Parish Council elections will take place on 7th May 2015 and the nomination period is scheduled to run from 30th March 2015 until 4pm on Thursday 9th April 2015. Nomination packs will be available from the Parish Council office from 25th March, electronically from the Parish Council website at www.horstedkeynesparishcouncil.com or from the Electoral Commission website above Completed nomination papers must be delivered in person by the candidate or their agent to the offices of Mid Sussex District Council during the nomination period, where MSDC Electoral Services staff will offer to conduct informal checks of these papers before accepting them formally. Why not join us and make an important contribution to the present and future of Horsted Keynes?

Coffee Mornings Every Thursday, 10.30am at the Martindale. All welcome! 19

HORSTED KEYNES PRODUCE AND CRAFT SHOW This year’s Produce and Craft Show will be on Saturday 25th July in the Village Hall. This is at the end of the school term and we would be delighted to see more people entering the show before going away on holiday. There will be some exciting new classes this year including several children-only classes. This is a great chance to learn new skills and have some fun. We are hoping that there will be classes to appeal to everyone. There will be more details over the next few months but, in the meantime, here are some things to be getting on with… Horticultural category Protect new spring shoots from slugs. Plant onion sets and early potatoes. Cover the soil in vegetable beds to warm it for seed sowing. Sow flower and vegetable seeds in the greenhouse, eg, peppers, tomatoes and sweet peas. Sow carrots and beetroot outside. Craft and photography This is an ideal time to get snapping! This year’s themes for the ‘Photography Class’ are ‘Life in Horsted Keynes’ (adults) and ‘Animals’ (children). Think about your design for the new ‘Decorated Bag’ class. This involves decorating a calico bag in a design of your choice (quilting, appliqué, embroidery etc). Bags 40 x 38cm available from Hobby Craft for £1 Product code: 562912 Start knitting an item for the ‘Knitting Class’. Why not try knitting ‘Shaun the Sheep’? Free pattern available from www.knitrowan.com. Baking and Preserves Order a copy of the HK WI Village Cook Book available from Wendy Colville (791395) or Tricia Raney (790523). Copies £4 with proceeds to WI charity. We will ask the judge for the Baking category to choose a recipe from this lovely cook book for the set recipe this year. www.bakingmad.com has some really useful tips, delicious recipes and fun ideas. This is an ideal time to make marmalade or use frozen fruit from last summer to make some jam. More news and tips next month! The Horsted Keynes Produce and Craft Show Committee For more details please contact Jeni Sharpe (791858) or Lorna Shimmen (790711) 20

First Steps Our knitting corner continues... We expect a visit from the Child and Family Centre on Wednesday March 18th—bringing toy library and fun and games Otherwise life rolls on as normal—we meet 9.3011.30am at the Martindale Wednesday mornings in term time. Last session this term 25th March, first session next term 15th April. We welcome anyone tiny—from birth onwards—just bring your carer, whether nanny, parent, or other relative, and meet other tinies and their families. We meet under the umbrella of St Giles Church which allows us the use of the Martindale and the possibility of making new friends

Palm Sunday 29th March 7.30pm in Ardingly College Chapel ARDINGLY CHORAL SOCIETY with MID-SUSSEX SINFONIA STABAT MATER DVORAK

Soprano Alto Tenor Bass

Sally Harrison Jane Haughton Lawrence Olsworth-Peter Michael Christie

TICKETS £14 (concessions £12.00) from Michael Kershaw (01825 791241) or Carousel Music (Haywards Heath)


Please don't kill the birds with kindness! Before the nesting season gets under way, it a good idea to clean bird feeders which will have become impacted at the bottom leading to diseases etc. A good scrub out with a large bottle brush and hot soapy water with a dash of disinfectant will do the job, rinse and allow to dry before refilling. Your birds will then give you a great deal of pleasure through the months ahead. We have not seen so many winter visitors as usual. We saw the redwings just after Christmas, but have not seen any siskins nor as many long tailed tits. I think we must be feeding the entire HK population of starlings - they may be declining nationally but not in our garden! JVN


MOZART’S MASS in C Minor All Saints Church, Crowborough 7.30pm Saturday 21st March 2015 Soloists: Helen Jane Howells Miranda Rogers Mark Curtis Martin Johnson Tickets £12 are available from W E Cro & Son, 8- 9 High Street, Crowborough, or online from www.fletchingsingers.co.uk (click Next Concert & Tickets) or from 01825 712462, or choir members, or at the door. Crowborough Choral Society Registered Charity no. 270048 Fletching Singers Registered Charity no. 1104305

Burns Night at The Martindale Who would believe there are so many talented people living in or around HK—not to mention the surprisingly large number of Scots! Both the talented and the Scots (some being both!) joined with the ordinary villagers to make sure that Burns Night at The Martindale went with a swing. The hall had been beautifully decorated and tables laid out for a scrumptious meal, which of course included haggis, tatties and neeps. Well done to Hilary and her team for organising and serving all the food, to Carl and Keith who kept us all well watered, and Anne Scott and Wendy Colville who arranged the decoration of the hall and the flowers. This was a first Burns Night celebration for us and we loved it. All the (apparently) traditional rituals took place. The haggis was piped in with great flourish where it was addressed and stabbed by Andy Robertson. Grame Hind gave a tribute to Burns’ memory, followed by a toast to the “lassies” by Charlie Sim and a wonderful response by Marion Westlake. Burns songs were beautifully sung by Piers Webster and Liz Powell accompanied by Tim Westlake on the guitar. At the end of the meal the tables were cleared and the ceilidh began! Chaos reigned – but what fun it was! Paulus Smith and his band played on valiantly whilst we dancers were bumping and ducking into each other causing mayhem. At the end of it all the willow was well and truly stripped! Thank you to all the committee of FOHKC for organising the event and all the people who were involved in ensuring it went so well. It was a great evening – roll on the next time! Margie and Pete

ALL ABOUT ALOE EVENING Come along to the Martindale Centre at 7:30pm on Saturday 7th March to find out all about the benefits of aloe vera. 15% of sales from the night will be donated to St Giles Church. Free tea/coffee and biscuits. Hope to see you there! Caroline Barnard—01825 791875



HORSTED KEYNES WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The February Meeting was held on the 11th of the month and the President, Janet, welcomed the Members, Guests and the Speaker, Gwilym Roberts, who was to speak about "Fracking". He is a Past President of the Institute of Engineers and therefore extremely knowledgeable. It was lovely to have a number of visitors with us and I hope they found the talk informative. We started the meeting with Gwilym's talk and have thought this would be a good idea in the future - talk first, then tea and then the business part of the meeting. This, we considered, would be a practical idea if younger mothers would like to join us and hear the interesting speakers - and then they could time it well to collect their children from school. Gwilym taught us a lot about Fracking - that I certainly didn't know - and, having heard so much about the demonstration at Balcombe, it was extremely interesting to hear all the points for and against it (fracking not the demonstration). When Gwilym had answered some questions we were served our tea, sandwiches and cakes - some of our visitors then went home and we continued with the business part of the meeting. We had received a number of apologies from some members and then Jenny was given her birthday posy - Shirley's was taken to her at the end of the meeting. The Minutes from January were read, agreed and signed and we proceeded to Matters Arising. We still have a few RECIPE BOOKS FOR SALE - we have sold a lot and one has even travelled to a lady in London after she read the P&P and rang me up to ask for one. It was duly sent but returned to me as the postman was not able to find the address! It has now been sent again with the hope of finding its right home. We had requests from those organising the WI Tent at the South of England Show - for cakes, stewards in the tent on Show days, and stewards to go round with the judges (To help them decide? No just to be there!). By the time this is out we will have visited the Bent Arms for our bimonthly lunch. We do like to try the various hostelries in the vicinity but wish a few more friends would join us - it is only a couple of hours in the month, and is a lovely, informal and friendly time. OUR COMPETITION IN MARCH IS "SOMETHING QUIRKY". What we take for that is anyone's guess, but have a think and it should be interesting. The March meeting will be held in the Village Hall (yes, we got the heating working last time) and the speaker will be Harry Townsend upon the topic "A Fantasy Garden for Eccentrics" - open to all. Do come. March 11th for 2.30pm. WAC 22


FAMILY SUPPORT WORK I gather that work is ongoing to recruit a new Support Worker to cover the Mid-Sussex area, but the various references and checks that need to be made these days make it a long process, but we hope to hear some news soon. The new FSW News is out and I read that the Winter Fuel Payment campaign has so far raised £1,700, which will help families trapped in fuel poverty. The abseiling event off the cliffs of Peacehaven raised in excess of £10,000, which is an excellent result. During the weekend of 6th-7th March, 10am-4pm, Knowles Tooth at Langton Lane, Hurstpierpoint is holding a “BIG EVERYTHING SALE”, which will cover a multitude of things from furniture, brica-brac, books etc, so do go along and find some bargains. Complicated negotiations are ongoing re the sale of the property.

CAHAGNES Visit: Friday 1st - Monday 4th May

Kids Go Free…… There is no better time to join the Horsted Cahagnes Society than now. Coming on the visit to France is an ideal way of finding out if participation in the Twinning works for you. The whole weekend is very informal and is great fun. Our French counterparts have many new families, many with children, which are keen to host similar families from Horsted Keynes and district. For children at St Giles School, Friday 1st May is an inset day, so missing school is not a problem for them. We do not want cost to be a disincentive to finding out what has kept the Society so vibrant for over 40 years, so we are looking to keep costs down for families and we also want to encourage anyone that has not travelled to Cahagnes before to join in the fun. We are therefore offering the following reductions on the full price: Kids Go Free – any children still at school travel for free

Thank you, as always, for donations of food and old Xmas and birthday cards. Cuckfield Deanery Committee are having our Fund-raising Supper at Wivelsfield Village Hall on 13th March. We shall be having a hot supper with a bar and raffle, and some entertainment. Tickets are £13.50. Please contact me if you would like to come and support our work. Work within the wider community is made possible by the team of volunteers who provide practical help alongside our workers, and more are always much needed. Just telephone 01273 832963 or email: admin@familysupportwork.org.uk.

25% Discount for First Time Twinners – for any adults, including existing members, travelling to Cahagnes for the first time New Members travelling to France – free membership for 2015 Final pricing will depend on the size of the travelling party – the more people that travel, the cheaper the cost per head will be – so get a group of friends together and come along. We estimate that the full price per head (before discount) will be a minimum of £75 and a maximum of £135 per head, depending on the number of people travelling. If you’d like to come or have any questions, please contact Sue Stewart on 790930 or Paul Fairbairn on 790948 or paul@horstedcahagnes.org.

Veronica Griffiths 30



ince the railway has been extended to East Grinstead, shopping trips on the train have become a regular occurrence. As the train approaches Horsted Station on the return journey, one of the other passengers will usually make a comment as the cottages come into view, declaring what a lovely place that must be to live. They are right, of course. In the spring, when the cottage gardens are flowering and the trees are budding, the cottage dwellers emerge after the long winter, gathering at their fences and gates for a chat, the dogs tearing along the grass out the front, doors and windows open once again. For the annual summer barbeque, the fence is decked with bunting, tables out along the grass, dogs and children weaving around the melee as the trains pass in the background and wine is drunk into the evening. Winter snow, when it comes, transforms the railway line into a vista of peace and tranquillity. The railway line shows up in bumps under the snow, deer and rabbit tracks wend their way over the fields and the occasional bird of prey hovers in the sky on the lookout. However, this idyll begins to crumble slightly when any kind of access to the cottages is required. The trouble usually starts at the low road bridge by the station, and film location units frequently get into a spot of bother there. The last unit crew to come to the station ignored the instructions of the location manager to disregard the sat nav and follow his directions on the handout, and arrived at the bridge to find that their lorries would not go under it. They were met there by the irate location manager, and had to back all the way up the road past Sheriff Mill cottages to the main road, where they retraced their steps via the village. Having made it into the station forecourt, you have to negotiate the track over the field (a series of bumps and potholes) to the car park. If you need to get as far as the cottages themselves, the next obstacle is Leamland Bridge, over the railway line, with a very sharp 24

The Royal British Legion Horsted Keynes Women’s Section


I am delighted to report that we made almost £650 from our ‘Marmalade and Cake’ sale in the middle of February! Thank you very much to everyone who contributed, and to all our customers who spent their money on marmalade, cakes, coffee and the raffle and made it such an enjoyable morning. Thanks also to Andy and Linda for letting us use the Club. We had a full house for our speaker, Nicky Clarke, an inspirational lady and founder of the first Military Wives Choir, for our February meeting. When Nicky’s husband, serving in The Scots Guards, was posted to the Catterick Garrison (and then on to Afghanistan), Nicky realised there were a lot of lonely wives on camp so, together with her friend Caroline, they thought up the idea of getting a singing group together to support each other while their husbands were away. She approached Gareth Malone, who thought it a good idea but was unable to start a choir in Catterick, so Nicky and Caroline started the choir on their own. (However, they are in touch with Gareth and he is still a great help and Patron of the charity.) The rest, as they say, is history! The idea has snowballed and now there are almost 80 choirs in the UK and also Germany, Cyprus, Belgium, to name just a few. Apart from the companionship and support the choir gives to Military Wives, they have raised a lot of money which goes to charities such as The Royal British Legion and SSAFA, and set up the very valuable lasting legacy of choirs for women in the military community. The next committee meeting is 10th March at The Horsted Club and the next Branch meeting is 17th March, when we shall hear all about Recycling from the Mid-Sussex District Council. Ladies serving teas are Diane Martin and Tricia Raney. Two members were hoping to go to the Cuckfield Branch on 25th February to celebrate their 70-year anniversary. Linda Allan PS: Welcome to our new member, Elaine Berry!


Horsted Keynes Pre-School After a winter that couldn’t quite make up its mind about snow – will it, won’t it? – it looks like we’ve tipped over into spring, which for the Pre-School means a change of craft focus and a lot more outdoor play! However, I would like to say our staff have been amazing at getting the children outside playing in pretty much all weathers this winter – even the sand pit has been used on an almost daily basis. We have a fantastic Easter Fun Day planned for the morning of Saturday 21st March. There will be a number of Easter-related crafts and fun activities for young children so please bring them along, buy an activity card and get stuck in! There will be a café selling cakes and hot drinks too. All proceeds from the day will be going towards a new tablet for the children. Another date for the diary is Bingo & Bangers on Saturday 6th June – a fantastically fun evening which will feature the return of our world-class bangers and mash (if we do say so…) and our legendary compere. Please feel welcome to come along whether or not you have a child at Pre-School – it should be a night not to be missed! Finally, we are collecting Active Kids vouchers which are now available at Sainsbury’s. It’s a great source of new equipment for the Pre-School, so please say yes at the check-out! Jen Herridge hkpscommittee@gmail.com

STAMPS FOR SJOGREN'S SYNDROME The British Sjogren's Syndrome Association, of which I am a member, is collecting used postage stamps to raise funds. If you have time to cut out and keep any stamps, I would be most grateful to receive any that you can spare. Just post them through our letter box or ring the doorbell at Woodside, Bonfire Lane (the house by the gate into Hamsland). If anyone is interested in learning more about Sjogren's Syndrome, please contact me. Pam Newman on 790582 28

corner onto the footpath, and little room between the bridge and the fence. It is a tricky corner to deal with in a small van, but Harris' Fair manage to negotiate it twice a year, when they bring an entire fairground over onto the Platt, the grass area at the far end of the cottages. It is worth watching as the matadors and loaded fairground trucks wend their careful way over the bridge and along the front for the Edwardian Fair, one of the Harris lads balancing along the bridge parapet to guide the driver. The Victorian Christmas on the station requires a Hall of Mirrors, a Shooting Gallery and a Hoopla Booth to be brought along that route and over the foot crossing, piece by piece. Finally, the generator truck is brought round by tractor and installed at the bottom of the Platt to work the fairground lights. All these manoeuvres are made far more difficult when the winter is wet and muddy (which it usually is) and the going is slippery. Getting the fair and generator truck back from the station, over the Platt, along the front and back over the bridge without churning up the mud and making a mess can be something of a challenge, and one to which Harris' Fair rises every year. The cottages are supplied with septic tanks, which require pumping out every few years, and this has presented another access problem. Previously, they have been done with a small tanker, one or two at a time, but this year's decision to get the whole lot done at once meant that a larger tanker would have to be used. The tanker in question weighs nine tons when empty, and the weight limit on Leamland Bridge is ten tons. The dauntless cottagers, ever resourceful where questions of getting stuff in and out are concerned, have conferred with the sewage company, and some sort of scheme involving a long hose and a strong pump has been suggested.... Heidi Mowforth Life and Faith Group During Lent we shall follow the Five Loves study, meeting Thursdays as usual at 1.30pm, but in the home of Beth and Barry Reed at 6 Boxes Lane. 25

Carols on The Green Thank you so much to everyone who supported Carols on The Green on a beautiful, chilly, starlit night in December. We are pleased to let you know that the generous collection from the crowd raised about £150.00 for Chailey Heritage Foundation. This is being put towards some equipment to protect the children from the rain while riding. The organisers would like to thank everyone who helped to arrange, support and run the event. From those behind the scenes: The dulcet tones of the Mid Sussex Brass Band, David George our sound man, Chris Marguet and John Luckhust the lighting experts, Tim Westlake for his artistic direction, the rest of the back stage crew including Tim Griffiths, Mark Brooke-Webb and Paul French. To those in the limelight: The cast of local children and parents, Jackie, the soloist, who kindly stepped in at the very last minute, Martin Emmerson, the narrator, Father Christmas and his festive tractor. We would also like to acknowledge the generous support from The Green Man, Horsted Keynes Stores and St Giles School. The provisional date for next year’s Carols on The Green will be Saturday 12th December 2015. Please save the date.

The 1st Horsted Keynes Brownies started the year by designing and decorating their own personalised Brownie tote bag. We also had a fun evening stargazing: making constellations with sticky stars and then going outside to look for them in a wonderfully clear night sky. We saw Orion, The Plough, Cassiopeia and Cepheus, and also Polaris, the Pole Star. Some of us even saw a shooting star! The moon was in its "waxing gibbous" phase so, indoors, we used a parachute as the night sky and projected the moon phases and stars on to it for the Brownies to see as they lay underneath. They each had a Milky Way bar to take home at the end of the evening. In February, we celebrated the Chinese New Year of the goat and discovered that goat's cheese really is very tasty. We also marked St Valentine's Day by designing and making various crafts.

CHURCHYARD WORKING PARTY Saturday 28th March 10am-12 noon All welcome—many hands make light work. Please bring your own tools—refreshments provided! 26

The Brownies will be on parade at 10am at St Giles Church for the Mothering Sunday service on 15th March. Kay MacNaughton Rhoda Miles 27

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