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PGMAG: Karen, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita.

KM: I’m so grateful for the opportunity.

PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself.

KM: Hi World! My name is Karen Mayo, Entrepreneur, Founder of a corporate wellness company, my mission and life purpose is to work with women and men over 50 on whole food-based nutrition, some exercise, and a mindset programs to help them become a healthier version of themselves.

PGMAG: As an authority in Nutritional Health & Lifestyle, what are some of the keys to healing the body with food?

KM: Slow down; really enjoy the food you are eating. Really check out what you are about to put into your body as nourishment. Imagine the love and care that was taken to prepare your plate. Chew about 25 times before swallowing. Eat lots of the foods included in the rainbow. If you think you can; you can. Drink more water. Take your vitamins and supplements.

PGMAG: Please tell us more about your programmes.

KM: In addition to corporate wellness,

I have a private practice specializing in an effective plate and lifestyle modifications to help my clients have more energy, sleep better, lose pounds, inches and become more confident in all aspects of life.

As a natural food chef, I fulfil my passion of partnering with my local community committed to improving their health and lifestyle of their families.

PGMAG: How can we stay mentally healthy in the current climate (covid-19)? PGMAG: Please tell us about ‘Mindful Eating’.

KM: Taking personal responsibility for your own healthcare. Keeping ourselves as healthy as possible through nutrition, lifestyle modifications, taking vitamins and supplements. Boosting the immune system and balancing the endocrine system is the way to keep your body and brain healthy. Supplementing with vitamin b, vitamin c, vitamin d, zinc, omega 3’s and magnesium are keys to brain health. New learning whether that be a new language, ballroom dancing, table tennis, or playing an instrument is great for mental health.

KM: My inspiration to write Mindful Eating was when My nephew, Scott, came to stay with me during his sixth-grade school year. His mother, my sister, a single mom who made a very tough decision to enlist in the United States Army. Scott was not able to go to boot camp with her, so she asked if he could stay with me. “Of course,” I said.

Prior to Scott coming to live with me, he was eating everything from fast food to frozen foods and his favourite snack was in a bag with food colourings Red 40, Citrus Red 2, Yellow 5 and 6. He was taking ADHD medication, and his grades were a "C" at best. Scott was eating unhealthy foods loaded with chemicals and preservatives. No wonder he was not thinking at his best, which his grades clearly demonstrated.

First time taking care of a teenager I established a new routine for myself. We ate breakfast in the morning. I packed his lunch almost every day, and then we ate a healthy dinner, that included a big green salad.

Months go by, everything is going well. The phone rang, it was one of Scott’s teachers; she and the other teachers would like to set up a meeting with me. I had no idea why. I thought maybe Scott really did need his medication, he never came to my house with his medication for ADHD.

Not knowing why, I was being called to the principal’s office, I went to the school the day of the meeting, I walked through the doorway and said “Oh My God! I’m in big trouble.” Sitting at the table was the principle, vice-principle, Scott’s teachers and when diagnosed with ADHD you have another set of teachers, and a person from the school district.

The teacher who called me said on queue “Don’t worry Karen, you’re not in trouble go ahead and have a seat." Something magical happened; I sat at a table and listened to Scott’s teachers tell me how pleased they are with him. Scott had earned a place on the honour roll and received a certificate for straight A’s in math. His math teacher told me that she was in awe of him when she would watch him multiply three numbers by three numbers and arrive at the correct answer without using scratch paper. She also told me he is in the top 10% of kids online with the math problems.

The teachers were finding it hard to understand how Scott could have such a major turnaround when they looked at this past records. Always sliding by every year, a “C” student at best to Straight A’s and honour roll. Then they asked me the question, “What are you doing with him?” I could not say anything, I was stunned. I just stared at his teachers. My brain racing through thoughts of what I could have done over the past several months and come up with something that I did that could have any impact on Scott. I was sweating and could not think of anything to say.

I said, “This is my first-time taking care of a teenager, I was just doing what my mother would do with my sisters and I growing up, preparing and making healthy, nutritious food from the garden.”

Scott was eating much healthier, so his brain and body were healthy. Scott also bloomed in other areas. He played baseball on a Little League team received his first trophy, and he was also an active Boy Scout.

I thought, if I can do this with a sixth grader, then I need to get out and talk to people about how to eat healthy, consistent small changes every day can make a big difference and help reduce their medications.

My journey led me to Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which is the world’s largest nutrition school per graduating class. Powerful teachers who are the leading doctors, PhDs, researchers, and authorities in nutrition and healthcare today taught me a wide variety of skills in business, coaching, nutrition, and lifestyle choices.

Before graduating from nutrition school, I had a desire to help my community. I was giving wellness workshops in a residence buildings. I partnered with Whole Foods to present in person monthly lunch and learns.

PGMAG: What are the top three books that changed your life?


It started when I was going to Sunday school reading, learning, and listening to the stories of the Bible. Going through junior and high school, being a nerd in history and science, I am a lifelong learner.

As an adult the book that has made the biggest impact to me “Creating Reality”-by Anthony Gruppo. The lessons are inspirational and spoke to me. Kind of like a motivational quote “If it’s meant to be it’s up to me!” I needed to create my own reality. So, I did and there is so much more to do. I am so blessed and grateful for the opportunities that have helped me create a way to help others through Mindful Eating with Mayo TV show.

PGMAG: What is your message for those who are struggling with weight management?

KM: Make a decision that you are going to start to be healthier. Do not beat yourself up, just decide that you are going to be better. Small consistent steps every day will lead you to a healthier lifestyle.

Tough love advice-Do not buy your weakness. Do not bring it into the house. Brush your teeth when that craving comes up.

PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self?

KM: This is a loaded question. Almost 50 there are a few younger selves I would like to talk to. As a child of God, I would say do not rush into anything that looks to good to be true, trust in the Lord he has the plan. Know that feeling in your gut; it is your divine purpose.

PGMAG: Thank you for your time today. It has been a great delight to have interviewed you.

KM: I’m honoured and thrilled to be here with you, Lady Anita. Thank you so very much for your time.

PGMAG: Please share your link with us.

KM: You can contact me at KarenMayo.com Instagram @MindfulMayo

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