4 minute read





PGMAG: Eddie, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita.

EL: Thank you for the opportunity.

PGMAG: Please introduce yourself to our readers.

EL: My name is Eddie Luisi, and I am the stage manager for GOOD MORNING AMERICA. I’ve been blessed to be there for over 33 years and I have worked in Broadcast Television for almost 40 years. I am very grateful.

PGMAG: As a genre of live and tape Television, what is your message for those who are considering a career path in your line of business?


Find what you love and do it. If you want to pursue a career on camera, then shoot MANY videos: In Studio, On Location, Newsy or Pop Culture. Have Fun.

If you would like to be a director or camera operator, then shoot videos!!!

PGMAG: As a global influencer, what are some of the lessons the current global challenge (covid-19) has taught you?

EL: First & Most: Stay Safe, Healthy and Care about Others! Wear your mask. Keep safe distances. You Know the Rest.

I am also grateful to still be working during this pandemic. There are many people out of work…on food lines… hurting physically, financially & emotionally. Try to help others in any way you can. If it’s by prayer, sending good thoughts & well wishes…well that’s great, but if you can help financially or with food, that’s pretty awesome! I like to say, “B Blessed & A Blessings to Others!”

PGMAG: Please tell us about your work as the ‘Stage Manager’ of Good Morning America.

EL: First of all, I am not alone. We have a team of 4 stage managers. Currently during the pandemic, we work in pairs… one week on & one week off. As a Live Network Television Stage Manager, we are the “eyes & ears” for the director who is in a control room on another floor. In the old days, we were called “floor directors or floor managers,” because we work on the studio floor and make sure everyone & everything is in place. Then we are the actual people who say, “Quiet Please…Standby in 5, 4, 3 …” And then we cue the talent!

PGMAG: What are some of the basic principles of leading a successful team?

EL: Listening to the team/ crew…appreciating them…being kind & professional.

PGMAG: Please tell us about Friends in the Spirit 111.

EL: Thank you for asking. It’s a ministry that I started over 10 years ago. (I still can’t remember the actual start date! Lol) It started as an email community of 500 friends in Media, Music & Ministry. I would gather different prayers, stories, poems and/or reflections and create a theme and share them every Saturday morning. After a while, I wanted to expand my reach outside of my friends, so I started a page on FaceBook: FRIENDS IN THE SPIRIT 111. I continued to copy/paste my reflections, but I didn’t get many views, so I decided to turn the camera on me and read my notes and ad-lib inbetween, and then my reach went from 2,000 – 5,000. Our mantra is: An Interactive Community of Believers of All Faiths, where Acceptance & Respect is Fundamental to Everything We Do. God Speaks to Us in Community where we All are One!

Currently I’m just recording a short teaser video for FB, but then recording the whole WEEKLY WEEKEND MESSAGE on video for YouTube and then I extract the audio for my podcasts at Eddie Luisi’s Friends in the Spirit 111. We even have a couple of FB private message groups where we have an interactive group of FITS111. We share reflections and prayer needs. It’s a wonderful community.

PGMAG: How would you describe your style of leadership?

EL: I hope to think: Kind, Respectful, Professional, Creative, Loving & Giving. Some would say I “Cue the Spirit,” both at work and in my ministry.

PGMAG: If you knew what you know now, what would you do differently?

EL: Career-wise & Ministrywise, I think I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m happy with what I’m doing. I like to serve and help others. I’m also a mentor with The Future Now Media Conference, a church musician & an ASCAP composer. Life is Busy, but I’m Blessed & Grateful.

PGMAG: What are some of the steps needed to expand one’s vision?

EL: Find your passion and CUE IT…Find your love and CUE IT. Help Others…Be Kind & Supportive. Listen to Others… Be Open for Suggestions. Say Please…Thank You…You’re Welcome!

PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self?

EL: I was never mentored in high school or college. I started playing the guitar at age 12 and really loved it, but never considered a career because I thought all musicians work nights, weekends & travel a lot. I always wanted to be a family person. If someone told me that I could have a 9-5 job as a studio musician working on jingles, albums, TV shows & movies…I would have learned to read music and pursue that career. It’s okay…It’s All Good. Instead of working with music artists & producers as a fellow musician, I now work with them as a stage manager on the set of a Live TV Show! Still Blessed & Grateful.

PGMAG: Such a joy to have interviewed you today. Thank you!

EL: You’re Welcome. It was my pleasure. Thank you for the opportunity. For all your readers out there: Share Your Faith With Family & Friends, Stay Blessed & A Blessing, And CUE THE SPIRIT!!!

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