5 mind blowing solar energy facts

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5 Mind-Blowing Solar Energy Facts


Solar has Incredible Potential

If we add the amount of solar energy that is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere, land and oceans every year, we end up with approximately 3,850,000 EJ (exajoules or 10^18 joules).

2.7 million earthquakes of the same size as the Tohoku earthquake in Japan (2011 40 000 times the total energy consumption in the United States 8 000 times the total consumption in the whole world.


Is Solar Power Green?

• Let me get one thing clear: Solar power is certainly greener than conventional ways of harnessing energy sources such as fossil fuels and coal.


Solar Powered Aircrafts!

• Yes, it’s true. NASA has been working on a series of solar powered unmanned aircraft since the 1980’s. Pathfinder, Pathfinder Plus and Helios Prototype, is the result of NASA’s efforts to use solar power for long duration high altitude flights.


Solar Energy is Nuclear Fusion

• Nuclear power is a term we use to describe ways to harness energy through nuclear fission and fusion processes. Conventional nuclear reactors rely on the fission of uranium atoms to produce heat, which we use to generate electricity.


The Sun is Dying

• You probably know that solar energy is considered a renewable energy source. The reason for this is that the electromagnetic radiation emitted from the Sun (also known as sunlight) will be around for us to harness, and will not disappear anytime soon:

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