3 minute read

Best of Powell River - COVID 19

Best Crisis-Time Facebooker

#1. Joseph McLean - no one else was even close

Go Go Go Joseph


From the beginning, the most troubling thing about COVID-19 was how much we didn’t know. To me it felt like the worst kind of fire season, when we can smell the smoke but we can’t tell where the fires are. Rumours and misinformation swirl. Anxiety runs high.

During one such summer, I started a Facebook group called Fire Watch Powell River. My idea was to exchange credible information from residents and authorities, cutting through the smoke to help each other learn. I started Powell River COVID-19 Awareness for the same reason. With a background in data analysis and writing, I felt like I had something useful to offer our community.

Every day we’re exposed to a huge amount of information. All too often, there is little separating fact from fiction. Creating these groups forced me to read carefully and consciously. It has to be credible, it has to be relevant, it has to be grounded in reality.

USING HIS POWERS FOR GOOD: Usually Joseph McLean takes the top Facebooker spot in PRL’s Best of Powell River contest. This year, he stepped it up and used his powers of communication and articulation to help this community stay sane during COVID-19.

USING HIS POWERS FOR GOOD: Usually Joseph McLean takes the top Facebooker spot in PRL’s Best of Powell River contest. This year, he stepped it up and used his powers of communication and articulation to help this community stay sane during COVID-19.

Early on, our provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry reminded us that “all tragedy is a failure of communication.” I took that to heart, along with her challenge to us all: Be kind, be calm, and be safe.

Winning at Facebook is like getting a high score in a video game everyone loves to hate. But social media can also bring us together, at a time when social distance holds us apart.

I was surprised and honoured to be chosen not only as a good Facebooker, but also as a leader in our fight against COVID. To me, the real heroes are the medical workers, the front line staff, the parents holding their homes together, the officials making hard choices every day. We’ve all given something in this fight. If I can help bring these voices together, I feel that I have done my part.



#1. Joseph McLean

#2. Nicholas Simons, MLA

#3. Powell River Doctors

Best answers: My Wife • Nurses • Well, she is not from Powell River, but I feel like Dr Bonnie Henry has been our citizen who cares for us. She has extreme empathy, is incredibly sincere, and is very knowledgeable and clear when explaining our crisis. I say she should be given a key to the city!

THE BEST OF EVERYTHING: Laura Craigen, Second Best Volunteer, in a Dino suit, with a heart, cheering health workers at 7pm (all three Best COVID-19 Neighbourhood Responses at once) on Manson Ave (Westview won best neighbourhood). Laura is a fundraiser extraordinaire, with outstanding donations to the Weekend to End Breast Cancer, Cops for Cancer, the hospital’s oncology department, and much more. Of course, she credits other Powell River people and businesses for the success of the fundraising. Kudos to you Laura!

THE BEST OF EVERYTHING: Laura Craigen, Second Best Volunteer, in a Dino suit, with a heart, cheering health workers at 7pm (all three Best COVID-19 Neighbourhood Responses at once) on Manson Ave (Westview won best neighbourhood). Laura is a fundraiser extraordinaire, with outstanding donations to the Weekend to End Breast Cancer, Cops for Cancer, the hospital’s oncology department, and much more. Of course, she credits other Powell River people and businesses for the success of the fundraising. Kudos to you Laura!


#1. Hearts in the windows

#2. Cheer for health workers at 7pm / Inflatable dinosaurs

#3. Wine Ninjas


#1. COVID-19 Awareness, Joseph McLean

#2. Dr. Bonnie Henry

#3. Nicholas Simons


#1. Popcorn

#2. Homemade bread / Chocolate

#3. Chips Best answer: worms


Best answers: Leah Laurie Photography front steps project • Gardeners • The price of gas went down • School’s out! • Supporting local businesses • Thanking grocery workers • Wine Ninjas • Winter body will be ready sooner rather than later.


#1. Grocery store raises and benefits

#2. Fitness and dance videos to do from home

#3. Allowing work from home

Best answers: Any of the businesses that were able to acknowledge the efforts of the front line workers who went above & beyond • grocery store raises • Wildwood pub first responder discount


#1. Quality Foods

#2. Townsite Fruit n Veg

#3. Save-On / Pacific Point

Best answers: Early morning shop for seniors • CSAs


#1. Garden

#2. Hike

#3. Crafts / Baking

Best answers: Cleaning & purging • Compose music, learn to paint, be with my wife • Do what you’ve always wanted but never had the time • Get high and make art • Help someone else and the time flies • Netflix • Tap dance • Watch Tiger King • Zoom