Issue 26 - Greater Manchester Housing Providers Anti-Poverty Newsletter Autumn 2019

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Since our last issue… April to September 2019 was found to be one of the busiest half-year periods for food banks in the Trussell Trust’s North West network since the charity was founded in 1997. This is a 23 per cent increase on the same period in 2018 – the sharpest rate of increase the charity has seen for the past five years. As colleagues will no doubt already know, the main reasons for people needing emergency food aid are low benefit income and delays or changes to benefits paid.

Their State of Hunger report shows there are three drivers hitting people simultaneously and leaving no protection from hunger and poverty. These drivers are problems with the benefits system, ill health or challenging life experiences, and a lack of local support.

To help reduce food poverty the Stockport Homes Pantry project goes from strength to strength and in this issue they report on the opening of their fifth Your Local Pantry. We also have stories from Onward and Wythenshawe Community Housing on a slightly different approach to reducing food poverty in partnership with the Bread and Butter Thing. Many of us are right in the middle of an extra push for food and toy collections so that we can support struggling families over Christmas. A big shout out should also go to the many, many community volunteers and partners who support our anti-poverty work all year round. Thank you to our contributors for sharing your stories. Our next issue is due out in Spring. As usual you are very welcome to send your feedback or suggestions for the next issue to

You can find out more about the work of Greater Manchester Housing Providers by following them on Twitter @GMHousing Or visit the website for the latest news

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